
Buddyfight Ace, Path To Liberation

In An Alternate Timeline, A 15 year old buddyfighter has been suffering from alot of neglection, mistreatment, trauma and betrayal. He had enough. He decides to change his destiny by setting himself free once and for all. A few of his Brothers had decided to join him, along with his Buddy Monster. Henceforth it has begun. The Greatest....."PATH TO LIBERATION".

FanaticWriter · Anime et bandes dessinées
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37 Chs

Path To Liberation, Confessions (Chap 12)

 Synopsis: As the Draknights and S&B decided to celebrate with some fast food, Micah decides to ask Hou Ren for some advice on Buddyfight. While at it.....

In the previous story, Scott cornered his opponent, but the two knights struck back with a strategy of their own and successfully overcome them. After unveiling the truth, Scott felt betrayed by Chris and realized the error of his ways. Now Once Again, CCP are being sent to Prison.

Anime Opening: Usseewa 

At a local fast-food restaurant by a pier, the knights and S&B were about to enjoy some dinner. All of them are being incognito consider that they don't want to be attracted.

All: Cheers. (They then drank some pepsi)

Josiah: Okay Literally today's day was so hectic. Like every day's a new adventure.

Elijah: I know right. Not only we tried out the rides and the amazing food, we even had a lightsaber duel and it was a blast.

Daniel: The best part is that when those bad guys interfere, Hou Ren and Lost Ren stepped up and defeated them.

Judah: I agree. I always wanted to see them in action. My rating for their fight is 10/10. The best buddyfight of the century.

Hou Ren blushed for a moment.

Hou Ren: Hey Cmon, I mean It's just a match.

Trickstar: Don't forget about us too. If we didn't come, you all be fried to bacon.

Magician: True that. (Spots the waitress with their food) Oh our food's here.

The waitress serve them with lots of western food. Everyone glaze all over the food. It looks so delicious as there is Chicken Chop, Fish and Chips, Burgers, Burritos. The colours match well with its taste of sweetness. Lost Ren remains calm.

All: Dig in Everyone.

Everyone enjoys their food. And after a while, everyone is full.

Micah: Man, delicious.

Josiah: (burps) I'm so full.

Hou Ren somehow is in thoughts as his arms clenched together with his elbow are on the table. His emotion is quite stern.

Garga: What's wrong, Hou Ren?

Hou Ren: Nothing. Just a few things on my mind.

Sensei: Like?

Hou Ren: How did Chris escape prison? And.....How did they know we're here?

Shiloh: Yeah that is weird, we didn't post anything at all.

Lost Ren: Ms Shafi.

All: (Surprised) What!?

Sensei Ren: Lost Ren and I ....kinda had a vision.....Ms Shafi is in it and....

Lost Ren: She went to the BP prison and hacked the security systems and broke them out.

S&B: Seriously?

Magician was also feeling disappointed and disapproved.

Magician: I saw it too. In my orb.

Flashback of Lost Ren, Magician Ren and Sensei Ren observing what's what in his orb.

Magician: It was hard to believe the two at first, but when all three of us saw it with our own eyes.....(Flashback End) How could she?

Elijah: Then shouldn't you guys be catching her?

Hou Ren: (A bit sad) No, it's not our concern anymore. Just because we saw it, doesn't mean we have actual evidence.

Sensei: Besides, we swore an oath to never return to Malaysia.

Rockstar: True, we're rejects nowadays. People would rather boo us even when we do something right.

Magician: And the moment we get caught, our life is over.

Elijah: Oh….

Shiloh: But earlier you guys fought...

Hou Ren: We didn't have a choice. No step-in equals to you guys being in harm's way.

Garga: The same thing with that illegal monster the other day.

Agent: Yeah…. but how DID they find us is the question.

Elijah: The news maybe?

Judah: Social media?

Hou Ren: Nah. Our info was shut down. Even our base was shut down.

Judah & Micah were astonished after hearing the word base....

Judah: Woah Woah Woah, You Had A Secret Base?

Micah: For Real?

Sensei Ren: It was shut down you two.

Judah & Micah: (Frown) Aww Man...

Hou Ren: Either way, my vigilante days are over. I just want to live my life without anything holding me back.

Micah: Oh....Anyway, I want to show you something. (Shows his deck)

Hou Ren: Oh you have a deck too?

