
Chapter Two

Katsuki and Kirishima hung back against the gym's walls as you and Mina pointed around the room planning out how the party set up would go. Katsuki lazily popped more of his mellicuclus reaper popping candy into his mouth.

"Man, how can you eat that stuff?" Kirishima crinkled his nose hearing the spicy candy popping against his tongue.

"It's good." Katsuki held out his hand. "You want to try it?"

"I already have-!" Kirishima jumps back. "-I couldn't taste salt for a week after!" Katsuki smirked rolling his eyes, turning his gaze back to you and Mina.

'Buzzzz....' Katsuki furrowed his brows looking around. '...buzzz....'

The scarlet eyed hero reached down, rummaging through your hoodie which was his, he found your cellphone vibrating. Katsuki frowned reading Sevda's name.

"That's like the fourth time she has called." Kirishima muttered.

"Yeah." Katsuki hummed, declining the call with a sigh.

"How's uh-" Kirishima scratched his chin, "-how's it going with those two?"

"What do you mean?" Katsuki asked, watching your phone light up with another phone call from Sevda.

"I just mean..." Kirishima picked his words carefully. "-it seems that (y/n) and that Sevda girl has gotten pretty close over these past few weeks."

"I don't know." Katsuki sighs running a hand through his hair. "It seems that little book worm is always around."

"I am sure she isn't-"

"Always." Katsuki pressed. "She is glued to (y/n) from the moment we wake up until the moment we go to bed."

"I am sure it may seem like that but-"

"Sevda showed up on our last date." Katsuki bit.

"On-On your date-!?" Kirishima whispered looking from you then to him. "-what!?"

"I took (y/n) to Guchokipanya last week-"

"That place is nice-!" Kirishima gasps, "-I have only been there once and it was amazing!"

"Yeah-" Katsuki nodded, "-I thought it would be nice to take (y/n) out, while we were there, take a guess who shows up claiming to just be randomly getting takeout?"

"Your joking!"

"No, then she invites herself to our table and takes over the date."

"Oh my-" Kirishima's mouth hangs open. "-I-I didn't know this! You didn't tell me-"

"You think I am going to willingly admit I got third wheeled by a pencil-pushing nerd from the fucking management course?"

"Yeah, that kinda stings." Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck. "(y/n) hasn't said anything about Sevda being too invasive?"

"I don't think she realizes it."

"How so?"

"(y/n) grew up in a cell-" Katsuki crosses his arms over his broad chest. "-you remember how she was when we first met her, she didn't learn normal social queues growing up like we did. So, when someone who claims to be a friend steps over boundaries, do you think (y/n) will notice it isn't normal?"

"I...I mean I guess not." Kirishima sighs. "Have you talked to her?"

"I tried." Katsuki retorts, "But all (y/n) responds with is Sevda is her friend, and you know how (y/n) is, she will do anything for the people she loves so if this Sevda chick comes crying to her, (y/n) will do anything she can to make her friend feel better."

"Maybe all three of us should sit down with (y/n)-" Kirishima suggests, "-maybe if we all express that this behavior isn't ok, (y/n) will form healthier boundaries with Sevda."

"Maybe." Katsuki sighs. "I just didn't want to do anything to ruin this week for her."

"Yeah." Kirishima nods. "I can understand that this is only (y/n)'s second Halloween."

"She was never able to celebrate them-" Katsuki continues, "-so now that she can, I want her to enjoy them."

"Yeah." Kirishima sighs, "Alright-!" He raises his fist, "-so after the party let's do it, let's sit (y/n) down and have a real conversation with her."

"Alright." Katsuki nods looking to his hand feeling your phone buzzing.

"Again?" Kirishima sighs, "I swear every time I see this girl there is something wrong."

"I wonder what is falling from the sky today." Katsuki muttered, answering the phone pulling it to his ear.

"(y/n)-!" Sevda excitedly calls through the phone. "-what took you so long to-"

"(y/n) is busy." Katsuki cuts in.

"B-Bakugo." Sevda's breath hitches. "Wh-Where i-is-"

"We are at the gym right now-" Katsuki makes eye contact with Kirishima. "-(y/n) is helping plan out the party."

"O-Oh." Sevda looks out the window of the bus her class was traveling in, her shoulders relaxed feeling happy she wasn't missing out on anything to fun with you. "When she done wi-will you have her call me?"

"Yep." Katsuki rolls his eyes, quickly ending the call slipping the phone in his pocket.

"What did she say?"

"Wants to talk to (y/n)." Katsuki kicks himself off the wall, he made his way over to where you stood with Mina talking about music options.

"Why am I not surprised?" Kirishima mutters to himself following Katsuki.

After leaving the gym the four headed to the shopping center where Mina and you laughed, forcing Katsuki and Kirishima to try on different costumes before stopping in a café for drinks and snacks. Mina hugged the plastic shopping bag holding Kirishima's hand excited to participate in a couples costume this year as your group headed back to the U.A. dorms.


"You want me to what-!?" Jiro choked on her drink, leaning forward as the liquid dripped down her chin.

"We want you to DJ-!" Mina laughs, "-but not the whole night obviously, you can make a playlist or whatever it's called to play while you enjoy the party!"

"I-I can't-"

"You have sung in front of the entire school-" Momo informs, "-what's the issue with this-?" The class continued to hype up Jiro so she would agree to DJ the party, the conversation came to a halt when the front door just opened.

For a split moment everyone looked around at each other, knowing everyone who lived in this dorm was already home.

Kirishima, Katsuki, Shoto and Midoriya instantly stood before the door could even finish opening, they were ready.

