
Book 1 of the System Series: In Remnant with Persona System(New)

"Who I was before? I don't know. Should I worry? Maybe? Will I save the world? Yeah, not my problem. Good luck, though. My little sister is in trouble! Get outta my way! Big bro is coming to help! Even if I have to leave the world to its destruction!" This is also on Fanfiction.net, same name and everything. The author is the same, but with Web novel limiting the word count, so I had to make it similar to my fanfic's username. Warning: Bad grammar, English not my first language. Check the other stories of mine in https://www.fanfiction.net/~imboredsojustdoingrandomfanfic Ignore the profile, I'm too lazy to get rid of it and place it in a single chapter for one of my fanfics. I'm may or may not post the others on this site. Most of my work will be on fanfiction.net. Thanks for reading. As one of my readers told me to post this fanfic over this website, and I find myself why not. patreon.com/theBoredAuthor

ImBoredSoMehl · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 44: All You Need Is Trust

Disclaimer: I own nothing; this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'






[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - AP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Type]: [Type]

[Name]: [Item Name]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Poor - Common - Uncommon - Epic - Legendary - Ascendant

Grade: E-/EX

Value: [System Point]/(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Info on [Item Name]

[Extra Info]: [Extra Info]

Chapter 44: All You Need Is Trust

Days?: Failure Is Not An Options! Part 3

(Vale: Vale City: Beacon Academy: Campus)

"If you had asked me that question yesterday before all this happen. I would have an answer for you at the time. Sadly, I can't get any Intel on the Council of the Vale Kingdom unless I want to bring more people here, which is impossible at this time." Izaya shrugged his shoulders, "So it's your choice if we should defend or flight from Vale itself."

Looking at the worried expression on both Pyrrha and Weiss' faces, but mostly it's Pyrrha that I'm more concerned about. I look up at the sky and took a deep breath, then breathe out as I close my eyes for a few seconds.

No one spoke out, afraid they could cause me to choose the option to escape instead of helping them out with defending Beacon Academy from the unknown enemy.

Those few seconds felt like hours to everyone. After a whole 10 seconds are over; I open my eyes and stare at them, causing some of those to gasp in fright at the sight of my cold eyes.

"Alright. This is what we're going to do." I stare at everyone, mostly at team RWBY and JNPR, not including both Pyrrha and Weiss. "We'll go see who is attacking Beacon Academy and if I find them to be White Fang. I'll help. If it's someone else, we shall see how it goes."

Everyone, but those that know me that well, was shocked how I changed my tone to a calm and cold voice like nothing. To those that truly know about my [Persona System]. I just switched to [Edea Florence], for the [Emotional Stability].

'Look like getting [Accelerator] to [Persona's Rank: 8] is going to get harder unless I use him to fight more often like my other main [Persona].' I began running towards the explosions occurred a few minutes ago, with the others following along. While quickly switching back to [Acclerator], so I could actually speed up the process. Either today or the next 2 or so; is when I get [Accelerator] to [Persona's Rank: 8].

few minutes later*

Just as we arrived at the location, where it all the explosion was occurring, and what we saw shocked us to the core. Before our very eyes are unknown enemy are attacking everyone. But, what some people don't know is that those unknown enemies happen to be part of the Olympians gang. And from the look of it, these people belong to the Ares specialist branch.

"Why on Remnant are the Olympians are here in Vale?! Shouldn't they be in Mistral Kingdom?!" Weiss was so shocked at the sight before her very eyes, she unconsciously shouted loud enough for those in the battle to notice us.

"Way to draw the attention, Weiss." Blake said dryly, causing Weiss to blush at the mistake she just did.

"And I don't feel like wasting time." I said to everyone before I use my [Earth Magic] to literally drag all the Olympians members into the ground, burying them alive until their aura or air supply would no longer keep them alive, as they die without the knowledge of how this happens.

"Yo-You killed them all?!" Ruby shouted in a whisper tone in horror, tears going down her cheeks at what she sees before her very eyes and wonder if asking my help was the right thing to do.

