
Champion of the Sea (Pokemon SI)

When the firstborn son of the Cerulean City Gym leader and older brother of Misty Waterflower received memories from a previous life, he was horrified to find that he was not even mentioned in the anime. Watch Alex Waterflower etch his name into the annals of history and showcase the might of a Champion of the Sea. A pre-cannon Self Insert into the World of Pokemon. Inspired by Hard Enough by Viva01 and The New Normal by Cartec. (A Water Type Specialist SI). I do not own Pokemon. I do not own the image

DarthPrince · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Surging Tides: The Indigo Conference Finals (Part II)

The crowd was still abuzz with the shocking display of Gyarados's Flamethrower when Henry sent out his Raichu. The Electric-type Pokémon, with its lightning bolt-shaped tail and eager demeanor, was quick to make its entrance.

I did not want to give my opponent any breathing room.

"Scald: Burst Mode"

"Raichu, use Quick Attack and Thunder!" Henry commanded, determined to regain control of the battle and knock my pokemon out fast.

My Gyarados started rapid firing short bursts of Scald along the trajectory of Raichu's Path. Raichu made great use of his speed to race across the battlefield and sent a powerful burst of Lightning towards my Gyarados. My pokemon did not need my command to know how to respond.

Seeing the powerful Thunder forming, Gyarados' tail instinctively took on a metallic sheen and drove straight into the stadium ground. In essence, this Iron Tail acted as a makeshift lightning rod and prevented the majority of damage from the Thunder. All my pokemon had been trained extensively in anti-Electric tactics.

"Thunder Wave. Paralyze it"

However, this was not the first time I had used this tactic and Henry clearly knew that Paralyze would dispel the Iron Tail. That did not mean that I lacked contingencies.

"Gyarados Water Pulse Barrage. Intercept the Thunder Wave!!"

With the swift command, Gyarados released a Water Pulse, sending a spiraling burst of water towards the oncoming Thunder Wave. The two attacks collided mid-air in a dazzling display of elemental confrontation. Water and electricity clashed, creating a spectacular storm of sparks and droplets.

The first Water Pulse successfully disrupted the Thunder Wave, preventing the paralysis effect from taking hold.

"Raichu, Hit and Run"

In the heat of the intense battle, as Raichu nimbly zigzagged and evaded Gyarados's continued Water Pulse Barrage while occasionally retaliating with Thunderbolts, I decided it was time to shift gears. 

"Change to Ice Beam. Freeze the field!!" I commanded.

With remarkable agility, Gyarados shifted its focus from Scald to Ice Beam. Its draconic maw glowed with an icy blue light as it fired the freezing beams of Ice towards Raichu. The crowd watched in astonishment as the field rapidly turned icy, creating a slippery surface that added a layer of complexity to the battle.

Raichu's nimble movements were hindered by the icy terrain, causing it to slip and slide, making it more challenging to dodge the relentless Ice Beams.

Both Pokemon had been utilizing energy intensive moves but Raichu was clearly more exhausted. Henry, seeing his hit and run tactics failing and the deteriorating state of his pokemon, decided to confront Gyarados head on.

"Aim a Focus Blast on the Tail and unleash Volt Tackle!! Give it everything"

Raichu slowed down to form the Focus Blast. The biggest weakness of my makeshift lightning rod solution was the burden of restricted mobility. In essence, it made my Gyarados a large, easy to hit target. 

Gyarados had to stop Raichu in its tracks before it took on a Volt Tackle head on. I knew from experience that the Lightning Rod Defense did not lessen the damage of Volt Tackle. 

"Gyarados Hardest Avalanche. Do not let that Volt Tackle hit you."

Gyarados built up the Avalanche as much as possible. Gyarados recognized the meaning behind my commands and let the white energy beam of Focus Blast clip his tail. My pokemon powered through the pain knowing that it will serve its purpose.

He unleashed an extraordinarily powerful Avalanche to stop Raichu in its tracks. Simultaneously, Raichu had initiated a Volt Tackle, charging towards my Gyarados with incredible speed and electric energy. The crowd watched in suspense as the two powerful moves clashed head-on, creating a blinding display of energy.

