
Book 1 of the System Series: In Remnant with Persona System(New)

"Who I was before? I don't know. Should I worry? Maybe? Will I save the world? Yeah, not my problem. Good luck, though. My little sister is in trouble! Get outta my way! Big bro is coming to help! Even if I have to leave the world to its destruction!" This is also on Fanfiction.net, same name and everything. The author is the same, but with Web novel limiting the word count, so I had to make it similar to my fanfic's username. Warning: Bad grammar, English not my first language. Check the other stories of mine in https://www.fanfiction.net/~imboredsojustdoingrandomfanfic Ignore the profile, I'm too lazy to get rid of it and place it in a single chapter for one of my fanfics. I'm may or may not post the others on this site. Most of my work will be on fanfiction.net. Thanks for reading. As one of my readers told me to post this fanfic over this website, and I find myself why not. patreon.com/theBoredAuthor

ImBoredSoMehl · Anime et bandes dessinées
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71 Chs

Chapter 45: The Hope Or The Despair

Disclaimer: I own nothing; this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'






[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - AP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Type]: [Type]

[Name]: [Item Name]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Poor - Common - Uncommon - Epic - Legendary - Ascendant

Grade: E-/EX

Value: [System Point]/(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Info on [Item Name]

[Extra Info]: [Extra Info]

Chapter 45: The Hope Or The Despair

Days?: Failure Is Not An Options! Part 4

(Vale: Vale City: [Dark Hour]: Yukiko Amagi's Mansion: Basement)

Shigure let out a sigh, as she figures out that sometimes her fiance just doesn't know the right words to say to others.

"He...is not...aiming...to kill you." Shigure chose her words carefully, to not cause the other side to suddenly attack before she could explain everything to clear the misunderstanding.

"Shigure. He is literally pointing a [Gun] at me." Yukiko said to Shigure, with a pale face and slowly moving closer to her maid for comfort. Furthermore, she really doesn't know how she should feel about this. Betrayal? Hatred? Sorrow? Any one of these words could summarize her mixed emotions right now.

"A special [Gun]." Shigure made sure to emphasize the word 'special', as if this would make Yukiko feel much better on getting shot at, because the [Gun] is very special indeed.

Narberal opens her mouth to say otherwise, but was too shocked that the very person that holding a [Gun] at her Mistress, had disappeared before her very eyes. Not even her trained senses could find them at all. Which lead to her doing something unoriginal of her. She grabs Yukiko and rushes towards the exit, which saying a word.

Sadly, this is the first time Narberal faced against my [Shadowless Evasion Art] and didn't know to expect besides going invisible on her. So it was another surprise for Narberal when I appear right next to both her and Yukiko, out of nowhere, causing Yukiko to cry out in shock at my sudden appearance and the sight of my [Evoker] already placed next to the right side of Yukiko's head.

Much to my surprise, Narberal manages to spin around fast enough before I could fire off [Evoker], as she moved Yukiko away while throwing in a left spin kick to my neck.

Instead of her spin kick connecting with my neck; Narberal let out a shout in surprise that she hit an invisible barrier and got reflected. If it wasn't for her aura protecting her, I would say her left foot would have broken due to how much strength she put into that spin kick of hers, along with the momentum added in with it should have given enough strength behind it. Then, with [Accelerator]'s [Refirection] would have returned that back to her left leg.

So seeing Narberal holding her left leg in pain wasn't that surprising, but I don't have time to waste and appear next to Yukiko once more, then fire off my [Evoker]. Much to the disbelief on both Yukiko and Narberal's faces at this action of mine.

Instead of the familiar sound of what a [Gun] would make when fired. What came was a glass shatter coming from Yukiko herself. Then, Yukiko's red aura appears and covering her body, which I find a little weird since there should be a pale blue fog should be covering Yukiko's body instead of her red aura.

Both Yukiko and Narberal thoughts this was it. Yukiko is going to die at the hands of her cousin's friend of all people and a fellow member of the Arcana.

So it was another shocker, where Yukiko didn't end up dead at all, including her head doesn't have another hole formed. Narberal rushed over to check on her Mistress and discover no injury on her Mistress' head. No bleeding at all. Nothing in sight.

