
Chat group of gods:Traveling through mythologies(Paused for eternity)

( This is Not a Fanfiction! Also try to read over 15 chapters then decide if you want to continue or not. Finally, I am a newbie writer so if you don't like it, then don't read it. ) Have you ever thought about what would happen if you somehow joined the group chat of Gods? Raghav was born in India and now living in the U.S. somehow joined a group chat where several other people joined - [ Dharma king has joined the group.] [ Thunder Child eater has joined the group.] [ Born from a headache has joined the group.] [ 7 times immortal has joined the group.] Dharma king: "Interesting, I didn't know humans have developed so far that they can send me a smartphone in Yamlok." Thunder child eater: "Why is my name this? I don't like this. How can I change it?" Born from a headache: " I agree with you, Child eater, I also don't like my name very much." The child eater: "Hey!! Don't call me that!." 7 times immortal: "Which God made this group? @Raghav you are the Admin, can you tell me something? Dharma king: "Oh! That's an Indian name, are you also a fellow sanatan God, @Raghav? A/n I don't own the story cover, all its right belongs to the artist, contact me if you want it to be removed.

Arch_Tysonoo · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

Ch - 27 Who will be the Crown pince (2)

---Prison of Hastinapur---

---(Shakuni's P.O.V.)---

All of us are thrown into this prison. I hate it! There is barely enough room for all of us and they aren't even sending enough meals for everyone.

The meals given by them are only able to feed one person. It's only been a day since we were thrown into this prison and we all had to share the minimum amount of food given to us, equally.

All my family was hungry but we were so angry that every single one of us ignored hunger. Our rage for Hastinapur, Drithrastra, and BHISHM was above the clouds.

I looked at my family and they all had similar expressions. All of them were dejected and angry. All of us were holding ourselves from doing anything as our sister could be in danger from our act.

We don't want my sister to be in any kind of trouble because of our actions...again. Even though we had tough times, we were not despondent. Our sister will soon become the queen and we will be set free.

After we get out of this prison, we will take our revenge. I will make sure that Gandhar would be a powerhouse in the future and Hastinapur will be destroyed because of us... because of me.

Suddenly, I heard a few footsteps of a person coming towards our cell, possibly to mock us for our current state.

??? - "Greetings King Subala, Princes of Gandhar."

Subala - "Sanjay, there is no need to greet us, mere prisoners. For what reason have you come here? I am sure there is a reason for you to visit us, prisoners."

Sanjay - "You are a very smart king. I have a very important reason for my visit but please don't call yourself a prisoner. Mahamahim Bhishm was out of his mind for some reason when he returned and so, he captured you. You will be released when Princess Gandhari gets married to our king."

Gaja - "Sanjay, we respect you but please don't test our patience. My blood is already boiling with anger and I don't want to waste my strength on the likes of you."

Gaja snorted with anger.

Achala - "Sanjay, my brother here is right. Please tell us the reason for your visit and get out of here. We respect you for being older than us but that doesn't mean we can't attack you."

Achala said in a polite tone but his voice had hints of anger and warning.

Shakuni - "Sanjay, if you are here to mock us and laugh at our state then, get away from here."

I said in a very controlled voice. I didn't show any emotion other than irritation as I suspected anyone other than my family. How can I trust anyone from this God-forsaken kingdom? The king is blind, all ministers are corrupted and then there is Bhishm, the kidnapper.

Sanjay - "Sigh...The reason I am here is to tell you something about Princess Gandhari."

The moment he said those words, all of us were alerted. What could be the reason that Sanjay himself came to tell us that? Did something happen to her? Is she alright? Is she hurt? What did that idiot king do to her?

Several questions were running through my brain. I was sure that we stayed silent but they still did something to her. This kingdom... I'll put it to ruin!

Sanjay - "The princess has decided to put a blindfold on her eyes for the rest of her life. She wanted to feel the same as her husband and so she took an oath that she would never remove her blindfold for as long as she live unless it is necessary for her to remove them."

What..she did WHAT? My sweet sister, who wanted to marry a strong king, live a happy life, and visit several beautiful places... blindfolded herself? This kingdom ruined her life.

I was burning with rage and so did my father and brothers. All because of that Bhishm and the kingdom of Hastinapur, my whole family is suffering. I will never forget this. They dared to treat us like this, I will take REVENGE!

Sanjay seeing our faces left to give us some space. I looked over at my father and I could see and feel his rage but his face was... emotionless?

Subala - "My children, we have been humiliated today. So much that we cannot live anymore. We will all die even before Gandhari can become a queen. But I can't let this kingdom be as it is."

My father was controlling his anger to his best but we could still feel it.

Subala - "My children, We will take revenge as for that someone has to live. The food provided by them is only enough for one person so be it."

Gaja - "What do you mean father?"

Subala - "We will give all the food to only one person. He will take revenge for all of us!"

Achala - "But who'll be that person, father?"

Achala said and all my brothers looked at him with anticipation. They all wanted to be selected as every single one of us wants to destroy this kingdom.

