
Card Master Traveler

(First 16 chaps are kind of wobbly since I didn't have a proper direction i wanted to focus on) You know the gist; guy dies, reincarnates, and all that stuff Zach Madik, an average person in all aspects, after getting ran over by the legendary Truck-kun, finds himself in space. There, he was informed by an androgynous person that he won a raffle from a company, a reincarnation company to be exact. ------------------------------------- MC travels fictional worlds 1st world: MHA (WORLD IS FOCUS NOT ACADEMY) ------------------------------------- Some stuff I'd like to say: 1.) This is my first time writing and English is my 2nd language. 2.) I am doing this for fun so updates may be irregular. 3.) Mc is a mix of True and Chaotic Neutral, meaning he is someone who doesn't care about good or evil, and self-interest is the one that drives him. 4.) Pace is kinda slow. ------------------------------------- I'll try to update whenever I have free time. Cover(not mine) is Kuzuha(VTuber)

m00nflower · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs


Hello there.

The name's Zach, Zach Madik.

18 years of age. Average in height, weight, pp size, and everything else you could think of. The only special thing about me is my name. Born from my Father Sitton and my mother Lik, we of the Madik family are what you call a stereotypical family of three.

We of the Madik family are quirkless. Yes, quirkless. Contrary to what most people think, being quirkless is not that bad. You get to have a peaceful life without worrying about changes to your body, no drawbacks from overexertion except for the normal ones that you usually get, no training, no breathing fire, no flying in the sky...

I wanna have a quirk damnit! Why was I born like this? Why was I born in a quirkless family? WHY IS FATE ALWAYS SO UNFAIR?!?!

Oops got a little angry there. Gotta remember to control my temper a little more.

*Breathe In*

*Breathe Out*

*Breathe In*

*Breathe Out*

Calm down me. You're not the only quirkless person, everyone else in the world is quirkless as well.

That's right. Everyone in the world is quirkless. What did you expect? We aren't in the My Hero Academia universe so of course everyone is quirkless.

Moving on, I am currently in my room lying down on my bed and watching some educational video about the wonders of pornography. In short; watching porn.

And no I am not beating my meat as you would have expected, I'm just watching because it has been a long time since I've watched one. Ever since Mia K's retirement, I stopped watching. Nowadays its pretty obvious that they're just faking their moans and wails.

I mean look at this shit, the woman's already moaning even though the man hasn't even entered yet. Such garbage. You call this porn?

This is why Doujin is life.

Clearing the history, and closing the laptop, I fix my pajamas and head to the bathroom to take a bath.

After cleaning myself for about 10 minutes and drying my hair, I put on a change of underwear, school pants and shirt, then finally my socks.

Combing all of my hair to the left side, I inspect myself using the mirror and judged that I'm normal as always. After picking my stuff up and putting it in my bag, I open the door of my room and immediately smell breakfast that's being cooked by my mother.

As I climb down the stairs of our two story house, I spotted a man tying his shoes while sitting at the end of the stairs.

Sitton Madik, my father. With his normal appearance (which I inherited), passiveness in most of the things that happen around him, and subservient personality, He's what you can call as a Beta male.

"Ah, good morning Zach." My father said with a smile as he finished tying his shoes.

"Morning' Dad"

"*sigh* Did you sleep late again? You know your mother said to stop right?"

What did my mother like in this person anyway? She said that she was the one who confessed back then and she had to do it not once but five times in order for him to accept her. Hesitating to accept a confession from such a beautiful person? Seriously, what a pussy my father is.

Ignoring him, I went to dining room and sat down the chair with my bag on the floor. Looking back slightly, I see that my dad looks like he wants to say something, but he instead shakes his head with a slight smile on his face. He must be thinking something like: 'teenagers these days, back in the day I used to masturbate to two male dogs making out in the open.'

Really, such a pitiful person.

"Here's your breakfast sweetie~" My mother said as she put a plate with my breakfast, on the table.

Lik Madik, my mother, is a beautiful person. She has a tall and curvaceous body, and add that to her gentle and supportive personality, she's a perfect example of what people would want as a mother. And to answer your question: No I do not look at her that way. Although I love to read incest doujins, it doesn't mean that I would like stuff like those to happen in real life.

"Thanks, mom."

"Eat properly okay?" She pointed out before placing my father's plate and hers on the table and sitting down.

Nodding my head, we begin to eat my breakfast and talk about our lives.

In the middle of our meal, my father suddenly asks:

"Honey, did something good happen to you? You suddenly look prettier than before."

Yes, she's cheating on you with our neighbor.

"Oh, you noticed? I've been applying what our neighbor recommended to me a few weeks ago." She said with a somewhat struggling and guilty look on her face.

Oh? That expression... I see... looks like she's not only doing it for the sex but for the affection as well. If she only did it for the sex, her reaction would've been more mild.

Whelp, looks like this just got worse. Now that there's 'love' between Lik and the neighbor, it won't be long before Sitton finds out about it. I have about...3... no, 4 weeks. I have about 4 weeks left.

