
Chapter One

Author's Note~

Story takes place third year of college.

All events and relationships are subject to change inside the main story.

Don't get too comfy.




The moan rolling off your tongue was breathy as your face pressed against the pillow, Katsuki gripping a fistful of hair as he hovered over you, sucking and licking the sensitive skin of your neck. Your body felt a wave of heat as you lifted your head, giving him more access.

Katsuki smirked against the fresh mark he left you, his large hand trailed down your exposed stomach, sending shivers crawling over your torso.

"Mm-" You groaned as his fingers teased your panty line, words begging him to touch you played on your tongue as your brain fogged with lust.

'Knock, knock, knock, knock'

The abrasive knocking opened Katsuki's eyes.

"-wha-?" You pulled your head down hearing the noise. Katsuki snapped his attention back to you. Taking both your wrists in his free hand, he pinned them above your head leaving a wet trail of kisses up your neck before locking lips with you, he wanted your focus to be only on him.

'Knock, knock, knock'

"Bakugo-!" The cacophony voice made Katsuki's skin crawl as the banging on the door continued.

"Katsuki-" You breathed, causing the blond to sigh through his nose. He looked over, staring deeply into your eyes, he watched the lustful cloud fade from sight. He leaned down, placing a quick kiss on you before detangling himself from the blankets, leaving the cocoon of warmth he grabbed the discarded gray sweats and shirt.

Katsuki growled, eyes glaring at the locked door as he tucked his boner into his waistband before ripping open the door.

"What!?" He snarled holding his scowl staring down at the choppy haired girl who stood before him. She swallowed the lump in her throat, quickly avoiding his scarlet eyes.

"I-Is (y/n) in here?" Her timid voice caused his muscles to tense.

"Sevda-?" Katsuki shook his head at your new friend, already feeling a headache brewing in the back of his skull. "-what are you-how did you get into our dorms?"

"S-Someone l-let me in." Sevda focused on her feet. "W-Where is (y/n)?"

"She's asleep-" Katsuki replied, scanning her puffy eyes and blotchy skin. "-what's wrong now?"

"I-I just really need t-to talk to her." Sevda sniffs, tears began to drip down her pear-shaped face. Katsuki sighs hearing the sheets behind him moving.

"Sevda?" You walked up behind Katsuki, lightly touching his tense back. "What's going on?"

"Can-Can we talk please?" Sevda's voice cracked as she cupped her face into her hands as a shuffled cry tears through her chest.

"I guess I'll go make breakfast." Katsuki mutters, knowing he wasn't going to get you back into bed. Katsuki kicks on slippers, planting a kiss on the top of your head before leaving the two of you in his room. He made his way downstairs, flipping on the lights as he entered the kitchen.


"Bakugo-?" A chippy voice pulled Katsuki out of his head; the blond craned his neck, Kirishima plopped down on the stool. "-you're up late-?" Kirishima looked at the clock hanging on the wall as the front door opened, Sero walked in holding a package.

"What's that man?" Kirishima pointed.

"A few of our decorations came in!" Sero smiled holding up the box. "We are just waiting for one more."

"Nice!" Kirishima fist bumped him. "This Halloween party is gonna be a banger!"

"Yeah, it is-!" Sero laughed, noticing Katsuki at the stove. "-did (y/n)'s friend find her way to you, ok?" Sero wondered, having almost ran her over when he went to check the mail.

"You're the one who let the pencil pusher in!?" Katsuki snapped around, pointing the spatula accusingly.

"That's not nice man." Kirishima sighed, "You can't call her that simply because she is in the management course."

"The little nerd kept banging on my door-!" Katsuki bit, turning to the sizzling bacon.

"Banging on your-?" Kirishima frowned, chewing over the words. "-O-Oh!" The red head gasped, realizing Katsuki had not woken up late, he was simply interrupted.

"Sevda is always here." Sero agreed with Katsuki, "I think she's in our dorm more than her own ever since she started hanging out with (y/n) a couple weeks ago."

"She's like a hemorrhoid that won't go away." Katsuki muttered under his breath, frustrated he pulled his phone from his pants, shooting a text message letting you know breakfast was done. Katsuki breathed as the two behind him continued to chat so early in the morning about the upcoming Halloween party his class was throwing in a couple days.

Katsuki locked his jaw as he felt his dick twitch, he should be hearing the slapping of his skin against yours right now, not these morons chattering away. He woke up extra early and coaxed you awake so you two would have time alone.

