
Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!

What comes after death? Val has a definite answer. It's reincarnation! After dying on modern-day Earth, he found himself waking up in a strange world! The world was so strange that after death, humans would turn into zombies. Negativity could give birth to devils. There were also dungeons that, if left unchecked, could spell disaster! This strange world was called Eldrich. In this strange world, Val gained a chance at life when he acquired the Devil system! [You have gained ownership of the Devil System!] [Please choose the type of devil you would like to become.] [Option 1: Shadow Devil.] [Option 2: Blood Devil.] That night, he grinned and the world witnessed the birth of a devil! ... A scene from the novel:- The Anthrolisk's antennae twitched violently, its bloodshot eyes narrowed, and it gritted its mandibles. Rage bubbled up within it like boiling tar, yet it kept its fury in check. "I admit," it managed to grind out through clenched teeth, "you're stronger than me. On my own, I might not be enough to defeat you. But when my children come into the picture, everything changes." Val's eyebrow raised, "What children?" The Anthrolisk responded by clapping its hands elegantly. Suddenly, the ceiling overhead split open, and gigantic cockroaches, each half the size of a human, crawled out. Their shiny exoskeletons gleamed ominously under the faint light of the chamber. "Shocked, aren't you?" The Anthrolisk gloated, a wicked grin stretching across its monstrous face. "Let's see how you fare against my children! Little ones, get him!" With the command given, the cockroaches crawled down the wall in an eerie synchronicity, their multitude of tiny legs clicking against the stone walls of the chamber as they closed in on Val. Val, however, merely smirked, causing an ominous chill to creep down the Anthrolisk's spine. It could feel that something wasn't right. "You're not the only one with henchmen," Val retorted casually, his smirk broadening into a wicked grin that mirrored the Anthrolisk's earlier expression. A sense of foreboding filled Anthrolisk and it moved to stop Val from doing whatever he was planning to do. However, it was too late. "Descend to the living realm, my horde of the undead!" he commanded. Suddenly, reality seemed to bend and ripple around Val, as if it was a mere illusion. Out of these distortions, countless undead emerged, tearing through the very fabric of space itself to answer their master's call. Their hollow eyes burned with a spectral fire, their skeletal forms imposing and dreadful. It was a sight to behold, a haunting spectacle that sent chills down the spine of the Anthrolisk and its children. A little about Val:- Val is not good or evil. Ask long as it benefits him, he can be a saint or a devil, or both! Join the Chaos Warlord Discord: https://discord.gg/jMS76sCfMs

DurcalAka · Fantaisie
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328 Chs

8: Eldrich! And the system that grants EXP for killing monsters!

Once upon a time, Eldrich was a land not unlike Earth, marked by thriving empires, bustling churches, and flourishing cultures. All was normal until a disaster of unimaginable scale disrupted everything.

However, everything turned upside down after one major event.

Countless years ago, out of nowhere, a moon, glowing with a blood-red hue, emerged in the starry night sky. Since then, the world, as it had been understood, was no more.

With the appearance of the Crimson Moon, the rules governing this world took an unsettling turn. The departed didn't stay buried anymore, rising from their graves, ravenous for the living. They hunted down humans and animals alike ruthlessly. No matter how many they killed and devoured, their hunger remained insatiable, and they always roamed the land in search of more until they were out down once more!

The appearance of the Crimson Moon didn't just bring back the dead. It also led to the appearance of dungeons and devils.

Against these monstrous threats, humans of days old didn't stand a chance. Settlements fell one after the other at a horrifying rate.

Humanity seemed to be doomed.

Just then, a miracle occurred.

The first bloodline user appeared in Eldrich.

The first Bloodline User's power was beyond comprehension; he exterminated the threats to his city like a butcher slicing through meat.

He single-handedly defended an entire city from being overrun by the walking dead, mutated animals, and the devils!

Stories of his heroic deeds spread far and wide, drawing people to him, people who were desperate for his guidance and protection.

