
Chapter 44

After few days of Maxwell and I making up, we decided to get ready for New Year's Eve at Louie's Wide House Party. Two days later, we went back home and began preparing for the big night. I knew I had to look stunning, so my girls—Kristine, Jessica, Cherry, and I—all went shopping together. I chose a sleeveless jumpsuit in black and decided to add some flair by dyeing my hair. I wanted a color that spoke of boldness and confidence, something that embodied my personality.

After browsing through the options, I settled on a bright, fiery red. It felt like the perfect choice to unleash my inner badass. With our shopping done, we decided to grab lunch. Christine generously offered to treat us,

Once we settled in for lunch, Jessica couldn't wait to share her holiday adventures.

"Oh my gosh, you guys, you won't believe what happened during my holiday," Jessica exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"What happened?" Cherry asked eagerly, taking a sip of her drink.

"Well, first off, I got stuck in an elevator for like an hour," Jessica said, causing us all to gasp in disbelief.

"That sounds terrifying!" Kristine exclaimed, leaning in closer to hear the details.

"It was! But then, once I finally got out, I ended up meeting this really cute guy in the lobby," Jessica continued, a grin spreading across her face.

"Ooh, spill the details!" I urged, intrigued by her story.

As Jessica recounted her chance encounter, we laughed and teased her about her newfound holiday romance

Once lunch was over, we headed to the salon to transform our hair. I dyed mine red, Cherry opted for a striking new look, Christine added some elegance to her blonde hair, and Jessica went for a sleek black hue. With our hair freshly styled, we felt ready to take on the night.

After hanging out for a while, Cherry and I headed home to continue enjoying the evening.

As New Year's Eve approached, the anticipation in the air was palpable, the promise of new beginnings hanging heavy in the crisp winter air. But as the days passed, a shadow loomed over our celebrations, my symptoms of heart disease casting a dark cloud over the festivities.

I tried to hide my struggles from Max, masking my pain with false smiles and empty assurances. But one day, he caught me in the act, my hand trembling as I reached for the medication that offered temporary relief from the crushing weight of my condition.

"What are those?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern as he eyed the pills in my hand.

I hesitated, my mind racing for an excuse that would satisfy his curiosity. "Just some painkillers," I lied, my words falling flat in the silence of the room.

Though he seemed skeptical, Max let the matter drop, choosing to trust me despite his suspicions. But I knew that my facade was crumbling, the truth lurking just beneath the surface, waiting to be exposed.

I saw an opportunity to spend more time with Max, packing my belongings and moving into his apartment for the duration of our stay.