"I'm beginning to think there is a reason why Pyrrha's brother wanted to escape so bad, because he didn't want to cause all this...death? Actually, are they still alive? Because all I saw was them being dragged into the ground by multiple giant hands made from the ground itself." Jaune said to everyone, then quickly think if the Olympians members I buried are still alive or not.

"Technically, if those that have their aura unlocked, then yeah, they still alive somewhat." Izaya answer Jaune's question in my place and not one bit faze of my action.

"Then what are we waiting for?! We got to dig them out quickly before they suffocate!" Ruby was the first one to rush over to dig them out, with a few naive goodie students doing the same as Ruby.

Yang and Blake quickly chase after Ruby, to do the same as well, with Jaune, Nora, and Ren doing the same. Leaving Izaya, Weiss, Pyrrha, Shigure, and I behind.

"Okay, did anyone contact Momoyo about her cousin's situation?" I ask anyone still with us and ignoring the shouts from a few yards away from us as we watch even some staffs trying to help out too after seeing their students' hard work of trying to save the very people that attacked them a few minutes ago.

Shigure was the one who answered; well, more like she raises her scroll to show Momoyo on the screen, who look very pissed off right now and for a good reason too.

"All of you will head to Yukiko's place and help Yukiko." Momoyo said to all of us in a calm tone of voice, but everyone could tell she is furious and the 'or else' saying wasn't needed in the first place, because she doesn't need to say so due to the fact that her friends would gladly help her out in this little request of hers.

"Well, I guess we won't be leaving Vale Kingdom anytime soon." I said dryly, then look back towards the people trying to save those buried underground by me. "Izaya you can stay here with Weiss and Pyrrha, to find out why the Olympians are here for. While Shigure and I can go to Yukiko to help her out."

Once Momoyo heard what I said, she nodded at me then cut the connection. Once more, I'm surprised the fact that the CCTS (Cross Continental Transmit System) is still standing, since I thought Cinder and her little grimm Dragon would destroy it at the time.

So another flaw in Cinder's plan to destroy the Beacon Academy along with Vale Kingdom as well. Since the entire system is dependent on all four towers being active, with the Vale tower almost destroyed would have led to the point, where the chance of the last images sent from Vale to the other kingdoms would have been the Atlesian androids attacking innocents, causing mounting distrust to build up between the kingdoms, just like in canon.

"Also." I begin as I look at the students and staffs just almost making it towards the buried Olympians. "I don't think I should stay here much longer due to the fact that the people I just helped out would come after me for being so ruthless."

Both Pyrrha and Weiss let out a sigh of disappointment, knowing that this is the outcome that bound to happen at some point, for having a criminal helping them out, even if it's in a cruel way. It's still a help that could have been denied at the beginning, but was persuaded to help out.

Quickly, as practice; I place a mask of an innocent smile, causing those around me to feel a little nervous about seeing me smile like this. After all, the last time I wore a fake innocent smile was when I massacre a whole group of enemies alone for daring to capture Pyrrha, just to stop her from winning the Mistral Region Tournament another year in a row.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure the weaker one stay alive." I turn my back on my little sister and friends, then raise my right hand before I form a fist as if I was crushing something. Not a second later after I did this little gesture with my right hand. The cries from the students and staffs appear, with almost 3/4 of the Olympians are killed instantly.

Instead of just dragging them back into the ground, I crush them to pieces than the previous method of allowing them to survive by just dragging them with a small mercy/cruel to a path to their survival.

"If people ask for help from me. I will give them it. Either they like it or not, doesn't mean a single thing to me." I said to everyone before I begin walking towards the Docking Area, with Shigure following me. Leaving a little disturbed Weiss and Pyrrha behind, and Izaya, who already got used to this ruthlessness.

'In this life. Be it good or evil. I shall become evil if it's necessary. Not once have I regretted this choice of mine.' I allow the small bit of guilt appears on my consciousness for a brief moment before crushing it like nothing.

Shigure looks at me with sad eyes, as if she knew what I'm thinking and slowly reach out her right hand to grab my left hand, which lead to me looking back at her and I see a small smile on Shigure's face. Showing me that she is there for me, even in my darkest moment.

