
Chat group of gods:Traveling through mythologies(Paused for eternity)

( This is Not a Fanfiction! Also try to read over 15 chapters then decide if you want to continue or not. Finally, I am a newbie writer so if you don't like it, then don't read it. ) Have you ever thought about what would happen if you somehow joined the group chat of Gods? Raghav was born in India and now living in the U.S. somehow joined a group chat where several other people joined - [ Dharma king has joined the group.] [ Thunder Child eater has joined the group.] [ Born from a headache has joined the group.] [ 7 times immortal has joined the group.] Dharma king: "Interesting, I didn't know humans have developed so far that they can send me a smartphone in Yamlok." Thunder child eater: "Why is my name this? I don't like this. How can I change it?" Born from a headache: " I agree with you, Child eater, I also don't like my name very much." The child eater: "Hey!! Don't call me that!." 7 times immortal: "Which God made this group? @Raghav you are the Admin, can you tell me something? Dharma king: "Oh! That's an Indian name, are you also a fellow sanatan God, @Raghav? A/n I don't own the story cover, all its right belongs to the artist, contact me if you want it to be removed.

Arch_Tysonoo · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Ch - 26 Who will be the crown Prince (1)

India, Hastinapur

Morning ~

Raghav was soaring through the skies of Hastinapur. Today was the day when The Pandavas will return.

Today is the day when the throne of Hastinapur will find its future owner.

The king of Hastinapur had set up a rule that only the one who defeats the king of Panchal will become the rightful owner

of the throne.

And according to this rule, the Pandavas have won. The eldest of the Pandavas, Yudhishthir should be crowned but Duryodhan would never allow that.

Duryodhan's pride as a prince and his uncle who wants to destroy the whole kingdom won't allow that.

Shakuni out of grief had sworn to destroy the entire kingdom of Hastinapur. The kingdom killed all his family and forcefully made his sister, Gandhari, marry a blind king.

---flashback--- (WOOOOSH~)

--Shakuni's P.O.V.--

{ A/n - This is not the real Mahabharat, so I'll change many things, personality and such will be a big part of it. }

Today was a peaceful day like any other. I was in the garden, taking a stroll around to relax. I don't have much to worry about becoming the king even if I was a prince as I was the youngest.

I have 99 brothers, what's there to worry about? No matter who will attack, if we all are together, we can wi

Me and my brothers are always there for each other but there is one thing that can even make us fight each other, only one person. That is our precious sister, Gandhari.

For her happiness, I am even willing to die. I am willing to kill anyone even if it's the Gods themselves, if they ever mess with her.

Our love for her is because she is the only sister we have and we try our best to provide her whatever she wants. Though this may have spoiled her, it doesn't matter.

Soon, we'll arrange a swayamvar* where she could choose her husband and that husband must be an able person. I don't want her to marry a blind or disabled person at the very least.

{ Swayamvar - self-selection of groom }

If her husband ever tries to harm her, he would have to suffer the wrath of 100 skilled warriors who are not afraid of him and would die with pleasure if it was for their treasured sister.

But there is one thing I was sad about in the past. Some sage told them that her first husband will die sometime after marriage and thus, we had to we'd her to a goat.

The goat died an abnormal death just a few hours after marriage and we confirmed that the sages told us the truth.

We were so happy that our future brother-in-law would be safe and thus, we ended up having a feast.

Some may think I am being overprotective but it's just the duty of a brother to worry about his siblings. If her husband is a good person, I would be very happy. Also when they have a child, I would be the happiest person in this whole world.

I would try my best to be a good uncle, so good that even my nephew or niece would look up to me. I will provide them with whatever they require, no matter what it is.

Anyway, while I was thinking this, a soldier came running towards me. He looked very worried and his face was covered with sweat.

Seeing his state, even I got worried.

Shakuni - "Soldier, what happened? Why do you look so stressed?"

I asked the soldier with a worried tone. It's not that I worry about his condition, not at all. It's just that his condition looked like something really big happened.

Soldier - "Prince, Son of Ganga, Bhishm has attacked! He came with some soldiers and broke through the final defense wall within a few minutes."

The words of the soldier scared me. I don't even know the reason why a great warrior attacked our fairly average kingdom but I won't stay idle.

The moment he attacked, he was ready to wage war between two Kingdoms and he'll get that only.

I, prince of Gandhar, won't sit idle. So what if he is one of the greatest warriors? I and my 99 brothers are also strong warriors. We'll fight him and defeat him.

Shakuni - "Prepare whoever who can, inform all my brothers. If Bhishm wants to fight then we will show him the strength of several great warriors."

10 minutes later~

I was at the entrance of the castle. In front of me was my father Subala, king of Gandhar equipped with armor and a sword.

Beside me were my 99 brothers who were fully equipped with armor and weapons of their choice.

Behind me was a small number of soldiers who came as quickly as they could. It is not easy to gather thousands of soldiers in less than 10 minutes so we have to deal with it.

I too was ready with my trusted spear and armor. I am ready to see the defeated face of Bhishm but I know I alone am not enough to defeat him. I know my strength and know what I am capable of at least.



Suddenly, a tall guy with whitish hair and a beard broke through the final wall of the castle. He was on his chariot and was moving at a fast pace. Soon enough, he

was right in front of us.

Subala - "Oh Great Bhishm, for what reason have you attacked us? We didn't do anything to offend you or Hastinapur."

