
Bow down to your overlord the god of pleasure

Well I have always dreamed of being in a powerful and influential position. But I didn’t think it would actually happen as well and I became god as well so I’m going to go off and make some fun and cool civilizations for drumroll entertainment _______________________________ I always wanted to be in a prominent position of power and oh did I get one . Want some drinks here I want a girl I get a girl cultivators immortals and even Robert gods shall bow down to me . Smut I get smut stealing someone’s wife I steal their wife . Controlling an entire kingdom and steering human evolution that’s cool and so I do it . I’m god so I can do everything I want make heaven create hell create the warp stuff like that the void . Purgatory heaven as well also the realm where human emotions just exist . The realm of reincarnation as well I can create those as well the people who let people through and let them reincarnate . Will be super powerful badass guards . But wanna know how I got these scars dear madame I got them for you . Oh how stupid hey come on I’m not a bad guy I just wanna have a good time as a god . Fine whatever . Go on a journey with Michael here as he creates entire civilizations just for the heck of it and to have a good time .

Animecormade · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Making the pillarmen op too quickly and cultivators

I yell out to all the men and women informer of me do you not wish to conquer the sun and become ultimate beings . I show the stone mask to them all as I put it on and it pierced my brain as a mysterious light shines .

I dislocate my entire arm which allows me to stretch it and Impale a pillar men on it . Esidisi use the mask I say as he too starts attacking our enemies . His body starts heating up as he fires boiling blood onto all of the pillar men as they die .

We take two of them before we get the heck out of there and dodge . I then give myself a stand and this stands name is the universe .

The universe

Destructive power unknown

Range unknown

Speed unknown

Stamina unknown

Precision unknown

Developmental potential unknown

Ability : The power to control the fate of the entire universe able to change all things as he sees fit with just a thought .

The universes appearance unknown : the universe does not have an appearance for it is everything and nothing at the same time . It makes it's host invincible and immortal the host will control time and space with this ability .

Perfect I think wryyyyyyyyy

What is it kars esidisi says to me nothing esidisi it's just ive gained a new ability what is it . I use the universe to create bone blades as I quickly use them to slice up a tree in 00000000000000.1 milliseconds .

"Very impressive lord kars now what shall we do to advance ourselves ". Fortunately I have found a stone of some sort so big and so reflective I say as I then take the super aja I made in an instant as I then implant into the mask .

I then put the mask on as I become the ultimate life form even though I already am . I turn my skin into that the spikes on a porcupine as I grow wings and

Soar .

I start thinking is this a little bit too fast we'll very yes certainly very yes . Esidisi do you wanna give it a try yes lord kars he says as he immediately puts on the mask and reappears as an ultimate being .

Wells hit I start thinking as my mind starts racing as I yell out killer Daisan no Bakudan bites Za dusto . As everything stops and goes back to an hour ago I release my control over kars . As I then return back to my true body I need to create some weapons I think .

I have an idea I say as immediately start designing some armor . I make it look exactly like saber alters armor and change my body to that of a girl so I can fit in it . Jesus Christ is this thing amazing now for my noble steed I'm gonna take a page out of Norse mythology and have sleipnir the greatest horse as my steed .

I then create a weapon and make it look exactly like Excalibur I would like to make it look more unique but it's good enough . I can change it's powers on the fly it's awesome .

Well I think that's it maybe other things but that's basically it legendary equipment later I can do that on the fly .

Now time to create jerk cultivators and make them the legendary immortal which has reached the peak and literally exists out of time and space . And can occasionally communicate I quickly head towards a random planet very far away .

On my noble and borrowed stole steed I rode to the planet quickly creating a bunch of humans creating a giant immortal slate which teaches you how to become an immortal . Slamming it down somewhere random and secret and inserting all the souls and characters and now .

I ride down to the planet on my steed as I look towards all the future cultivators and say you all are my creations and i your creator . I shall not tell you anything besides this seek out your power and rise to meet your creator when you finally reach the appropriate level . I'll finally tell you the meaning of your feeble existence for now you are weak but I'm the future you will be strong unstoppable some would say .

Now go rise and praise me I say as I turn around and ride out of the planet on my steed I shall send calamities upon you too choose those strongest of you who wish to participate . In a battle to the death until only four one or ten people remain in the arena .

I then finally ride out and silently say peace out leaving the future cultivators confused and much more .