In an astonishing display of willpower and strength, Raichu powered through the immense damage it had endured from the double powered Avalanche and managed to land the devastating Volt Tackle on my Gyarados. The impact was intense, and my Gyarados reeled back, battered and bruised. Although the powerful Water and Flying-type Pokémon managed to endure the attack, the paralysis side effect from Raichu's Volt Tackle had finally taken hold.

Yellow arcs of electricity crackled across Gyarados's imposing form as the effects of the paralysis coursed through its body. It stood there, still determined and fierce, but visibly hindered by the paralysis and damage from the Volt Tackle. 

Raichu, exhausted from its tremendous effort and battered from the extensive damage and recoil, tried to get back on its feet, but its strength had been depleted, and it finally succumbed to its injuries.

"Raichu has fallen. The winner is Alex's Gyarados!" The announcement echoed through the stadium, and the crowd erupted in thunderous applause. The spectators had witnessed an extraordinary battle filled with strategy, courage, and determination.

However, there was no time for me to savor the victory, as Henry swiftly released his fourth Pokémon, an Electabuzz, and issued a single order.

"Thunder!!! Full power Bring that Gyarados Down" 

The urgency in his voice was evident as Electabuzz prepared to strike with a devastating burst of lightning.

I knew there was little I could do to save my Gyarados from the impending attack. With a shout of encouragement, I commanded, "Gyarados, break through the paralysis! Come on, You can do it!"

Gyarados strained against the paralysis, desperately trying to regain its mobility and defend itself. But the powerful Thunder attack from Electabuzz struck before Gyarados could recover.

The arena was engulfed in blinding light and deafening thunder as the Thunder attack connected with my Gyarados. It was a tremendous display of electric power, and despite its earlier resilience, Gyarados was finally overwhelmed. With a final roar of defiance, it was forced to yield and I returned to its Poké Ball.

I held the Poké Ball in my hand, acknowledging Gyarados's valiant efforts. It had taken down two of Henry's Pokémon and had shown incredible tenacity throughout the battle.

"The score now stands at 3-2, with Alex in the lead. These two dedicated trainers are locked in a fierce battle, each vying for the ultimate victory. Can Henry summon the power of a lightning storm to make a comeback, or will Alex's tidal wave of success continue to sweep through the match?"

Taking a moment to assess the situation, I noticed that Electabuzz seemed slightly fatigued, clearly having exerted itself to unleash that potent Thunder attack so fast. However, I maintained a strategic advantage with four of my Pokémon still available for battle, including my most formidable team members.

"Alex, you have ten seconds to release your next Pokémon."

After some contemplation, I chose to adhere to the tried and trusted strategy of overwhelming power. I unclipped the Poké Ball and summoned forth one of the rarest and most beautiful Pokémon in the world.

The stadium was filled with anticipation as I released my stunning Milotic onto the battlefield. Its presence alone was enough to captivate the entire arena. With grace and elegance, Milotic emerged, her beauty and poise mesmerizing the audience.

The Electabuzz was undoubtedly strong, befitting a Pokemon on an Indigo Conference Finalist's team. However, in front of my second strongest team member, an experienced Elite rank pokemon, he stood no chance.

"Thunder Wave and ThunderBolt" 

Henry made the first move, clearly wanting to replicate his success with my Gyarados. But he was now facing my Elite rank Milotic who happened to be a defensive powerhouse.

"Safeguard, Anti-Electric Defense, then Full Electric Offense. Destroy him," I ordered, confident in Milotic's abilities.

Milotic responded with grace and precision. The Safeguard prevented the Thunder Wave from causing paralysis, but it still activated her Marvel Scale ability, further boosting her already impressive Defense. The makeshift Lightning Rod Defense held, preventing the Thunderbolt from causing any significant damage to my pokemon.

And now came my Pokemon's time to shine. Milotic released two successive mud shots. Three Dragon Pulses followed, each more powerful and faster than her opponent's moves.

Henry issued the rather unnecessary order to dodge. Electabuzz was only able to dodge two of the mud shots and release a Thunderbolt to intercept one of the Dragon Pulses. However, the final two Dragon Pulses connected with Electabuzz with astonishing force.