My father had a mix of respect and warning/threat in his voice. According to him, we should first know the reason a warrior as great as Bhism has attacked us. According to him, peace is better than war.

Bhishm - "You have the nerve to say that! You rejected our proposal of marriage of your daughter Gandhari and Drithrastra, the king of Hastinapur! You will pay for your acts."

I was furious at the words of him. How dare he? How can we agree to let our sister marry a blind?

Subala - "Great Bhishm, it was a proposal and we rejected it as we cannot allow our daughter marry to a blind person. How can this be the reason for war?"

Shakuni - "Yes, how can a great warrior like you not know the meaning of 'Proposal'? I think your age is affecting your brain."

Bhishm - "You have said enough! Do you even have the strength to back up your words?"

Gaja - "Only after the fight will we know who has the strength and who doesn't. Your old age has made you arrogant!"

---(Author's P.O.V)---

Bhism out of anger lifted his bow and shot a single arrow. The arrow flew into the sky and from a single arrow came thousands of arrows and pierced several soldiers, making them fall onto the ground.

All this happened in just a few seconds that the defending side wasn't even able to process what happened.

Achala - "W-what?"

Gaja - "I won't spare you Bhishm!"

Before they could do much, Bhishm shot multiple arrows from his bow and those arrows turned into long chains and wrapped themselves around all 101 warriors who were standing.

Gaja - "You scared rat! Unbind me and I will show you my strength!"

Bhishm - "Oh little Prince, I don't have time to play with you. I have a lot of things to do so I hope you won't mind my presence."

---(Shakuni's P.O.V.)---

I was confused. What could be the reason that Bhishm left all of them alive? Why is he going inside the castle? There is no one inside the castle except a few soldiers, a few servants, and... Gandhari!

No! He wasn't aiming for us from the start. His motive was not conquering our kingdom but he was here to take my sister, Gandhari. This bloody kidnapper!

I tried moving and breaking the chains that trapped me but it was all in vain. These stupid chains were so strong that even the strongest of us, Gaja wasn't able to break them.

Soon, I heard a voice that shattered my heart. It was the voice of Gandhari who was being carried by Bhishm.

Gandhari - "Brothers! Save me! Please."

All of us were angry listening to her words. Angry at not only Bhishm but ourselves too.

In front of my eyes, my sister is being abducted. I am weak and I can't even do anything.

I have failed as a brother.

My sister is being abducted in front of me yet I can't do anything. The previous sister I said I would die for is in danger and I...I am trapped by these stupid chains.

If only I was stronger! If only I could save my sister. Bhishm, I will not let you die peacefully.

I want to kill him so bad but then I see something. My father was crying but the tears on his face were covered with his blood. Warth was the only thing that filled his eyes.

Subala (angry) - "Bhishm! The pot of your sins has been filled. So much that you became a kidnapper! You kidnapped my daughter just because she doesn't want to marry your blind king!"

Subala (co) - "I, KING OF GANDHAR, SUBALA CURSE YOU! The way I am suffering, you will too! Your whole family will perish in front of your eyes and you won't be able to do anything. Your death will not be peaceful. You would want to die but death won't come to you! Every second before your death, you will feel the pain a thousand times more. You and your family will suffer from my curse if I have done any good deed in my entire life."

Everyone was shocked at the words of the king. It is not often that someone gets cursed and king subala was a very good person. He had done countless good deeds in his life and thus, there is a very high chance that the curse will take its effect.

Bhishm - "Soldiers, tie them up and send them to jail!"

---(Bhishm P.O.V.)--

I was furious. I was only doing what is good for my kingdom but I got cursed? Also, I believed...knew that the curse of an angry father, whose eyes had blood instead of tears would definitely take its effect. I was scared for the first time in his life. What could possibly happen when the curse will take place? What will happen to my kingdom? What will happen to my family...?

All the things I did was for the prosperity of my kingdom yet I felt like I was doing something wrong. I took an oath to serve my kingdom and protect it as long as I am alive. My oath was my Dharma, my life. Whatever I did so far was for that Dharma why does my heart feel heavy?

My teacher, Maharshi Vashistha, told me that a person who follows the path of Dharma would not regret their actions. But why!? Why does my heart feel heavy? Why do I feel like I am on the wrong path? Everything I do, is for Dharma but...why?

---(Author's P.O.V)---

While Bhishm was contemplating his actions, Shakuni and his brothers were shouting as they were furious. Even if they are trapped, they have their pride and thus, have to fight as long as they could.

Gaja - "Bhishm! You call yourself a warrior? Release me and I'll show you what a warrior can do!"

Bhishm sighed listening to the rant of a prideful prince and quickly moved from his place. He moved right behind Gaja and threw a karate chop on his neck.

Gaja fainted almost immediately while everyone else who was present widened their eyes in shock.

The almighty Gaja was knocked out by Bhishm within mere seconds and he couldn't even fight.

Shakuni was gritting his teeth and clenching his hands. His nails pierced his skin and blood started dripping from his hands. This was all due to his anger. The pure rage he felt made him forget the pain.

But he was not strong enough to fight Bhishm, he too realized that. He should not fight Bhishm physically but should fight him in something he was good at.

Mind games, Politics, conspiracies, and things that he was best at. He would be sure to let Bhishm suffer as much as he possibly could.

----part two next----


Howddy People!!

I wanted to post this in the morning but I thought today was Saturday. You really forget date and day when you are not going to school.
