

A dark story of Keigo's tramatic childhood and his time with his father before he goes to the commission. Or, a AU where Hawks/Keigo's quirk gives his cannibalistic Tendencies. Warning!!! This story contains: • Death • Manipulation • Cannibalism • Child Abuse • Self-Harm • Blood/Gore • Dermatophagia If you have an issue or get triggered by any of the following, I strongly suggest you don't read this story, thank you ^^

Speedy_Servel · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs


This is my first story, so if you guys have anything you'd like me to improve, just let me know ^^

(some aspects of this story will be different from canon but ill try to keep it as close as possible for you guys)

enjoy ^^

*his stomach growls*

Kaigo was sluggishly walking through the thick snow, his muscles hurting from the days events as he slowly made his way back to his dad's crumbling excuse of an apartment.

Shivering, he unsuccessfully uses his arms and wings to try and warm himself up.

'I'm so hungry...' he looks around the street for any people that may be willing to give him some food, only to find a few shady people walking about and decides against it instead keeping his head down and continues walking.

He listens to sirens fading into the noise of car horns as the city noises try to suffocate him, he hears a few people yelling outside of a bar that seems to have just closed, blocking out the noise he giving it little mind as he continues his walk.

*his stomach growls*

he shivers slightly with a humerless huff. 'Maybe dad left some food for me today?...'

With that thought, he picks up his pace only to stop a few paces later, at the mouth of an alleyway.

He sees a flash of red, catching his attention, and he looks into the ally.

in the dim light, he makes out a man crouched on the ground. He briefly looks to the red and back to the man. 'Is he hurt?' he squints his eyes to try and get a better look, but his eyes struggle to make anytime out in the dim light. He shivers as an icy cold breeze shifts through his feathers.

he takes one last look around before - for some unknown reason, curiosity perhaps - he enters the alleyway.

As he gets closer and his eyes adjust to the dark, he looks to the man, now noticing that there is another figure in front of him.

"e-excuse me? A-are they ok?" He asks sheepishly.

then smell of iron hits him, that's when he spots it, the red he seen before, little droplets of blood littering the while snow, his eyes widen and takes a step back, eyes rapidly looking at the two figures as he realizes what's going on.

*his stomach growls*

He silently curses himself for wanting food in a moment like this.

The man stands and turns towards him, that's when keigo gets a proper look at the other figure only to find a bloodied mess of a body, he sucks in a sharp breath before looking back to the man with wide eyes he sees the man has a dog like snout and sharp teeth covered in crimson, a crazed look in his eyes as he wipes some stray blood from his muzzle he takes a intimidating step towards Keigo.

Keigo takes a step back, trembling from something other than the cold. As he realized exactly what he's just walked in on, he tried to figure out how to escape, he looks over to the Ally entrance.

*his stomach growls*

the man's dog like ears twitch in his direction at the sound, and his demeanour seems to shift as if he just figured something out, he speaks in a surprisingly soft, almost kind voice "Hey there, kid." With a small bloody smile, he continues, "You hungry?" He says with a look of curiosity as he takes in the kids' tattered and too big clothes.

Keigo looks back to the man, taking another slight step back, briefly looking towards the entrance to the Ally again before looking back. He stears at the... what he now knows is a corpse on the ground.

"i-i..." he looks back up to the man with frightened eyes. "w-what did you do?" The man simply smiles.

"He was being a nuisance, and I was getting hungry," he answers rather simply in an almost bored tone and a slight shrug before beckoning for the kid to come over.

Keigo didn't know what possessed him to go over to the man or why his fear didn't make him run when he had a chance, maybe a quirk? Kaigo didn't know, but he went over to him regardless.

*his stomach growls*

The man places a hand on his shoulder making him tense under his hand, he watches emusement quickly fade from the man's face before being replaced by something that looks like concern before it fades completely and the man hums, tilting his head slightly before crouching on the ground behind Keigo looking at his meal.

"If you're hungry..." he smiles very slightly and waits for the kid to look at him. When he does, he simply gestures towards the body.

Keigo visibility tenses at the idea, but he can't help the saliva that forms in his mouth as the intoxicating smell of iron hits him stronger than ever. he attempts to take a step back, but the mans hand on his shoulder holds him in place.

"i-i can't do that... t-that's bad, " he says in a surprisingly childlike manner and a timid voice, as he continues to tremble from the cold or possibly fear? he looks at the body,

Keigo attempts to turn again only for the clawed like hand to aggressively push him down onto the snow on his knees in front of the corpse, making his breath stutter as the smell of iron gets impossibly stronger.

