
Bungo Stray Dog Fanfic

When Atsushi meets everyone, he meets Hiroshi; he can summon skeletons and the dead to fight and to find out what happened to them so he can talk to the dead creepy. Atsushi doesn't get a good read on him at first due to his job that same day.

RoseMaddox1990 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs

Chapter Three

"Kunikida, how did it go," Dazai asks. "He got a call from an ex and ended up going to meet them instead," Kunikida said. "So sorry, Hiroshi," he thought. "You let him do what," Dazai said and rushed out. Kunikida texted what he said. Hiroshi sighed and screamed into a pillow. "Your cute, Kunikida but fuck why" he texted back. Dazai busted threw the door and rushed up and saw Hiroshi alone. "But Kunikida said," Dazi mumbles. "He only lied because I asked him to," he said. "I couldn't go in to see my mom, and I asked him not to tell you, so he lied," he said.

Dazai sighed and left. Hiroshi curled up in bed, looking at his phone. "I love you, Kunikida," he whispered, not knowing his phone was recording him, and it got sent to Kunikida. Kunikida didn't know what to do with this information, so he saved the file and returned to work. Dazai walks in. "Hiroshi told me he asked you to lie for him," he said to Kunikida. He nods. "Correct, Dazai," he said and was working. Dazai smiles. "Thanks, he is a good kid just needs space," he said. "I am glad you figured that out, Dazai," Kunikida said. He stood up and picked up his book, and walked out. He was weighing the pros and cons of dating Hiroshi. He sighs, seeing the only big negative was Dazai.

He rubs his eyes and sighs. "Dazai won't leave me alone if he finds out," he said. Dazai pops up. "Find out what," he asks. Kunikida looks. "Nothing," he said, shutting his notebook. Dazai took it and ran off and was reading. "You find my son attractive and smart and funny, and he is an amazing cook, and I am the only negative he smokes," Dazai said. Kunikida sighs. "Privet," he said, taking the book. "I have to tell Hiroshi," Dazai said, pulling out his phone. Kunikida takes it. "Don't you dare," he said. Dazai sighs. "Fine," he said. Kunikida walked off Dazai waited and texted Hiroshi. Hiroshi called Dazai. "He said he liked me," he asks. Dazai smiles. "We'll be made a pros and cons list to dating you, but you only had one con, and it was me," he said. "Dazai, you have a huge mouth," Hiroshi said and hung up.

Dazai walked off. The following day Hiroshi was at his desk working on old paperwork. Kunikida was also working. Dazai hated it. "Hey, you two kiss or something," he said. "we don't date Dazai," Hiroshi said and went on a job. Kunikida sighed. "Be safe, and going on a date with you would be nice," Kunikida texted him. Hiroshi smiles. "When I get back, I will take you to dinner and maybe a walk," he sent. Kunikida smiled softly. "Okay, sounds good," he sent. "As I stated, please be safe," he sent again. Hiroshi smiled and was working. He got back safe. Kunikida was happy. He stood up and walked out. Hiroshi followed, bringing the hit. Dazai smiles, seeing it. Hiroshi turned a corner, and Kunikida was gone. Hioshi got pulled into an empty room and pushed against the door. "You are okay," Kunikida said. Hiroshi nods. "Yeah, I am okay. It was an easy job, Kunikida," he said.

Hioshi was taken back when Kunikida kissed him deeply. Hioshi kisses back. Kunikida pulls away. Hioshi looks at him, kisses him deeply, and slides his tongue into Kunikida's mouth. Kunikida was relaxed and wrapped his around Hioshi's waist. Hioshi was very into it and pushed Kenikida against the wall, moved to kiss his neck, ran his hands up his leg, and pulled him closer. Kenikida swallows a moan feeling Hioshi sucking on his collarbone. Hioshi had no cares. Once he got started, nothing would stop him. Hioshi bent down and undid Kunikida's pants. "Hioshi, you don't have to," Kunikida said.

Hioshi "I know, but I want to," he said. Hioshi slowly takes Kunikida into his mouth. Kunikida didn't have anything to hold on to. He swallowed hard. One of his hands was on Hioshi's head; Hioshi smiled, feeling it, and started to speed up. Kunikida heard footsteps and covered his mouth. Hioshi had him tightly against the door. Kenji was looking for them. "Hey Hioshi, you have a job, and Kunikida, your two-clock appointment is here," he called. Kunikida looked at his watch. He hated being late. He pushed down on Hioshi's head and swallowed hard as he came. Hioshi smiles and swallows Kunikida, fixes himself, and rushes out. Hioshi smirks and walks out a few minutes after him. Dazai high five Hoshi as they left.