"Like what Shigure said before; I'm not aiming to kill you. If I did; well, you wouldn't have the chance to say anything after I finished speaking." I said to Yukiko, but I was mainly focused on Yukiko's shadow, with Shigure already pulled out her [Nodachi] at the sight of Yukiko's shadow stretching further away from Yukiko until it reaches the center of the Basement.

"And I still don't want to kill you, Yukiko. So if you can." I walk a few steps away from both Yukiko and Narberl, with Shigure and me getting closer to the center instead. "MOVE!" At the sudden shout from me, causing Narberal to move on reflex.

Yukiko let out a yelp when she realized that her own shadow is strangely stretched abnormally and even Narberal finds this very unsettled.

The urge to attack [Shadow Yukiko]; I had to forcibly suppress it down, and even then, I don't know if this theory of mine would show the result I'm looking for. So, the first thing I did was put away my [Evoker]. Because I rather not lose it somehow and have to pay a heavy price to get a new one with all the feature my starter version already contain with.

Actually, before our very eyes; instead of another Yukiko, that is known as [Shadow Yukiko], didn't appear at all. Instead, what came out of Yukiko's shadow just happen to be the [Shadow] version of her [Persona] before it became a [Persona].

"Uh, guys." Yukiko called out to everyone's attention. "I don't know what's going on, but I'm feeling my aura reserve going down real fast at the moment. I'm very scared right now. So if anyone got an answer to this. Please tell me before I have a heart attack at the amount of aura I'm losing right now."

"Oh, this is not good." I thought out loud, once I realize the danger we in. If we were facing a normal [Shadow]; well, normal as one with the potential turning into a [Persona], then if what Yukiko just told everyone that her aura reserve is draining for some reason, which should be her future [Persona] the source of this problem.

Well, we're on a time limit battle then. Due to the fact that if the little sudden thought of mine, where Yukiko's life is in danger of going to disappear, with her [Shadow] transferring all Yukiko's aura reserve into the [Shadow] itself. And I do not want to know why that is a thing.

So without thinking about it; I purchase a [Tarot Cards] for one-time usage and the familiar looking card appear on top of my right palm. Which I crush it right after it appeared for a few seconds.

I grunt when I felt half my aura disappeared instantly and the temporary connection linking me to my summoned [Persona] was set, which made anything that hurt my [Persona] would hurt me as well, but just a bit less.

Of course, I have knowledge of the enemy we about to face beforehand. So, the [Persona] I picked to be summoned: [Pyro Jack] due to the fact, that [Shadow Yukiko] can cast [Fire Magic], where [Pyro Jack] can absorb it.

I'm pretty much making [Pyro Jack] as my meatshield against [Shadow Yukiko]. Luckily, I can use my [Magic] myself while summoning [Pyro Jack]. I just only half my aura reserve though.

"WHAT IS THAT?!" Yukiko cried out in horror at the weird lookalike of herself; well, kind of, with the whole same face and hair. But, after that, is just the form of a large red bird.

"I'll explain later. First: Defeat the enemy." I said to Yukiko, but the keyword: Defeat, is what I said to everyone and only Shigure knew why I said 'defeat' instead of 'kill'. Because, if [Shadow Yukiko] is killed, then there goes that chance of Yukiko gaining her own [Persona], which I can't allow that to happen.

If I haven't summoned [Pyro Jack] via [Tarot Cards] and instead with my [Evoker]. This would be a good time for [Pyro Jack] to cast both [Tarunda] and [Rakunda], to decrease [Shadow Yukiko]'s [Attack] and [Defense] by 20% for 3 minutes. Enough for me to take her down with one of my [Fusion Spell/Skill].

But, the restriction placed on the [Tarot Cards] due to not being the correct method to summon my [Persona] had placed me at a disadvantage in this boss battle.

Shigure started off first by rushing in before [Shadow Yukiko] could finish getting used to being in her new form, as Shigure throw multiple [Kunai] wrapped in [Shock Tag], which set off right away after a few seconds making contact on [Shadow Yukiko]'s body.

[Item Type]: [Talisman/Paper]

[Name]: Shock Talisman/Tag

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Common

Grade: D+++

Description: A [Talisman] infused with a large amount of [Electric Magic] and written with multiple [Rune] for shocking and storage, along with a few other [Rune] inscribed for other different ways to activate this [Item], along with additional effects. Allowing the user to set amount of time to activate. This [Item] can be attached to a surface or wrapped around a weapon to be thrown at an enemy.

