
Brass Knuckle Brawler

Planet Yekem, a once-thriving trading center in the Interstellar Human Alliance no longer bears any resemblance to its vibrant past. When facing a climate crisis threatening extinction it was all but abandoned leaving only the poor and criminals to be stuck on a planet nearing its end. After a bloody 10 years, the Black Dragon group was finally able to assume control over the planet and imposed harsh punishments in an attempt to curb crime and bring back order to society. These punishments come in the form of a mass battle for survival amongst the prisoners, streamed to the alliance's other planets to get relief packages sent down to Yekem. After getting caught stealing, Frank has found himself in deeper shit than he can imagine having to battle for his survival. Chapter Length will be 750 -1000, not sure about the upload schedule as I'm in college and finals are coming up in a few weeks, but I will try to do at least 3 a week until I run out of steam.

Volcano_in_summer · Romance
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2 Chs

Hey, You're Finally Awake

A sharp right hook to Frank's gut from the shopkeeper sends him to the floor gasping for air. Blood dribbles out of the right side of his mouth as he tore through his lip with his teeth on the rough landing. Frank is then picked up by the 260-pound shopkeeper and thrown into the wall of the neighboring stand crashing through it, which finally draws the attention of everyone along Center Street. Although a semi-regular occurrence, the onlookers make sure not to miss the brawl as sources of entertainment are few and far between. This has especially become a problem ever since gambling became outlawed a few years back as part of the Black Dragon group's attempt to stop the betting scene in underground fighting rings.

Frank got to his feet and looked around for an escape route, but the onlookers had already encircled the two to ensure that the one-sided beating masquerading as a fight would continue. The shopkeeper walked slowly over to Frank who was trying desperately to break through the crowd, but making no progress. Frank then felt a strong grip on his shoulder and turned around to see a fist speeding toward his temple the next thing he knew, his vision became black and he crumpled to the ground.


A few miles away, a young boy is running with only one sandal on and a very gnarly-looking other foot, bloodied and scarred from running on the rocky landscape. He finally arrives at a sprawling field of tents and shoddily crafted wooden structures that few people would be willing to call home. He makes his way to a large tent far from the center and enters it to find a group of 4 children sitting down. The small group in the tent is made up of 1 girl in her late teens and 2 boys and 1 girl that appear to be at most 7 years old. After placing down the water he motions to the oldest girl to come over so he can talk to her away from the rest of the group.

"Linda, I-I...", sputters a tearful Sam.

"Sam, what happened? Where's Frank", the girl asks as a worried frown forms on her face.

"I fucked up so bad, he had to fight off the stall owner to let me get out of there, I don't think he's coming back. Fuck I'm so sorry."

Sam wraps her into a hug and buries his head into her with tears streaming down his face. Linda reciprocates and brushes her fingers through his hair trying to comfort him.

"It's okay Sam, he knew the risks when he brought you along with him during your trial runs, but now that means that you'll have to do the runs by yourself. Benny and Thomas are still too young," explains Linda.

"I know, but still he was a brother to me. He was the only family that ever cared about me."

"He was family for us all, but that's what family does for each other. We help others by sacrificing ourselves. My job at the bar only brings us back so much money, so me and the little ones will be counting on your runs for the future," Linda responds.


A wooden carriage is transporting four chained prisoners along a dusty road to the only prison in the desert town of Brulant, the Forge. One of the wheels hits a jagged rock along the road jolting the prisoners up and landing on the harsh wood of the carriage seats.

"Fuck man I think I shattered my tailbone", yelps one of the prisoners.

"Tell me about it, how the hell is the kid still sleeping?" replies another.

Frank, the kid in question, barely opens his eyes to make it appear like he's still sleeping and tries to gauge an escape route from the carriage. He begins to realize the futility of the situation as his arms have clunky iron chains around them tied to the wall of the carriage. Analyzing the unfortunate group he is being transported with he sees 2 well-built men across from him talking to each other, one with grey hair and an eye patch and the other with fiery red hair with a deep scar on his cheek under piercing blue eyes. Directly to his left is a young man with long brown hair, much better dressed than anyone else in the carriage. Noticing his gaze the man alerts the rest of the group of his awakening. The grey-haired man takes the initiative to start a conversation with the boy.

"Hey, you're finally awake."