He showed them the way to acquire bloodlines free of charge.

Bloodline users come into being when humans ingest a unique potion, which is a concoction brewed from the flesh, blood, and various parts of devils or mutated animals. Depending on their unique characteristics, bloodline users can be categorized into several types, such as Warriors, Spell Casters, Priests, and so on.

A bloodline user would earn the title of Warrior if they boasted extraordinary physical strength. In the same vein, those with the ability to restore health or harness holy magic were aptly deemed Priests. Spell Casters, on the other hand, were bloodline users with the power to command natural elements such as fire, water, earth, and so forth.

Bloodline users were also categorized into levels, a system that ranged from the lowest, level 1, to the highest, level 10. This structure existed to help distinguish the capabilities and power of each bloodline user.

The level of a user was determined by their strength, skill, and mastery over their particular characteristic - be it the might of a Warrior, the healing power of a Priest, or the elemental control of a Spell Caster. For example, a level 1 Warrior might possess strength slightly above the average human, whereas a level 10 Warrior would be a paragon of raw physical power, able to perform feats of strength beyond ordinary comprehension. With a simple, they could destroy mountains. And with a simple kick, they could separate seas. Similarly, a level 1 Spell Caster might be able to conjure a ball of fire or a small wave of water, while a level 10 could unleash elemental forces that can shape and reshape the world around them.

After Valerius, the First Bloodline, made the method to become a bloodline user common knowledge, the bloodline users multiplied, slowly but surely shifting the balance of power against the nightmares of Eldrich and in favour of humanity.

With the appearance of many bloodline users, the last bastion of humanity, the Valerius kingdom, was founded. Initially, it was named Valerius in honor of the first Bloodline User. Val's name was inspired by him, as Joshua saw in Val the same potential as the first bloodline user.

Over time, the kingdom passed through many hands.

With every new ruler, it was given a new name.

The current sovereign was Victoria. Thus, the kingdom was now known as the Victoria Kingdom.

Originally, the kingdom consisted solely of the Divine Capital, but as the threats nearby the capital were neutralized, the inner region was established.

After that, the nobles of the inner region and the affluent aristocracy, and the royal family of the divine capital collaborated to set up fortified strongholds to provide protection to the outlanders. When the number of these strongholds surpassed a hundred, the outer region came into being.

Beyond the stronghold of the outer region lay a wild expanse, interspersed with what could be called remnants of human settlements that had fallen under the siege of the Walking Dead.

Close to the IronSpire Stronghold, the shadow of one such forgotten settlement, now known as ShadowFall city, still lingered.

Heavy, ominous clouds shrouded the sky, obscuring the moons from view.

After sneaking out of the formidable stronghold known as IronSpire, a young man set forth towards the lingering ruins of what once was ShadowFall City. His hair, a rich, velvety black, matched the dark depths of his eyes, lending him an air of striking handsomeness. He was wearing black clothes. A scabbard was fastened at his side, cradling a sword, the hilt of which was sticking out and visible, suggesting readiness.

Indeed, this was none other than Val V. Whitemore.

Why, one might wonder, would he venture to ShadowFall City?

He was going there to farm zombies!!!

He had discovered that the Devil's system bestowed EXP for defeating adversaries. This revelation came to him when he unintentionally stepped on an ant, extinguishing its tiny life as he was making his way back to his room post a conversation with his father.

For killing an ant, he was rewarded with a mere 0.0001 EXP.

Killing ants didn't seem profitable.

Thus, to gain EXP faster, he was going to the Shadowfall City to slay zombies!

'How much EXP will I get from killing one zombie?' Val wondered as he stepped into the forest that separated the Ironspire Stronghold from the remnants of the ShadowFall City.

Does this not leave you at the edge of your seat, heart pounding, eager to find out what happens next? Read the next chapter to find out. And if there isn't one? Then just leave a 5-star review and the next chapter will be updated!

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