

Our Mc was lokw you or me was he an orphan no was he hated no he was your joe smhoe walking down the sidewalk when evrything change and now he lives his life. In a MHA AU so if sone things dont add up thats why. *NO GACHA* *NO STORE* *Curse Words Should be Beep out* *Chapters Min. of 1000 Words* *Chapter Upload Once A Week Min.*

PUGMECH · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chp. 4, Upgrades People Upgrades!





The citizen's fled in terror from the bloon attack there were so many going attacks by them that left most heroes astray some were knocked out by the previous attacks and others helping recue people from them as well.

These Bloons came from strange red portals and never closed till they were all wiped out. The only reasons that many were closed or there wasn't any more rampant was because of a new hero that was always at the scene. Whenever these bloons attacked he had the appearance of a monkey but had an array of powers that baffled everyone.

The news was barely able to catch up to him always arriving a few minutes after he left. That did change when they were finally able to catch up to him but not because he took a break. No this was because of another reason entirely.


--(NEWS POV)--


"As you can see the following week, we will have clear skies with zero percent chance of rain. That means go outside and have fun you can't use the excuse if the weather anymore. Now back to you Hank" said Weather Man Jim

"Thanks for that wonderful weather report, Jim but back to a more serious note as you may had heard strange red portals have been appearing all over the Musutafu and out comes these rubber-like golems that come in various colors. Officials believe this is the work of some villain group trying to terrorize the people. Rest assured police are investigating this" said Reporter Hank

"Thats right Hank now we had reports that the first appearance of these red portals a blue one also opened and out came a new hero. Witnesses said that "He had a monkey appearance and had a multitude of quirk like powers on their own right and had a costume that matches heroes in Pre-Quirk era comic books"." said Reporter Jill

"That's right Jill we even have a picture from a witness from the scene of one of these attacks" said Reporter Hank

*They then show the picture of a base super monkey on the screen*

"As you can see pretty simple costume but right to the point" said Reporter Jill

"From what we gathered officials from the Hero Public Safety Commision or H.P.S.C for short have said that they don't have this hero in there database so could this said hero be a vigilante or just a Pro-Hero in another country who knows." says Reporter Hank

"What we do know is that this hero is the only one able to take down these things that appear out of the portals any other hero that tried could only leave a scratch and then was knocked out of the fray" says Reporter Jill

"Anyways on another note the Hero Commision says that and I quote "Will try and talk to the so-called hero and get him registered in our country so he can legally use his quirk here". So don't worry people this rising star of Pro-Hero will be allowed to continue his work. They also notified nearby pro heroes about the situation" said Reporter Hank

"Wait a send Hank I'm getting word that one of our news choppers finally caught up to the new hero" says Reporter Jill

"Really? Well, you here that you viewers watching at home we may finally get to see some live action of this soon to become legal Pro-Hero" said Reporter Hank

"Right, we now cut to Reporter Mike on the scene on our news chopper. How's it like out their Mike?" says Reporter Jill

*Screen cuts to Reporter Mike on a News Chopper*

"Really windy" says Reporter Mike

"Funny as always Mike so how is the soon to be pro-hero like, Mike" says Reporter Hank

"Well, the hero seems to be doing great as always demolishing these golems just like the witnesses said can you see how effortlessly he is taking them out" says Reporter Mike

*Camera then shows super monkey fighting bloons effortlessly*

"Well, it seems the battle is over swiftly as it started" said Reporter Mike

*Then camera's shows pro-hero Rumi attacked super monkey*

"Woah, did you see that Pro-Hero Rumi just sneaked attacked the new guy. Well, I guess he isn't technically a hero yet that is a low blow right there." said Reporter Mike

"Let's see if our cameras and if they can't don't worry our camera guy here can use his quirk to temporarily slightly increase our equipment" said Reporter Mike

"Sure, thing Hank one boosted camera coming right up" said the Camera Man

*Cameras then zoom in to show their conversation*

"You're not registered to the Hero Public Safety Commision. So, tell me you vigilantly are you going in the easy way or the hard way and I hope you chose the hard way" says Pro-Hero Rumi

