
Can True Love be Found from Online Dating?

True love...could it be possible in online dating? In the world today, we are surrounded by many people who are either just pretending to be good or with wrong motives. It's hard to really pinpoint who are the pretending to be good, the bad, pretending to be bad, and the genuinely good people. How can you possibly find your true love in online dating, when it's even harder in her real world she's in? That's the delimma our MC is experiencing in her life while she's even being pressured of when would she get married when she's already in her 30's... She couldn't help but doubt herself of finding her true love online... Finally, Karl decided to pop up the question to Mj. Karl's facial expression became serious all of a sudden. "Mj, I love you so much and I can't continue to live a life without you. Will you marry me?" Mj was in a great shock. Wait...What did he say? Her heart skip a beat. How is this possible online? Questions bombarded quickly in her mind. What will she answer then? "Mj?" She snapped out of a daze when she heard him calling her name. "Will you marry me?" "Yes!...But how? We are thousands of miles apart, Karl, you know that!" "I'll come there to your country to marry you! But I'll have to save up yet for maybe 2 years so I can come there." "Promise?" "Promise!" "You will have to promise me that you will wait for me until I come there." "I promise, I will wait for you Karl, because I love you very much too!" As we unfold her story and her struggles she's experiencing in between, will she be able to really find her true love? we shall find out... This is my original story and not translated. this book cover is all credits to valeriex thank you!

marjzach2012 · Général
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Being Married

Being married to the man you don't really love is not that easy. It's like, eating a food you don't really like to eat, just for the sake of putting some food in your stomach. It's like, waking up in the morning and you see a ghost sleeping beside you, but you have to stay calm. It's like, you are being push to do things even if you are not really willing to. It's like, a battle where you are not that trained, but you have to face it and fight. For Mj, it's all like that.

In everyday that she would wake up, she would have to force and condition her mindset, that she's doing all this so Karl can live. She would have to take care of Kevin, her now husband , as a good wife can be, so she can also take care of Karl.

"Mj, you dont have to do extra care for me, that you have to wake up every now and then for my medicines to take. You can put the medicines on the bedside table where I can easily reach it, without disrupting your sleep. You needed your sleep too." said Kevin while staring at her and gently touched her head.

"No, I want to do this Kevin, to serve you and be a good wife to you." Mj, while acknowledging his stare and touch.

"Would you like to order some food and have it delivered, so you won't have to cook? Don't tire yourself too much of work, you know. You have to take care of yourself too." Kevin, with a concerned look to her.

Mj, paused for a little bit of quick thinking, then agreed, "Okay, I might consider ordering a pizza.Thanks!" giving him a smile..

After giving Kevin his medicines, she dialed on her phone and ordered pizza. She almost forgot that it's her favorite. Wow! Is she having a minor amnesia too, forgetting her favorites? She sighed and just ordered on the line "1 Pepperoni Large and a 1.5 liter Pepsi...Thank you!"

Soon pizza was delivered, and they both ate while conversing some happy stories to tell...

From time to time Kevin would have pains, and Mj would serve Kevin his pain meds with all enthusiast.

And in the morning in everyday she would also pay a visit to Karl who has not awaken yet.

This has been her routine in everyday. She did not even have time to visit any place in that foreign country of Belgium where she's in.

Her routine has been like this: in the morning she goes to the hospital to visit Karl and then she goes to the Supermarket to buy some groceries and go home at Kevin's house and take care of him. His medicines are regularly delivered to their doorsteps and his doctor is regularly home visiting him, so she won't have to worry about it.

A year have passed and Karl has not awaken yet. While Kevin's condition is getting worst he became weaker more, his hairs have fallen and now he is bald. And yet Mj never failed to attend to both of them...

She served and took care of them both even if she's having lesser time to take care of her own self. She didn't mind at all. All she's thinking was to continue to take good care of the two men she dearly loved.

And she hopes that after all these hardships she had encountered, she would be able to reap and gain what her truly heart's desire. And that is, one day, Karl would be awaken. That someday, their love for each other would continue by then.

She didn't know how would it be, but she's got the feeling of it will gonna happen sooner or later. She has to trust her instincts. She has to trust God. For God will make a way. She has to trust her faith. She has to believe it fully in her heart. That after the rain, there comes the rainbow. She has to believe it all and hope for the best.

At this thought, she couldn't help but sing the song "When You Believe" by Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston...

"Many nights we prayed

With no proof anyone could hear

In our hearts a hope for a song

We barely understood

Now we are not afraid

Although we know there's much to fear

We were moving mountains

Long before we knew we could, whoa, yes

There can be miracles

When you believe

Though hope is frail

Its hard to kill

Who knows what miracles

You can achieve

When you believe somehow you will

You will when you believe


In this time of fear

When prayer so often proves in vain

Hope seems like the summer bird

Too swiftly flown away

Yet now I'm standing here

My hearts so full, I can't explain

Seeking faith and speakin' words

I never thought I'd say

There can be miracles

When you believe (When you believe)

Though hope is frail

Its hard to kill (Mmm)

Who knows what miracles

You can achieve (You can achieve)

When you believe somehow you will

You will when you believe



They don't always happen when you ask

And its easy to give in to your fears

But when you're blinded by your pain

Can't see the way, get through the rain

A small but still, resilient voice

Says hope is very near, oh (Oh)

There can be miracles (Miracles)

When you believe (Boy, when you believe, yeah) (Though hope is frail)

Though hope is frail (Its hard)

Its hard to kill (Hard to kill, oh, yeah)

Who knows what miracles

You can achieve (You can achieve, oh)

When you believe somehow you will (Somehow, somehow, somehow)

Somehow you will (I know, I know, know)

You will when you believe (When you)

(Oh oh)"

Hearing Mj's singing the song, Kevin, whose eyes were half closed, released a slight smile in his face. For he felt smoothly calm upon hearing her nice voice...

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