"Ugh-!" Kaminari let out a tight breath as the four men relaxed as Sevda looked around the room.

"Who left the door unlocked again?" Momo went to lecture.

"Screw that-" Kaminari replied, "-people think they can just walk into our place?"

"Um..." Sevda nervously fidgeted with her fingers. "...(y-y/n) said I could-" Mina's gaze fell to her side, where your phone lay abandoned by you who had left to take a shower.

"It's fine-" Kirishima went to calm everyone, "-you just startled us is all."

"I-I'm sorry." Sevda apologized coming into the living room, removing her jacket and hat. "I didn't mean to-"

"What is going on with your head-!?" Kaminari busted out laughing, pointing to Sevda's tousled hair. "-you-you look like one of those Mome Raths from Alice in Wonderland-!"

"Kami-!" Jiro bit, kicking his leg with her foot trying to shut him up.

"I-I am just going to wait for (y/n) in her room." Sevda quickly crossed the living area as she hurriedly tried to comb her hair with her chilled fingers.

"Kaminari that was so mean!" Momo swiveled towards the blond who remained on the floor.

"Oh, come on-" Kaminari rolled his eyes. "-you know that was funny, and you guys say way worse things to me!"

"Yeah, but you can handle it-!" Jiro waves, "-Sevda is a little...sensitive."

"All she needs is a really long pair of pants-" Kaminari ignores Jiro, "-and she has her Halloween costume down pat-"

"Kaminari-!" The girls snapped.

"What!?" Kaminari laughed rolling onto his back. "I'm funny-!"

Upstairs Sevda closed your door, wiping the stray tear gliding down her cheek as she gazed around the empty room. Taking a deep breath, a wave of comfort washes over her body, easing her ridged muscles. Plopping down her bag on the floor Sevda takes this moment to study your room.

She walks to the dresser, running her fingers over the neatly placed picture frames. She examines these special moments captured in a frame. Your smiling face as you stood beside Katsuki, his arm around your shoulders. Sevda turns to the next frame of you and Mina on a beach, Kirishima beside her in a frozen laugh as Katsuki appeared annoyed. Sevda picked up the picture of you and Shiro, both dressed in your bullet uniform.

Gently setting it down her fingers glide over the dresser until she stumbles upon your chain necklace. She picks it up studying the two dog tags, slowly she turns to the floor length mirror, steps into it as she slides the necklace over her head.

She watches the tags fall chest length, she fiddled with the tags recalling all the times she hung out with you, in every memory she can remember you wore this, either in sight or tucked away into your shirt.

The door swings open causing Sevda to jump, ripping the necklace off she spins around as you enter, wearing shorts and one of Katsuki's shirts. The surprised expression on your face told Sevda everything she needed to know.

"Hey (y/n)!"

"Sevda?" You repeat her name, discarding your dirty clothes in the laundry bin, with your back turn Sevda takes this moment to replace your necklace on the dresser. "What are you doing here?"

"I-I just thought that we could talk."

"About what?" You wonder while taking a seat at the foot of the bed.

"Well-" Sevda grinned, "-as you know I am not with Mikami anymore-"

"About time-" You smirked, "-the guy always had to be right, he was a twat."

"-yeah-" Sevda sighed, "-well since I am not with him anymore, I was hoping that you would go with me to get a costume!"

"Yeah sure." You shrug.

"Oh-" Sevda jumped, "-maybe we could even match-!"

"Um-" You picked up your towel, "-Katsuki and I already have costumes."

"You do?" Sevda frowned, playing with the zipper of her jacket.

"Yeah." You nod, "We went today and got-"

"Wait-" Sevda held up her hand. "-I thought you just went to the gym?"

"We did that-" You nod as you began to towel dry your hair. "-then we went shopping-"


"Because Mina wanted to go." You shrugged.

"Of course." Sevda cursed under her breath.

"Are you ok?" You tilt your head, reading the dishelmed expression leaking onto her face. Sevda turned, looking at your dresser.

"Why didn't you invite me to go?"

"Because you were with your class?" You chuckled, "Remember?"

"You could have waited for me to get back."

"Yeah-" You nod, "-Mina just wanted to go, I didn't think much of it. We can go tomorrow and look for something for you-"

"Why do you always wear that braid in your hair?" Sevda said out of the blue, seeing in every picture you wore the same style.

"Huh?" You blinked, "Oh uh..." You scratch your face, "...Tsu taught me it."


"Yeah." You nod, getting up to view the picture of you and her with a smile on your face. "It was when I got my first hero costume at U.A. I had no idea what to do and Tsu was there for me, but both our skills were limited so she taught me the only thing she knew which was from her mom."

"Her mom?"

"Yeah." You grin, "And then after Shooter trapped me on the Seven Bullets...it was something I just kept doing to my hair."


"Because fighting with hair in your face is a bitch-" You joked, "-Tv is a lie. Also, because in some way it made me feel close to her, it kept me sane and at that time...I needed every shred of sanity I could grasp."

"Wow..." Sevda breathes, "...you must be really close to Tsuyu then."

"I have a lot of history with everyone here-" You flashed a smile, "-they're my family."

Sevda nodded gazing at the pictures one more time before scooping up her bag.

"I-I have to go-!"

"Wait what?" You turn. "You just got here?"

"I totally forgot I-I have something to do!"

"What about your costume for the party?" You question. "It's in a few days."

"I'll figure something out!" Sevda waved as she jogged out of your room.

"What just happened?" You question yourself holding a hairbrush.