This is among the many [Talisman] Shigure tends to ask me to supply her often. As they are very useful in combat. And a stronger version of the [Shock Tag], which is infused with [Powdered Lightning Dust], but is instead infused with my own very [Electric Magic]. Which is much more powerful than the previous version.

So seeing [Shadow Yukiko] let out a screech of pain due to the high volts going throughout her body and sending her fall to the ground from losing the feeling in her legs.

But, this didn't stop [Shadow Yukiko] to follow her instinct and cast [Mind Charge] to increase her next [Magical Attack] by 250% greater in power, with a follow up of [Burn to Ashes]. To burn everything in her sight.

Sadly, for her, I was ready for this as the mental command I gave to [Pyro Jack] right from the start was to absorb all the [Fire] appear out of nowhere, which [Pyro Jack] did instantly and all the [Fire] drawn into his little lantern.

A little fun fact: [Pyro Jack] can convert the absorbed [Fire] into aura and send it to me through the link between us, but only 25% of what [Pyro Jack] absorbed and can only work by summoning [Pyro Jack] with [Tarot Cards].

So if I had summoned [Pyro Jack] via [Evoker], then having [Pyro Jack] absorbing [Fire] wouldn't be able to send me the converted [Fire] into aura back to me until I dismiss him back to my Sea of Souls. Which could be a good thing for emergency as I get a decent amount of aura back after summoning [Pyro Jack] this way, if there was a huge [Fire] needed to be put out. I would gain back a large amount of aura, even if it's just 25% of that build up stored converted aura.

Now, with a bit of aura, I gained back by [Pyro Jack]. I launch my own set of attacks next. First: [Kontaqua: Water Whips] to bind [Shadow Yukiko] to the ground. Second: [Konttera: Giant Earth Hand] to grab hold of [Shadow Yukiko] to decrease her chance of escaping. Third: Sending [Pyro Jack] hovering over her to absorb all the [Fire] from [Shadow Yukiko] before she could even form her [Fire Magic].

Since I have no way to tell if [Shadow Yukiko]'s health bar is going down or not; I have to keep attacking until she either turn into the human form of [Shadow Yukiko] or turns into Yukiko's [Persona]. Whichever goes first, I have no clue at the moment.

"Can you please tell us what's going on here?!" Yukiko shouted out to both Shigure and me, where she would have rushed over to help out in the fight if it weren't for her maid stopping her. Plus, the fact that the monster in front of her is somehow connected with her via her own shadow. Does make her extreme uneasy this whole time.

"I'll explain you about what are we facing after we defeat, alright?" I said to Yukiko in a more neutral tone, causing Yukiko's instinct to shout at her to quiet down or else face the wrath of the unknown.

Quickly, before [Shadow Yukiko] got the chance to counter back; I quick cast multiple of [Bufu] at [Shadow Yukiko], which caused her to scream out in pain and with [Bufu]'s freezing effect to take in place after casting so many times already. Disabling [Shadow Yukiko]'s movement enough time for Shigure and me to take [Shadow Yukiko] down before she given a chance to attack back.

Shigure rushes towards [Shadow Yukiko] but didn't move her hands to pull out her beloved [Nodachi]. Instead, a blue [Longsword] appear in her hands, which emitting a chill to its surroundings.

This is one of the many weapons, both Shigure and I created together. But, only could be used for a few times as this is a failure [Ice Longsword]. One of the many failed experiments, but could still be used as a consumable [Item].

As Shigure use aura enhance to give her the ability to jump 50 meters above the ground and allow gravity to pull her down, with the increasing momentum for her to purge the failure [Ice Longsword] straight into the back of [Shadow Yukiko], causing the [Ice Longsword]'s blade to crack.

This sign caused Shigure to quickly get away, where a half a minute is what it took for the [Ice Longsword] to break down completely and the shards begin to freeze everywhere on top of [Shadow Yukiko]'s body.

With one final screech let out by [Shadow Yukiko]'s form disappeared back into Yukiko's shadow, but not before showing just a bit of Yukiko's [Persona] to everyone for a split second.

