
Bra:the saiyan princess

After the revival of planet Vegeta by prince Vegeta himself he brought back all saiyans killed by frieza and their home planet,this makes Vegeta the new saiyan king and Trunks the saiyan prince and Bra the saiyan princess,what will occur with this sudden change to the universe and how will it impact the Z-fighters.[Z-GT canon]. SEX AND NUDITY WARNING

Darktruth098 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Fierce battle

The crowd roared with excitement as the second match of the tournament began. Two female warriors were about to face off on the arena, each determined to prove her strength and win the battle. The first fighter was Princess Bra, a noble warrior from a prestigious family. She had been training for this moment since she was a little girl and now she was here, ready to show her worth.

Bra was dressed in a red g-string leotard, with a red loincloth, red gloves, red boots, and a belt. On top of her leotard, she was wearing red saiyan armor made of steel plates that she had inherited from her ancestors. Her shoulder pads were red . She had her sword and a hair band.

The other fighter was a low class female saiyan warrior named Kara. She wore a purple thong with purple and yellow armor, white gloves, and a gold necklace. Her long hair was flowing back.

The referee signaled the beginning of the match and both fighters charged forward. Kara was the first to attack, throwing a series of punches and kicks at Bra, but Bra managed to dodge them all. She then countered with her sword, slashing at Kara. Kara jumped back, narrowly avoiding the blade.

The crowd cheered as the two warriors continued their battle. Bra and Kara both showed incredible skill as they struck and parried.Bra was faster and more precise, but Kara was stronger. The fight went back and forth, neither one gaining an edge.

Suddenly, Kara let out a loud yell and charged forward, her eyes burning with fire. Bra was taken by surprise and barely managed to block the attack. Kara continued to rain down blows, but Bra held her ground. Finally, Bra managed to break away from the flurry of strikes and made a quick counterattack. Her sword connected with Kara's armor, sending her flying back.

Kara hit the ground and lay there motionless for a moment.

Bra charged forward with lightning speed, her sword already drawn. Kara was taken aback, but was able to quickly parry Bra's attack. The two warriors clashed swords, and the sound of metal ringing through the arena. Bra was relentless in her attack, driving Kara back.

Kara was struggling to keep up with Bra's speed and ferocity. Bra was relentless, pushing Kara back with powerful strikes. Kara was starting to tire, and Bra saw her opportunity. With one swift movement, she sliced through Kara's armor straps, causing the purple armor to fall off and leaving Kara in just a thong and topless, her massive boobs jiggling as she tried to keep up.

Kara was taken aback by Bra's astonishing display of strength and fighting prowess. She had seen her fight before but never to this caliber. Bra lunged forward, sword in hand, her skill and agility making her a formidable opponent.

Kara snapped out of her stupor and shot out a ki blast towards Bra. But Bra was able to deflect the blast with her sword and used the sword to trip Kara off the edge of the ring.

The crowd erupted in shock and awe. The spectators were in disbelief at this sudden turn of events. Kara was desperately trying to regain her balance and get back onto the ring, but it was too late. With a loud thud, Kara hit the floor and Bra had won the match by a ring out.

Bra turned to her opponent and offered her a respectful bow. 'Good fight,' she said.

Kara replied with a nod, her face grimacing in disappointment. She had been so close to victory.

The crowd erupted with cheers and applause as Bra proudly raised her sword in the air. She had bested her opponent with skill and finesse. Kara stood up, her face a mix of anger and embarrassment. She had been defeated and humiliated.

'You fight well, Princess,' Kara said, her voice full of admiration.

'As do you, brave warrior,' Bra replied with a respectful bow. 'It was an honor to fight you.'

Kara bowed her head, her pride still wounded. 'The honor was mine,' she said before turning and walking away.

The crowd cheered again as the tournament continued. Princess Bra had proven her strength and skill, and the people of the kingdom had witnessed a great battle.