

will this novel be paused? , idk? , do shit and found out (it did)

Snuzzle_pants · Action
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BokuBuko chapter 1

hey there watcher seems like you only got 1 life left, well then come down to O'Soul, our products will give you more life! , you may think this is a scams but hey! how about ask this little fellow!

little fellow : this product is so good , don't listen to the hater they don't even buy the product, COME DOWN TO O'SOUL!

THAT'S RIGHT BABY! , come down to O'SOUL and dead will never catch you!

roger : .... this is definitely a scam, huh? huh!?... WHY AM FALLING IN THE SKY WHEN I'M SITTING ON THE COUCH!? AAAAAA

*hello there reader the name is Roger Clay, as you can see everyone here in this world has life span on there on, there are also immortal people here!, but anyway I was just sitting on my couch, but suddenly I was falling from the sky, alright then let's continue!*

Roger : uhhh what happened?

*my head was dizzy but my body was not damage from the fall, I see myself in a cave and in front of me was a ghost*

Roger : AH WHO ARE YOU!?

??? : ah call me uhhh uhhhh ummm you know what just call me ghost

Roger : umm okay?

Ghost : anyway hey there! seems like you fallen into the albodi land

Roger : albodi land?

Ghost : oh you don't know? , albodi land is a dimension created by the dream God, you fallen down here because the portal to the albodi land just appear on your couch!, anyways I think you should exist this cave

Roger : oh but where the exit?

Ghost : I show you follow me!

*the ghost lead me to the exit*

Roger : can I kick the exit door?

Ghost : sure this cave has been abounded for 30,000 year

*I kick the exit door with force*

Ghost : your strong anyway I will be guiding you through journey! Adios!

*the ghost dissapperd and I started my journey*

and this is where he started his journey, maybe he will Acounter a town or a city or maybe be friends with a coconut

to be continued...