
Episode 24

The BrideGloom

Episode 24:

KRISTA: Mr Ambrose, I've never seen you this distressed! Calm down Chioma is alright. I spoke with her yesterday

MR AMBROSE: you did????

KRISTA: Yes, let me ring her

MR AMBROSE: no! Hang on! I think they do not want me to know where she is. So don't tell her I am here with you. Just call, ask the exact address she is at. Please put it on loud speaker so I can hear her voice. I miss her so much! God!??

KRISTA:?????... .... ... ringing….ringing…connecting….

CHIOMA: ??hello Kris! How are you my darling!

KRISTA: I'm fine, gorgeous. Yourself?

CHIOMA: I'm fine. Thanks

KRISTA: I can hear you chewing something, what's going down?

CHIOMA: Judy bought me some coconut chips. Really yummy

KRISTA: Oh! Are you with Judy?

CHIOMA: Yeah. I came to spend some time with her

KRISTA: babe, are you pregnant?

CHIOMA: hahahaha! Why do you ask?

KRISTA: the picture you posted yesterday… your face looks all swollen

CHIOMA: ermmm! Hehehehe. I am eight months gone

KRISTA: wow! Mr Ambrose is very fertile, I must say

CHIOMA: hahaha! We both are?

KRISTA: so where exactly does Judy live because I might come to Nigeria any time from now

CHIOMA: she lives in Federal Housing Estate. Number 43 Ahmadu Bello street.

KRISATA; alright, I'll visit soon. Take care of You, hun.

CHIOMA: do same. Bye!


JUDITH: Chy, food is ready.

CHIOMA: guess who called?

JUDITH: Ambrose? Deric? Mama?

CHIOMA: no way! Krista called

JUDITH: wow! Haven't seen her in ages.

CHIOMA: she said she will be visiting soon

JUDITH: that would be super!

CHIOMA: Judy, tell me what you think about this. Actually , let me put it this way. Would you marry your best friend's husband if she asked you to?

JUDITH: huh? I dey mad?

CHIOMA: so if she pleads with you to marry her husband if she dies because you are the only person she trusts to properly look after her kids, you won't?

JUDITH: that's a tricky one. It depends on a lot of things. But come On! Where is this weird one coming from!

CHIOMA: I was just chatting with Funmi before Krista called and she was telling me her best friend recently passed away and had pleaded with her never to allow any other woman look after her children.

JUDITH: who is Funmi?

CHIOMA: come on now! You don't remember any body do ya! She was one of the prettiest girls in our class in high school

JUDITH: ermm. I don't remember her but in her shoes, I would need a good dose of fasting and prayer to see what baba God would say about that.

It's a really tough one because people might even accuse her of killing her best friend so she could marry her husband.

CHIOMA: people will always talk, darling. We must all learn to do what is right regardless of what anyone has to say about it. At the end of the day, you are doing it out of a pure heart and that's all that matters. But like you said, it's a difficult one


DERIC: Mama, good morning. How are you?

MADAM NNENA : still alive

DERIC: when did they put this drip. The other one was almost finished when I left last night?

MADAM NNENA: she put it in the early hours of this morning.

DERIC: your poor skin all punctured. I wish I could take all these pains away from you and have them!?

MADAM NNENA: shushhhh! No tears, no crying. You are doing your best and that's enough for me

DERIC: I brought you some vegetable soup.

MADAM NNENA: I'll have it later. The doctor wants to see you.

DERIC: doctor Ikenna?

MADAM NNENA: no. This one came last night. A very young and petite lady. She has been very nice to me. She said she would like to speak to you when you come.

DERIC: I hope all is well? Where is her office?

MADAM NNENA: first floor. Room 4

DERIC: okay. I'll go see her now. I'll be right back, mum.?‍?‍?‍

MADAM NNENA: alright, son.


XANDRA: come in!

DERIC:? hello, I am Deric, Nnenna's son

XANDRA: I am Xandra with an X. I had to say that because people call me Sandra but that's not my name. I am Alexandra.

DERIC: Oh I see. Nice to meet You, Xandra ?

XANDRA: please take a seat. What's going On? Why are you doing nothing about your mum's health?

DERIC: phew!! I'm doing everything I know how to. But my best is not good enough.

XANDRA: I'm gonna be honest with You; mum is not getting any better. She needs to be flown abroad.

I wish I didn't have to say this, but we do not have the right equipment and medications here. I feel very sad seeing such a lovely lady full of life suffer daily with little or nothing being done to help her

DERIC: ??? I wish it was transferable. I'll take it from her. That woman has done so much for me and it's killing me that I can't help her???

XANDRA: how much do you have?

DERIC: sixty thousand

XANDRA: hehehe! You know what? See me tomorrow at 8 o'clock before I go home.

DERIC: i will. Thanks, doctor

XANDRA: pleasure! Bye.