
Bow down to your overlord the god of pleasure

Well I have always dreamed of being in a powerful and influential position. But I didn’t think it would actually happen as well and I became god as well so I’m going to go off and make some fun and cool civilizations for drumroll entertainment _______________________________ I always wanted to be in a prominent position of power and oh did I get one . Want some drinks here I want a girl I get a girl cultivators immortals and even Robert gods shall bow down to me . Smut I get smut stealing someone’s wife I steal their wife . Controlling an entire kingdom and steering human evolution that’s cool and so I do it . I’m god so I can do everything I want make heaven create hell create the warp stuff like that the void . Purgatory heaven as well also the realm where human emotions just exist . The realm of reincarnation as well I can create those as well the people who let people through and let them reincarnate . Will be super powerful badass guards . But wanna know how I got these scars dear madame I got them for you . Oh how stupid hey come on I’m not a bad guy I just wanna have a good time as a god . Fine whatever . Go on a journey with Michael here as he creates entire civilizations just for the heck of it and to have a good time .

Animecormade · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Creating heaven but getting distracted

I smile as I watch Slyrak devour his kin I continue smiling widely as I sit on a chair . Before closing the portal I turn around and say now heaven heaven the place that god and his angels reside . But instead it shall be filled with celestial beings angels multiple heavens I think just like the Christian heaven and be filled with multiple gods .

Of course I will be the god of gods I might either have a kid with a god or do something like the Holy Spirit something like that . Send forth my child onto a woman maybe I might ask her if she'll accept it like that's a moral thing to do but when your a god do you really care about morals .

Like this really is just for all of my amusement so I don't really care if they die or not also I think the " ultimate party " wasn't ultimate enough . I believe it should really be when every creature in the entire universe joins together and indulges in ever single primal celestial and astral pleasure in existence . Where we all just come together and indulge in all of these unholy things .

All people want to do is have a good time and that's exactly what I'm gonna give them it might somehow make a god spawn into existence . Cough cough ahem I'm looking at you slaanesh or as I believe the eldar call you she who thirsts but your not really a she or a he .

Oh fuck I just realized your not really supposed to talk about the chaos gods cause isn't that how they invade your mind especially if your a psyker. Okay I'm gonna act like I never said a single thing I'm just gonna whistle here okay now let's transcend the astral plains by forming astral barriers.

The astral barriers should be invisible and undetectable so the humans can't just bulk crap their way through the power of technology . I don't want humans finding out the true existence of god too early including with what the ultimate party did .

Also I literally just did lock away their memories and the ultimate party was basically just a giant orgy filled with alcohol sex and drugs . Now that wasn't an ultimate party that was a normal party now that's not the stuff I was talking about . Also before I anything gotta check up on my favorite demon in secret .

I snap my fingers before my physical body disappears and I snap them again to teleport to the devil planet . I think I really hate this place but I created it for a reason and that reason is solely for my entertainment also I might wanna create witches and wizards .

And fake gods yeah fake gods that will be real cool fake gods but first I'm trying to create .

Well I'm getting side tracked a lot when suddenly a big giant crack seems to appear in space as I feel my body tremble .

I feel unimaginable pain as a being appears from the crack they say "I am Sla nah not them . I am the original god of this universe "

What the fuck dude I yell out