
Card Master Traveler

(First 16 chaps are kind of wobbly since I didn't have a proper direction i wanted to focus on) You know the gist; guy dies, reincarnates, and all that stuff Zach Madik, an average person in all aspects, after getting ran over by the legendary Truck-kun, finds himself in space. There, he was informed by an androgynous person that he won a raffle from a company, a reincarnation company to be exact. ------------------------------------- MC travels fictional worlds 1st world: MHA (WORLD IS FOCUS NOT ACADEMY) ------------------------------------- Some stuff I'd like to say: 1.) This is my first time writing and English is my 2nd language. 2.) I am doing this for fun so updates may be irregular. 3.) Mc is a mix of True and Chaotic Neutral, meaning he is someone who doesn't care about good or evil, and self-interest is the one that drives him. 4.) Pace is kinda slow. ------------------------------------- I'll try to update whenever I have free time. Cover(not mine) is Kuzuha(VTuber)

m00nflower · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs

Current Situation

11:07 PM--Manila, Philippines

In a random alleyway between two buildings, a pregnant woman could be seen, sitting down with her back against the wall while breathing heavily. This woman, with her overly puffed lips and uneven breasts, was a prostitute working overseas. After accidentally getting pregnant with one of her customers, she decided to retire and return to her hometown in order to take care of her baby.

~30 minutes ago~

With everything already prepared for her baby, the woman decided to go to a department store to replenish her stock of food. Locking the door of the apartment room, the woman walked out the gates and hummed a song she liked.

'Aside from food, is there something else that I need to buy?'

Checking the list that she bought with her, the woman nodded to herself as she saw that everything really is prepared.

'Now what should I name my son? Or daughter perhaps? My child will likely be taller than kids his/her age, so I have to lecture him to not look down on other people! And with my child's father gone, he/she may experience bullying...for that I have to...' Already thinking about ways to raise her child, the woman was nervous but excited at the prospect of giving birth.

Imagining a small child, about four to five years of age calling her 'mama', the woman smiled brightly before continuing on her way.

But what she did not expect was for her stomach and lower back to suddenly feel a pain so intense that she thought they were going to burst.

Having a bad premonition about this sudden situation, the woman hurriedly fumbled her phone from her bag to contact an ambulance. But before she could press the call button, she suddenly felt blood dripping down her legs from her womanhood.

'It has only been seven and a half months goddammit!'

Gritting her teeth from the pain and judging that she won't make it to a hospital even if she called an ambulance, if one can even arrive on time; the woman walked randomly while shouting for help. Alas, as the place she chose to live in was full of elderly people, the nearby residents were already asleep.

Deciding to take matters in her own hands, the woman walked to an alleyway she found, and upon noticing a clean spot, laid down her spare clothes on the ground. Sitting down on her makeshift mattress, the woman breathed heavily while repeatedly saying 'its okay, you can do this Erika!' inside her own head.

After calming down somewhat, the pain reached its apex as the woman can feel something inside her moving downwards. Gripping tightly a metal pipe connected to the ground with one hand, while pounding the spot beside her with the other, the woman screamed and wailed from the pain of her womanhood tearing itself apart, the price of giving birth.

About an hour in, the woman's voice was slowly getting hoarse as her insides were slowly rupturing from the immense stress. Though in pain, the woman realized that the delivery is taking too long, as labor usually takes only about 30-45 minutes. Fearing that her child will be born with complications because of her, the woman pushed herself more, not caring about the fact that it will only rupture her insides more.

As she was screaming as loud as she possibly can, some of the nearby residents were awakened, resulting to two elderly women angrily coming out of their houses to check the situation.

Upon arriving at the woman's location, the elderly women's anger quickly turned to shock before being replaced with seriousness. As wizened people that have experienced numerous difficulties in life, they of course have knowledge on childbirth.

After 20 more minutes, with the help of the two elderly women, a healthy baby boy crying noisily can be seen. One of the elderlies already called an ambulance while the other one gave the baby to the exhausted woman lying in a pool of her blood and sweat.

The woman, Erika, upon seeing and holding her newborn son, gently smiled. And with tears from her eyes, whispered:

"I'm sorry...my son... it looks like you'll... y-you'll grow up without a mother... I'm sorry, Zach..." With her voice getting softer with each word, Erika slowly felt life draining from her body. And within a few more seconds, passed away.


4 years have passed since then, and now I am currently in a small orphanage sponsored by a relatively large church right beside us. With those 4 years lazing around doing nothing, I had the opportunity to think and reflect about my past life and my mother in this life.

I had always been slightly apathetic about everything around me in my past life. I had no ambition in life and I didn't have any hobbies aside from playing games or reading stuff online. That was why I didn't really have any regrets aside from my parents when I died. As for my parents, after 4 years of thinking, I arrived to the conclusion that those from the past will remain in the past; same with my mother in this life. It wasn't easy I admit, but with my connection to Zentros, a being that has lived for millions of years, helped me cope up and eventually, overcome it.

