
Broly the Dragon Ball is different

A young man stationed in the world of Dragon Ball with the help of the gods, crossing into the legendary Super Saiyan Broly who only appeared in the millennium. See how the young man who became Broly changed Broly's tragic ending in the original, let a different Broly lead you into the world of Dragon Ball, and how he became an eternal legend step by step!

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Dragon Ball: The Different Broly Chapter 58

The ladyboy Feng Klei told us that he drove our boat away, which directly caused everyone's anger. It is estimated that if he is here now, he will definitely be beaten into a pig's head. Waiting for us there, and telling us that the port is now blocked by the navy.

After listening, everyone didn't know whether to believe him or not. In the end, Broly came out and said, "Now we have no other way but to trust him in time. When we are done, we will do as he said, anyway. With me here, I'm not afraid of him playing tricks," the crowd nodded after hearing Broly's words, packed their bags and prepared to leave.

The next trouble is Vivi's business. The confused Vivi does not know where she should go. Nami ran over and gave her a choice: "Tomorrow at 12 noon, we will pass through Donggang once. I'm afraid I can't park there! If you want to continue traveling with us, only that moment is your chance to get on the boat. At that time, we will warmly welcome you to join the ranks of pirates!"

Everyone smiled in their own way Saying goodbye to Weiwei, the outside is full of navy. In order not to let people find out, everyone decided to jump out of the window. Broly stayed at the end and watched them land safely before turning to look at Weiwei and said: "You are Alabastan Princess, although you have the responsibility, you also have the right to make choices. It's up to you." After speaking, he jumped out of the window and chased Luffy and them.

Soon Broly caught up with Luffy and the others. Luffy and the others regretted that they didn't leave the country soon. Even though Luffy was running fast, he was not idle. He was eating and eating and he didn't know where to come from. food.

Soon everyone came to the place where the von Klei said, the ship was waiting there. Everyone quickly boarded the ship, and after Luffy got on the boat, he danced with the von Klei, Broly Looking at Luffy helplessly, this guy, if you treat him sincerely, he will definitely accept you sincerely.

Chapter 29 The Joining of Vivi and Robin

Just the day after the day was announced, the people of Alabastan began to gather in various town squares, where there would be phone worms for the live broadcast of Princess Vivi's aspiration ceremony Everyone is not going to miss this important day that has been delayed for two years.

"The princess is already dressed, you can go in. Really! Although you two are the elders of Vivi, you can't come in while she is changing clothes!" De Koda glared at his husband Ika. Lyme and Vivi's father, King Cobra, took a look. Just now they broke into the princess's room one after another, and they were all when the princess was changing clothes. It was really a headache!

"Hehe, I just remembered something suddenly. But it's okay now." Icarim rubbed the back of his head with a blush, and this morning suddenly dreamed that the princess was almost dressed as a pirate queen. I was half scared to death. "Your Majesty Cobra, what are you doing with such a big suitcase?"

"This is just something to give to my daughter as an adult gift." Cobra raised the big suitcase and walked into the house. "Come on with you too, Icarim. I have some things for you to do."

At ten o'clock in the morning, the square was already crowded, and everyone was looking forward to witnessing this strong princess' resolution ceremony.

When the bell rang at ten o'clock,'Viwei' wearing a pink palace dress finally appeared in the eyes of everyone's expectations.

"Princess Vivi!" "His Royal Highness!"

Everyone was cheering for the cutest princess in their country, but gradually people discovered something wrong. Although two years have passed, the princess should have grown up too, but this is too tall! And that face was clearly the face of Iqalem, the captain of the palace guard, after botched makeup.

"Where is the princess! We want the real princess!"

"Fake princess go down!"

"We are not here to see you Captain Iqalim!"

"Go down Captain Iqalim!" The

princess was found to be a fake The people in the world were very angry, and everyone threw their things at Icarim.

"It seems to be exposed, and it's really hard for them to hit this place." Icarim avoided the debris that flew toward him, really wondering how those people threw things to such a high place. But since the princess has asked me, then in order to complete the task, I can only use the assassin.

Icarem took out two fans from behind and began to dance a very funny dance. Everyone was amused by Icarim's behavior, and the scene stabilized.

It's hard for you Icarim. King Cobra watched the funny behavior of his captain without a smile on his face. Weiwei has paid too much for this country and me, the king. It's time for me as a father to do something for my daughter.

The people who were interrupted by Iqalem's behavior and forgot their original intentions finally remembered, and the scene began to develop out of control. This is when Weiwei's voice suddenly came from the phone worms placed everywhere, "I took an adventure some time ago. It was a day of crossing the dark sea in search of despair. After I left this country, I learned about the sea. "Such a vastness"

everyone quietly listened to Weiwei's recounting of some of her experiences over the years, savoring the pain and joy of this lovely princess in such a journey. Although I don't know who those companions with the princess are, the sincere feelings undoubtedly touched everyone.

"Stop it, Icarim." Cobra put his hand on his assistant's shoulder and stopped his ridiculous dance. "You have done enough for Vivi, and now it should be my dad.

