
Child of Origami

According to Japanese tradition, folding 1,000 paper cranes gives a person a chance to make one special wish. And that's what one boy set out to do... 1 to 4 chapters per week. depending on how much time I have on my hands.

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4 Chs

1000 Cranes

It is believed that origami was first introduced to Japanese society soon after the invention of paper, which originated in China.

Early paper making techniques and paper products were imported into Japan by entrepreneurial Buddhist monks who brought the technology over from China during the Heian Period (794-1185).

Early origami creations were reserved strictly for religious purposes due to the high price of paper.

Not too long after its introduction into Japan, origami quickly spread and became a traditional cultural practice.

Considered an elite skill, Heian nobles secularized the practice of folding paper by using luxuriously rendered chiyogami, washi paper that has been hand stenciled or printed with bright, colorful traditional Japanese floral imagery, in gift-wrapping.

In the ancient Japanese Imperial court, origami served as an an elegant yet amusing leisure activity. 

Eventually origami developed widespread appeal, and ultimately the practice transformed into an indispensable part of everyday life.

Nowadays, contemporary artists who are inspired by Japan's uniquely rich aesthetic tradition are able to construct extraordinary origami that is both dynamic and realistic, using this form of true haute artistic expression.

From religious practice to artistic innovation, the craft of paper folding has become a substantial aesthetic medium in its own right, one that has influenced everything from architecture to footwear.

In Japan and around the world, origami artists are increasingly attracting the attention of prominent small gallery owners and private collectors who are commissioning pieces that sell for thousands of dollars.

Undoubtedly, contemporary master origami specialists will continue to create astonishingly original paper sculptures that transcend the typical exemplars of the humble craft and take it to a realm far beyond child's play.

With its ability to provide simple yet creative fun for children, as well as a complex and profound medium for artists, origami will only continue to inspire people around the world for years to come.

And one of those people just so happend to be a sick child on a life support system. Ever since he was young he was fascinated with the ways you could fold one peice of paper and make all kinds of shapes with it.

Weather it be a simple fan or a complicated event Horizon. In fact the very first thing he made was a fan.

Even a 5 year old child could make it. Thats what was so great about it. You dident need to make something complicated to feel the achievement of making something complicated. Just that simple fan was enough to spark the child's ever growing fascination.

But sadly when he had just turned 8 he was diagnosed with a rare bodily disease called syotracticlyoma. It was such a rare condition it had only ever been recorded 4 times in the past 300 years.

( I made the disease up. Its not real.)

The condition was one of the worst things a human could possibly expirence. No less a child. Day by day your breathing gets harder. Day by day your muscles start to ache.  Day by day you feel like your bones start to crack and fracture. Day by day you feel your own heart beat as it slows down. Making anyone who has it either try to kill themselves or or just want to kill themselves. It was cruel to say but true. And that child had to expirence that pain for 5 long years.

Infact people with this condition normally only lasted one or two before death. Yet he lasted 5 long years, Shocking doctors and scientists alike.

The boy on the other hand only lasted this long for one reason and one reason only. To make cranes. You might be thinking, did he really just prolong his suffering just to make paper cranes. And the answer would be a resounding yes.

You see in japanese myth an ancient Japanese legend promises that anyone who folds a thousand origami cranes will be granted a wish by the gods.

Some stories believe one is granted happiness and eternal good luck, instead of just one wish, such as long life or recovery from illness or injury. This makes them popular gifts for special friends and family. The crane in Japan is one of the mystical or holy creatures and is said to live for a thousand years.

That is why 1000 cranes are made, one for each year. In some stories it is believed that the 1000 cranes must be completed within one year and they must all be made by the person who is to make the wish at the end.

Of corse the child even if he wanted to couldt make 1000 cranes in a single year. Especially because if his condition.

So to make up for it he would hand paint each one. To represent something different about himself or othere's he's meet in his Short span of life.

He started at year two and its now year five and  nine hundred and nighty nine cranes later. He was on his last crane but it would seem even he couldn't hold on much longer. His body was shaking with every fold he made. Yet as he had done this hundreds of times before the folds were very precise.


He was half way there. All he needed was just a little bit more.


Another fold was made.





His eyes started to darken, his heart slowing down second by second and his arms started to lower.

' Just one more fold, I only need one more fold. Just one.....more....fo.....'


The heart moniter had flatlineed indicating the child had sadly left this world. Even after suffering all these year he never even got to finish the last crane.

In the recess of the child subcontious, even though he was forgetting and shuting down he still made that one last wish.

'Kami, I pray and wish I can have all the time in the world to make origami.'


hope you like the first 2 chapters. I'm finnaly motivated to start writing again. Can't wait to see how this story goes. Hope you tag along.

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