After [Shadow Yukiko] returns back inside Yukiko's shadow, that is when I send [Pyro Jack] back into my Sea of Souls, then let out a sigh of relief. Since I rather not find out what would happen if Yukiko's aura reserve is completely empty by the time both Shigure and I finish taking down [Shadow Yukiko].

So once Yukiko's shadow completely returns to normal, that is when [Dark Hour] disappears and we've returned back to Remnant.

(Vale: Vale City: Yukiko Amagi's Mansion: Basement)

However, I didn't lower my guard, which was a good thing. Because Narberal attacks me by sending high volts of [Lightning Bolt] straight at me.

So I grab an unfinished [Shock Talisman/Tag] and place it in front of me, so it could absorb Narberal's [Lightning Bolt] until she stops her attack, or quickly drain all the [Lightning Bolt] Narberal could provide with her aura, as the unfinished [Shock Talisman/Tag] only needs high amount of [Lightning]. Be it [Lightning Dust] or [Electric Magic], even natural [Lightning] could be absorbed.

Of course, Shigure didn't just stand and watch on the sideline, as she appears right next to Narberal, who react on instinct after losing control over her [Lightning Bolt] and tried to attack Shigure with a spear hand strike cover in electrical currents as this is the best she could do at the moment.

Seeing this, Shigure pulls out a familiar unfinished [Talisman] like I did before and just place it on top of Narberal's right hand covered in electrical currents and just a single second all it took to drain Narberal's attack void.

With Narberal losing the battle; she had only one option left: Escape with her Mistress.

However, why should I allow Narberal escape with Yukiko after all the trouble I went for Yukiko to gain; well, maybe have the chance to summon her own [Persona], just because Narberal place her own judgments over others without getting all the facts before taking action, even if those facts could be true or false.

So I block the whole exit route with [Ice Magic], to seal this path from both Yukiko and Narberal.

Actually, it looks like it's only Narberal that wanted to escape with Yukiko, but Yukiko herself is struggling to get out of Narberal's hands because she wanted answers and she could only get them by asking the ones that already here in front of her.

I quickly rush over to them, then at the right second. Narberal turns around with a [Crystalline Lightning Dust] in her left hand. Not wanting to know what she is going to do with that. I blast her with my killing intent, with [Evil Smile] to back me up.

Sending [Fear] straight into Narberal's core and couldn't even move a single muscle, along with heavy breathing as her body begin to shake itself enough, to drop Yukiko to the ground, which said person let out a cried out of pain from the sudden drop.

This gave Shigure the chance to throw an [Anti-Aura Senbon: Sleepy-Time Elixir] at Narberal. And not a second later, Narberal fall to the ground sound asleep, which is the sign for me to stop releasing killing intent and using [Evil Smile].

"Man, Narberal didn't even give us the chance to say anything after taking down [Shadow Yukiko]. By the way, Yukiko, that was the [Shadow Self] of what represents your feelings of repression and any other negative emotions." I said to Yukiko, who still on the ground staring at me with a confused look.

Luckily, I made sure to write down just the basics of what needs to know about [Shadow] and [Persona] in a little handbook. Which I made only two copies. One for both Pyrrha and Shigure to hold. Just in case they meet someone like Yukiko and is trustworthy or just say a few things to them to help out a little.

So that's what Shigure did by explaining just the scratch of the basics to Yukiko while barely answering all of Yukiko's questions about what's going on. As Shigure doesn't trust Yukiko enough to lend out her copy of the basics need to know about [Shadow] and [Persona] but is willing to explain a few things. Including about [Dark Hour] as well.

Yup, I included [Dark Hour] in the handbook, which I never did think of a good title name. So I have left it blank for now.

30 minutes later*

Yukiko blankly stares at the [Tarot Cards] I gave her to hold in the case of emergencies like before and if she ever enters [Dark Hour] once more by accidents, even without [Dark Hour: Ticket] to give her access to it. Plus, Shigure even explains that [Dust] is useless against [Shadow] and only through brute physical force or [Magic] belong to the [Persona] themselves could affect the [Shadow].

"Also, you're limited to a few minutes of summoning your own [Persona] and the amount of time you summon the [Persona] unless you get some more [Tarot Cards] from me. So until then, do make sure not to waste them at all." I finish explaining the usage of the [Tarot Cards] and their side-effects of using them to Yukiko.