My daughter has done something!" "Our family has ruled the Kingdom of Alabastan for hundreds of years, and many great queens have appeared in these hundreds of years. I have believed that my daughter can become A great queen, she also proved to me how good she is in these two years of dark time. When I knew she wanted to go on adventures with her friends, I was very conflicted. As a king, I should have been very Resolutely said to stay and help me run the country, my princess! But, I was a father before the king." Cobra paused, took a deep breath, and shouted, "As a father I am now What I want to say is---Go and fly toward your own ideal! Go and fly! My daughter!"

Cobra's voice spread throughout Alabastan along with the phone worm, and the Straw Hat Pirates Under the naval gunfire, everyone in, also heard Cobra's words.

"Hehe, it seems that Weiwei is going to be with us. I will pick her up. You continue to drive the boat forward." Hearing Broly's words, everyone yelled happily, and Broly took a moment. Moved to Weiwei's side.

And at this time, Di Koda appeared in front of Wei Wei, and said to Wei Wei, "What are you waiting for? Don't leave soon!" Broly also looked at Wei Wei with a smile on his face.

"Aunt Di Koda, why are you here?" Weiwei looked at Di Koda who appeared in front of her in amazement.

"Of course I'm here to take you off. Here you are, this is the baggage that your foolish dad prepared for you. A real and unfrank fellow! Take care!" He wiped his tears and handed the big box in his hand. Weiwei.

Broly walked to Weiwei and patted her shoulder and said, "Hehe, this should be your dad's coming-of-age gift surprise for you, let's go, Weiwei!"

Weiwei nodded and wiped her face. With tears, he greeted Caru next to him: "I understand! Let's go Caru, thank you Dad! Let's go, Brother

Broly !" Broly nodded towards De Koda and pulled Wei Wei and Ka Lu moved directly onto the ship in an instant.

Everyone was very happy to see that Vivi was brought back by Broly, and then Broly said: "Okay, okay, there are still many navy chasing after you are not happy, get rid of it before celebrating!"

Everyone Nodding their heads, they all acted separately, and the monster von Klei used his own ship to lure the navy ships to chase his ship, while Luffy and the others finally got out of the encirclement because of the lure of von Klei's ship, but von Klei's ship was hit. Shen, and everyone paid tribute to him, and they all admitted that he was a friend of his own.

As they escaped from the navy's pursuit, everyone laughed happily. Just then Broly yawned and said, "It's almost time to get out, Robin."

"It's been a long time since everyone." Robin walked from the cabin. Walked out and greeted gracefully.

Zoro immediately put his hand on the handle of the knife and stared at Robin: "Do you want to avenge your organization? I will be your opponent."

Nami and Weiwei yelled at the same time: "Why, why do you Here?"

Usopp shed tears and shouted with a loudspeaker: "Enemy attack, enemy attack."

Chopper ran around in panic.

Sanji's eyes became heart-shaped again, and Se Mimi said, "It doesn't matter who it is. Beautiful big sister."

Robin looked at Broly with a lazy face and said, "You haven't forgotten to do it with me. What?" As

soon as these words came out, Sanji yelled at Broly angrily, while Nami had begun to blacken and had a tendency to explode, while the others looked at Broly in surprise.

Broly looked at Robin with a headache. He didn't expect that Robin was also a black-bellied woman. Then he said, "Hey, Robin, don't you say that Robin is so ambiguous, OK! I haven't done anything! "

Really? How can you say that you didn't do anything. Since you won't let me die and I have nowhere to go, let me join you." Robin said with a smile.

Broly said indifferently, "I agree, but I am not the captain. If you want to join, you have to see Luffy."

"What, how can this be done, she is an enemy!" Other than Luffy Shouted.

"Oh. Luffy. How is it?" Broly asked, standing up and looking at Luffy.

"This way, there is no way, well, I agree!" Lu Fei said with a smile.

Then everyone was bought by Robin's means. Except for Zhuo Luo and Wei Wei, there was no other objection. At this time, Broly went to Wei Wei and told Wei Wei about Robin's past, Wei Wei. There are no opinions.

The next day, the Meri arrived at an uninhabited island that resembled a pineapple.

Chopper and Robin were left to watch the boat. The others got off the boat to find supplies, while Nami took Broly and asked him to accompany her to survey the island.

Everyone came back in the evening, lit a bonfire not far from the ship, and had dinner while chatting about the day's experiences, and the relationship between Chopper and Robin became very good.

Chapter Thirty The Ship

Falling From the Sky The next morning, after everyone got up, washed and washed, after breakfast, set sail again.

"Brother Broly, since Alabastan came out, I have always wanted to ask you, how strong is your current strength? That is, if you are fully capable, how strong can you be? Although I saw you fight that time, I know You are very strong, but we don't know how strong you are?" Weiwei asked everyone's doubts, and Robin stopped reading and looked at Broly quietly.

Broly smiled slightly and said: "How strong? If I hit with all strength in my current state, the world will slowly collapse, and if I complete the transformation and hit with all strength, the world will be destroyed instantly. "

Everyone took a breath after listening, and Broly saw it and said: "Hehe, look at what you are like, no one in this world can let me use my full strength in a normal state, even if it's a navy. The three most powerful generals and the marshal are added together, and at the most, I can use 40% of the strength to kill them all in a second."