But ever since you and that pencil pusher became friends, Katsuki has been finding it difficult to get you alone. Between school, hero work, family and friends the two of you hadn't have sex in almost two weeks. Katsuki stirs the eggs as he chews over his thoughts. This has been your guy's longest dry spell since the two of you got together.

'Come eat before I come drag you down myself'

He texted you before plating the food as he half listened to his two friends talk about the Halloween party as Kaminari stumbles in still half asleep.

The party had originally been Mina and Ochaco's idea, but Class C3-A quickly jumped on board. For the past three weeks the popular hero group has been planning this event.

"There's extra food if you extra's want it." Katsuki offered popping a piece of bacon in his mouth.

"Really!?" Kirishima perked up at the offer of free food, and Katsuki's food was always the best!

"Yeah-" Katsuki brushed off with a shrug, even though he had purposely made enough food for the entire dorm to have some. "-don't get so excited about it-" Katsuki lectured as you entered the kitchen with a timid Sevda following closely behind you.

"About time." Katsuki comments as you reach his side.

"You just messaged me to come down here." You replied, "I wasn't that long."

"Here." Katsuki hands you your plate. "It's getting cold."

"Now you're being dramatic." You smirked at his annoyed face as he banished you to the couch.

"There's extra if you want some." Katsuki gestures to Sero and Kirishima helping themselves to the food on the stove. Sevda nods, arms tightly secured to her side trying to make herself smaller, taking up less space.

"Th-Thank you." Sevda mutters as Katsuki joins you on the couch.

"Here-!" Kirishima holds out an empty plate for the short haired girl to take, her heart pounded inside her chest as she takes it from the sharp toothed hero, he held a bright smile as he turned scooping up his collection of food, joining his friends in the sitting area of their shared dorm.

Sevda slowly moves to the oven where the pans of food waited. She peeked over her shoulder at you, who sat against the couch laughing at Kirishima who was crying over the loss of his bacon on the floor. Katsuki rested his arm behind you on the back of the couch, balancing his plate on his leg.

"Morning-" Mina yawns, sulking into the room with a sleepy face. Her slippers scraped against the tile.

"Here babe-!" Kirishima held up one of the plates, "-I grabbed you some food!"

"Thank you." Mina grins, taking a seat beside Kirishima. You softly smiled at the new couple. Sevda frowns seeing the pink hair as she moves from the kitchen to the couch.

Katsuki's soft demeanor quickly evaporated, feeling Sevda sit so close her leg was against yours. Katsuki's muscles tensed feeling Sevda brushing against his arm.

"So-!" Kirishima announced voice muffled by the pound of eggs in his mouth. "-where are we having this thing?"

"Yeah-" Kaminari nods with Kirishima, "-where are going to have this party? It's supposed to be in a few days, yet we don't know-" Your eyes burned with sleep as you leaned forward, putting your half-eaten plate down. "-I say we do it right here!"

"You're joking, right?" Mina disagrees, "The last time we had a party here this place got trashed, it took us days to clean!"

You close your eyes as you lean against Katsuki, wrapping an arm around him and resting your head against his chest. Katsuki quickly pulls his arm off the couch, snaking it around your waist to hold you against him. He kisses the top of your head as your friends lightly argue.

"How about outside then-?" Sero points to the double doors, "-the courtyard-?"

"It's supposed to be chilly on Halloween." Kirishima interjects.

"With enough alcohol you won't feel the cold!" Sero jokes causing light laughter. Sevda looks over to you, who appeared to be half asleep.

"What are we talking about?"

The group turns to see their argument had woken up some of their classmates. Ochaco yawns, rubbing her face while taking a seat.

"You guys are loud." Toru hums.

"Sorry-" Kirishima and Sero grin. "-we are trying to figure out where to have this party."

"Why not here?" Jiro questions.

"That's what I said!" Kaminari points, "Thank you!"

"I don't know." Momo crosses her arms. "After the last party we had three broken windows and was in trouble with Mr. Aizawa for weeks."

"Thank you." Mina gestures, "That is what I said."

"How about the gym?" You called out of the blue.

"Huh?" The class turns, you bury your face against Katsuki's chest, loving the warmth he radiated.

"The Gamma Gym-" You repeated never opening your eyes. "-there's more room, and if something gets broken then Cementoss can repair it."

"That is true!" Mina bounced on the couch, "We wouldn't really get into trouble if something happened over there."

