
Born To Be

A Pilot and A Doctor Love Story. One thing must be warned about love. Love hurts, it only cause anger, betrayal, jealousy and obsession. Would someone be brave enough to try? Elle, the girl who always gets cheated everytime she enters a relationship. Miguel, the guy who never experienced being on a long term relationship because he always wants a new girl. Will it work if they'll become a couple? or will they only destroy one another?

kriiiiiz_ · Teen
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16 Chs

Chapter 13


"Happy Birthday, my baby love!"

I was a little surprised when Mom suddenly hugged me when I came out of the bathroom.

Behind her is Dad, holding my birthday cake, and my sister carrying some paper bags from different brands that I love.

"Make a wish before blowing the candle," Dad reminded me.

I closed my eyes. My wish is for my family to be healthy, happy, and prosperous. I also hope that I can fulfill all my dreams in life.

After making a wish, I immediately blew the candle and thanked them.

My sister handed me the gifts while smiling.

"Thanks. I hope you're giving me the one I wanted," I smirked.

She rolled her eyes which made me laugh.

I first open the paper bag from Dior. It was from my sister. She knows the brand I want, huh.

I gasped when I opened the paper bag. IT'S THE DIOR SNEAKERS I'VE BEEN WANTING!

I hugged her tightly because I was so happy. But she didn't hug me back. Hmph!

"Ew, dude." She made a disgusted face.

I hugged her again. "Thank you so much!"

"Get off me! Yuck!" I laughed.

"Stop, you two!" Mom said and chuckled.

"Continue opening your presents, Son. We need to hurry up. We'll have lunch with our relatives again."

"Yes, Dad."

I next took the paper bag from Gucci. It was from my Mom.

It's a polo!

"Thanks, Mom! It's so nice!" I said and hugged her.

"You're welcome! I'm glad you liked it!"

Then, I opened the last paper bag. It's from Louis Vuitton. It was from my Dad.

It's the Carpenter Denim Pants! I've been planning to buy this one because It's so pretty.

"Thanks, Dad! I'll wear all of your gifts!" I said and hugged all of them.

"You're welcome, son. We are so happy you liked all of it."

"We'll get ready now. We should not be late."

"Okay. I'll get dressed, too."

I wore everything they gave me. I also wore the necklace that my Grandmother gave me when I had my birthday 2 or 3 years ago.

After getting ready, I went out to the veranda to get some fresh air. I took my phone out because it keeps on vibrating.

I first opened the text messages I got from my friends.

From: Alford

Happy Birthday, Dude! Don't forget to buy my favorite perfume! TIA <3

From: Bruce

Happy Birthday! I'll give you your present when you get back here.

I thanked them and opened my Instagram to see my family and friends' posts.

@adamsfelice tagged you in a post.

'Happy Birthday! God knows how much I love and hate you.'

It was a picture of us when she was helping me to blow out my candles on my 1st birthday.

I liked her post and thanked her and her friends who greeted me on her post.

I next looked at my mom and dad's post.

@majandraadams_ and @adamsalejandro tagged you in a post.

'Happy Birthday, baby. You've grown so much. Daddy, Me, and your sister are so glad that we got to see you when you had all your firsts. I promise to be by your side forever. Mommy is always here. I will listen to your rants and problems without judging you. We love you.'

I almost cried because of the caption. She posted three photos. The first and second one is when Dad and her first held me in their arms with a tear in their eyes. The last photo is when my sister admires me while I'm sleeping beside Mom.

I liked her post and shared it on my IG story.

"We're done. Let's go?" Dad said when he opened the door.

"We can't be the late birthday boy." Mom chuckled.

I chuckled. "Let's go."

I saw my sister taking photos in the mirror, so I photobombed.

She rolled her eyes. I laughed and fixed my hair in the mirror.

"Hmm.. you look good." She said.

"I know. You don't need to remind me." I smirked.

She was about to hit me on my arms when Dad suddenly called us.

"Hey, let's go. They are already on the way."

I laughed at her, and she made a face.

We are having our lunch at The View Restaurant. When we arrived, we saw Grandma and our other relatives waiting outside. I quickly ran to greet them.

"Grandma!" I hugged her.

"Miggy! Happy Birthday. I'll give you your present later," She hugged me back.

"You don't have to give me anything, Grandma. But thank you!"

"Uncle Seb! Missed you!" I hugged him and smiled widely.

"Oh my god! Migs! You've grown so much!" Aunt Shianna said that made me laugh.

"Are you okay now? I heard you just gave birth,"

"Yes, I'm fine, don't worry." She smiled.

"You'll see him later," Uncle Seb said and smiled.

"Let's go inside, Everyone!" My sister said.

When we went inside the restaurant, I immediately asked my sister what food should we order, but she refused.

"No need to order. The foods will come in a bit." She winked.

And she was right, It came after 15 minutes. She can be an events planner. She's good at organizing events.

We started eating and talking about our plans for the future.

"How about you, Miguel? Do you also want to be a doctor just like your sister?"

I sipped on my water and smiled.

"No," I said politely.

"I want to be a pilot. I will take Aeronautical Engineering in college. I'm also looking for a good flying school."

I could see the amazement on their faces at what I said. I smiled and continued eating.

Around 4 pm we left the restaurant. We just spent time there because we also had nothing to do. We will go to our hotel to change our clothes and freshen up.

We'll go to a club tonight to continue my birthday celebration. All of us are coming except Grandma, Uncle Seb, and Aunt Shianna.

@ellegil_ mentioned you in a post.

When I saw that notification, I immediately opened it.

@ellegil_: Happy Birthday to my new friend! Enjoy your day! love you xoxo


I liked her post and reposted it on my story with white hearts.

I saw a notification that she message me, so I quickly checked my inbox.


What is the exact location of your hotel? I'll just have this delivered to you :P

*sent a photo

She's giving me a gift! Wow. That is so nice of her.

I immediately replied.


Wow! Thanks! You can give it to me later.

She immediately replied.


How? Aren't you celebrating your birthday with your family?

I could not reply right away because we had already arrived at the hotel.

I replied to her as soon as I arrived in the room because I was still waiting for Mom to finish showering.


We already had lunch with our relatives earlier. We'll go to a club in 2 hours. I'm inviting you to come you can bring your friends with you.

She replied in less than 2 minutes! How fast does she type?!


Omg. Are you sure?

I smiled while typing a reply. But my smile faded when a pillow hit my face. I stopped typing then I saw Dad smiling widely.

"Stop it, Dad," I chuckled.

"Whoops, okay," He said laughing

I just replied 'yes' and sent it immediately.

She replied quickly.


Okay. I'll see you later! ;)

I reacted heart to her reply and smiled.



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- Webnovel


- Mangatoon

- Noveltoon

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I will no longer publish new chapters after CHAPTER 15. All of the remaining chapters/parts or the continuation of this story will be published at this link (https://www.webnovel.com/book/born-to-be_20947863905249505)

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