
The Nutjob

The bright glaring sun shone on the land, as shadows of planes flew by now and then. The birds tweeting in the background of the early morning sun, in the bustling crowd of travellers, though soon to become chaotic as traffic built up in the day.

Polished, prim, proper and unique fashion styles walked the streets from a toddler's little backpacks to teens flashy sneakers, adults in formal suits and the casually chic wearer and… dirty, messy out-of-place looking guys?

In a bus stop just a few feet away, lay seven sleeping beings, sprawled either on the bench or passed out cold on the damp grey floor. Spotting them a worried traveller came over to check.

Going up to the topless guy leaning on the side of the bus stop, she pat's him twice him on the shoulder.

"Hey buddy, are these your friends? are you guys' lost?"

Receiving no answer, she frowns only to realize that the man who seemed to be standing up, was actually asleep!

She continued to pat him on the shoulder only for him to fall over onto the side and end up falling on top of her. Surprised, she reflexively sticks out her hand to prevent him from falling only to grab hold of muscled pecks and hard lined abs. Shocked, the travelling lady blushes and looks up flustered expecting to see some devilish handsome beauty only… to be faced with what seemed to be a poor attempt at being a drag queen!

The topless guy was covered in bruises here and there with luscious red lipstick marks all over, but his face - it was covered in horrendous makeup.

Shocked the female guard screeches and reflexively slaps him in the face. The guy's eyes snap open only for his chiseled face to go smack bang on to the sidewall, and ending up kissing the bus stop timetable. A blooming red lip stain marks the timetable, where his lips once touched.

"Ouch! Who did that"

The guy shouts only for his hand to go onto his temples and whine as his head sent him painful sparks and making him feel as if his head were a hundred stacks of bricks.

"what happened, my head so painful"

However, upon spotting a pretty looking lady peering at him he instantly does a complete turnover. laying his hand out in a handshake gesture, he forces himself to flash a smile, despite the pounding headache as he asks the lady

"Hi there, how are you…oh did you want a signature".

What a nutjob the lady thinks.

"I'm sorry mister, do you need any help are you lost, I'll call an ambulance for you guys?"

Flabbergasted mister drag queen look alike exclaims

"What? Excuse me I'm sorry, are you okay?do you need some help, wait are you looking for our manager , no ...oh are you getting what's that term, oh yes, star struck...no?"

Frowning, the guy questions if he was dreaming or he had just met a super obsessed fan who had gone mute upon him talking to her. Or perhaps she really did not know who he was, but that was impossible they have been on the news for the past few months, It was hard just walking anywhere without their bodyguards.

"it's me RM…you know this guy here on the poster…BTS...I mean you're an army right?"

The lady was now sure that he was either high on sugar or just totally out of it.

"I'm sorry mister, but I think you may be a bit confused, here I'll give you this phone number if you need any help please call this, it will link you to the hospital. Here take £20 for a taxi for all of you guys"

Suddenly an alarm rings and the lady excuses herself as she was late for her flight, and as much as she wanted to help, she wasn't sure she would be able to communicate well with a nutjob.

RM looking shocked, watched her as she leaved, rushing to catch a taxi. It was then he suddenly noticed several legs on the floor. Scared silly he jumped as he saw alien smurfs on the floor.

First time writing a fan-fiction I hope you guys liked the first chapter and I promise, well hope the next chapters will be even more funnier.

Hahaha found it weird how my head came up with the story of making RM wear terrible makeup, makeup they would never be caught in Haha.

aeriecreators' thoughts