
Chapter 1 - The beginning.

A very wise man once said that memories warm you up from the inside but they can also tear you down. For me, those sentiments were made real everyday. I cried, I wept, but no one noticed me, my tears drowned out by the very thing that made me. I bled but no one could see me, my life blood and my children ripped away as the stench of my rottenness engulfed me.

There was death, I could feel it and the pain in my heart was sharp as yet another of my children was taken away from me. I could feel them, every one them that had been vanquished by the disease that had now plaqued my soul. They cried out to me, but I could not save them. I was powerless, I did not know how until one day it all came to me.

As my form changed a smile graced my new face. Blue irises glinted in the sun as this piece of me continued to rise up. Higher and higher I rose until I broke to the surface. My blue head turned. It was just as I had expected, the rottenness was everywhere. 'No more!' I thought. 'No more!' This had to end and I'd make them pay with my very own hands.