Micah: Yep. Ancient world.

Hou Ren: I see…..do you want some deck advice?

Micah: Sure.

Hou Ren & Garga have a look at Micah's deck for a while and hands it back to him.

Hou Ren: Hmmm, Your deck is impressive but you might experience low gauge if you use this deck.

Garga: True. Since the monsters require hefty costs, I'm afraid the solution is to add gauge increasing spells. Otherwise, you can't use them.

Josiah: I told you so Micah.

Micah: Aww man....Okay I'll do it. Thanks for the tip.

Hou Ren & Garga: Sure thing. (Fist Bumped)

Shiloh looked at Hou Ren in a cute manner while thinking 'he's so kind, maybe he isn't so bad'.

On Malaysia's Next Day at the BP Police HQ, Hou Ren's Parents are arriving at the Front Hall. Tasuku, Some of Hou Ren's Classmates, Teachers are there.

Hou Ren's Father: What's all this? Ms Pauline?

Pauline: Hello again, Commissioner Tasuku Called us here.

Tasuku: I apologize for calling all of you in so sudden, but we have something to discuss.

Daryl: It's Hou Ren.

Everyone felt a bit guilty and sad. Tasuku decides to comfort them.

Tasuku: I can see all of you carry some guilt, but don't let it overpower you. Right now, we need to focus on getting him back to us.

Hou Ren's Mother: Still, how are we supposed to do that when we don't know where he is.

Tasuku Smiled.

Tasuku: Light. Remote Please.

Light activates a switch on a remote. This show the LA news On Screen, which shows the fight scene between Ladis the tyrant and the Draknights. Everyone was shocked.

Tasuku: Back then I did not know the knights were there considering that they are wearing different clothes. But What caught my attention was the way they fought.

Gwen: Woah.....

Tasuku: Then another event happened. Light?

Light hits the switch again. This time the big screen shows CCP Attacking Disneyland.

Natalie: Wait aren't those the guys that kidnapped us back then?

Tasuku: When I was alerted that they escaped, I sent a batch of officers to catch them. It was a fail but I was able to track them down and check the news again. Not only CCP are in LA, but Hou Ren was there as well, even though he's wearing different clothes and hooded.

Light: We even received an anonymous email saying that he's in LA.

Everyone: Woah.....

Hou Ren's Father: So then this means, Hou Ren is at Los Angeles California?

Tasuku: That's right.

Pauline: If that's the case, shouldn't you all go and get him? Why call us?

Tasuku: I need your help to convince him to come back home. If not, that's fine as well.

Hou Ren's Mother: No, We're coming. I want my son back to us. A world without him is out of the question.

Natalie: Usually I sit out, but I want to get Hou Ren back as well.

Gwen: Same.

Everyone else pitched it but the teachers.

Daryl: You're not coming Ms?

Pauline: As much as we want to, we still have some work to handle. I'm afraid you all have to do this on your own.

Tasuku: Then it's settled, the kids and Hou Ren's Parents will come along with me and Light to LA. Meet here at next Saturday Morning 10 am?

Everyone else: Agreed.

??????: Wait, I want to Join Too.

A familiar voice came from the entrance. The person came running exhausted. Wearing a white-collared shirt, with a yellow jacket tied over it. He also wears a beige hat.

Masato: Aren't you....

Daryl: Ranma!!

Ranma: In the flesh. I want to join too. Hou Ren saved me once. Now its my turn to save him.

The night sky shines with the stars twinkling above and across the pier dock. Hou Ren is staring at it with his arms on a bridge balcony. The stars shine bright as they twinkle in the beautiful sky. A young woman did the same action beside him.

???: Feeling alone?

Hou Ren: (surprised) Oh Shiloh, I didn't see you there.

Shiloh: (Giggled) Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.

Hou Ren: You didn't. Where are your brothers? Along with Mine.

Shiloh: After you went out, they kinda paid the bill and there's an arcade nearby so they decided to check it out.

Hou Ren: Oh I see....you didn't join them?

Shiloh: I'm a bit tired. Like a lot of stuff happened today. You guys had a tough history huh.

Hou Ren: It's a long story...(As Camera focus on the sky) It sure is a beautiful night huh?

Shiloh: Yeah....Can I ask something?

