
Buddyfight Ace, Path To Liberation

In An Alternate Timeline, A 15 year old buddyfighter has been suffering from alot of neglection, mistreatment, trauma and betrayal. He had enough. He decides to change his destiny by setting himself free once and for all. A few of his Brothers had decided to join him, along with his Buddy Monster. Henceforth it has begun. The Greatest....."PATH TO LIBERATION".

FanaticWriter · Anime et bandes dessinées
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37 Chs

Path To Liberation, True Persona (Chap 1)

Synopsis: Tired of being a menace to those he know, Hou Ren decides to end his horrible fate. He'll start by.....

A dreadful flashback was shown, revealing every horrible pain the young leader has to go through. Parents scolding him non stop, proclaiming him a liar, an idiot. His father does not recognize him as his own son. His mother scolded him for giving her stress. No matter how hard the son pleaded to talk, the parents refuse to listen.

Hou Ren's Mother: You always know how to screw things up. Always create stress. When are you going to behave huh?

Hou Ren's Dad: Your Mother is right. Every day you just know how to cause trouble and speak lies. Are you idiot or what? YOU TELL ME WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSSED TO DO WITH YOU?

Hou Ren: But Mom, Dad, I.....

Hou Ren's Dad: Save it. I don't want to hear another word from this idiot. Who is this person, where is my son?

At school, his teachers did the same thing, especially the head of his grade. Proclaiming him a liar and a horrible student. Even though he was literally mistreated, she did not believe him. Even his friends at school did not back him up. Calling him an attention seeker and kept saying he's responsible for something horrible. A joke is what he is to school nowadays.

Ms Pauline: You said that Ms Shafi has been mistreating you and the school hates you and not notice you and everything. How bold and rude you are, Mr Teng Hou Ren. Know how to come up with these excuses don't you. Not to mention your are addicted to your IPAD. Apologize right now or you are suspended for LIFE.

Daryl: Here's the thing Hou Ren. We never see you as a friend nowadays. You're nothing but an attention seeker and a lousy classmate. Don't even pretend that you did not kidnap us at all. You're a joke.

The Young Leader was deeply heartbroken as he was shattered by their words. The flashback ends and shows the present night. At his house, Hou Ren is looking through his bedroom window while feeling stern. Garga then enters his room and the two look at each other eye to eye. The latter moves to his table and pick up his deck.

Hou ren: Don't worry, the world will be a better place soon. I promise.

Anime opening: Usseewa By ADO

The Morning arrived with Hou Ren and Garga arriving at school. Students were walking past them while looking at them with feared looks and disgusts as they enter the school. Its as if the leader is about to drop a bomb.

Hou Ren: Garga, do you remember what you and Lost Ren said about me before this?

Garga: Yes I do. I said your heart is too pure and Lost Ren said you are too blind to see reality.

Hou Ren: And I even pushed you away...I regret it deeply. Today.....This is where I made everything anew. Either that, or we suffer for life.

The Deity of Combat watched him sternly.

Hou Ren: Although, you don't have to tag along.

Garga: Of course I do, where you go, I go as well. We are buddies till the end.

Suddenly, dark flames appear in a form of a small tornado. Lost Ren came of out of it as the flames disappeared.

Lost Ren: The same thing with me and the remaining knights. I can't believe I'm saying this but...(tapped on his brother's left shoulder) We are brothers, and brothers always stick together.

Hearing this, the young leader smiled with confidence. He said these words.

Hou Ren: Very well. "Path to Liberation" Starts Now.

Lost Ren and Garga nod in agreement. The first class starts, Silence fills across the room as Hou Ren is seen taking notes while listening to the lecture. The teacher finds him strange.

Ms Lydia: Uh Hou Ren, what are you doing?

Hou Ren: Taking Notes?

Ms Lydia: Oh....I thought you would usually use your IPAD. Since you're addicted to it and all.

Hearing this, Hou Ren's forehead was dark as night. His expression was very disapproving as a food critic at a restaurant. He then let out a sigh.

Hou Ren: Always like this.....

Ms Lydia: What?

Hou Ren then gets up and leave.

Ms Lydia: Hey wait, where are you going?

Hou Ren: Out.