No words were needed to describe what Shigure needs to say to me, because her action speaks more than enough for me to return a smile of my own. A real smile, not a fake one I wear as a mask; well, real as an innocent one than the devilish smile I use to act as an innocent smile.

So far, both Shigure and Pyrrha are only that truly know me the best out of everyone in this whole world. Sadly, not even them I could trust with the knowledge about my past life's memories coming with me in this world, but it's not like it matter more.

After all, I've only seen RWBY canon's videos just right after Pyrrha's death or what looks like one. So from this forth, all my knowledge of RWBY canon besides a few selected hints that I could remember would be useless.

30 minutes later*

(Vale: Vale City: Beacon Academy: Campus: Docking Area: Unknown Bullhead: Pilot Room)

Good news, both Shigure and I managed to find a working Bullhead and completely fill up with [Dust]. Bad news, the Olympians were guarding it, along with other Airships they have begun to take for themselves. Another good news, I killed 99% of them and left behind a few to be questioned by us.

So I left Shigure to interrogate the captives while I start the Bullhead, with my limited knowledge of Bullhead, which is pretty much just turn it on. Once more, I wish the [Persona System] would sell me a [Skill] to pilot an Airship, but didn't matter to me either way since the [Vehicle] section in the [Persona System] finally unlocked somehow.

Upon purchasing a [Car], which is pretty much turn out the [Vehicle] is another [Gacha System], would give me a random [Car] along with a decent amount of knowledge on how to drive the purchased [Car]. Sadly, I can't own the [Vehicle] after finding it is a rental not owning. So it would disappear after the gas tank run out or end up being destroyed in some way.

So after going through all the experiments on the unlocked [Vehicle] feature. I decided only in emergency case, then I would use it. But, I just wish the [Persona System] would allow me to scan this world's [Vehicle] to use at any moment. So instead of [Vehicle] like the one in RWBY, I get the one from Earth. The previous world I came from before coming to this one.

After I got the Bullhead started, for the 10th tries, much to my frustration due to the fact that the previous pilot of this Bullhead had too many keys, and only after reaching for the 10th keys did I got the Bullhead to start.

Then, that's the moment where Shigure enters the Bullhead's Pilot Room like nothing happens outside. Anyone that think otherwise need to be smack against the back of their head, because there were lots of shouts and screams outside this Bullhead, and I know for sure not once have Shigure said a thing to those captives Olympians.

If anything, Shigure just took out her scroll to type out her questions, so she doesn't have to repeat them all the time to get the answers out of the captives. She learned her mistakes years ago. No longer does she require to speak out the questions but instead typed it out to save her breaths.

"Did you get anything out of them? I was too busy glaring at something." The something was the set of keys, which I'm trying not to destroy after all the stress I gone through.

"All...I got was that...they made...an alliance...with a powerful...entity." Shigure replied in a serious tone, which is bad news in my opinion.

"Wait, entity? Not a person?" I look at Shigure, who nodded at me, then pull out her scroll out to show me a video she recorded a few minutes ago and it was happening right in the middle, where the Olympians members are beginning to scream in pain while Shigure didn't even do anything serious harm just yet.

As I continue to watch the recorded video, I begin to realize what's going on and I did not like it one bit. Because those Olympians are literally melting into [Shadow], but because we're not in a [Dark Hour]. They disappear in black fog and soar to the sky.

At first, I honestly thought a [Dark Hour] was about to occur here in Beacon Academy, but that didn't happen. Instead, after looking carefully in the direction the black fog is heading. I finally figured out that it's heading towards where Yukiko and her maid are.

"Forget what I ask. We got [Shadow] to fight in a matter of minutes. So, Shigure no need to drive safely and head straight towards Yukiko's place fast." I said to Shigure, as I take the next seat to the pilot one.