"Wait, does this mean Narberal have the potential to summon a [Persona] as well?" Yukiko just remembers that her maid didn't turn into a coffin like the average people would.

"Yes." I simply answer, causing Yukiko to cheer, which I had to put down. "But, she won't be able to summon a [Persona] anytime soon after she tried to attack us with our back turn. Also, if you dare give one of those [Tarot Cards] to your maid. I won't give you a single one until I know when you won't be giving it out to others like it ordinary thing to do. So you will be only limited to 3 [Tarot Cards] for now. Plus, don't even think about going to Momoyo to ask for help. You'll find out that option is useless."

Once I was done speaking; I left the Basement and Shigure was merciful enough to provide some [Healing Peach-Blossom Pill] for Yukiko and Narberal's usage. But, mainly for Yukiko than Narberal with the way Shigure sends a cold glare at the still sleeping Narberal.

[Item Type]: [Medicine/Pill]

[Name]: Healing Peach-Blossom Pill

Durability: 100%/100% (Fresh)

Quality: Common

Grade: D

Value: 500 System Point

Description: A [Pill] that require being consumed and will heal the consumer's body back to health a bit faster than the normal rate. Also, the [Pill] tastes like peach, making the [Pill] more bearable to take.

Healing Time: -10%

20 minutes later*

(Vale: Vale City: Nearby Yukiko Amagi's Mansion: Unknown Rooftop)

After sneaking out of the Mansion and find a random building's Rooftop to use as a temporary place to watch over Yukiko's Mansion. Also, I contacted Momoyo to let her know that the [Dark Hour] occurred at Yukiko's place, which gave a scare to Momoyo. But, I managed to calm Momoyo down after explaining a few things, including that Yukiko maybe has a higher chance of summoning her [Persona].

Of course, Momoyo wanted to see if she could summon her [Persona] as well. Once, I explain to her that the [Tarot Cards], which I thought at first was linked to me and couldn't give Momoyo it to use, for her own [Persona] summoning.

But, after I handed a [Tarot Cards] to Yukiko just for the heck of it; I discover the [Persona System] hidden this feature, where I could transfer ownership of the [Tarot Cards] to another [Persona] user.

However, much to my relief, the [Tarot Cards] would bound to the next owner and without my permission. They can't even transfer it over to another person and even then, the [Persona System] carefully explain to me that if Yukiko tries to pass the [Tarot Cards] to another person without my permission. Then it will disappear and return back to me.

So I guess there some [Item] in the [Persona System] won't allow others to possess at all. So in a way, I could finally allow others, whose potential to summon their own [Persona], to give them an option beside shooting themselves in the head with an [Evoker].

Afterward, Momoyo promises she would head to whichever kingdoms we're planning to go, so she could grab a few [Tarot Cards] to see what [Persona] she posses.

After all that, Momoyo hanged up and Shigure has been staring at me for a while now. I got the feeling that Shigure wants to see what her [Persona] is. Even she didn't want to find out what it felt like being shot in the head, so finding out another method to discover her own [Persona]. Had brought back out the desires she kept within her heart all these years after discovering what's a [Persona] since.

I was about to finally give in and hand Shigure a [Tarot Cards] when something caught out attention behind us.

Both Shigure and I armed ourselves with Shigure pulls out her [Nodachi], and me with my two [Combat Knives]. What stopped us from attacking right away was the curiosity inside us wanting to know what catches our attention.

However, that something was a someone, who happens to be a familiar ice cream girl: Neopolitan. Otherwise known as Neo. Appear before us with a serious expression and happen to be wearing Roman's hat and holding [Melodic Cudgel] as well.

"Do you know her?" I whisper to Shigure, but I can tell Neo heard me as well. So I didn't bother to lower my voice too much in the first place.

"Nepolitan...known as...Neo among...her circle...origin: Vauco Kingdom." Shigure surprisingly actually knows her, including where she came from. Even I didn't know that, which wasn't that surprising since Neo's history wasn't released before my mystery death.

'Okay, I'm so lost right now. Why is Neo here of all places, and even more, why she looking for us or maybe it just either Shigure or me?' I didn't let my guard down in front of Neo.

