

Wednesday when I had come home from training, I decided to tell my mother about how my father would be doing better and how he was under our control rather than getting into trouble. Instead of questioning me like she wanted, she just went with what I had told her realizing yet again I was caring for them now. "Its good to know Angel isn't going to get arrested one of these days or killed, i wouldn't want that for you."My mother was still trying not to cry along with keeping her motherly image in my mind, she clearly didn't want me to think I could disrespect her. We went on with our evening, I sent Noah a message saying that when he got off of work Id pick him up. He worked a few days a week at a near by fast food place, it was a great way for him to start and I enjoyed walking in and bothering him. I went ahead and finished one of my last school assignments and thought about taking a nap, but by the time I laid my head down my phone rang. I looked to see my fathers name on the screen and answered immediately." Honey I'm not sure what is going on but these guys have been following me since yesterday, I thought this was something you could handle or in your area of our relationship." He spoke fast like he was nervous and worried. " Where are you at, can you go somewhere public? Ill come get you." I was in a hurry already to find him so I listened to where he was and when I heard he wasn't even a block from Noah's job I sent him there. I had to put on dark clothes and my jacket to get there running, I sent Tommy and Sam the message of where to be. I ran out the door past my mother and apologized for almost knocking her over, I was 2 miles away maybe. I ran and didn't stop knowing if I did someone could die, Sam was calling me over and over again. I sped up my running knowing I was not even 15 feet away from them, I heard gasping and running foot steps along with Sam cussing me out for not answering my phone. I turned the corner to see the most devastating sight ever.

In the corner my father hid behind the trash can and Tommy's dead body, under him was Noah gasping for air. Sam had finally thrown down his phone and fought 3 different attackers, before they could register the sound of my screams I had already pulled out my Blades and stabbed them through the chest and heart. I ran to help Noah out from under the dead body and try to save him from whatever may be happening to him, I was already to late. The Knife that had gone threw Tommy had also stabbed Noah causing him to gasp in pain as he slowly died and broke my heart. I had sent death to my boyfriend in hopes that he would be able to provide some sense of security to the life it was after. I killed Noah, I had killed my only grasp left to humanity and the reason why wasn't a cold monstrous killer. I needed to save him but I didnt know how and I couldnt control myself anymore I had stopped crying and screaming, the only sounds I made were the moans of pain as I felt my eyes change and my teeth grow and my blood melt threw my frozen heart. I was dying holding my dear dead Noah's body in my arms. Sam tried to grab me and help me up but I had swung my own hand and cut his arms, I didn't care who you were I'd kill you before you took Noah away from me. I seen the blood dripping onto his face, they were my own tears glistening and turning clear on his skin, he truly was the man who could mean anything more to me than a friend or food. I felt my body burning and my skin itching before I could understand what I was doing I began to cut into my own skin causing me to bleed even more over him, I felt like I was dying and burning. I looked down and there I heard another gasp from his blood covered lips, before I could kiss him I had fallen over. I really was starting to die before my wounds could heal, I had bled myself to save Noah and I didn't even Know that was what I had done. I fell and watched as my father, sam and Luis rushed to catch me. Qbove me I seen the beutiful moon for the first time look blue like an ocean and the sky burning with the darkest red and black as the stars faded out. How did I not see that as I ran here, it was lovely and I wished I could share it with Noah. But we probably wouldn't be able to enjoy anything together, we had both died but I saved him and there was know time to save me. I closed my eyes and sighed my breathe of relief knowing as my claimed he would be protected more than I could have done, he would live on in a safer world than he had before. I only wished I could have given him my entire life and happiness, I wished him in my last thoughts the family and love we had promised each other. Before I could finally let go I heard him say, "Don't wish me a happy life with love because your the only one who can do that for me." Noah had heard my thoughts and yelled at me not to leave. I had no strength but I could enjoy the sound of his voice once more.

"Ang why don't you open your eyes, its really nice when you look at this place." Noah was talking to me and I could hear his smile. I opened my eyes and seen his warm smile and loving eyes looking at me, "Noah what happened?" I had to ask it was the number one thing on my mind. "Well Im pretty sure I died but I think you actually brought me back some weird way and im glad because now I know you really care about me as much as I love you." He kissed my lips and held my face in both his hands, softly moving his thumbs over my cheeks. This was the most pure and precious feeling and experience I could have, I looked past his face and seen the heaven we both wanted in our own home and a beautiful landscape outside. He was right it was a nice place and a great view, but there was something going on in his head like he had something to say. "My love, you have to wake up in the real world now. Everyone thinks your dead they might actually hurt me if you don't wake up." His face was sad like he was trying not to be the reason why I was rushed or hurt, but he knew I had to wake up for the both of us. I had to try, closing my eyes and locking them as tight as I could, Noah said something I couldn't understand. I opened my eyes and seen I was no longer in my own private heaven, I looked over to see Noah being held down in a hospital bed as he cried out looking at me trying to get up. I looked down and seen my arms bandaged and a transfusion in my hand, I felt a mask over my nose and mouth. My body hurt like it was ran over by a truck and instead of Noah trying to talk all I could hear were my own screams of pain, Sam and Luis were no longer holding him down. Noah had shoved them off sending the two strongest guardian fighters into the walls of our hospital room, he managed to do that and ran to my side before the doctors could get past the doors. His eyes were black but they were still his eyes, he was still my fiance. He removed my mask hoping it would help, I only gasped for air and moaned in pain. The doctors finally reached me, attempting to get Noah away only hurt me and angered him more, they gave me more pain killers to help the pain but it only made me tired for a few hours making the pain a faint buzzing feeling in my body. I had fallen asleep and woken up to Noah holding me in his arms, I felt no pain from the wounds that had healed over and now looked like faint scars made years ago. Noah woke up and smiled at me we both were alive and safe, his eyes were black and looked like pools of oil and smoke floating around in space. "Ang your eyes are grey, like you still have your normal blue but the rest is grey. Now I know you asked me but is there a reason why I look like a demon and you look like a devil?" He smiled but knew his question would scare me, his honest tone made me feel at ease and I knew he was trying to help. Maybe I really had changed him, into what we still didn't know. "Well it looks like you set myths and records this week. Not only did you bring Noah back to life but I think he brought you back to." Luis realized we were awake and broke the ice with a great big smile. "So after doing research we learned blue eyes isn't just pretty or strong, you girl happen to be even more rare than we thought. You take protecting your claimed to the original meaning, blue eyed vampires are the first to make claims originally on your human husbands and boyfriends. It changed over time to those you loved because often enough we protected them like a claimed anyway. But you used the claimed mark only you can make, the spiritual mark. Your mark though awakened his inner creature much like your vampiric nature, he is or was becoming what some would consider a guardian in death. He also was your claimed, he could be considered your equal but your eyes are not the same either. After reading and listening we came down to the conclusion he is your Hell hound. A creature created from your blood bound to you even in death destined to protect you, we don't know what all he can do but he is linked to you. I hope you understand that this is something you and him will have to handle on your own, we will be there to help you since your one of us. Please don't go and die on us again, get some rest and sleep." Luis lost his smile and told us this news his face seemed grim with a heavy weight of that knowledge. It seemed to help by telling us this news, but now we had a whole new world to navigate.