Daryl was at his table feeling stern after hearing Hou Ren's response. After a while, it's Math class. Hou Ren's once again taking notes while his teacher explains the lesson.

Crystlyn: Now, can anyone tell me how to solve this problem above. How about you, Hou Ren?

Hou Ren: Okay so...

Jasraj: Ms, Don't ask Hou Ren. He's so du.....

Hou Ren: (Interrupts in a dark manner) Back Off.

Jasraj: Say what?

Crystlyn: Hou Ren, that's not nice.

Hou Ren: Do I look like I care? Can I answer or not?

The teacher along with Masato finds him very strange. Recess arrived. Hou Ren & Garga are sitting at a table eating a sandwich.

Garga: The moment of truth is after this. You know what to do.

Hou Ren nods in agreement. Later, Daryl, Masato, Gwen & Natalie arrived while feeling disappointed.

Daryl: Yo Hou, you got a problem or something?

Masato: Yeah like what's wrong with you today?

Hou Ren: Why should I tell you? It's not like we're friends. You said I'm a joke what. Yourself.

Daryl: Well....

Hou Ren: (Stops him with his hand) Save it. Come on Garga.

Garga: Right behind you.

As the two walks past them, everyone stares in disbelief. Ms Pauline walks in front and stop them. Her expression was also disappointing.

Hou Ren: (Annoyed) Now what?

Ms Pauline: Hou Ren, Ms Lydia and Crystlyn told me about your attitude in class. Why are you being like this?

The two stare at her while feeling stern. They close their eyes as they ignore her and move past her.

Ms Pauline: I wasn't finished.

Hou Ren: Why? It's not like you'll listen since I'm a liar to you.

Ms Pauline: What?

Hou Ren: Don't worry, you don't have to deal with my attitude soon enough.

The two walk forward without looking back. Ms Pauline wonders what is he talking about. The moment of truth arrives as Computer science class begins. Everyone is busy working on their assignments, including Hou Ren himself. While doing his homework, Hou Ren's also listening to music just like everyone else. Suddenly, Ms Shafi appears and starts scolding him.

Roofi: Hou Ren what did I say about playing games?

Hou Ren: But Ms I....

Roofi: Don't lie to me, I saw and know you are playing games on your ipad.

Hou Ren: You got it wrong ms, My Ipad is....

Roofi: Hand me your Ipad now, or else I would use force to confiscate it.

Hou Ren's hatred starts to show his eyes felt as sharp as the devil's eye. It was so unclouded as he stands up immediately and bang the table so furiously. Everyone was absolutely shocked.

Hou Ren: ENOUGH, WHY can't you listen to me For Once HUH !?

Darryl: Hou Ren Calm Down, just give Ms your IPAD.

Hou Ren: Shut Up. Ms Shafi, why can't you listen to me for once. Tell me, What am I to you and how I am supposed to make you listen huh!?

Roofi: You want to know so badly. Because you are nothing but a liar. You are a garbage student. You only know how to make excuses that's it. You're a Stupid CLOWN.

Hou Ren: So that's what it's all about. My excuses huh? HEY, Sometimes Liars don't lie too you know.

Masato: Hou Ren Chill.

Hou Ren: I said Shut Up.

Masato was shocked.

Roofi: I don't care, you and your brothers are a bunch of abominations. Your words are nothing but lies. How about you stop making a scene and sit down.

Hou Ren felt furious and then he smirk with confidence. Ms Shafi finds his smile mysterious and terrifying.

Roofi: Why are you smiling?

He looks at the classroom door with confidence.....

Hou Ren: Garga, did we get all that?

Lost Ren and Garga steps in from the door. Garga is currently holding a video camera recording the entire situation.

Garga: Yes I have.

Lost Ren: Caught In 6K.

Everyone but the leader was shocked.

Roofi: What!? You were recording this entire time!?

Hou Ren: That's right. Get exposed, Vixen. No doubt you'll be getting fired Immediately.

Now it's her that's angry. She leaps forward and attempts to snatch the camera from Garga's hands.

Roofi: Give me that Camera Now.

Lost Ren and Garga grabs their swords and point it directly at Ms Shafi and stopping her. Hou Ren even summoned his sword and point it behind her. As the tip of the sword points at her, Ms Shafi then stop the movement at a halt as she watches it in fear.