Neo looks around carefully before she slowly walks towards us, with her raising both hands to the sky, to show she not trying to do anything and made sure to point [Melodic Cudgel] to the sky as well, since she knew that the two in front of her can easily take her down before she could even blink.

"So what do you need from us exactly?" I ask Neo, who I'm still a little wary of. As I continue to use [Eagle Vision] every minute goes by. Just to be on the safe side. After all, there could be a small chance of Neo using her semblance to trick us at some point.

Neo's serious expression turned into a nervous one the instant I finish asking her why she here in front of us, then quickly look around the area as if some hidden assassin was about to burst out to kill her.

Right as Neo slowly walk towards and with 5 meters between us. She stops in place, then looks even more nervous and glance at her feet before she opens her mouth, "I...I wish for some protection by joining your group." Neo made sure not to speak out the name of the Arcana out in the open, but both Shigure and I knew that Neo actually has knowledge that both of us belong to the Arcana.

Now, this confused both to Shigure and me; as in protection against who? So, we just stare at Neo to continue what's trying to offer by joining the Arcana and why we should allow it.

'Huh, so this world's Neo can talk and isn't mute.' I thought to myself with just a little surprise and after all the things I went through. This really doesn't shock me that much.

When Neo notices the look she got, she continues off, "I don't know if the previous group I was in would keep me around after Roman got eaten by a grimm of all things, but if even the grimm my former comrades in the previous group said they could control the grimm. Then, Roman got killed off, even when we were doing so well helping out and this is against our wills too. So, I don't know if they are planning to get rid of me later and rather not take my chances staying with them. I was going to head back to Vacuo."

Then Neo slowly pointed at me, "But, I remembered you back at the Port and later from the report from the White Fang, there was a mention about the activity belong to the...umm a hidden group back from the Mistral Kingdom had shown up here in Vale for some reason. So, I connected the thoughts and wonder if I'm right and hope I could join."

After all, that is said, Neo took in a deep breath to calm down her nerves while staring at mostly me, but still kept an eye out at Shigure just to be safe. Also, this mainly a guess at her end and doesn't have solid evidence that we're from the Arcana.

"Hmm. Alright, if you say the name of which organization, we're currently in." I give Neo a gentle smile, which is pretty much fake and even Neo could tell the difference easily when she doesn't know me in the first place beside a few things.

Instead of speaking out the word: Arcana, Neo actually took out her scroll to show images of what look of a group of blur figures. Anyone would have dismissed these pictures instantly as bad quality and bad timing, but to those that know about the Arcana wouldn't dismiss these pictures outright just yet, but take some time to see if it truly people from the Arcana.

Of course, both Shigure and I realize these pictures actually are the one taken at the Warehouse we rescued both Weiss and Winter from the White Fang. So, what Neo was saying a few minutes ago was actually true about the White Fang manage to hide some hidden cameras to capture our appearance.

"I'm not stupid and did my research before looking for you two." Neo sends a deadpan expression at me, for thinking that she wouldn't know that speaking out the name of the Arcana is a death sentence or something to bind them from leaking it out unless it required for them to live.

"It's your call Shigure. I don't mind either way." I didn't bother to give my own input on rather if Neo should be allowed to join the Arcana or not, and let that responsibility to Shigure as she has a better judgment over people.

Neo's focus instantly switched over to Shigure after hearing what I just said. Now, that Neo realizes her chance is around 50% of joining or either sent to her death right away from the very people she asking for help or discover whatever methods the Arcana used to bind others from leaking any of the higher rank members of the Arcana and their missions.

Shigure put away her [Nodachi], then appear beside Neo before she could even react and froze in her spot, with cold sweat going down her forehead while keeping her instinct from forcing her to latch out at the sudden presence next to her or use her semblance to escape right away.

Omake: The Talk

"So, Jaune was it?" Enma asks in a calm tone of voice while wrapping one arm around Jaune's neck, who is currently terrified and look ready to cry at any moment now.

"Yup, that's my name. Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue, ladies love it." Jaune unconscious spoke out the words, his Father helped him out what to say to others to impress them.

"I see." Enma said dully, as he looks at Jaune with a blank expression for a whole minute, then activate [Evil Touch] first, causing Jaune to go stiff and afterward, beyond any words could describe what he is feeling once Enma activate [Evil Smile] next and Jaune was forced to endure something no average person should go through.

