
Chapter 45

As we prepared for New Year's Eve, Louie organized a small get-together for our friends. We had Thomas, Nancy, Henry, Simon, Maxwell, Cherry, Jessica, Christine, Josie, and a few others join us for some games of snooker and football before the evening festivities began.

I slipped into my black jumpsuit, accessorized with a sleek purse and subtle heels, and did my makeup while Cherry dazzled in a short gown, enhancing her locks to perfection. When Maxwell arrived to pick us up, we headed to Rianne's Game for some fun-filled activities.

However, the mood soured when Nancy confronted me, her words laced with venom. "So, Kenzie, you waited for Diana to die before snatching her boyfriend away? Classy move."

I clenched my fists, trying to keep my cool. "Nancy, don't start. You don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, I know exactly what I'm talking about," she shot back, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

Sensing trouble, I warned Thomas to keep Nancy in check, knowing she wouldn't stop until she got a reaction from me.

But when she persisted, I finally snapped, pouring water on her dress in frustration. She retaliated by grabbing my hair, and instinctively, I defended myself, causing her to fall to the ground.

Max looked disappointed in my actions, but I couldn't let Nancy's provocation slide, especially with my health condition and the need to avoid excessive stress and substances.

After the altercation, Thomas intervened and led Nancy away, while Louie's unsettling gaze lingered on me.

Despite the tension, we continued to the party, where fireworks lit up the sky and drinks flowed freely. Laughter filled the air as we danced to the music, enjoying each other's company and the excitement of the new year approaching.

As the countdown began, everyone gathered around, anticipation building with each passing second. When the clock struck twelve, Maxwell pulled me close for a kiss, and in that moment, surrounded by friends and the promise of a new year, I felt like I was floating on cloud nine. "Happy New Year," he whispered, and I couldn't help but smile, knowing that this was just the beginning of something amazing.

After Max whispered "Happy New Year" to me, I replied with the same, adding a playful tease about his nickname, "v osenberg Boy." We shared a laugh and continued to enjoy the rest of the night together.

The next morning, I woke up in his arms, only to realize we were in a hotel room. Panic washed over me as I glanced around, confirming that we were indeed naked. Despite my promise to myself not to drink, it seemed Maxwell had other plans for me, and I had ended up indulging in a few glasses. As I tried to piece together the events of the night before, I felt a pounding headache and dizziness.

Reluctantly, I got dressed, feeling guilty about leaving Maxwell behind in the hotel room, but knowing I had to take care of myself. I woke him up, and after a brief exchange, we left. He dropped me off at my apartment, where I found Cherry absent, like everyone else caught up in their own New Year festivities.

After refreshing myself and taking my medication, I reached out to the people I cared about. First, I called kathy, wishing her a Happy New Year and sharing the details of my adventures with Max and his family.

"Hey kathy, Happy New Year!" I exclaimed into the phone.

"Kenzie! Happy New Year to you too!" Cathy's cheerful voice responded. "Tell me everything. How was your night?"

"Oh, you wouldn't believe the craziness," I chuckled, launching into the story of the previous night's events. Cathy listened intently, interjecting with laughter and exclamations of disbelief at all the right moments.

After we finished catching up, Cathy reminded me about my upcoming birthday. "Don't forget, we have to plan something big for your birthday this year" she said eagerly.

"Definitely! I can't wait," I replied, excitement bubbling in my chest.

Next, I dialed my dad's number, not expecting him to answer. To my surprise, he picked up, and we talked about home, school, and life in general.

"Hey Dad, Happy New Year!" I greeted him.

"Kenzie! It's so good to hear from you," my dad said warmly. "How's everything going?"

As we chatted, my dad's words of pride and encouragement filled me with warmth and reassurance. Despite the distance between us, his unwavering support made me feel closer to home.

Before we hung up, my dad mentioned their holiday plans with my mom and brother. "I miss you , Kenzie," he said softly.

"I miss you too, Dad," I replied, swallowing past the lump in my throat. "But I'll see you soon, okay?"

As I ended the call, I felt a mix of emotions swirling within me. Loneliness tugged at my heart, but the love and support of my family and friends reminded me that I wasn't alone in this journey

Despite my inner turmoil, I resolved to book an appointment with my doctor to address the symptoms of my heart condition. I didn't want anyone to pity me or treat me differently, but I knew I needed to take control of my health for my own sake. Only kathy and my mom knew about my condition, and I preferred to keep it that way, a quiet struggle I faced alone.