
Bringing The Animes Items To The Real World

What if a person gets the power to bring anime items from the anime world to the real world? What if he could bring supernatural items like Devil Fruits, Magic Swords, and Dragon Balls?! What if he can bring the weapons and ninja items? What more can he bring? Senzu beans? Chakra fruit? Zampakuto? Follow Naeim who gets the cheat and pushes the world into a new era.

RyuGin · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

A Taste Of Death

Naeim immediately played an episode of Dragonball called "A Taste of Destiny" after searching for it on Google.

In this particular episode, a very cool item appeared.

This is the item Naeim wanted.

As a big Dragonball fan, he definitely knew about Ultra Divine Water… That was what he wanted!

After he paused the picture the moment the white jug containing the Divine Water Mark appeared, he immediately put his hand in and took out both the jug and cup.

Excited, Naeim looked at the jug containing the ultra divine water with a smile on his face.

Ultra Divine Water can extract all potential of the drinker if they can survive its toxic and painful effects.

"This divine water is definitely not for humans, if I were still an ordinary human then I would not dare to bring it."

"Even though I am immortal and immune to poison, which protects me from the risk of death, I am not immune from pain. Drinking this magical liquid guarantees me an enormous amount of pain."

"Without its miraculous ability to unlock the potential of the drinker, I would never have thought of it."

Raising the strength of the drinker was just a side effect of unlocking the potential, Naeim's goal was definitely not to raise his strength by drinking the divine water. He wanted to obtain the hidden ability to learn the Ki sensing, then after that, he has another clue as to where he would get the "Ki" from which is not in this world for sure.

Before drinking the ultra divine water Naeim made sure all the doors and windows in the home were closed, he didn't want any disturbance.

Lucky for him, no one was home at the moment.

After making sure that everything was in order, he began to fill the cup that he bring with the company of the jug.

Drinking a single cup like this was enough for Goku to unlock the ability of Ki sensing and a big jump in his strength enough to defeat King Piccolo.

"There's no need to hesitate at this point, Naeim… You really have to get used to the pain."

A little bit of his apprehension dissolved after he encouraged himself and drank all of the ultra divine water in the cup in one go.

It had no taste but it looked like scalding water that started to burn his internal organs almost instantly.

The first thing Naeim lost was the ability to breathe, he grabbed his throat as if he wanted to tear it open, the pain was terrible, terrible enough to make him think of suicide.

He wanted to scream but couldn't, his short life flashed before his eyes. he had the strength, and he had the vitality to resist as well, but his mind and willpower were too weak to the level that he could resist the violent effects of the ultra divine water.

If his strength and eternal life were gone, he would definitely have died instantly.

His blood spread everywhere in the room, the scene seemed frightening, his room turned into a slaughterhouse, and all this blood was from his throat that he tore with his hands, he wanted to die in order to escape from this pain, but his immortality made sure to make him suffer much more than that.

If he could think clearly at this moment, he would have felt extreme regret over his childish decision to drink this ultra divine poison.

After two hours his violent movements calmed down a bit, looking like a blood-soaked corpse.

His eyes which had been closed the whole time of his suffering finally opened.

His suffering finally ended, after going to hell and back.

He didn't care about his chaotic surroundings at first but rather felt the newfound power in his body in amazement. His physical strength increased a lot. No, what is true is that his full potential as a human was completely opened up. He was sure that he could training "Haki" if he went to the One Piece world, and training ''Ki'' if he went to the Dragonball world, regarding other energy forms such as ''Nen'' and ''Chakra' ', he didn't know but he felt that his luck of training them wasn't low either.

In short, he wasn't a human life form anymore, a punch from him could tear apart the strongest human in the real world as if it were just a fly, and that was the truth.

"I feel like I've awakened something in the depths of my mind, but I don't know what it is- Wait!? What happened here!!"

At this moment, he realized that blood was spread everywhere in his room, his bed, closet, walls, even the door, windows, and carpets. Everything in the room was contaminated with his blood!

"Damn it! My parents and siblings must be back soon! What am I going to do? What am I going to do!"

Being immortal, his deadly wounds had already healed a long time ago, but his blood had not disappeared.

"Think up! Think up!"

No matter how hard he thought, he couldn't find any way to clean everything up and put it back as it was before the accident, so he instinctively wanted to get rid of the bed, carpets, cupboard, and various items that were filled with his blood.

He immediately turned on the TV and searched for Doraemon's anime.

He randomly triggered one of the episodes and Doraemon appeared frantically taking out all the tools from his 4D pocket.

Naeim didn't hesitate for a second to pause the picture and insert his hand, as expected, his hand crossed Doraemon's body as if he were intangible, but he managed to touch a certain item in his body, a small golden bell right below Doraemon's neck.

A happy smile appeared on his face.

Since he could touch it, that means he could take it out too, right?

Quite easily he was able to pull the small white pocket out of its owner as if it wasn't stuck on his body at all.

The white pocket looked so small and unremarkable, Naeim removed the golden bell from it and put it back where it came from, the 4D pocket remained without any frills.

"This was a legendary dimensional pocket!"

Naeim did not hesitate to extend it to include the entire bed inside it, then in the same way he entered the closet inside and all the items that were contaminated with his blood, after that he began cleaning his room frantically from the traces of the lingering blood.

After that, he played a random 'Slice of Life' anime and looked for a similar bed and locker to his own before taking them out and putting them in the right places.

If his parents asked why they were different from the originals, he would only say that he got tired of them and preferred to change them while they were not at home.

"Few! I'm done."

After he took a shower and changed his blood-stained clothes as well, he finally rested.

He put the 4D pocket in one of his trouser pockets and it stuck smoothly. For some reason, the items he took out from the anime world were too obedient for him and he could deal with them as he saw fit, that's why he was able to get rid of the golden bell which he didn't like, and he was also able to use the dimensional pocket manually to expand as desired to include large items.

"This is just amazing! Hahaha!"

From now on his life would be very colorful, he was eager to live it in every detail.

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