15 minutes later*

(Vale: Vale City: [Dark Hour]: Yukiko Amagi's Mansion)

"Well, shit. [Dark Hour] is actually happening here. No wonder Momoyo couldn't contact Yukiko a few minutes ago." I said to Shigure, as we both look down below, where nothing is out of the ordinary if it wasn't for the special glasses I purchased from the [Extra Feature] to find the barrier of the [Dark Hour] without having to enter it.

Just too bad these glasses require aura to activate them since technically these belong to the Persona 4 and the [Extra Feature] modified them to suit my needs. Still, the cost of activating these glasses isn't that much for both Shigure and I is at the amount of aura we could spare for a while.

"So...that...what it looks...like." Shigure said to me, as she looks at the [Dark Hour] in awe. As she never saw something like this in her whole life until now. And the previous time the [Dark Hour] occurred in Vale was over by the time she arrived, now that she looks at one, with the special glasses to help her out. She could understand why it's out of this world since it technically is.

It's a good thing I gave Shigure a [Dark Hour: Ticket] to allow her to enter the [Dark Hour]'s field without having the barrier block her from entering it or else there two paths would happen to Shigure. One: She disappears along with the Bullhead and continues flying over Yukiko's Mansion. Two: She disappears, but without the Bullhead tagging along with her and would lead, the result of her dropping from the sky in the progress.

"Let's go." I walk out of the Pilot Room and open the hatches while we still in the sky, then jump out of the Bullhead.

Shigure quickly put the Bullhead on autopilot to land on the next Docking Area as she follows my example to exit the Bullhead as well.

Instead of slowing down the air resistance as usual; I manipulate the vectors around us to send us straight towards the Mansion's countless windows.

(Vale: Vale City: [Dark Hour]: Yukiko Amagi's Mansion: Unknown Hallway)

"Great." I brush off the broken shards of glasses off my hair and clothes. "I just remember why I don't like crashing into glass windows. I keep getting shards of glass on me all the time and tend to dig into me if I don't remove the shards that didn't fall off on their own." I complain mostly to myself out loud instead of thinking about it.

Shigure stares at me with a blank expression before a purple aura covers her body and the hidden small shards of glasses fall off her body.

I cough and look away, as I did the same and feel like an idiot that I don't try to use my own aura to push the shards off my body like the previous times.

Ignoring the notification from my [Persona System]. Telling me that we entered the [Dark Hour] and must destroy all the [Shadow] before the victims' lives are lost.

I glance both left and right of the hallway, to see if there any [Shadow] or people nearby us.

Seeing two [Shadow: Cowardly Maya] rushing at us from the left and another five coming from the right. I manipulate the vectors around 20 meters between me and the [Shadow], to levitate above 3 meters off the ground.

This allows Shigure to quickly kill them off with just a few slashes from her [Nodachi] and putting it back to her [Sheath]. Not even a few seconds have passed since this little attack of ours.

"So...those are...[Shadow]." Shigure said to me, as she carefully looks at the black and red mist disappear from our very eyes, instead of rushing to the sky like an hour ago. Back at Beacon Academy's Docking Area.

"Yup." I replied, not bother to show any reactions towards the hidden [Shadow] from the ceiling about to attack us from above. As I cast [Kontaqua: Water Currents Shield] around Shigure and I. With 3 layers of water currents spinning in different directions.

Redirecting the [Shadow: Justice Sword]'s sneak attacks with ease. Glancing around the [Water Currents Shield] and notice there are some electrical currents flowing together.

Then, looking up to see the [Shadow] slashing against my [Water Currents Shield] fast, and starting to get even faster while electrical currents are covering the [Large Sword] the [Shadow] is holding with its singular stone arm while attaching themselves on the ceiling. And I see 3 [Shadow: Justice Sword] trying to break through my defense.

'Look like I was right about how if I'm not restricted to the rules of the game in the Persona series, then the [Shadow] won't be either and can become even more deadly by mixing up their [Skill/Magic] together as if they are [Fusion Skill/Spell].' I grimace at this discovery, but doesn't mean this would force me to run away like a coward. This just makes me want to train even harder than ever before.

