
Bringing The Animes Items To The Real World

What if a person gets the power to bring anime items from the anime world to the real world? What if he could bring supernatural items like Devil Fruits, Magic Swords, and Dragon Balls?! What if he can bring the weapons and ninja items? What more can he bring? Senzu beans? Chakra fruit? Zampakuto? Follow Naeim who gets the cheat and pushes the world into a new era.

RyuGin · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

The Super Grandmother

"Are you going to drive the car, or I'll do it?"

Father Shuaib asked embarrassedly.

Naeim looked at his trembling father (He's obviously afraid of losing his mother), sure if he drove their car in his current state they would get an accident.

"Do not approach the driver's seat."

"Well, that's good..."

"I don't know why, but I feel that you have changed a lot, my son."

Naeim looked at his father in astonishment, he didn't think that his appearance had changed, but if he had an aura, then it must have changed a lot after what he went through in the past days.

Only parents can sense their children's aura.


After driving for 45 minutes, the small family arrived at the village outside the city, where the big family lived.

"Why haven't you taken her to the hospital yet?!"

Father Shuaib looked angry while looking at his older brother who didn't seem to care about their mother's life or death.

"She didn't want to go, she wanted to die in her house... I just respect her wish, brother."

Naeim's uncle spoke very calmly.

That's why Naeim felt like he was telling the truth, there was no point in staying here and causing a fuss aimlessly.

While the family was busy debating whether or not to take the grandmother to the hospital, Naeim slipped quietly away from them towards the source of the feeble life force.

No one noticed him when he entered his grandmother's room.

The room was very long and traditionally designed, at the far end of the room his grandmother slept peacefully on the bed, evidently from her was the feeble life force that was quickly fading away.

Naeim took out a Senzu bean, put it in a glass of water, and went to his grandmother's bedside.

As if she sensed his presence, the grandmother opened her eyes very slowly, without even seeing his face she could recognize him.

This was her kind, obedient, and wonderful grandson, so how could she not recognize him at the time when she was dying?

"N-N-Naeim... Is that you?Cough~ did your father come, too? Call him to see me..."

Even speaking was difficult at this point for her.

Without any urgent intervention, she would surely have died. After all, she was 80 years old, exhausted by diabetes and several other chronic diseases. Dying today is very natural.

She was also aware of that, which was why she wanted to leave her last words to this boy so dear to her heart and wanted him to call his father.

"Grandma, it's me. I brought you your medicine. Please don't talk. Just drink it first. You'll see my father afterward."

Naeim was trembling, he could notice that his grandma was dying now, the fountain of youth allowed him to feel the life forces around him, his grandmother's life force was already running out, so he didn't have time to discuss anything.

He quickly helped his grandmother drink a Senzu bean with a little bit of water surrounding it in the cup without letting her resist.

This was a life or death situation, only a Senzu bean could save his grandmother at this moment, and if not, his grandmother would die.

His grandmother wanted to tell him to come to her side to help her pronounce the testimony (In the Islamic religion, anyone nearing death needs to say the testimony as his last words.) But she was surprised by a mighty strength that helped her sit down and drink what he told her was her medicine.

The Senzu bean slid down her throat with difficulty, without water it wouldn't have done it, and here the miracle happened.

The moment the Senzu bean melted in her stomach, a new life force circulated in her empty of blood veins and began to regenerate blood rapidly.

The heart that had nearly stopped working got a sudden boost of energy.

The stamina that had been leaving her body began to return little by little, her hazy eyesight became clearer, and her hearing became clear as well.

One minute before she died, her life force increased by at least 10 years!

Even without relying on Naeim, she could stay in a sitting position, she was staring at the ceiling with blank eyes, and even the sagging wrinkles on her face seemed to become stiffer.

It's not that taking a Senzu bean can increase her life by 10 years, no, rather, after repairing and healing all the illnesses and physical harm his grandmother suffered such as lack of blood, damaged body organs, and all the deathly taxing, life-threatening damages, her life force increased by 10 years, meaning she could only live a healthy extra 10 years.

"What is happening to me? Why do I feel energetic again? I would have just died."

"What did you feed me, son?"

The grandmother glanced at Naeim who seemed to be breathing a sigh of relief and asked with a kind smile that made Naeim's heart flutter.

"I only fed you your daily medicine, grandma. My aunt told me that you haven't taken your diabetes medicine yet, so I came to help you take it."

"You look better now, was your previous bad condition because they didn't give you medicine?! I'm going out to teach them all a lesson, hmph!"

Naeim acted as if he was really angry, and turned to walk away, not wanting to lie so much before his grandma, because she would expose him.

She was still smiling while seeing him leave to tell the others.

Her deep eyes contained the wisdom of a person who had returned from the dead after she had tasted it, of course.

"Just what did this boy feed me…?"

The grandmother felt that she could stand up and do the bodily movements she used to do when she was a young woman.

And this is what she couldn't comprehend until now.


"Mother! Stop! What do you do!!"

Father Shuaib and the rest of the uncles and aunts ran to the grandmother's room, but when they saw her doing acrobatic movements on the wall, their eyes almost exploded from the severity of the shock.

Wasn't she close to death?! So what the hell is this?!

"Huh?! I'm doing some good sports moves I saw on TV. Is there a problem with that?"

The 80-year-old woman replied, without stopping what she was doing.

"But, Mother... You are sick!!"

"Come let me put you back to your bed."

Father Shuaib came to carry his mother and put her on the bed, but he was shocked that he was unable to move her no matter how hard he tried.

"Go away, you unworthy son, I'm fine. You still dare to show me your face after you haven't come to see me for so many months, huh?"

Father Shuaib trembled after being scolded, while Naeim tried to suppress his laughter with all his might.

Seeing the shocked face of his father and his uncles and aunts who looked like they had seen a ghost made him feel refreshed.

"Mother! I'm sorry about that!... Are you fine?! You are no longer in poor health?!"

"Am I dreaming?!"


After returning from Grandma's house, Naeim decided on the next item he would extract.

"This is what I want!"

"It's poisonous, but I'm immune to poisons!"


Since no one was at home right now, Naeim was laughing as he pleased.

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