
Episode 25

The BrideGloom

Episode 25:

DERIC: you have been worried and glued to your laptop lately. Hope all is well?

CHARLOTTE: all is well, Thanks!

DERIC: anyway, I'm out to see my mum. The doctor wants to see me at 8.

CHARLOTTE: say hi to her. I might see her over the weekend.

DERIC: it's up to you!

(A few minutes after Deric left, Charlotte quickly got dressed and went to Nina's house. They had already planned to go and confront Mr Adrian in his house.)


NINA: (opens the door) come in?

CHARLOTTE: you look dead already! Calm down babe! It's not the end of the world and by the way, he might be lying! Let's get the test done first!

NINA: nobody jokes with a thing like that. God where are You!

CHARLOTTE: please leave God out of this. We can't be doing everything God asks us not to do and not expect consequences. But honestly, Adrian is wicked! How could he do such a thing!

NINA: if I'm honest, he did suggest we use protection but I refused because I wanted to get pregnant for him since he said he was single. So he's not that wicked.

CHARLOTTE: same here! He asked to use condom but girl! I wanted the real thing since Deric hadn't touched me in a donkeys years!

Please get dressed let's go

(Charlotte and Nina got to Mr Adrian's residence but the entire place was locked so they decided to go to the office to speak with him. When they got to his office, they saw Jaykob instead!)

NINA: what are you doing here!

JAYKOB: you two were meant to be on annual leave by my records. So what are you doing here?

CHARLOTTE: where is Mr Adrian?

JAYKOB: seriously???? How long have you been off that you do not know that Mr Adrian has gone back to France!

NINA: you are kidding right???

JAYKOB: nah. That's why I was sent back here


JAYKOB: is everything alright?

NINA: ermm, he owes us.

JAYKOB: put it in writing and say what the debt is about and the company will pay.

CHARLOTTE: Okay, Thanks. Nina let's leave please.?‍?‍?‍

JAYKOB: bye ladies

CHARLOTTE: Nina let's go straight to the hospital

NINA: I'm petrified! I don't want to know. I'm going home??? Charlotte i am doomed!

CHARLOTTE: HIV is just like asthma. As long as you take your meds, you will be alright! Let's take things easy and confirm first. We can always support each other! We got ourselves into this mess.

I wish I had remained faithful to Deric!

NINA: so he has the virus too if you have it

CHARLOTTE: for where! He hasn't even as much as kissed me since I came back. Some nights I wake up and find him on the floor snoring away. He acts as if I disgust him .

NINA: well, now is the time to infect him! Someone gave it to us so we will pass it around! I swear to God! Any man that comes my way now will get it including that stupid Jaykob!


XANDRA: you look like you didn't sleep all night. What's the matter?

DERIC: how can I sleep knowing that my mum is constantly in pain!

XANDRA: did you have breakfast before coming?

DERIC: no. I had to leave early to beat the traffic

XANDRA: have you seen your mum?

DERIC: yes. I saw her first. Albeit briefly

XANDRA: do you mind coming to the coffee shop down the road with me?

DERIC: Not at all.

XANDRA: can you drive?

DERIC: hehehe! Good question. I probably have been driving before you were born

XANDRA: excuse You! Do you know how old I am??

DERIC: above 25 and below 28.

XANDRA: don't be fooled by my stature, I am a little over 30

DERIC: you must be a vampire then!

XANDRA: how old are you?

DERIC: that age where you are considered a fool forever if you are a fool at that stage of your life

XANDRA: still a boy!

DERIC: hey! Watch it! You should be calling me uncle, you know.

XANDRA: hahahaha! Uncle Deric, you are a careful driver. Well done

DERIC: Thanks, smallie?

(XANDRA ordered a breakfast of omelette, bacon and cheese and a cup of hot chocolate for himself and same for Deric. So they spoke as they ate)

DERIC: you didn't tell me you were taking me out on a date.

XANDRA: hehehe. Well, you need the break. I know how hard it must be for you watching your mum suffer.

DERIC: I feel less of a man. I feel like committing suicide

XANDRA: what about your kids? Who will look after them if you die?

DERIC: I have no children!

XANDRA: a wife?

DERIC;? I'd rather not talk about it.

XANDRA: that's absolutely fine. Anyways, I contacted a UK doctor friend of over the cost of mum's treatment and he told me it will cost approximately 7.5 million . I have made a deposit towards that and would pay the rest after the treatment.

You need to run around for a visa. I'll give you a supporting letter so they give you an emergency medical visa

DERIC: you are joking , ain't You?

XANDRA: not something I do so often. We might as well buy your mum some breakfast.

DERIC: I am dumbfounded. I don't know what to say to you right now????

XANDRA: awwwwa! Look at You! Come get a hug!

DERIC:( hugs her)