The man doesn't take his hand off his sholder as he watches the boy for a moment "look kid, I don't share my food often, you should take it while the offers still available" he slightly releasing his grip on his shoulder, he looks to the boys teriffied yet serious face and realists he was seriously considering it, he had to told back a chuckle "I won't tell if you don't?" He releases his hand on the boys shoulder completely.

Allowing the boy to relax and release a shaky breath, he immediately turned to look at him with wide eyes as he processed his words,

for a tense few seconds, he considers the man's words. He takes in a shaky breath, practically tasting the iron on his tongue. he closes his eyes and wraps his arms around himself.

"... r-really?..." he mumbles slightly.

The man's smile widened before placing a hand back on the boys shoulder, who tensed under the touch before he took in another breath of iron and seemed to relax again. "Of course! You can trust me."

*his stomach growls*

Keigo nods slightly as he looks back to the body, not really processing what he's doing he hesitantly shuffles in the snow a little closer to the body as the man stands and walks a few paces away.

he looks back towards the man who simply smiles slightly with a simple nod, Keigo looks back towards the body and sheepishly with shaky hands he picks up a bit of loose bloodied flesh that was lying in the snow a little distance from the body, briefly surprised that it was warm to the touch.

He considers it for a long moment debated to himself if he should just run. He looks back towards he ally entrance. He already knows his father is going to kill him for sneaking out...

'I should just leave before I get in more trouble...' he goes to stand, but before he can even get his knees off the snow, the intoxicating smell hits him again, and he looks back down to the flesh in his hand.

he grits his teeth before shakily bringing it to his mouth, hesitating for a moment before opening his mouth.

He wants to gag as the texture hits his tongue, he chews a few times slightly discussed with himself as he finds something strangely familiar about the texture.

Just as he's about to think on it more the crimson liquid hits the back of his throat.

He subconsciously makes a slight cooing, bird like noise as he swallows the liquid, still chowing on the meat he relaxes slightly.

He swallows the meat as he takes a moment to focus on his breathing, still feeling slightly disgusted but also wanting to pick up another bit he hesitantly looks to the corpse once again.

'that... actually, it wasn't that bad...'

He looks over to the man who seems to be doing something on his phone, Keigo looks back to the body, he shakily desides to have another as he brings another chunk to his mouth, less hesitant this time as he starts to chow.

His feathers rustling happily behind him as he does so.


As time goes on, the more he starts to enjoy the meat, the less he starts seeing it as a corpse.

His eyes sharpen and he brings a shaky bloodied hand to his mouth 'its good, REALLY good' his stomach growls almost begging for more, he removes his hand from his mouth and shakily places it on the bloody corpse.

Struggling a bit before breaking a chunk off and bringing it to his mouth, the surprisingly warm liquid dances around his mouth before he swallows.

He pants slightly, the cold long forgotten as the iron smell fills his lungs, making him feel a bit dizzy, an animalistic need to feed temporality takes over and he brings his head down to his meal.

He starts to take greedy bites, his stomach growls happily at him, begging for more, and Keigo obliges his wings rustling happily behind him as he does so.

The man looks away from his phone and takes a quick glance at the kid before looking back to his phon-

doing a double take and looking back to the kid, he watches in morbid curiosity as the timid boy brings his head down to his meal and starts taking greedy bites of flesh from his food, a part of him wants to get the bird away from his food but with a low growl he decides to leave the kid be and let him eat for now as he goes back to his phone.


He can't help the slight smile that forms on his face after a few minutes of watching the boy before he soon gets bored and decides to walk up to the kid, he kneels down next to him.

"Well done, kid! So" he waits a moment for the kid to lift his head and stop chewing, "so...how was it?"

As the kid looks to him with sharp animalistic eyes, something dangerous flashes in them for a short moment before it soon disappear, he can't help the smile that takes place on his face.

Keigo looks to the smiling man as he swallows the last remaining blood from his mouth he tilts his head slightly and uses the back of his hand to wipe at his mouth, only succeeding in getting more blood on himself "good, it was really good!"

He says in an almost carefree manner before looking back to the corpse,

his smile quickly fading, his eyes widen as reality seems to catch up with him.

And the realisation hits him all to fast 'I!' "...No way!"

'I just ate a person!?!' His breathing speeds up as he stumbles away from the body looking down to his bloodied hands and clothes before looking to the corpse then his hands again, he falls slightly into the thick snow, bringing a hand to his mouth to try and stop him being sick, the man puts a hand on his shoulder to once again get his attention.

He stares into his paniced eyes. "Hey kid, don't worry," he says with a sickeningly sweet voice that doesn't match the smile on his face.

"I won't tell if you dont"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Speedy_Servelcreators' thoughts