
Bringing The Animes Items To The Real World

What if a person gets the power to bring anime items from the anime world to the real world? What if he could bring supernatural items like Devil Fruits, Magic Swords, and Dragon Balls?! What if he can bring the weapons and ninja items? What more can he bring? Senzu beans? Chakra fruit? Zampakuto? Follow Naeim who gets the cheat and pushes the world into a new era.

RyuGin · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

And the dream continues

Until this moment, Naeim did not understand what happened to him yesterday.

Yes, a day had already passed since the miraculous event, and he hadn't slept... no, he couldn't sleep... He had been trying his power all day.

He had been feeling a lot of complex emotions all day long, happiness, anxiety, excitement, and fear of the unknown.

Yes, he even began to suspect that he was possessed by some kind of supernatural devil.

Being from a religious family, he believed in demons, jinns, angels, and most importantly the great God who created all living things.

Although he was not religious enough to perform all his religious rituals, at heart he believed in God as a Muslim.

But what happened to him yesterday, shook his faith, no, overturned all his perception of reality and destroyed him completely.

Is his love for Japanese anime the reason for what is happening to him at the moment?

He was just an ordinary guy. He just wanted to live an ordinary life. Create a normal family. And death at the end after living the normal life that most people in this world live.

But that all changed with what happened yesterday.

It seemed that the drop of blood that suddenly appeared on his TV screen and entered his body was the direct cause of everything that happened to him, but he didn't think much about it.

All he could think about at the moment was:...

"Damn it! I will no longer live an ordinary life!!"

Since he was shouting weird words "Damn it!!", "Oh Shit!!" from time to time, his parents thought he was possessed.

His father and mother came in to check on him from time to time.

He did not go to university today, in addition to not leaving his room all the time and the brutal smile that they see on his face every time they entered his room suddenly, clear indications of his poor condition in the last two days.


"I am not possessed."

"My son, let me take you to Mr. Taha, he is a specialist in expelling jinns and evil spirits… If we leave you like this, you will be in bad shape. You want to become crazy?"

"Why don't we take him to the doctor first, woman?"

"You shut up!"

"Oh, okay~"

"Mom... I'm really fine... I'm just a little happier for a certain reason I can't tell you... You know..."

"Hmm, what? Did you find a suitable daughter-in-law for me~?"

The mother winked at him and laughed after seeing her son's embarrassed face.

"Hahaha! So we're worried about nothing? If that's the case, then tell us who she is so we can go to propose to her."

"Mom$&#&#! Dad, please take her out and leave, too."

The father turned and left the room, but he did not dare to take his wife with him.


After finally succeeding in expelling his mother, Naeim rested on his bed.

"Tsk… I was so excited that I attracted unwanted attention."

Naeim shook his head helplessly, even the most rational people would be confused and might lose their minds if they faced what he faced since yesterday… This was something that would overturn common sense.

Not to mention who was just a young man in his first year of university.

He was only 19 years old, just an ordinary young man who loved watching anime, reading manga and novels, and playing games.

He can be considered a pure otaku.

But the time for shock and confusion is over, he won't draw attention anymore.

"It's time for the real thing."

With such power, he was destined to become a great person in the universe.

"Let's remember my buried dream."

I am an ordinary young man from North Africa, the most marginalized continent, and exposed to all kinds of evils in the world. Fortunately, I was born a normal person in a middle-income family, in a relatively good third-world country, Morocco. Being Moroccan, I was born and found myself confined to a religion I didn't choose, and a reality I didn't choose, too. but the good thing is that I loved the life I've lived so far. That's why unlike most of my countrymen who only dream of a good life, I got the chance to dream a foolish dream when I was young...

"... I've always dreamed of flying and traveling among the stars and the planets... As an astronaut in a more sensible way, and as a superhero in a foolish way... HAHA."

If he were in an anime world at the moment, he would have flashed eyes like a dreamy protagonist.

He immediately got up, put on his clothes, and carried his bag containing his laptop.

Luckily for him, he downloaded many good animes to his laptop, so he didn't need the internet.

"I'm going to university."

He left those fake words behind before taking his car keys and leaving the house.

Father and mother paid him no attention this time, after all, this was what they were used to.

If their son is fine, they will be fine, too.


He opened the door of his Mercedes (250) and got in, then he left his neighborhood, his goal was to go to a deserted place, far from the city.

"The forest park outside the city is a good option."

Having decided on his next course of action, he took 20 minutes to get there.


Leaving his safe house and coming to a place far away from the city, it was his only option in order to avoid detection.

He didn't want anyone to see the "unimaginable" things he would bring out of the anime world, not even his parents.

This was extremely dangerous after all, especially in a country where people could detect anything about a person with just their senses.

And the dream continues

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