Lost Ren: NOT One. More. Step. And don't even think about escaping. Check the windows.

Blaze Ren and the remaining knights are outside, even the windows. Armed with their weapons. They look at Ms Shafi sternly. Everyone was terrified once again.

Hou Ren: Oh and about that IPAD. It's right here. (Reveals his Ipad from his bag)

Roofi was shocked and then plead for mercy while also kneeling down.

Roofi: Why you. Please Hou Ren, Don't do this. I need this job and I don't want to be fired.

Masato stepped up too.

Masato: Yes Hou Ren. Please. Don't.

Daryl: You win alright, Just don't send those recordings Please.

Everyone else look at Hou Ren, pleading for forgiveness while the knights are feeling disapproved. Hou Ren was once again having his forehead covered black as night.

Hou Ren: (Sarcastic) Wow, that's how you guys respond? This school really needs help.

Everyone else felt worried.....

Hou Ren: But tell you this. If you can beat me in a buddyfight, We will not send the recording. (In A Menacing Voice) But If I win, we'll do the opposite. Do we have a deal?

Ms Shafi thought for a while, and look up to Hou Ren with desperation.

Roofi: You're on.

Everyone else is shocked.

Hou Ren: (Smirked) Meet me at the stage during lunch break. Don't be late. And I want everyone watching this, and I mean everyone.

Roofi was scared and her forehead is sweating non stop. Feeling nervous no doubt. Later, Lunch Break Arrived. At the buddyfight stage, tons of students and teachers are at the spectator area. Wondering what is going on. Reporters are going wild as they broadcast it live.

Ms Pauline: Why are they fighting? (Annoyed) What did he do this time?

Principal: I don't know but this should be interesting.

Daryl: There's no way Hou Ren is going to win since he lost once. So why?

Everyone else thinking "yep no doubt" while the knights look at them disapprovingly. At Hou Ren's playing area, Lost Ren, Garga and Hou Ren are there discussing about the match.

Lost Ren: You sure this is a good idea? You know you lost once and that new deck of yours hasn't even been tested yet.

Garga: He right. Use caution.

Hou Ren looking down at his deck. He holds it tightly with a fierce grip. His expression becomes more determined like the wrath of the gods are around him.

Hou Ren: This is something I need to settle alone. I'll win this fight. I promise.

Lost Ren looked at him and then turn his head and close his eyes.

Lost Ren: You better be a man of your word.

He then teleports to the spectator section.

Hou Ren: Let's go Garga.

Garga nods. Suddenly out of nowhere, Ion appears as the commentator.....

Ion: Whenever there's a buddyfight, you can find me, Ion Nanana. We have interesting matchup between Hou Ren and Ms Shafi. Now both players, please luminize.

Both Players then began to luminize as their core gadget awoken and the digital playmat was summoned for both sides.

Shafi: Virus spreading all over, never letting go of its target. You shall be infected. Luminize, Virus Insignia.

Hou Ren: A Deity's Dragon Brigade descends. Come on. Witness....Our Path To Freedom. Luminize, Dradeity's....PATH TO LIBERATION.

Ion & Takokichi: And.....Buddyfight.

Shafi & Hou Ren: Raise the flag. (Raise their flags)

Shafi: Star Dragon World. Know this well, I've memorised your deck's playstyle and I will beat you again if I must.

Hou Ren: (Closed his eyes) Yes, that would be true (Eyes Widened) IF MY FLAG ISN'T DRAGON EIN.

The Dragon EIN flag shows up.

Shafi: WHAT.

The entire spectator section and Ion & Takokichi were shocked. Reporters are seen whispering.

Daryl: Dragon Ein!? Thats a rare flag. Like what?

Pauline: HOW. How did Hou Ren get his hands on that flag?

Hou Ren: (Shrugs) I don't like giving away my secrets. But I'll say this once.

Ms Shafi looks worried.

Hou Ren: Ms Shafi, you're about to feel my power at Full Force.

Story Ends with the fighters facing each other.

Anime ending: Horizontal Oath by Cosmic CoaSTAR.


Hou Ren: (Offscreen) The rematch has finally begun. Time to showcase my new powers. Next time, "Fateful Showdown" Join Us For A Buddyfight.