I'll run away by then.

As for living expenses, I know where they keep the money anyway. If that's not enough, they still have their bank accounts to which I know the passwords of.

Finishing my meal, I stand up and put my plate near the dishwasher.


"Going out already? Why don't I give you a ride you to school?" Offered Sitton.

"No thanks, I'm in the mood for a walk today."

"Okay then sweetie, but make sure to bring an umbrella okay?" Reminded Lik.

After picking up an umbrella by the foyer, I ran outside as fast as I can, all the while trying to hide the tears threatening to come out of my eyes.

Too lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice that a speeding truck was right in front of me, honking repeatedly.


Opening my eyes slightly, I notice that all around me is darkness. Stretching past the horizon, if there even is one. Scattered across the darkness are blinking lights of different colors. While directly below me is a massive landmass, shrouded in a slowly rotating mist. Looking directly behind me, I also see another massive landmass; but instead of the green and blue one below me, this one is a hundred times bigger and is a mixture of red and orange.

It took me a few more seconds to realize that I'm in space.

"Heya there~ Enjoying the view?"

Hearing the androgynous voice, I turn around to see a beautiful man? A beautiful woman? With a mischievous look on their face suddenly appear before me.

The person wore an all white long sleeved robe that matches their long white hair and white pupils.

"Where am I? And what happened to me?" I questioned, just for confirmation.

"You, lucky sir, are right above your home planet, Earth. And as for what happened to you, you died by getting hit by that truck." They answered, still with a smile on their face.

As I thought, I really died huh?

"Yes you really did~!"

Of course they get to read my mind.

"So, what's the deal? Why am I here?"

"Oh right!"

*ehem* *ehem*

"Congratulations, Mr. Zach Ma... PFFTT... PUHAHAHAHA... W-What's with this name?" The androgynous person laughed heartily while covering their abdomen.

"Heh, at least my parents' names are worse." I replied, already used to this kind of situation.

"Oh? Wait a minute, let me check on it." Interested in my words, the androgynous person stretched their arms and there appeared a small tablet with unknown letters with my face on the upper-left corner.

"PFFTTT... Sitton and Lik... PUHAHAHAHA...I can't..." With tears in their eyes, they laughed for about three minutes while reading the names of the rest of my family members.

"Phew, haven't laughed like that in quite a while~. Anyways, what I was saying is that you have won the Reincarnation Company's Millennial raffle draw~! As for the prize, you get... 1,000,000,000 Reincarnation points!"

Before I could ask, the person continued,

"Reincarnation points are what people receive when they die; it is the accumulation of their karma; the results of their deeds. Reincarnation Points, or RPs as we call them, can be used to slightly shape or customize your next life. For example, you Mr. Zach, without the added prize, have 177.013 RPs. The best you can do with that, is to ensure that there are no deformities to your body on birth!"

Hearing the explanation, I questioned,

"Okay, pretty understandable, so what are the limits of this 'Reincarnation Points'? Do I get to decide if I can be a God in my next life or something?"

They smiled brightly before replying,

"None! There are no limits whatsoever! If you want to be reborn back into your world, be a God, have a harem, ANYTHING! As long as you have enough RPs, your wildest dreams will come true!"

Getting pretty riled up by this whole situation, I asked, slightly nervous but a lot more excitedly:

"How much points to be a God?"

"10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 points only!"

Hearing that absurd prize, I can only shake my head in defeat. Those people who wanted to become gods must've stockpiled their points or something.

"So, any more questions?"

Thinking for a few seconds, I ask some of my doubts,

"Can I be reborn in a fictional world like MHA or other animes? And if I can, will they be real?" I said this as serious as I can.

"Mr. Zach, the Multiverse is an ever-expanding place. Who knows whether what you seek is a truth or a falsehood?... But what I do know is, no matter how large your imagination is, the multiverse will always be larger." They answered with a mysterious smile.

After ruminating about the words of the androgynous person, I decided,

"Do you have some paper and pen?"

"Here you go~" A pen and pad paper suddenly appeared before me.

Though slightly surprised, I pick up the pen and begin to write.


Me: Supremely Handsome, Superior Bloodline, Huge Schlongmalong, Superior Talent.

World: MHA

Extra Stuff: Memories of previous life and this short conversation with you, Random Superior system + quirk, communication device connected to you.


After double-checking the paper, I give the paper to... Wait what's your name again?

"The name's Zentros!"

Pretty cool name you got there.


"Anyways, how much RP left?"

"About... 500,000,000 left. Is this all you want?" Zentros asked doubtfully.

"Yep, I'll think about what else I want after I reincarnate."

"Okay~ So, you ready now?"

"Yes!" I answer excitedly.

Suddenly, a human-sized purple portal appeared before me. And after Zentros' urging, I jumped in.

yahallo! English is not my native language, so there mat be mistakes here and there.

m00nflowercreators' thoughts