
Caged By Kaylauna

Mizulopia is a peaceful town were everyone gets along. Later, horrible news passes the Kingdom of the King passing away. Due to the Prince being too young to take the throne, his Uncle takes his place. However, the peace the Kingdom once knew is gone. Peasants were turned into slaves and men ruled the Kingdom with an iron fist. Years pass and the peasants hope and pray that the Prince will soon take the throne and all would go back to normal. However, things don't go as planned. The Prince refuses to marry any Princess or Noble that is brought to him. He starts requesting for peasant women to come to the Castle. Jaysa being one of them. Jaysa not sure what the Prince is thinking. She wants peace as well, but did she want to be one of the many that would be picked to become Queen. (TRIGGER WARNING this does contain rape. It's used for power, not romanticized. If this type of thing bothers anyone. This story may not be for you. Everyone else. I really hope you enjoy)

Yaoigirl05 · History
Not enough ratings
176 Chs

Chapter 147

Danzel and Jaysa were met with the royal doctor. He ushered them inside. Danzel laid Jaysa onto the bed.

"Can you please remove your dress?" Jaysa sat at the edge of the bed and reached for the back. Danzel grabbed her hand and shook his head. She sighed and aloud her husband to help her out of the dress. She wore a silky underdress still.

"Does this need to be removed as well?" Danzel questioned.

"No, that's fine." The doctor had Danzel move to the other side of the room. The man wanted Danzel completely out, but the young man didn't want to leave his wife's side. So the old man told him to stay over by the door while he examined his wife. The man pulled out his stethoscope and checked Jaysa's breathing. He also checked her heart beating inside her chest. "So what where you doing when you got sick."

"I was at the party." Jaysa replied.

"And were you eating at the time." The doctor asked.

"No. Some man burped into my face." The doctor paused and raised an eyebrow. "The smell made me nauseous." The doctor put his stethoscope back into his black bag. Jaysa didn't even realize that he had that with him. He held her wrists and started counting and then let go of it.

"When was your last menstrual cycle?" Jaysa thought for a moment.

"I haven't had if this month. I'm actually late. But since my miscarriage. I haven't been on a steady cycle for a while." The doctor nodded and got up from his chair. He walked over to Danzel. Danzel was leaning on the door. He pushed himself off of it and walked over to the doctor when he noticed him heading his way.

"So, is she okay?" The doctor nodded. "Thank god! So it's not something serious."

"Well, that depends on what your definition of serious is." Danzel's face turned sour. "The majesty may be pregnant due to becoming sick. I'm not saying for sure. She did say missed, or rather, her menstrual cycle is late." Danzel's face started to glow. "So, I can't say if it's true or not. I can check on her in a couple of weeks and we will know for sure." Danzel couldn't help but keep from smiling.

"There is a possibility that she is…." The doctor nodded.

"I will get in touch with you in the next couple of weeks. Then we can check for sure." Danzel nodded and let the doctor out of the room.

Danzel walked over to Jaysa and sat on the bed next to her.

"Do you feel better?" Danzel questioned. Jaysa nodded. A knock came from the door and Danzel yelled for them to enter. A maid walked in with a glass of water. She made her way over to the bed and handed Jaysa the glass.

"Here your Majesty. Drink this." Grabbed the drink and started gulping down the liquid. It soothed her throat as it went down. "If you need anything else. Just asked." Jaysa nodded. The maid made her way out of the room. She stopped for a moment and looked Joseph. He smiled at her and the maid left the room. Danzel saw the older man and looked back at Jaysa. He kissed her on the head as she held the cup in her hands. She was staring at the liquid.

"I'll be right back." Jaysa nodded. Danzel walked over to the older man. He ushered him out of the room. Closing the door, Danzel took in a sigh.

"Is her Majesty okay?" Joseph questioned due to the reaction of his King. Danzel looked at the man and couldn't help but smile.

"The doctor said that she me be pregnant." Joseph's eye widened in surprise and then joy.

"Are you serious. Her Majesty is with child?" Joseph asked

"Well, he said he was unsure. But due to her being late on her menstrual cycle and getting nauseous. He said those where things that point to pregnant."

"Well, if you find she is pregnant. I want to be the first to congratulate you." Joseph smiled in excitement.

"Thank you." Danzel turned to look at the door. "This time. If she is pregnant. I will make sure that she is tress free and healthy. Her and the baby." The older man nodded.

Jaysa stated at the cup she was holding. She was still feeling nauseous, but nothing was coming up. She couldn't believe that she had gotten sick. The question that the doctor was asking made her wonder if it could be true. He never said it out loud. Jaysa didn't have to hear it. She had gone through this before. She touched her lower abdomen. Jaysa glanced towards the door.

I bet that doctor had told Danzel what he thought. If she was truly pregnant, she knew that it would bring joy to Danzel. She wanted to make it right this time. She wanted to bring hoy to not only her husband, but herself and the child goring inside her. Jaysa couldn't help but smile. This was the true start to her life with Danzel.

After the party, there was talk in the town about what had happened to the young Queen Many sent their prayers hoping the young Queen would pass over the small sickness she had. Others hoped that it was not something serious.

Since the doctor left. Danzel stayed by Jaysa's side. He would only leave her side when it was something important that he couldn't ignore. When the man was with her. She could tell how excited he was. She would catch him looking down at her stomach and smile. Or he would place his hands on her stomach when randomly hold her from behind.