It only took me a few seconds to study the [Shadow: Justice Sword]'s attack patterns, then with a mental command. My [Water Currents Shield] took the offensive approach as the 3 layers turned into 3 [Giant Water Whips], that grab hold of the 3 [Large Swords].

Stopping the [Shadow]'s frenzy attacks and this was the cue for Shigure to take action, where she runs on one of the 3 [Giant Water Whips], with a bit of my help to manipulate the water currents to become a bit solid enough for Shigure to run on for a split second.

And with a couple of slashes to the [Shadow: Justice Sword]; Shigure killed them instantly with ease. As she only needed to be in range to attack them.

Afterward, I cancel out my [Water Magic] to stop it from draining me more of my aura.

Once Shigure land back on the ground; both of us run to the left, with Shigure the one leading as she took a bit of her time to scout out Yukiko's Mansion just for a situation like this.

45 minutes later*

(Vale: Vale City: [Dark Hour]: Yukiko Amagi's Mansion: Basement)

We have run across multiple types of [Shadow], that took us some effort to take down. One of them happened to be a high level [Shadow: Harmony Giant]. Just in the 3rd stage of its variants, with [Shadow: Order Giant] being its 1st stage and [Shadow: Loss Giant] as the 5th and last stage of its evolution.

From what I could tell; these [Shadow] actually evolve, as in level up, over time if I don't get rid of them quickly enough. Luckily, there was only one [Shadow: Harmony Giant] at the time and wonder if there another way for these [Shadow] to speed up their evolution.

It took some bit of time to kill this [Shadow: Harmony Giant], but it only took me using [Kontaqua] to produce a blade-like form of [Water] underneath it and at the same time. I add a spin to it, giving it the piercing ability, where it pierces through the [Shadow]'s defense while also keeping the [Shadow] in place. This gives Shigure enough time her to remove its arms off before going into a finishing cut to the head. Killing it afterward.

After that [Shadow: Harmony Giant] is killed; the rest was low level [Shadow] that Shigure and I could solo with ease. Making our progress going smoothly and fast.

So the destination towards the location, where Yukiko and Narberal are, which wasn't that hard to find with all the shoutings and rumble going through the place as we get near their location, that happen to be the Basement.

It only took Shigure and me to reach in a matter of minutes, not including the time we had to face against multiple [Shadow] on the way, and find Yukiko using a [Metal Fan] as a weapon, where each time she waves it. Waves of [Fire] appear a few feet away from Yukiko herself. As she sends multiple [Fire Waves] against the [Shadow].

But, it looks like those [Fire Waves] are powered by [Fire Dust] somehow, because all it's doing was pushing those [Shadow] back before coming right back in. Only Naberal's [Lightning] attacks are what manage to kill off the [Shadow] and even then, she begins to look like she close to running out of aura.

From the couples of white [Crystalline Dust] on the ground. I could tell Narberal had to drain some [Dust] to keep up her attacks, but due to the lack of corpses anywhere and [Shadow] don't leave anything behind upon their deaths like the grimm; well, grimm leaves a corpse for a few minutes until it disappear while [Shadow]'s body disappear instantly.

"Enma! Shigure!" Yukiko cried out in happiness from seeing reinforcement arrive, even if they were only two people that came, but those two are very strong that could easily overcome a dozen or so of people like nothing. Making it much better to have them as reinforcement in Yukiko's opinion.

A burst of aura enhance, for three palm strikes to each [Shadow]. Sending all of them flying while disabling their movements for a brief moment before the third palm strike to put them into a critical state. Just enough for anyone to finish them off with one final hit.

Took me only 5 seconds to do so, would have taken less if I was more familiar with these [Shadow]'s weak points, then it wouldn't have taken me 3 palm strikes to take them down to their weakest state right now. But, instead of outright killing them and not even having to send them flying and die on the spot. Also, they're low level [Shadow] is another major factor for me to be able to kill them so easily.

Shigure follows up with the finishing blow by throwing multiple [Shuriken] and [Kunai] while memorizing which spots dealt the most damage in her sight. And trying her best to judge if they are truly the weak points belong to these [Shadow].

