
Caged By Kaylauna

Mizulopia is a peaceful town were everyone gets along. Later, horrible news passes the Kingdom of the King passing away. Due to the Prince being too young to take the throne, his Uncle takes his place. However, the peace the Kingdom once knew is gone. Peasants were turned into slaves and men ruled the Kingdom with an iron fist. Years pass and the peasants hope and pray that the Prince will soon take the throne and all would go back to normal. However, things don't go as planned. The Prince refuses to marry any Princess or Noble that is brought to him. He starts requesting for peasant women to come to the Castle. Jaysa being one of them. Jaysa not sure what the Prince is thinking. She wants peace as well, but did she want to be one of the many that would be picked to become Queen. (TRIGGER WARNING this does contain rape. It's used for power, not romanticized. If this type of thing bothers anyone. This story may not be for you. Everyone else. I really hope you enjoy)

Yaoigirl05 · Histoire
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176 Chs

Chapter 148

"Danzel." Jaysa spoke a bit irritated. She was trying to help Madison with the dress. Danzel was holding onto her. His arms were wrapped around her waist. So it was hard to maneuver around the table.

"What's wrong?" Danzel questioned innocently.

"You keep grabbing me. I can't help Madison when you keep doing that." Danzel frowned and let go of Jaysa. He couldn't help but be completely attached to here since the doctor showed up a couple of weeks ago.

Danzel stood on the other side of the door. He was waiting for the news from the doctor. The weeks Danzel waited to hear from the doctor felt like a lifetime to the man. Jaysa had begun getting sick throughout the day, and not just from certain smells. Danzel couldn't help but feel joy. Jaysa would yell at him for the smile on his face as she puked her guts out. He explained to her more than once that it was because he knew she held a child. Jaysa agreed inside her mead, but never spoke out to it.

The doctor walked out of the room and Danzel looked up at the doctor. The man nodded. A smile spread across the man's face. He jumped with joy. He grabbed the man's hand thinking him.

"It's no problem. Just make sure that she eats properly and takes care of herself." The older man spoke.

"Don't worry. I will keep my eyes on her." Danzel let go of the man's hand and dashed into the room. Jaysa was putting her dress on as her husband grabbed her in a hug from behind.

"What the hell is wrong with you." Jaysa snapped. Danzel ignored her outburst.

"We will have a child." Danzel let go of his wife and looked up at her. Jaysa cocked her head to look at her husband. She saw the glow on her husband. "I want everything to go right this time." Jaysa nodded. She turned around to look at her husband. She hugged her husband.

"I agree with you. This child will be our new chapter to our life." Jaysa smiled at the man.

Jaysa understood that he wanted to keep her stress free. Yet, with him constantly around her since he found out. He wouldn't leave her alone. It was getting on her nerves. She needed to have her time away from her husband. Even if she said something, he would just comment against it. So, she tried to deal with it. Madison laughed at the couple. Jaysa glared at the young girl who only giggled some more.

"Madison is even laughing at the way you are so attached to me. I will make sure that I eat properly. So I don't you near me all the time." Jaysa retorted to her husband.

"I just want to keep you safe?"

"From what? The books that are in here? The needles when sewing the dress?" Jaysa questioned. "I am fine. I will make sure that the same thing that happened before will not happen again. So don't worry so much."

"But I do worry." Danzel replied. Jaysa sighed.

"Please. Leave me alone for a while. I just want to help Madison with this dress and I don't want to have you breathing down my neck or hanging all over me. So please. Go find Joseph and see what else you can do with the Kingdom. I know that you have just finished the expanding of the Kingdom not too long ago. Go make sure that everything is running smoothly."

"I have my guards report to if someone is unpleased by the changes." Danzel explained.

"Then go find Joseph. Go talk to him. Leave me alone for a while."

"Are you saying that you don't want to be around me?" Danzel questioned. His was in a low almost pouting voice. Jaysa lost count of how many times she let out a sigh.

"You know that's not true. How would you feel if I was all over you constantly and in your business all the time?" Danzel thought for a moment. He smiled at Jaysa as he spoke.

"I would actually enjoy that."

"Of course you would." Jaysa rolled her eyes. Looking back at her husband, she again told him to please leave. He was hesitant for a while. He didn't want to leave her side.

"Your majesty." Joseph walked into the library. "I have been looking everywhere for you." Jaysa smiled. She was so excited to see the Priest.

"Hello Joseph." Jaysa spoke with a glee.

"Hello, my Queen. Are you doing well?"

"I will be soon." Joseph tilt his head to the side.

"Why would that be?" The smile on Jaysa's face never left as she spoke.

"I would like you to take this idiot with you. He is a bother and won't leave me alone."

"Hey! Who are you calling an idiot?" Danzel voice was in a low growl.

"Who do you think?"

"Me?" Danzel pointed at himself. "I'm not an idiot." Danzel's yelled.

"You're an idiot that think I can't do anything by myself." Jaysa yelled back. "I want you to leave me alone. At least for a while." Danzel frowned. Jaysa grabbed her husband's head and pulled him into a kiss. "Be a good boy, and I'll give you something special tonight. Okay." Danzel grinned.

"Joseph." Danzel turned to look at Joseph.

"Yes, Sire." Joseph responded.