
Chapter three-Training

Sharing a room with Jin wasn't so bad as I expected it to be but his jokes were so.....

Whenever he tried to crack a lame joke and make me laugh, I'd just give him a blank look and he'd laugh his ass off at what he said.

His behavior is funny though. I noticed he really cares for the members having this mother figure if you ask me.

I like his high self confidence, especially in how he looks always saying 'I am Mr. World wide handsome.' I envy that.

He told me like five of his jokes now and it was getting late as we turned off the lights and I was about to fall asleep I heard him laughing to himself.

What the hell??

"H-Hey suga, I would tell you a joke about construction..." He stopped and laughed to himself trying to say the rest.

I remained silent ready to throw anything in front of me at him. "-but I'm still working on it."

Then began his windshield wiper laugh. I threw one of the pillows beside me at him. "Sleep." I said then laid back down.

"Hey suga?" I hmmed to answer him hoping that it's not another one of his dad jokes."Why aren't you laughing?" I chuckled to myself at this guy but I didn't reply back to him.


A man stood in front of us, high and mighty. He sounded an alarm that woke us up three in the morning.

Sleep is considered the most important thing to me after family and for someone to take it away from me makes my blood boil.

I tapped my foot in anger against the white floor boards. This place looked more like an asylum rather than a place to train gifted people.

"There are two principles in life that you must know. The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool." I looked at him dumbfounded.

"Some of you might not take my words seriously but when the time comes you'll remember what I said and you'll regret not listening to them." He barked looking furious especially having his eyes set on both rap monster and jungkook because they sinckered at what he first said.

Jungkook coughed and looked away setting his eyesight downwards while namjoon just stared at him straight in the eyes.

Damn, I did not sign up for this.

"Look the world is so unpredictable." I almost scoffed. Don't we all know that already? "Things happen suddenly, unexpectedly. I know that you've all been through a lot lately and you wish not to be here so do I but we don't have a choice. The only thing we can do right now is accept who we are, face reality and save the world from these creatures invading it." I took a deep breath and straightened my posture.

He's right.

"The second principle is that you are the only person on earth who can use your ability and because of that you should acknowledge what you have and enhance it."

We started with physical exercises, I started panting. Yes, I was in the military but I stopped training for a whole year so I lack endurance right now.

My muscles ached from having to do twenty push-ups yet an untrained younger guy, Jeon Jungkook, can do fifty without resting, like what is this boy made of, steel??

"Stop resting Yoongi or I'll double your training and I'll make sure you'll finish them or you won't see your bed anymore." The trainer said, I looked up at him from the ground in desperation and pleading eyes. Anything but my bed.

"Have I made myself clear!" He yelled and I nodded. After another ten push-ups and twenty sit-ups he ordered us to jog around the room.

The room we are in is specialized for training and has the equipment we need. "When will we be able to use our powers in training?" Teahyung asked.

"When I say so." The man glared at the boy and tae flinched at how aggressive his behavior is.

"Yoongi! Stop shuffling boy!" I groaned in annoyance. Why don't you come and run fifteen laps you psycho.

"You all have ten minutes to rest." He said and left the room. I glowered at him thinking of ways to commit a silent murder and hide a dead body.

"What an asshole." I heard namjoon say and tsk while wiping the sweat off of his face with a towel.

There were water bottles stacked on a bench I took one along with the others. I noticed taehyung was looking for a bottle but didn't find one and just stood there not asking for anyone to share.

I went closer to him and opened the bottle noticing his eyes focused on the cold drink. I drank a bit and handed it over to him not giving him my attention.

I watched him from the corner of my eye as he gladly took it and drank half the bottle out of thirst.

I saw Jin sit down on the bench and sigh. "And the surgeon said he'd be expecting some fine skills out of you." I rolled my eyes at him. "Fine skills at slacking off."

"Like you were doing any better." I retorted.

"Jungkook looked like he could run an extra lap or two." J-hope chuckled and slapped jungkook's back.

"Everything hurts." Jimin breathed out. "J-hope was like a horse, so enthusiastic and energetic." Jimin sat up from his laying position on the ground.

"That's horse power for you." Namjoon replied earning a laugh from the group.

Taehyung suddenly wrapped his arms around my shoulders making his body pressed against my back.

"Did you see how yoongi ran." Jungkook laughed. "Hey I'm standing here." I mumbled trying not to smile knowing that I must have seemed like it was the first time in my entire life that I ran.

"You looked like a zombie trying not to let his body parts fall out." J-hope said.

Jungkook glanced at me and then looked away. "Taehyung aren't you getting comfortable." He chuckled.

"He's not so bad." Taehyung laughed in my ear as he hugged me tighter. I removed his arms that were firmly wrapped around me now lingering by my sides.

"Ever heard of personal space?" I moved away from him but that only made him come closer. "There's no personal space when it comes to taehyung." Jin laughed.

"I guess you're saying that from experience." Jin widened his eyes at me. "Oi!"  I smirked at him and taehyung smacked me.

"Ow!" I said, they laughed at me as I rubbed the spot he hit. "Hyung it's not like that!" Taehyung pouted.

The trainer entered again this time with a pack of files tied together with a string.

"Come on ladies back to work." He blew his whistle and everyone got in position.

"I forgot to mention that I'm Edward sent from the US to train people like you. Now drop and give me another twenty!"

We, I mean J-hope, RM, Jin and namjoon jumped at his loud voice that hurt our ears then we crouched down.

I was so ready to collapse on the soft matress of my new bed. "That is not how you do a push-up. Jungkook show them how it's done." Jungkook stood in front of his beside the coach and gave an example.

The coach smiled in approval then dismissed us not before handing out files that contain my record and giving me six instead of one like how everyone else recieved.

We entered the cafeteria afterward. I first sat alone but one of the workers that watched over us pushed me to sit with the group.

"This is not food. This is a disgrace." Jin said dramatically but continued eating even after his claim.

"Then stop. No one is forcing you." I retorted and he gave me this look and hugged the tray containing his meal. "This is still food and food is food whether it be good or bad it should be savoured."

"He's a true food lover." Namjoon said smiling at Jin's reasoning.

I moved the cold peas with my fork beside the equally cold mashed potatoes and took some of each in one go since they taste better together.

The meat was hard, I could barely chew it and gave up when I reached half of the damn thing.

I feel like I'm in prison.