
A Chance Of A Lifetime

"Ah..... it's so boring here", I thought.

I casually opens my stats bar in my mind.

Name = Lord Nicholas

Title = Final boss of the Genesis Dungeon

Level = 20

Class = Monster

Strength = 20

Intelligence = 13

Dexterity = 19

Durability = 17

Wisdom = 23

There I sit in the throne of the first dungeon, Genesis. I am 2 meters tall boasting a scaly red medium armor made out of the strongest scale of a dragon around… Hahahaha! Or so I like to think. My golden short spiky hair glows like a torch in the dark, I have a ruby crown with jewels on them, I have a pair of golden wings in my back, my golden lizard eye brimming with power. I was born here. Died here. Resurrected here.

They just keep coming, it doesn't matter even if i kill a million of them, they will still keep coming. Adventurers they call them self. They come in our home just to pillage and kill. What makes them different than the creatures they call monster? Well i'll have you know even monster have feelings alright! Damn it, what did i do wrong in my life to be this damned.

What's so important here anyway? I'd rather explore the outside world than stay here hidden in a basement of some god forsaken underground tower.

'Oh! here comes another one, hmm... this one is weird his level is high, why is he down here in Genesis? Well, it doesn't matter. They won't stop coming and i can't truly die anyway, i'll just reset and revive again after a few hours', I said inwardly.

A warrior of light walked slowly from the entrance of the boss room. His face smug, his armor and weapon shining like the sun he walk slowly, but full of arrogance and confidence. The warrior was standing in front of a beautiful and sexy young lady. She wears a robe and carries a staff. She appears to be a mage of some kind. The young lady looked weak,but smiles evilly behind the warrior.

"Hahahahaha! The day has come for you to die fiend! Your evil ways has come to an end for I am here!" said the warrior of light brimming with elegance.

While other maybe see him as righteous all I see in him is utter stupidity. 'Oh! How does idiots like get to be free outside while I have to live this utterly unfair fate?' I lamented deep in my heart.

'It's obvious that the idiot warrior is trying to impress the young lady. Hmm.. since his armor is nice and he appear high level he should be from a prominent family. The young lady should be a low leveled adventurer, but with the help of the warrior who carried her through the dungeon she appears safe.'

Without saying anything anymore the warrior suddenly charges at me with his sword in hand. He slashes downwards towards my head for a quick decapitation. I dodged backwards jumping while keeping my distance since he is obviously way stronger than me.

'Damn it! He is too high-leveled for this dungeon why is he here!? Don't you have anything else to do!?' I screamed in my mind.

'At this rate he will kill me before i can even scratch his armor! Whatever, I'll get resurrected anyways! I'll make him suffer even if I have to sacrifice myself!'

While the warrior was playing around with me using attack that I was sure able to parry and inflicting shallow wounds at me, I secretly gathers my strength at my feet and kicked the ground dashing towards the young lady.

'I maybe unable to hurt you, but I sure as hell could assassinate this young lady!' I screamed in my mind.

The warrior panicked and tried to attack my side to cut me in half. Unfortunately for him I quickly moved my left wing to stop his sword.


My wing got cut off and the sword, but it was enough to stop the sword from cutting me in half. "HAHA! YOU'RE MINE NOW!" I screamed loudly full of madness.

I brandished my nails and ram it straight to the young girl's chest, it went through no problem. I pierced her chest and destroyed her heart. I feel her blood in splash on my face. The scene were horrifying to say the least. Even I never knew i was so brutal. By the time I snapped out of my trance I saw the warrior charging at me with his sword swinging like a madman.

'Hmm.. it looks like the shock has destroyed his mind. I may have a chance to kill him given that I play my cards right.'

"Hey bro!" suddenly I heard a voice in my mind calling me.

"Do you want to get out of this place? I can help you. In return you must take me with you, after years of being sealed I can finally talk a bit. Well? Whadday say, partner?" It continued to talk to me in a friendly manner like an innocent boy.

"Uhh... sure. But don't get your hopes up. I may die by this guy even if he has fall into madness he is still quite high-leveled, you know." Entertaining the idea of escaping I accepted the idea without a second thought even though I don't really believe him.

"It's a deal! Then i'll tell you this guy's weakness. You see I am a being that feeds of the emotion of man. If you can make him angrier and crazier I can temporarily fill his mind in confusion. Then you will quickly aim for the back of his neck which is where his magic is mostly gathered."

"Alright!" hearing the plan I can't help but be impressed. OK all i need now is to make him triggered, let's see.

"Haha! What a hero you are! You can't even protect your own companion! Adventurers? Hah! You're just a bunch of kids playing hero! You think you're so special? You're no different from us. You kill, you steal. No, actually i think i'm better than you! At Least i don't steal! You're just a self-righteous scum!" I screamed loudly at the warrior.

But, to my surprise the warrior did not go crazy, quite the opposite actually, He slowly regains his mind and stood still drawing his breath. "You're mind games won't work on me monster" he said as he slowly walk toward me, this time his eyes calm and tranquil.

He jumped forward slashing me again his blade glowing and moving more complex this time. Looks like he is using skills this time, even though I don't really understand skills since I don't know any skills and only know what they are called.

'Damn it! Where did i go wrong!? Why is he much calmer now? Damn professional!' I began to panic as the plan was starting to fail. 'Calm down, calm down, take a deep breath and calmly analyze the situation. The young lady is obviously of some importance to him, then why is he calm even though she is killed in front of him? I stared deeply at the warrior's eyes. 'Hmm... why is there no anger? Wait, what is that I see. Grief! Sadness! And most importantly, Blame! Haha! Jackpot! It seems that the self blame he felt is suppressing his anger.'

"Huh! Who the hell do you think you are? How dare you try to attack me. Even after you killed your own companion." I calmly said.

The warrior shuddered his face heavy, "No! You killed him! It's your fault that she's dead!" he bellowed madly.

"What are you talking about? If only you didn't play around with me and just finished me off right away she would've been alive. In a battle what is scary is not a difficult enemy, but an idiot teammate. If only you fight seriously from the start I wouldn't have had any chance to get near her. See, it's all. Your. Fault. Hero." I said slowly emphasizing his fault even though even i myself don't believe what i said.

"No! No! I'm sorry.... I'm sorry.... It's my fault... i shouldn't have invited you to come here. Even though you are still low leveled. I shouldn't have put you in harm's way... I'm sorry... Forgive me.... I'm sorry...." he keep repeating his words like some broken recorder.

"Nice one partner! This is enough!"said the voice again in my head.

The warrior soon dropped his sword he walked to the corpse of the young lady and he kneeled while begging for forgiveness. His eyes muddled with grief and self-blame as he kneeled not moving.

"Ahhh.. so this is what that voice mean by saying he will fall in a state of confusion."

I walked casually towards the warrior and stabbed his nape with my nails. Blood slowly ran out of the wound as the warrior fell to the side convulsing as his organs started to fail one by one due to the magic in his body running amok. He died shortly after. A pool of blood was formed in my feet.