"What took you so long? Momoyo-sama told us you would arrive here in minutes, but it has been over an hour already. So what is your excuse, if you have one that is." Narberal stares at me with eyes of disdain while trying to calm herself after going through an intense battle against these unknown creatures that could be related to the grimm itself.

"Come on, Narberal. At least they made here before it was too late. Worst: We could have ended up dead by the time they came at the time." Yukiko pointed this out to her maid and the hope this would calm down her maid's rage towards their fellow Arcana members. After all, she just joined and she rather not gets kicked out, and she really doesn't want that to happen after what she learned what they do to those former members of the Arcana once they are kicked out.

I didn't stop one moment to answer Narberal's question, with there still some [Shadow] around us. All the one I sent flying were just vision to everyone, but those that are expert in [Detection]. Will be able to detect there hidden [Shadow] sticking against the walls and the ceiling.

Not once did I look up, as I deployed a 2 layers larger scale of [Kontaqua: Water Currents Shield] around Yukiko, Narberal, and me. Leaving Shigure outside the protected [Water Barrier].

Of course, Shigure don't even need the protection as she easily outrun all the [Shadow] while cutting down the weaker [Shadow] while trying to cripple the stronger ones if possible, but if not, she uses the stronger [Shadow]'s own attack against the weaker ones by drawing them close to her chosen spots, where the stronger [Shadow] would attack her at the last second.

This allows Shigure to save her aura and stamina by using this strategy to take on the [Shadow] without any help for a while.

"Okay, so Momoyo wasn't kidding about what you could do, Enma." Yukiko said to me in a nervous tone, as she looks at the [Water Currents Shield] in awe and [Fear] due to the fact that this is one of the Momoyo told her about, with this being the defensive mode and if what her cousin told her about the offensive mode. Then, she would be lucky enough to be recognized after having her body tear apart if she faced this attack.

I glance at the surrounding [Shadow] coming out of the walls and the ceilings, where some are ignoring Shigure and trying to break through my [Water Currents Shield] to get to the rest of us.

I give a bit more aura to my [Water Magic], to change the outer layer into [Water Sword] and merging with the inner layer. Making it look like we inside a spinning dome of deadly spikes.

Just at the very moment, Shigure stops in place one more time; I quickly create another [Water Currents Shield] around here before I follow up my next attack.

It's a good thing Shigure and I have experience in fighting together for years now and knew what each other's thoughts would be in battle.

As increase the input of aura into my first [Water Currents Shield/Sword] and explode it. Launching all the [Water Swords] everywhere while the one that lands on Shigure's [Water Currents Shield] was redirected to another direction.

Upon the [Water Swords] piercing, cutting, and slicing through the countless [Shadow], then explode after a few seconds or less and formed back into smaller version of the [Water Swords] and continue launching off themselves everywhere until the [Water Swords]' momentum is over and disappear into a pool of [Water] below our feet.

'Now, I wonder why a [Dark Hour] occurring at Yukiko's Mansion of all places?' I thought carefully about why this is happening and most of all, why now of all time, when it could have happened the last few days ago.

Before I could continue thinking about this; Yukiko let out cries of surprises, causing all of us to be surprised that a large birdcage of all thing was formed around Yukiko. Trapping her inside the giant birdcage, where it raised 30 meters above the ground.

"Oh..." I finally figured out why now of all time, why a [Dark Hour] occurring at Yukiko's Mansion since this should be the part where should gain access to her [Persona], maybe.

"HELP!" Yukiko cried out to everyone, with Narberal being the first one to take action as she uses aura enhance to increase the height of her jump, to reach towards Yukiko.

'Wait, where the [Shadow Yukiko] then?' I thought to myself, quickly checking my surroundings for the hidden [Shadow Yukiko] and mentally smack myself, for not rechecking the ceiling once more; however, there is still nothing in sight.

Instead of a boss battle to happen like I thought would happen, but Narberal manages to get Yukiko out of the giant birdcage without the help of either Shigure or me.

