
Burden of Love

Synopsis It’s a typical story of girl who was damsel in distress due to bulling for her looks and intelligence. He was rich good looking handsome and intelligent playboy student. He was 4 years old than her. He was her knight shining in amour who saved her from getting bullied that was what she believed. Earned her trust and became friends, but he had a motive for it. His scheme was revealed in front of her just before the study vacation. She loved him so it hurt her so much. But she doesn’t confront his motive. She leaves him for good. What was his real motive? Will he get know the real reason for her disappearance? Where did she go? How will she able to start her new life? Will they ever meet again? After 10 long years. But everything is changed. She is not damsel in distress anymore owns an investment company and chain of restaurants. Happily engaged to her good best friend. He was not happy sunny play boy anymore. His fiancé cheated on him with his friend and left with his money. He is heartbroken and his company is in big trouble. Badly need an investor to save the company which is a legacy of three generations. Through a long last friend he gets to know about the company who is looking for investments in his town. What will happen now? What will be her reaction after seeing him? Does she still has feelings for him, will it affect her engagement? Does he still remember and recognize her? What will his reaction after seeing her? This is story of Arthi and Atharv. Story about friendship, trust, love, misunderstanding, betrayal and self-respect. Let`s see what their future hold for them.

Nayana_Vishu · Sports, voyage et activités
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47 Chs



Once Pradeep leaves the brother and sister dual on there own who were immersed in their thoughts. Atharv's driver arrived there and called them, which bought the siblings dual out of their thoughts. Both climbs and sits in the back seat of the car.

Atharv and Divya were silent all along and doesn't talk to each other. Both were so much immressed in their own thoughts, were looking through the window and stare outside blankly.

They didn't even notice when and how they reached the Rai villa. After driver calls them out they come out from their own thoughts and enter the house. Without talking to each other they go to their respective rooms.

Seating on her Divya remembers what Arthi said to her in the party and thinks about it...

Why does she wants to meet me?

Why she wants to talk to me?

Doesn't she hates me?

Should I meet her?

What does she wants to talk about Pradeep?

She doesn't needs to clarify me anything?

What should I do?

Should I tell about this to brother?

Ask his opinion about it, no bro is very busy I can`t disturb him more.

There were many questions going on Divya's mind about meeting Arthi. At last varying the pros and cons she decides to meet Arthi on Monday for lunch.

While thinking about it she remembers how everything and everyone changed around her. She finally understood how people around can be materialistic when Rai group was in trouble. All so called friends who used be around her started to avoid her.

Her brother was busy in a handling the mess created by his best friend and fiancé. She felt lonely and no one to talk to even Maya who always acted like a sworn sister started to avoid her calls and after sometime when Divya couldn't get through her number.

So Divya decided to visit Maya at Dixit mansion, one day she went to meet her. When Divya asked a servant about Maya, she lied to her that Maya was not there. Since Maya had instructed them to lie Divya about her going out of station to do some modelling work.

But the next moment another servant came with a tray which had 5 juice glasses and asked the servant who lied to Divya to give juice to Maya and her friends.

That day Divya finally understood that Maya doesn't want to meet her and she even blocked her number so only she couldn't reach her. Divya didn't say anything to the servant, she just smiled to her. Divya's smile was filled with bitter sadness, she just left the house with tears that where threatening to fall any moment.

As she reached out of the house, she saw Pradeep parking his bike and was busy talking to someone through his Bluetooth. Without even thinking twice she just rushed towards him hugged and started to cry in his arms.

Pradeep who still talking on the phone was shocked seeing this, he just said he will call later and disconnected the call. He was trying to release himself from her hold at that time Divya said...

Pradu please let me stay like this for couple minutes.

Hearing this Pradeep felt tuck in his heart, he heard Divya calling him by his nickname after long time. Only his mother and Divya call him by this name, but his mom stopped calling him as he grew up.

Sensing Divya's vulnerability Pradeep stayed silent, let her hug him and started rub her back in order to console her. After sometime she released him from hug and said...

Sorry, I know you don't like to talk to me but thanks for letting me hug you. I just need some comfort.

Pradeep knew how Rai family is going through the crisis so he didn't comment anything just said...

Difficult times only show the real faces of people hope you know it now. Don't worry everything will be alright.

Saying that he patted her shoulder and went inside the house leaving her in shock. Because this was the first time he spoke to her after they stopped talking.

Divya was very happy wanted to say something but she felt her words got stuck in her throats. Before she could muster the courage to talk to him, he already at left her alone.

Divya sighs in her heart remembering all this, getting up from the bed she leaves to washroom to freshen up. After changing herself into comfortable night ware she climbs the bed and tries to sleep tugging herself into the comforter.