Hou Ren: Sure.

Shiloh: Do you....have a crush on me?

Hou Ren: (Very Shocked) Wai....WHA? What are you talking about?

Shiloh: Come On, Just tell me.

Hou Ren panics for a moment before coming back to sense.

Hou Ren: How did you know?

Shiloh: Well....When we first met, you were blushing and stuttering when talking to us, especially me. Then there's that conversation at the hotel. I'd noticed your insecurity. Besides, Daniel and Blaze Ren spoiled about our feelings towards each other so....

Hou Ren: (A bit Saddened) Oh.....Listen, if you want to reje.....

Shiloh suddenly grabs Hou Ren's hands, leaving the young leader in surprise.

Shiloh: No.....I....I like you too okay. Not like friend friends. Well, More than friends.

Hou Ren: (Surprisingly calm) You're kidding...

Shiloh: I'm not. I'm saying this from the bottom of my heart. I admire you because of your compassion. Sure, you possess other feelings but I don't care. To me, you're a sweet guy, even when we first meet IRL. I wanna be with you till the end.

Hearing this, Hou Ren was very touched. He also smiled warmly.

Hou Ren: You know…..Hearing you saying those words makes me happy. The truth is….I like you too. Whenever I see you smile, it makes me smile too. To me, you're more than just an actor with beauty. You're a kind angel you know that.

Hearing this, Shiloh began to blush.....

Shiloh: .....but I can't date you. I'm younger than you.

(NOTE: For the record, in this story, Hou Ren is 15 and Shiloh is 14. Once again, the story is not real life. It's for pure entertainment purposes only.)

Hou Ren: That doesn't matter!!!! (Desperately put his arms on her shoulders) Who cares about what other people said. Who cares about stuff like money. I know I can't give you much, but I'm willing to do anything to earn your love. I wanna support you, enjoy life with you and I wanna protect you till the end.

Shiloh was deeply touched by Hou Ren's words as she blushes bright. Butterflies are flying inside her stomach. Her eyes became even more beautiful as she began to tear up.

Shiloh: Oh Hou Ren...Come Here.

Shiloh embraces him all of the sudden and kiss him. Hou Ren was so surprised but he kisses back. It was so passionate, soft and was very sweet. Truly a romantic moment as fireworks came out of the sky. Signifying their love for one another.

The two end the kiss while still embracing each other and look at each other with blushed faces and sparkly eyes. They chuckled slightly while joyously closing their eyes.

Shiloh: Who knew you're good at kissing.

Hou Ren: (Blushed Happy and cutely) Hey....I love you.

Shiloh:(Same expression) I love you too.

They both kiss again. Later, they joyfully hold hands and went to the arcade Elijah's at.

Hou Ren: (Narrates Offscreen) Wow. Who would have thought this would happen. Maybe Life isn't so bad after all. Still, No matter what challenges comes to our way, I will always be by her side. Love always wins. Right?

A dark screen with a title "One Week Later " showed up before showing Tasuku and the rest preparing to leave HQ. As they board their airship, The teachers arrived to send them off.

Ms Pauline: I can't say much of this. All I can say is.....Good Luck.

Ms Ruth: Give Hou Ren all of our regards.

Ms Stephanie: Bring him back to us.

Daryl: Of course we will.

Ranma: We got this in the bag.

????: Wait.

Eden Hanazono and Prince Alexandre Ankh rushes in and appears before them. Eden does not wear her mask at all. All of them are surprised.

Ranma: Eden?

Gwen: Prince Alec?

Eden: We want to join you as well. I owe Hou Ren a favour ever since our match from the playoffs.

Alec: The same with me. He's my friend and rival. I want to give him a piece of my mind.

Tasuku: Is that so? Welcome aboard. Alright everyone, it's time to ship out.

All: Right.

Everyone boards the Airship and as it takes off in the air, the teachers wave goodbye from below. Little did they know is that Ms Shafi was watching them from afar with a disgust look. She walks away angrily.

Shafi: I'll get my revenge soon.....We'll meet again.

Anime Ending: Horizontal Oath.

Story End.


Ranma: Ranma here. Before heading to LA, we need to do some training. Gwen wonders a few things though. Next time, "Doubts of a Maiden". Join us for a Buddyfight.