
Born To Be

A Pilot and A Doctor Love Story. One thing must be warned about love. Love hurts, it only cause anger, betrayal, jealousy and obsession. Would someone be brave enough to try? Elle, the girl who always gets cheated everytime she enters a relationship. Miguel, the guy who never experienced being on a long term relationship because he always wants a new girl. Will it work if they'll become a couple? or will they only destroy one another?

kriiiiiz_ · Sports, voyage et activités
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16 Chs

Chapter 12


I wiped my tears and cleared my throat.

"You said you cheated?"

I don't know why I still have the urge to ask him about it knowing that it will make me cry harder.

He nodded and wiped his tears. "Yes, I did."

I badly want to slap him so hard, but something is stopping me from doing it.

"But things didn't work out.." He looked at me.

"Wha-" I immediately wiped my tears because I saw the waiter coming toward us to serve the orders.

"Here's your order, Ma'am, Sir-"

He handed me a tissue. "Here."

I smiled and thanked him.

"Just let go of each other when you can't fight anymore,"

He said, and we both looked at him.

"In the end, only you two will be hurt and repent." He said and walked away.

I couldn't believe what the waiter said, because that's the actual thing I did.

When I found out that Hendrixx left for new york, I tried to call him many times, but he wouldn't answer, even by text.

I was hoping that he would explain to me what happened, even thru call or text. But he won't answer, also won't read my messages.

Ever since he left, I'm always trying to call and text him every day, hoping he will reply. My day wouldn't be complete without doing it.

I've been trying to contact him for almost 3-5 months. But things have changed. I don't know, I just woke up, and I didn't feel the same excitement and happiness I felt every time I imagined that he might reply or have already replied.

Maybe ...maybe I'm tired of hoping and waiting for nothing.

Because if he wants to talk to me and wants to explain, he will find a way to do it.

"Elle? Are you okay?" I looked at him.

"Yes. Why?"

"Your food has cooled down. Are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

"Of course. I just remembered something because of what the waiter said."

"Hmmm...." He sat up and looked at me.

"What?" I asked and sipped on my drink.

"What did you remember? tell me,"

I sighed. Here we go again, talking about the past. I just hope I wouldn't end up crying.

"I remember the time you left... without me knowing,"

His eyes widened. I smiled slightly.

"I've been trying to contact you for almost 3-5 months. I was hoping that you would explain to me even thru call or text, hopefully. I hoped. But nothing, you're not answering any of my messages and calls."

The emotion shown in his eyes is full of remorse...

"I'm sorry. I should have called you before leaving-"

"I already accepted your apology, but that doesn't mean I will forget what you did. It had a huge impact on me if you only knew,"

I sipped on my drink to stop my tears from falling.

I looked at him, but he avoided my eyes and looked outside instead. He sighed and faced me again.

"I have nothing else to say but sorry. I know it's not enough," He sounded so sincere.

"There is nothing we can do because it has already happened, and it is over."

We both fell silent.

"But you know, I almost followed you to New York."

He looked at me with his eyes widened.

"Really? Why didn't you do it?"

I chuckled.

"I don't know where to find you,"

"After all, I will just look like a fool because I'm chasing after you," I added.

He let out an apologetic smile.

"Let's go?" I said and looked at my watch.

"Sure. I'll just pay." He said and went to the cashier.

I just arranged my things and followed him.

After paying, we went out to hopefully go to the parking, but it was freezing outside, so he asked me to stay inside while getting the car.

I didn't wait too long because the parking lot was nearby. When I got in the car, he handed me a jacket.

"Where did you get this?"

"I brought that earlier. I knew the weather would be so cold, especially when it is nighttime." He said and smiled.

I smiled back then he drove away.

I was so quiet the whole time because I couldn't help but think about what we talked about earlier and what he told me.

"So..." I looked at him.

"How are you feeling right now?" He looked at me for a moment and smiled slightly.

"I'm feeling better," I smiled.

"I... just want to ask something,"


"Does your parents still don't like me?" I asked nervously.

He cleared his throat. "I don't know..."

"Oh," I said and slowly nodded.

"How about your brother? Is he still mad at me up until now?"

"I don't know, too. But I think, no."

He smiled and nodded.

After a few minutes, we finally arrived at the hotel. We just parked and went up to the room.

We have two rooms here, one for me and the other one is for Hendrixx and Blake. When we entered, I first checked up to see if Blake is already there, then I saw him asleep, so I left immediately.

"Where is he?" Hendrixx asked while removing his shoes.

"He's already sleeping,"

He nodded. "I'll take a shower first-"

"Can I go first? I need to remove my makeup," I said and smiled.

Because we only have one bathroom here, there is no other room available with two bedrooms and a bathroom.

"Sure," He directly answered.

I quickly went to my room to get my skincare and my pajamas.

I just hastened to shower because Hendrixx is waiting. I just got dressed and did my skincare, and then I called him so he could already take a shower.

I went straight to the kitchen to brew some tea, then grabbed two packs of biscuits and sat on the sofa. While I was looking for a movie to watch, I didn't notice that Hendrixx was already sitting beside me, so I was surprised.

He laughed when he saw my reaction. I just smiled.

"You want some?" I offered him the other pack of biscuits but he refused.

"How about this? I'll make you if you want,"

I was referring to my tea, but he still refused.

"I'm good. Thank you, though," He said and smiled.

I continued to look for a movie to watch when he suddenly spoke.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

"You asked that two times already," I chuckled, not facing him.

"I'm serious. How are you feeling? Do you feel better?"

I faced him. I know he's referring to the ones we talked about earlier and the things he explained.

"You're right. I feel better," We both smiled.

"I've been waiting for your explanation for a long time because even though it happened years ago, I'm still asking myself sometimes what did I do to make you leave me just like that,"

A tear was about to fall from his eyes, but I wiped it immediately and held his hands.

"And now, I want to thank you for choosing to explain rather than hiding the truth from me," I said and smiled at him.