Okay, enough with the cringey stuff.

For the past four years, I have learned a lot of things.

First, the country I am currently in; The Philippines. As someone who was used to living lavishly, adapting was a little taxing. From using bathtubs and showers to buckets and water dippers; Air-conditioning to electric fans; Fast Wi-Fi to turtle-like Wi-Fi, etcetera. I wasn't used to living frugally.

Speaking of living frugally, when one of the nuns took me with her to buy ingredients for food, I noticed that aside from the church and orphanage, everyone else seems to be living quite well. I was quite confused at first, but after thinking about it seriously, it wasn't really all that weird.

I reasoned that, after the appearance of quirks, the overall believers of Religion in the world has lessened down by a huge amount. Sure some people still go to church and believe in their respective deities, but those people are either the elderly, quirkless people, or those from families that have very strong faith.

On the good side of things though, living this way helped me avoid being spoiled and lazy. I know that may sound weird coming from someone with a four year old body, but living this way helped me to not take things for granted and to be humble.

I also noticed that I was taller and stronger than most kids of my age. It shouldn't be because of race though. If you're wondering why, its because of quirks of course! Because of quirks, racism and discrimination about races lessened down somewhat.

Instead new discriminations and prejudices rose! Now its all about 'villain-like' quirks and mutants! If you've read or/and watched MHA, you surely know of Himiko Toga and Tomura Shigaraki's story right? Because people like them with 'evil' quirks get shunned instead of guided by society, its no wonder villains keep appearing.

Oops, kinda got side-tracked there. Anyways, going back to the topic,

A few weeks ago, The Head Priest, Juan Rodriguez, an upbeat, carefree, and caring person, after judging that I was mature enough, told me about my mother and gave me some pictures of her before and after her body modifications. He told me that my mother once worked overseas and only came back here when she got pregnant. As she has no relatives left, when she died, all of her possessions were given to the orphanage for me to receive when I am old enough or for my foster parents when I get adopted.

When I asked about her occupation though, he just avoided the topic while slightly avoiding my gaze. Judging from his reaction, the story, and pictures of my mother, she must have been a prostitute or something.

If my mother was a prostitute, it must mean that there are brothels. And if there are brothels, that means there are people whose quirks are related to sex and pleasure. That also means that there are quirks related to killing, torture, assassination, and other questionable stuff.

Then the question is, where do they go?

What I think is, beneath the façade of heroes and villains; beneath what is shown to the viewers of the anime; there lay a place, another society for people with those kind of quirks.

I feel my entire body shiver with a mixture of dread and excitement.

Anyways, getting back to the point, my mother is surely not the cause for my fast growth, then if not her, I must have inherited this from my father.

Oh right, I almost forgot to describe my looks. Currently I am 110 cm tall, tall enough to pass for a seven year old in this world. With my chin-length unruly white hair, chubby cheeks, pale but not too pale skin, and piercing red eyes, I look more cute than handsome.

But that is fine as well, because in the future, I shall be the most handso-

"Oi Zach! It's time to eat! Hurry up if you don't want your food to be eaten!"

Those little-shits!

Jumping down the roof of our two story, slightly run-down orphanage that I was sun bathing on, I land down the ground with slightly wobbling knees and ran past the dumbfounded Takeo, a slim kid with a slightly pointed chin.

"Haha! Sayonara, bitch!" I laugh as I saw him catching up to me.


One month later, my perfect form can be seen sunbathing on the roof, again.

Aside from eating, doing chores, shitting, buying groceries, and helping out in the church, I have pretty much nothing to do as I already read all the books inside the orphanage, and the TV channels all show All Might saving some people. The one that Midoriya masturbates to in episode 1.

'Oi Zentros, how much longer until the system arrives?'

{Yo Zach~ Long time no chat huh? Though I told you to only talk to me if you want to use your RPs, I'll make an exception this time cuz I have to tell you some rules about the system~

1.) No telling anyone directly or indirectly(depends) about the system unless you have a way to forcibly shut up the other party~!

2.) Transferring your system to another person will lead to your soul's extinction~!

+ and you don't need to worry about your quirk or system getting stolen because it's bound to your soul~

That's all, enjoy~!}

Before I could respond to that, I suddenly 'hear' a bell-like sound inside my head.

[Card Master System initializing...]

[Scanning user...]

[Scan complete.]

[ //STATUS//

Name: Zach

Age: 4 years

Level: 0

Bloodline/s: <One For All>

Skills: -

Card Skills: -

Titles: -

//SHOP// (Locked) ]

Surprised at the sound, I sit up straight and took deep breaths to calm myself down.

Reading through my status, I nodded in satisfaction. But as I reach the bloodline part, I tilted my head in confusion before realizing what this meant.

I-I'm a secret love child of All Might?!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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