"Wait I thought all nearby heroes were notified to just talk to him not fight?" said the Camera Man

"Well, you see pro-hero Rumi has a track record on just fighting first ask questions later." said Reporter Mike

Super monkey said "You must be really stupid. Anyways I don't care if you're a girl if you don't get out of my way"

"It seems that punched wasn't taken well by the soon to be hero" said Reporter Mike

"Well, I don't blame him I would be mad to if someone punched me out of nowhere" said the Camera Man

"I WILL MAKE YOU" says super monkey

"Whoa seems like a fight is going to happen" said Reporter Mike

"Or should I say beast battle" says Reporter Mike

*Camera shows super monkey flying preparing for battle*

"Let's get ready to rumble" said Reporter Mike

"Isn't that copy righted?" thought the Camera Man


--(MC POV)--


I then fly into the air to get away from her momentarily. Now maybe I should spend some coins on an upgrade. Right now, I need to see how much coins I have.


[3,500 coins]


Ok so I can either get laser blast and super range. Or I can get knockback and then save for Ultra-Vision. Yeah, the latter seems like the right choice so I then open my interface and then ohh. Yeah, I have to unlock them first with XP. Well right now let me check how much XP I have


[Total XP: 12,000]


Oh, that is a lot it also seems that BOB changed how much XP cost first tiers cost 500 then they cost 1,500 then 10,000 and then 25,000 and finally tier five cost 75,000 huh a perfect 112,000 XP.

Well, I am going to unlock all the tier ones first and see if anything special happens.


[-1,500 XP]


[Total exp: 10,500]


Then all of a sudden, a pop-up appeared


[Use 1,500 XP to use all three upgrades at the same time?]




Of course, I'm going to choose yes what kind of idiot wouldn't. I then clicked on yes.




[-1,500 XP]


[Total XP: 9,000]


Ok then I should do the same for the second tiers and if I am right the same pop-up will appear I think the cost is all the XP combined to unlock them so if its tier on its 1,500 XP total, so logically thinking tier two should be 4,500 XP. I then put this theory to the test and unlock all the second tiers


[-4,500 XP]


[Total XP: 4,500]


Then the pop-up popped up again see what I did there … Yeah don't boo me subconscious of mine I know it was a bad joke to begin with.


[Use 4,500 XP to use all three upgrades at the same time?]




*Cleared My Throat*

As a wise man once said I'LL TAKE YOUR ENTIRE STOCK! I then slammed my finger on the yes button




[-4,500 XP]


[Total XP: 0]


Man, I feel so poor wait a minute I guess it's inexperienced since it's not money. Anyways, so now that I have the capabilities unlocked to buy the upgrades, I can finally buy Knock-Back which will cost me 3,000 coins.

Which will leave me some leftover for saving up for Ultra-Vision which will cost me 1,200 so there's not that many coins for me getting it just 700 coins. Okay I'm ready and while I was doing this, I wasn't just looking at the screen and doing nothing.

Since Pro-Hero Rumi tried to get me, I just avoided her as to why not just fly away. Well obviously, I am mocking her. Since she hit me first might as well get some petty revenged and hey gender equality, I would do the same thing if it was a male Pro-Hero.

Also, she was saying get down here and fight like a man or something I don't know I already tuned her out. Plus, I am technically not a man I am an ape so their take that. I then open of the screen to upgrade and it shows.


[Super Monkey]

[Description: Throws hundreds of darts at hyper sonic speeds with a huge attack radius]


Huh, I guess super monkey is stringer IRL. I guess that makes sense since I am not confined to the game's rules that much. Anyways onto the upgrades!


[Path-1: Laser-Blasts, Cost: 2,500 Coins]

[Description: Laser Blasts increases the pierce of the Super Monkey by 1, essentially doubling its popping power compared to not having any upgrades, and allows it to pop Frozen Bloons.]


[Path-2: Super Range, Cost: 1,000 Coins]

[Description: Super Range It increases the range of Super Monkey, and grants the Super Monkey +1 pierce.]


