
Bringing The Animes Items To The Real World

What if a person gets the power to bring anime items from the anime world to the real world? What if he could bring supernatural items like Devil Fruits, Magic Swords, and Dragon Balls?! What if he can bring the weapons and ninja items? What more can he bring? Senzu beans? Chakra fruit? Zampakuto? Follow Naeim who gets the cheat and pushes the world into a new era.

RyuGin · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Am I possessed?

"The hell!! I'm getting goosebumps!"

While watching the 13th and final episode of season 2 of Bleach, Naeim's face turned red with excitement.

He hadn't felt this excited in a long time.

Of course, this was only the last episode of the first part.

Seeing how Ichigo get back his zampakuto made him feel a lot better.

Not just one, but two Zampakuto!

This episode was one of the best he has seen this year.

"Huh, what is this? Am I seeing things?"

Suddenly, Naeim notices something strange on the TV.

He took the remote and paused the show in a hurry, then got up from his bed and walked cautiously towards the TV.

He pressed the [Exit] button and exited the episode, then the red dot that looked like blood drop disappeared from the screen.

"Could it be part of the show?"

Naiem played the episode again, but to his shock, the same drop of blood appeared in the center of the screen, knowing that it was not when he started watching the episode previously, it only appeared when the episode was almost over.

"What is happening here?!"

Naiem put his hand on the bloody drop, he wanted to see if he could clean it up, but the moment he touched the TV screen something unimaginable happened.

The drop of blood entered through his index finger.


In horror, he compiled his hand in a punch and wanted to smash the TV, all of which happened so suddenly that he didn't realize what he was doing.

Just when he thought he was going to smash the expensive smart TV, his punch passed across the screen and entered the anime world!

"What the hell!"

He opened his mouth wide, if he had a soul it would have left through his mouth, which could not open more it was, or through his eyes, which were about to fall out of their sockets, too.

His mind couldn't comprehend what was going on, so he pulled his hand from the TV screen with lightning speed, and stepped back as if he had seen a ghost.

He even fell on his butt in shock.

What was even more shocking was that the moment his hand crossed the screen it turned into a cartoon hand! As if he merged with the anime world!

"Heaven! God! &%$%#%!!Am I hallucinating?!"

Naeim questioned his sanity before laughing to himself and trying to get up.

When he wanted to leave the room to tell his father about the strange hallucination he had just had, he turned to look at the TV screen again.

Still paused in the first minute of the episode, Isshin Kurosaki asks his son Ichigo how he intends to return to Soul Society.

Out of curiosity, he put his hand back on the TV screen.

Just as before, his hand entered the screen without any ripple or malfunction.

"Am I hallucinating again? No way... Am I possessed?"

The successful try prompted him to take out his hand and insert it over and over again in different scenes from the same episode... He even changed the anime and chose One Piece this time, and he could still insert his hand or even both hands.

He had a feeling that if the TV was bigger, he could go in with his whole body!

In disbelief, he went back to his bed and pulled out his laptop before playing a reality series this time around.

He went to Netflix and picked a random series, but when he tried to insert his hand, he couldn't.

He got terrified for some reason, then he logged into Crunchyroll, and picked a random anime.

He was relieved only when he realized that he had not lost his power.

Then he turned on his PlayStation 4... this time he wanted to try this with the game.

He chose "Uncharted 4" and tried to insert his hand into the game world, but unfortunately, he couldn't also.

"Does this power only work on anime?"

Naeim fell into deep thought for ten minutes before his mother came to urge him to leave his room.

"Come on. It's already mealtime."


At the dining table, he was eating while thinking about what the hell was happening to him.

Was he delusional or could he insert his hands into any anime episode?!

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

His father usually eats food without paying attention to what is happening around him, but this time Naeim's extreme strangeness made even his father, who usually does not care, notice him.

Naeim was so absent-minded that he answered unconsciously.

"I think I'm hallucinating right now. Are you my father? Am I eating? Maybe this is a dream."

His father stared at him with narrowed eyes, the air around him changing sharply.

"Did you smoke a new brand of cigarette today? Or did you drink anything other than water?"

"Well, let me assure you that you are not hallucinating."

Naeim didn't feel a thing until a deep whistling sound started coming from the bottom of his spirit.

He was slapped hard.

"What are you doing, why did you slap him on the dining table?!"

The mother looked so angry that his father's hair stood up.

"I just wanted to help him become aware of his surroundings… Oh, sorry."


The father looked shy at this point.

But Naeim was holding his red cheek and staring at the plate of food in amazement.

(So ​​I wasn't hallucinating, huh?!)

Naeim immediately got up and ran toward his room.

"Thank you, Father! I needed that slap!"



After eating the food and the slap, he went back to his room and locked the door, he needed to see what he could do with his strange powers.

He played a random episode of One Piece on his laptop and put his hand across the screen.

His hand passed through Luffy's body and directly touched the head of Going Merry.

He turned his hand towards the ship's mast and managed to touch it, then towards the sea... But what shocked him to the core was that his hand came back wet!

No, he managed to get some seawater back with him!

"Damn it! Damn it!"

His face turned red with excitement.

"Calm down, calm down, Naeim."

How to look at it, it was a miracle, yes, to get seawater out of the anime world... that was a shit miracle.

A miracle beyond his wildest imagination.

No matter how much he wished and imagined, he never thought that one day he could get back the seawater out of the pirate world.

He did not dare to taste the seawater, for a precautionary reason.

It's the first chapter... You like it ?

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