The first Dragon Pulse struck, causing Electabuzz to cry out in pain and stumble back. The second hit was even more powerful, and the crowd watched in awe as Electabuzz was sent tumbling across the battlefield, unable to withstand the onslaught of attacks.

With my advantage clear, I seized the opportunity to end the battle decisively. "Unleash Hydro Pump at full power! Let's finish this!"

Henry, recognizing the perilous situation, shouted, "Stand up and protect, Electabuzz!"

Electabuzz struggled to regain its footing, displaying remarkable resilience. However, Milotic's proficiency in executing Hydro Pump was evident, and before Electabuzz could fully stand up, a deluge of water crashed against it, ruthlessly extinguishing whatever remained of its resistance.

Electabuzz was knocked unconscious, its form sprawled on the battlefield as the audience watched in excitement.

"Alex's Milotic continues its dominating run in the conference, decisively defeating Electabuzz. Will Henry be able to mount a comeback in this intense battle with just two Pokemon left?"

Milotic, the epitome of grace and beauty, lifted her head, basking in the adoration of the crowd. 

Frustration was evident on his face as Henry took in his situation. Milotic had taken almost no damage and I still had three Pokemon left including my Elite Rank starter. His chances of winning were looking grave indeed. Still, his visage hardened and his eyes became resolute.

Jolteon came out of his chosen Pokeball and landed onto the battlefield. Milotic looked at the Lightning Pokemon and snorted derisively. However, Milotic knew to give her all even against seemingly weaker opponents so it was fine in the end.

I didn't want Jolteon to take full advantage of his immense speed and commanded Milotic to freeze the field using Ice Beam. 

Milotic unleashed a trio of jagged ice beams aimed at Jolteon and its surrounding. The existing ice on the field in addition to Miltoic's efforts made the terrain extremely slippery and prevented the best utilization of Jolteon's speed. Jolteon used a quick attack to escape direct damage from the Ice Beam.

"Pin Missile and Close the distance for Thunder Fang"

Henry clearly wanted to turn it into a close ranged brawl hoping to get a lucky shot despite Jolteon essentially being a glass cannon. I did not have to follow his plan though. 

"Disarming Voice and Scald: Burst Mode. Knock it out!"

The disarming voice intercepted the pin missiles while Milotic unleashed short bursts of burning hot water in Jolteon's trajectory. Jolteon showcased his speed and entered my half of the field with lightning arcing in its jaw, a Thunder Fang prepared.

However, what he failed to notice was that the Scald weakened patches of ice on the field and finally Jolteon missed his footing and slipped. 

"End this!! Ice Beam"

Milotic did not miss a beat and gathered a powerful Ice Beam and unleashed it onto the recovering Jolteon.


Jolteon instinctively followed Henry's command and the uncontrolled arcs of lightning burst from his form and countered the majority of the Ice Beam. Still, That did not mean Milotic would allow Jolteon to recover.

A purple blast of draconic energy emerged from Milotic and enveloped Jolteon's struggling form. It was definitely not meant for tanking attacks.

Jolteon finally gave up and fell into unconsciousness. Henry's shoulders slumped as he had to confront his inevitable loss. He recalled his pokemon and readied his last pokeball.

"Milotic remains unstoppable. Henry is down to his last pokemon while Alex has Four Pokemon remaining. Will we crown the youngest champion of the Indigo Conference today?!"

The crowd gave a resounding roar as they prepared to see the final match up of the Indigo Conference. 

Despite being winded from defeating two Pokemon, I had full confidence that Milotic could still power through Henry's last Pokemon. However, I had promised my starter at the tender age of twelve that we would win the Indigo Conference together. As much as I was loath to give up any kind of advantage, I still had four pokemon left. There were no switches allowed. Winning was not in jeopardy and well, even the most calm and collected individuals made emotional decisions sometimes.

Before Henry sent out his last Pokemon, I signaled the referee "I will be withdrawing Milotic."

On hearing this, Milotic stopped showing off and enjoying the admiration from the crowd and turned towards me with a sad and hurt expression. I mean this should not have been a surprise. My pokemon knew about the promise and I had already discussed with them that me doing this was a possibility if there was very little danger of losing. 