"Plus-" Momo rubbed her chin in thought. "-people could use the locker rooms to get ready, and there will be more bathrooms than the ones we have here, people wouldn't have to wait-"

"That settles it-" Kirishima sheepishly grins, "-I'm texting Aizawa for permission!"


"You should add in how it's responsible for us to remain on U.A. grounds-" Jiro points, "-we would be safe at home and not on the streets."

"Yeah-" Sero nodded, "-That's good!"

"Great idea (y/n)." Kaminari praises, all the while Sevda remains glued against the couch, simply looking back and forth between the conversation. "What would we do without you!?"

"Be lost as fuck-" You laughed as everyone gathered around Kirishima pointing to the phone telling what to add into the message.

"-yeah-" Ojiro walks into the dorm just then, phone pressed against his ear. Sato follows Ojiro in closing the door behind them.

"Hey guys-!" Toru brightly greets, "-we figured out where to have the party!"

"Who is he talking to?" Jiro questions Sato.

"One of those students from the management courses." Sero waves, "I forgot his name."

"Geez-" Kaminari sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. "-ever since our classes had to participate in that exercise it's like all the management course kids have attached themselves to us-ow-!" Kaminari protested Momo who elbowed him in the side. Momo gestured with her head over to Sevda who seemed to not notice their blunt words.

"Huh?" Ojiro blinked spotting the guest tucked in your side. "Sevda?" The sound of her name pulled her attention from you. "What are you doing here?"

"-is she over there-!?" A muffled voice howled through the phone. "-let me see-!"

Ojiro flipped his phone around, revealing the steamed classmate of Sevda.

"Sevda what the hell-!?" He shirked; you could see the throbbing vein on the side of his forehead. "-what are you doing there!?"

"What are you talking about?" Sevda huffed.

"We all are supposed to already be on the bus headed over to the city hall for our tour! Get over here now, we have been banging on your locked door thinking you were just asleep!"

"I-I thought that trip wasn't until tomorrow-" Sevda felt her face heat up under the watchful gaze of your classmates.

"We have been talking about this trip for weeks, get here now!" The phone call ended; Ojiro shoved his phone into his pants pocket.

"I-I guess I-I have to go." Sevda muttered; her muddy brown eyes pleased with you to tell her just to stay.

"It'll be fun-" You turn your attention to her, head never leaving Bakugo's chest. "-you'll see." You flash a smile causing Sevda's heart to flutter, she skittered to her feet while muttering a 'thank you' for breakfast as she hastily left the dorm room.

The class's eyes hovered over the closed door for a few moments, Mina exhaled a tight breath she didn't know she was holding, turning to you and feeling her chest loosen.

"So where are we having this thing?" Sato pulled the focus from Sevda's quick exit.

"You'll never guess!" Kaminari popped up from the floor, "Come on, we should go collect everything we have for the party and see what we all have."

"Yeah." Momo agreed, "That is a good idea, Kaminari."

"So, who told you to do that?" Jiro questioned Kaminari as the class files out of the living room.

"While they are doing that-" Mina hops up from Kirishima's side and moves to sit on the cushion beside you. "-we should head out."

"Head out?" You furrowed your brows, eyes closed as Katsuki's heartbeat lulled you back into a slumber.

"Yeah-!" Mina giggled, "-we should scope out the gym to see what we will need and how we want to set everything up."

"We have been inside that gym how many times?" You replied.

"Then we can head out and finish shopping for our costumes!" Mina was giddy, turning to Katsuki and Kirishima who nodded in agreement. The pinkette was thrilled to have some quality time with her best friends.

"Meh." You grunted, turning your head so you couldn't feel her fixated stare. Katsuki rolled his eyes, reaching to the side table placed beside the couch where he picked up the cold cup and shook it.

Katsuki smirked as your eyes instantly opened at the sound. It was like a cat coming when a treat bag was shaken. You looked up at the iced coffee in his hand, slowly you reached for it, but he held it away.

"You have to get up and get dressed."

"No." You whined, hiding your face in his neck.

"Then I guess I'll drink it." Katsuki shrugged; you glared through narrowed eyes watching the straw slide past the pair of lips you never got tired of kissing.

"Rude." You muttered, slowly standing.

Katsuki allowed you to snatch the desired drink from him as you moved in the direction of your room.

"Was that so hard?" Katsuki wondered; you looked over your shoulder shooting him an annoyed look while flipping him the middle finger. Katsuki smirks, flipping you off back.

"You guys have a weird relationship." Kirishima observes.

"Nah-" Mina held a smile watching you walk off to the elevators. "-they have the best relationship."