
Chapter 2 - My fist kill

"What's your name?" I feigned a tremble as my blue irises rose up to greet his grey ones. Concern lit his features. A concern that made my insides cringe and laugh at the same time. It was quite ironic really how I had been caught in their net. If I hadn't had some semblance of their humanoid features, I'd have ended up like that whale and the many of my other children that I could sense languishing aboard this very vessel . They acted like they cared but only because I looked like one of them or close to one of them as I was almost sure that my very blue eyes and my equally blue hair was not something that could be called naturally human. My caramel skin however wrapped around a very feminine body was what you could be called a redeeming quality, but nonetheless I was different. More different than they could dare imagine.

"What do you think happened to her? Some kind of ritualistic killing... or what? And why is her hair that blue, do you think they had it dyed?" My saviours thought, asked, whispered among themselves. I had no idea which since I was yet to test the limits of my new body. As my eyes landed on each one of them.,my irises twinkled blue as they were filled with both amused and anger. "Sea weed wrap?" My eyes dropped to gaze at where the man was pointing.

"Do you think they let her off one of those spa places where they use that kind of thing?"

Men! My eyes rolled at their descriptions. Sure, I was clad in some sea weed wrap, but despite being surrounded by all that stuff they glorified by calling it clothes, none of it could have been more adequate to cover my nakedness in the modest way that the seaweeds did for me.

"Why won't she talk? Why is she looking at us like that?" More of those voices continued to filter into my mind and I was still not sure if they were just thoughts or words that had been spoken since I had not made a point to look at their mouths.

A moan and another piece of my heart crumbled. Excruciating pain gripped at my chest and the chest of this new body. Another moan and I finally understood it.  This form restricted me. Restricted my knowledge and my understanding but was also quite necessary. Angered, I stood up to my feet and looked around. All around me, grey waters liked the of the sides of the vessels until I finally spotted her. The baby. Languishing in a net of still as its mother called out to her. She was barely holding on to her life and all these humans cared about was a female in a seaweed wrap.

A growl suddenly erupted from my mouth. I intended it to be words but my tongue was still heavy. Without intending to, I projected my intent to these monsters and somehow they seemed to understand me. Slowly they marched off abandoning their bewildered looks and latched on to the net. It still would not badge. The pully mechanism held it tight but as I sent forth another thought another wave to their now malleable minds they seemed to get my gist and proceeded to release the baby from the whaler's clasp.

It was done. She was hurt but the wounds would eventually heal. As they finally swarm away my gaze turned, back to the vessel and to half of the crew who were now looking out, looking confused and with a lost look in their eyes. As my gaze followed their eyes, I took in the taint the red that marked my first kill. I had finally claimed a life, a dozen for the millions I had already lost.