
Caretaker of Hololive

Collection of diary-like entries and dialogues detailing the day to day activities of the members of Hololive while staying with the owner of Aelin Inn.

Monochrome_Library · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Entry 23 - Sing a song (Suisei)

Learning from vocal teachers was nothing when it came to learning from Kara, Kana and Kai. These three really showed me and every one the difference in our skills and talents.

We got to see that first hand during our first vocal practices when the first exercise was to sing.

We all gave it our all, but our confidence was completely broken the moment they picked up a mic.

I've listened to all sorts of singers before, but never once have I ever listened to someone who can sing as perfectly as they could. Their voices captured our hearts immediately, they made it dance, pump and swoon with every song they performed. Then and there, I understood just how much I still needed to learn.

Their singing was on everyone's mind all day after that, we were so enchanted by their voices, that during dinner we even began to space out. I mean could anyone blame us?! It was like listening to sirens, or angels or something that sings beautifully… they were great! Words just can't express the amount of beauty that were their voices.

I hope I can be as good as them one day.

On a different note, on the way back after our practices, we all managed to strike a conversation with the siblings and they all began to tell us about the time they spent with Kyrell. They said that they were surprised when Yagoo called them on the phone and begged them to become our teachers since Kyrell would have been enough to teach us.

Now that sent question marks flying out everyone's head. Was Kyrell a good singer and dancer?

We grilled answers out of the three and found out that Kyrell was actually as talented as they are, however, he tends not to perform because of his aversion to recognition. That kinda explains his rule of not being formal around him and not taking a lot of praise.

They also told us that Kyrell's mind had been broken by their family so he's pretty much believed that he lacks certain things to be worthy of praise.

It's rather sad when I think about it, but it never would have struck me as the case since Kyrell always did things with confidence. I would've never let the idea of him not being confident in a thing be a possibility.

Goes to show he has a really good poker face.

I got curious about this and asked him if he would sing for us if took him to the karaoke, he flat said that we wouldn't even get him near a karaoke for that to happen. This only got me more curious, so for the entire night I basically hounded him to go to karaoke with us so I can just hear him sing, but he really didn't want to.

I tried asking Coco-chan to help me convince Kyrell to sing for us, but she advised me not to keep bothering him with performance-based activities because he would just keep saying no.

All hope seemed lost then, but then Aloe-chan came over and whispered something quite interesting to me. Apparently, Kyrell does sing from time to time, just not in public and if I wanted to listen to him sing I would basically need to sneak around and find him. Though she did give a general area as to where he would often perform. According to Aloe-chan, it's by the tree that stood behind our dorm.

So what did I do? I stayed up and snuck to the back where I heard a guitar being played. I peeked through a window and saw him sat on the base of the tree. The guitar was being played by Kyrell, who looked disinterested by the entire thing.

Then… he started to sing.

I recognised the song as Colors of the heart by UVERworld and just as his siblings said, he was phenomenal, his voice was to die for, it entranced me, every word he sang wrote itself straight into my heart and the thing is… the lyrics were a mixture of this melancholy and wishfulness.

This one song alone, made me realise that Kyrell is a broken person, someone who knows the value of having a bright life and yearns for a life like that as well. But after all he's been through, he instead considers his wishes as mere fleeting dreams and that his reality is far more lonely and empty…

After the performance I returned to my room and gave some thoughts on the performance, but rather than be in awe, I ended up just silently wishing that Kyrell could get a better life than what he has now.

Bit of an early update since I have things to do, so here it is.

I'll make this clear I have no knowledge of music, so if there is something wrong with the way I described music please tell me. I don't mind.

Also apparently I titled the last chapter wrong, fixed it now though, thank you to that person for commenting about it, I appreciate the heads up.

By the way Kyrell singing does not confirm a thing, all of the Sano siblings can sing that's not an indication of Kyrell's future, or maybe it is and I'm actually just playing with you. Take this however you want.

However, there is something I can tell you guys. While I'm not good with music theory, I at least know what sort of music the siblings excel at.

So here's the list, first music genre listed would be what they excel at:

Kai - Rap, Rock, Idol music

Kara - Anything under the sun (singing wise, though opera would be first)

Kyrell - R&B, Rock (not metal though), Rap

Kana - Idol songs, Rap

Is that what you guys expected?

Anyways that's all for this week, I hope you all enjoyed this entry and I'll see you all next week.

Monochrome_Librarycreators' thoughts