Subala - "Shakuni! You are the youngest and the most knowledgeable in politics. You are not the strongest but your intelligence far surpasses all of us combined."

I simply nodded. I got the chance that I wanted

Subala(co) - "Shakuni, promise me that you'll become the reason for the destruction of this kingdom."

Shakuni - "Yes father. I, Son of King Subala, Prince of Gandhar, Shakuni, take an oath and pledge. I will return the pain we have suffered. No, it will be hundred times that! I will put this kingdom to ruins and take REVENGE for every humility we have been through."

I said with a determined look on my face. All my 99 brothers nodded and my father closed his eyes as he sat in the ground.

Days went by and one by one, all my 99 brothers died due to lack of nutrition. I cried every time my brother died and this strength the will inside me to complete my oath.

Finally, it was when my father was about to die. I was just next to him while he was coughing.

Subala - "Shakuni, when I die, I want you to do one thing."

Shakuni - "What is it, father?"

Subala - "When I die, take my backbone and make two pieces of dice with it. Those dice will land on whichever number you want. It will help you a lot in the future."

Shakuni - "As you say, father."

My father nodded a little and then...he took his last breath. He left the world and gave me a task to complete. I will complete every task given to me by my father.

Yes! I will fulfill his last wishes and in front of my eyes, the kingdom of Hastinapur will perish.

The next day, a soldier informed me that my sister became the queen and freed me. I was happy as I finally get to take my revenge.

---back to the present---

{A/n - Man, setting these things is very important yet very tiring as it can easily offend anyone, peace.}

---(Author's P.O.V.)---

Drithrastra looked at all the people eagerly waiting for the declaration of the crown Prince.

Bheem - "What is there to think about, king? We were the ones who defeated King Draupad and thus, my elder brother, Yudhishthir has the right to the throne."

Shakuni - "Oh my dear child, it does not matter who defeated whom. My nephew, Duryodhan, is the son of the king and thus has the right to the throne."

Nakul - "Dear uncle, it seems that your brain is not able to function with your old age. It was decided that whoever defeats King Draupad will get the right over the throne. And. We. WON."

Drithrastra - "Sigh...ok then. I declare Yudhishthir as the crown prince. Vidhur, start all the preparations as the kingdom will get its future ruler. With this th-"

Duryodhan - "NOOO! The throne is mine! Only mine! No one can take it from me. Not some forest dwellers who didn't even have a place to live in!"

Everyone was shocked to hear Duryodhan's words. All the people who were happy suddenly became serious.

While there was one person who was a little happy as he knew that Duryodhan was a bad omen.

Vidhur - 'I knew I was right.'

He made a mental note while looking seriously at Duryodhan with a deep frown on his face.

Before anyone could say anything, Bhishm roared in anger.

Bhishm - "Idiot! Where are your manners? Have you forgotten that Pandavas are your brothers? Do I have to educate you now?

Duryodhan - "No, I can never think of them as my brothers. I can never let them have the throne that belongs to ME!"

Raghav seeing this was shocked. He was pretty sure that it was not the way how Duryodhan would react, not after all the time he spent with him.

Raghav - 'So this is why the main events will happen nonetheless. The world itself will follow the main story somehow.'

[ Wow genius ]

Raghav - 'I don't care at this point about this damn system.'

Vidhur - "Duryodhan! It's the king's decision and it's final."

Duryodhan - "You! Son of a servant, dare to order me?"

Duryodhan shouted and everyone went silent. Vidhur on the other hand became furious.

Vidhur - "Duryodhan! Mind your words!"

He said as he took a bow from a guard and aimed it at Duryodhan. An arrow appeared magically and pointed at the head of Duryodhan. Everyone seeing this gasped as some people like Drithrastra and Bhishm tried to stop them but when they looked at Duryodhan they were surprised.

Duryodhan stood tall as he wasn't afraid of his 'uncle'. He lifted his hand and Dusshashan, his brother, threw a giant Mace towards him which he caught easily.

Duryodhan - "Do you think that only you are strong here? I am strong enough to defeat a child of a servant at the very least!"

Vidhur became even more furious as he launched the arrow from the bow. All the people present were shocked once more. Drithrastra was scared for his son while Bhishm quickly summoned his magical bow.

Before Bhishm could even shoot, the arrow that was just an inch away from Duryodhan's eyes was stopped as Raghav was holding the arrow from his left hand.

Raghav - "If you all are done with this stuff, can we please continue the meeting? I am pretty sure all of the people gathered here have better things to do."

Everyone sighed when they saw Raghav save Duryodhan. Drithrastra made a mental note to thank him later while Bhishm made a mental note to meet Raghav personally and invite him to the army.

Shakuni quickly thought of something and went to Duryodhan's side. He whispered something in Duryodhan's ears to which Duryodhan just left the throne room while stomping on the ground.

Raghav - 'I suppose this is the time for the Varnawat incident?'

Raghav sighed as he slowly walked back to his place. He was prepared for the things that were going to happen soon. He wasn't scared as he knew he was strong enough to not get killed even in the worse case scenario.