[Path-3: Knock-Back, Cost: 3,000 Coins]

[Description: Knock-Back allows the Super Monkey to inflict knockback effects onto affected bloons and applies a stun effect for 0.1 seconds]


Anyways I now then press the Path-3 in front of me.


[Path-3: Selected]


[-3,000 Coins]


[Total Coins: 500]


All of a sudden, some small light particles come of me while I upgraded. I now feel different did I get stronger?

No, I think I got more powerful It feels like. That feeling you get when you just finished working out and you feel that sense of accomplishment inside you yeah.

It kind of feels like that at least it's the closest way I can describe it. Anyways some other changes happen like how the hood part of my costume got a big yellow stripe going down it.

That was pretty much it I do wonder if I throw things harder that they are now knock backed. Do I hit harder as well? Only one way to find out I then go and fly to Pro-Hero Rumi and hit her in the stomach as hard as I can no holding back, she did ask for it literally.

She then goes flying and crashed into an already demolished car destroying it even more. That's wasn't so hard now was it at least she finally shut upped. Ahh the sound of silence.

*Burning Sound EFX*

*Crashing/Ruble Sound EFX*

Yep, just another day as a Hero.


--(NEWS POV)--




"As you can see the new guy here seems to be just flying around as if he was just taunting the Pro-Hero Rumi" said Reporter Mike

"Maybe because he is he seems to be tuning her out kind of how I do when my boss gives us a lecture to be "more productive" or whatever" thought the Camera Man

"Wait it seems he's about to do something he just flew a little higher into the air" said Reporter Mike

*Cameras then show super monkey sparkling white lights that originated from him*

"Who what was that" said the Camera Man

"Seems like he got a power up or something" said Reporter Mike

"I think your right even his costume changed" said the Camera Man

*Camera then shows Pro-Hero Rumi getting decked by Super Monkey*

"Woah Pro-Hero Rumi got recked something I never expected" said Reporter Mike

*He then gets a message to wrap things up and leave higher up orders*

"Well, it seems the fight is over with a clear winner from the new guy. Coming next is Reporter John telling you the local sports news. We will be back after this short brake" said Reporter Mike

*News station logo flashes on screen then commercials begin to play*

"I wonder why they told me to leave whatever this is above my pay grade" said Reporter Mike

*Chopper then flies off back to the news helicopter platform*


--(MC POV)--


Man, that was a hard hit. So based on the description if my previous attack was a power of one with this upgrade it added a whole new point basically doubling my damage.

Also why did the news chopper leave they usually stay till the situation has been resolved or even some time after that. Unless they got orders to go back but not form the station. They would want to stay here as long as possible.

"So maybe a higher up like the Hero Public Safety Comision. Hahaha that's funny they just don't want to show that some their heroes are weak. They will probably just chalk it up to my "quirk" and not their Pro-Heroes." I thought

Then all of a sudden, a black car came out and out came a bear, mouse, dog? Whatever it was principle Nezu but why did they send him here and alone at that. Then out came out a hobo looking guy with a scarf.

It was Erasure-Head or Shota Aizawa I guess it makes sense now to bring him since he can cancel out quirks but well except mine. His eyes then turn red but I feel no different.

"Nothing happened Nezu" said Aizawa in a tired voice

"Oh, and yes I can see that since his expression didn't change like everyone else does when they feel that their quirk is gone. Oh well time for plan B" said Nezu

When all of a sudden, a purple mist appears near me and behind me is woman who seems to be in the wrong type of anime, Pro-Hero Midnight.

Ah I see they are trying to render me useless and then take me in for questioning I will allow it since this was part of my plan. I then get sleepy but not knocked out so I just stretch and yawn if I wanted to, I can snap out of it and fight them but I just laid down on the ground and took a nap.

Plus, I had a long day so a nap wouldn't hurt man this feels nice. Maybe I can get her mist in a container and then release it when I want to take a nap since this puts me at a state where if I lay down on a bed, I instantly fall asleep.

"Goodnight ... Zzzzzzzz" I said

(A/N: If you enjoyed reading so far drop a comment or a review each help's me see if any of you like the story so far. Also drop a stone if you can too. Have a great day!)

: )