Now, Enma took a step further: [Evil Voice], "You know Jaune. I could have sworn you kissed Pyrrha." This was enough to cause Jaune to pale as a white sheet of paper and his eyes went dull.

"I love my sister. She means the world to me and I find anything upset her." Enma pause to check if Jaune is listening, and when Jaune realize this and barely able to nod his head slowly.

Enma continues staring at Jaune for another whole minute before turning off [Evil Touch], [Evil Smile], and [Evil Voice], which allowed Jaune to release his breath that he didn't know he was holding.

"I didn't do anything out in the open. Oh no, that would be bad! Everyone said so, including Pyrrha. After all, she says she could fight her own battle. And I respect her for that. So I waited and plan things out. Never made a solid plan, but outline one. Because no plan is perfect, where anything could happen." Enma stop for a moment, to let out a sigh, then slowly begin increasing the strength in his one arm around Jaune's neck, causing Jaune to grunt in pain and realized he was too naive to think it was just a small talk to threaten him, that he read about from a few things about this kind of situation.

"I've been watching and waiting since I arrive here in Vale Kingdom; Beacon Academy, and so on. I've kept on watching on whose has any interest in my little sister. Much to my surprise. Lots of people; be it, boys or girls, they all are interested in Pyrrha Nikos. But, surprise, surprise. Pyrrha didn't pay any attention to them or those in interested in Pyrrha tends to stay away from her due to having a false impression of Pyrrha or too scared to speak the Invisible Girl." Enma continues increasing the strength in his one arm every few seconds until Jaune's aura shield begin to protect him.

"Of course, I was a bit happy at this little fact of people staying away from her due to her status back in Mistral. But, quite sad at the same time, because I know how lonely Pyrrha gets without me being there for her. And I hate seeing her sad, but most of all." Enma releases his killing intent at Jaune, with his eyes turning to blue to show even his rage influence his aura to change them instantly.

"I hate seeing Pyrrha heartbroken due to a crush on someone, who trying to aim for a girl that already has an arranged marriage with a friend of mine. Hell, even Pyrrha was brave enough to tell me a bit about you, where even my own fiancee's lack of showing her emotions can tell Pyrrha actually have a crush on someone. Just because that someone's lack of knowledge about Pyrrha's background. Now, I won't stop you from having any intents of courting my little sister. But, let's say my plans involve a bunch of things you don't want to experience in." Enma continues off speaking to Jaune, who at the point of pissing his pant while watching in horror of his aura shield at the borderline of breaking.

"So, do you have anything to say?" Enma finally finishes his speech and stop increasing the strength in his one arm around Jaune's neck, so that Jaune has the ability to speak clearly enough.

"B-But, Pyrrha doesn't have a crush on me!" Jaune shouted in panic, not that anyone could blame him at this point. "If anything, she told everyone about how she dreams of a future she could be together with the one she loves! And I stop trying to chase after Weiss after she told me about her fiance! Please don't kill me! If it makes you feel better, Nora read Pyrrha's diary and not once did it mention anything about her having any love interest in me!"

Now, Jaune had finally let out the tear of sorrow as he begged for his partner's older brother to not remove him from existence and hide his corpse somewhere, that no one could find.

"Then, who Pyrrha's love interest?" Enma completely ignored the part where Nora of all people actually read someone else dairy like no one private business, then again, Nora is a bunch of randomnesses.

"Someone under the name Manipulator! And all kinds of things that Pyrrha wanted the Manipulator to do to her!" Jaune unconsciously just reveal a huge secret belongs to his own partner, to the very same person that could end him and that same person happens to be the older brother of his partner that dearly love and care for his partner.

'Oh shit. I didn't think Pyrrha would go that far...I shouldn't really have counted on Shigure in the subject of love in the first place.' Enma didn't say anything and from outside, nothing changed on his face, but inside he was panicking.

Enma took a deep breath, then breathe out slowly. "I'm going to completely ignore this and give you the benefit of the doubt."

That was all Jaune needed, and when Enma release him, Jaune ran like no tomorrow as if a monster is chasing after him from behind. Which isn't that far-fetched in some cases.