Still, Milotic whined and even used Baby Doll Eyes to sway my decision. I didn't even know how she learnt the move, technically it should not be possible. Still I hardened my resolve and withdrew her into the pokeball and whispered praise and promises to make it up to her. Oh, she would act hurt and pay more attention to my sisters for a few days but I knew she would get over it.

More important than her hurt was that my starter deserved to be part of this pivotal match and bring home the victory. He had been with me every step of the way and I had no doubt that he would win this for me, all my pokemon, and the Cerulean City Gym.

I selected my starter's pokeball and waited for Henry to reveal his choice.

The referee was unamused with the unnecessary delay.

"You both have five seconds to release your pokemons"

On an unspoken signal, we released our Pokemon together in perfect unison.

On his end, a robot-like Pokemon emerged resembling a UFO. Henry's Magnezone, an Electric/Steel-type powerhouse, hovered in the air with an imposing robotic presence. It emitted a low hum, ready to unleash its technological might. However, it paled in comparison to my starter.

On my side of the field, my Kingdra hovered in the air with regal composure, a true embodiment of power and elegance. He exuded an aura of confidence and readiness, befitting a true Elite-level Pokémon.

"This is it. Show them why you are my Ace" I whispered, my voice filled with determination.

The crowd held its breath, the anticipation palpable as the final battle of the Indigo Conference was about to unfold.

"Muddy Water and Agility"

"Lock On and Zap Cannon"

Kingdra was able to unleash the Muddy Water and complete Agility even before Magezone could use Lock On. The Muddy Water struck true before the slower Magnezone could even attempt to evade

"Water Pulse Barrage"

"Thunderbolt Barrage, Magnezone. Just hit it"

The first Water Pulse hit Magnezone, knocking it back before it could unleash a Thunderbolt. Surprisingly, Magnezone powered through and released a devastating bolt of lightning, but my Agility-enhanced Kingdra proved too swift to be struck 

He followed it by launching two consecutive water pulses both colliding with the Magnezone dealing extensive damage and inflicting the confusion status onto the unfortunate pokemon.

As continuous Water Pulses rained down on the dazed Pokemon, Henry realized that Magnezone could not match Kingdra's speed of executing moves especially when confused and decided to exchange damage to at least take Kingdra down. 

"Thunder!! Give it everything!!"

"Hydro Pump!! End this"

Before the confused Magnezone could even begin gathering energy for Thunder, a colossal beam of compressed water was already speeding towards it. The impact was tremendous, sending Magnezone back into the barriers with a resounding impact. A large dent marked where the Hydro Pump had hit, and the grounded Magnezone showed signs that the last attack had been simply too much for the Magnet Area Pokémon to endure.

The referee made the declaration that sealed the momentous match. "Magnezone has fainted. Alex's Kingdra is the winner. This is it, folks! With a score of 6-3, please welcome the champion of the Indigo Conference, Alex Waterflower!"

The deafening cheers and applause from the crowd washed over me, celebrating the victory of the youngest Indigo Conference champion in history. As I stood there, basking in the glory of the moment, my feelings were a mix of emotions. The end of the match had been both anticlimactic and monumental, a testament to the strength of my Pokémon and the unwavering bond we shared. 

Regardless, as I stood there looking into Kingdra's eyes amidst the celebration and adulation, I knew one thing with absolute certainty…I was no longer insignificant.


I want to thank everyone who commented and provided encouragement. I realized that regardless of whether I decide to continue this (and I am leaning towards doing so), I should complete this battle.

Please review if this fight lived up to any expectations you may have had. One thing I am uncertain about is if Water Pokemon released Pure water in their attacks. In this fight, I wrote under the assumption that the water they produce has certain impurities allowing the conductivity of electricity.

As you may have noticed, in all scenarios above Alex's Pokemon prevented situations where the electric Pokemon could simply release electricity into the continued stream of water and damage them. 

Maybe, I can include that Elite level Pokemon are proficient enough in water manipulation that they can use Pure water in their attacks. Please comment what you think about this.