'Well, this is a disappointment.' I thought dryly, then notice something weird. As the Yukiko's own shadow looks like it's about to burst out. This gave me the idea, maybe [Shadow Yukiko] is trapped inside Yukiko's own shadow, but for some reason, she can't get out.

"Do you guys know what's going on? And why we can't get outside?" Yukiko asks both Shigure and me. After all, we were the ones that managed to enter inside her from the outside.

"I have a couple of ideas, but from the look of it. This place not disappearing after we destroyed all those [Shadow]." I said to Yukiko and Narberal, causing Narberal to narrow her eyes at me speaking out the [Shadow]'s species name like I actually know what they truly are, which is correct.

"Really?! Then, you know a way out of this look-alike of my Mansion?!" Yukiko questions me in a happy tone while ignoring the I hint out just now.

"Kind of." I draw out my [Evoker], causing Narberal to tense, along with Shigure as well. Since I have explained my many theories on why [Dark Hour] appear at Yukiko's Mansion and told her what we may need to do if we want to save lives.

Not that we try to save them, but because it would stop the negative feelings from the surroundings people from rising upon seeing multiple people dying near them for no reason.

Also, if that happens, then unwanted attention would start checking for these weird cases of unknown death. Which I rather not have, but I got the gut feeling there a group of people already researching about this unknown death by [Shadow] already.

"Uh, is there more enemy hidden among us?" Yukiko asks me, not even thinking about the chance I may shoot her or something, which is pretty much my aim to do so, if what my many theories I came up with after discovers the existing of Yukiko in this world, along with [Dark Hour], should work or not.

Narberal, on the hand, realizes what's going on and stand in front her Mistress, as she glared at Shigure and me. Leaving Yukiko alone to be confused about what just happen after she asked her question.

"Nope. I just need to shoot you with special [Gun] of mine." I said calmly, causing Yukiko to stare at me with a frozen smile, with Narberal releasing killing intent at me now.

Omake: Arcana's Training For New Members!

Enma's Training Session: Profits

"Okay, we're going to learn how to save others." Enma said to all the new recruits, causing all the newbies to look among each other with a confused look on their faces.

Saving others? But, they signed up for the training session on how making a big profit, though.

A random newbie, that looks very muscular and have multiple scars on their face and had this arrogant look, raised their hand to ask a question. Showing to everyone that this newbie either is asking for a beating or is honestly asking an important question.

Enma thinking about rather if he should allow this, but decided why not? After all, some of these newbies paid the fee to join this training session. Not that they realized that those that did are being scammed by him and failed one of the hidden tests.

Where one should always gather Intel on the unknown before heading right in unless we don't have enough time do an info gathering. Then, improvise along the way and hope you got backup plans made up just in case.

After all, this training session is technically free for all first newcomers, but there were no handbook or something to explain to them. And require actually asking older members or having a close relative as a member to explain after joining.

So those that paid failed to check on rather if the sign asked for payment is a scam or not. Sadly, there is no refund at all.

Once the newbie that raised their hand see Enma nodded his head towards him, "Sir. Isn't this the place for learning how to make a ton of Lien without having to risk our lives?"

This was a good question; since these newbies decided on a low risk, but big profit method.

Enma quietly nods at the newbie that asked, then out of nowhere, appear next to the newbie and dislocated both their arms.

"Sure. If you're strong or have the experiences to do so, but only that in my standard. I don't know about the rest of you guys." Enma said to everyone in a calm voice while ignoring the horror expression planted on the newbie's face next to him.

Enma glance at everyone, then look at the newbie he just attacked. "9000 Lien per limb to be fixed. How would you like to pay for this treatment? As a reminder; everyone is going through a combat training after this as scheduled. And it would be awful if you can't participate in it. After all, I heard that all those that failed to pass combat training are sent off to boot camp."

The way Enma calmly speak this to the newbie, who still trying to comprehend what's going on and why he of all people have to experience this.

Before anyone could say anything; Enma replaced the newbie's joints back in place with a few seconds. Then, under everyone's eyes, leave the Training Room and left everyone dumbfounded at this; well, those that learned about Enma Nikos' habits for newcomers.