

will this novel be paused? , idk? , do shit and found out (it did)

Snuzzle_pants · Action
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9 Chs

BokuBuko chapter 2

Roger : .•♫•♬•do do banana do do•♬•♫•. huh? wow what a huge cornfield with bird

*I came to the huge cornfield and realize the bird can speak*

bird : hello

Roger : how are you?

Bird : fine just not doing much on this cornfield

*I was just walking but then I saw some people with object as their head walking forward, I hide myself on the cornfield*

object people's : I swear I heard a noise?

object people 2 : coming from the corn field?

object people : yeah I heard it

Object people 2 : what does it sounds like?

Object people : sound very snappy

Object people : It's probably the birds or IT'S THE BEAST THAT'S COMING TO EAT YOU!

object people : pffftt shut up

object people 2 : Relax, everyone have not seen the beast before it probably doesn't exist

object people 2 : yeah..... we should go back to the village

object people : yeah....

*the two object people walk away and I was lucky I wasn't caught, I continue my walk until I saw a bridge and under it was a pool, I walk into the bridge but the bridge broke but I managed to swim up and I continue my journey again, I accidentally stumped on the two object people and they saw me*

Object people : AH BEAST!

object people 2 : AAAAA!

Object people : AAAAAA!

object people 2 : DO SOMETHING!!

Object people : UHH HAIYAHHH!

*one of the object people tackle me , I collapse and I wake up in a cage*

Object people 1 : AHHH THE BEAST IS WAKE!

Object people 3 : AHHHH

Object people 2 : AAAAHHHHH

Object People 4 : AAAAAHHHH

object people 1 : ...

object people 4 : ... it doesn't look scary?....

Object people 2 : I thought it was big....

object people 3 : yeah But it broke our bridge!

object people 1 : BEAST! ... why are you here?

Roger :... I'm.... GONNA EAT YOU ALL!....

object people 1 : ..... huh really? because your mouth look small....

object people 3 : this doesn't make sense

object people 2 : I don't understand?

object people 1 : no offense but aren't you supposed to be mighty and gigantic?

Roger : ... kind of?.....

object people 4 : I think we should free it

object people 3 : yeah it doesn't look aggressive

object people 2 : yeah same we should free it

object people 1 : BEAST! or something you are free but you have to fix the bridge

Roger : I see what I can do

*they free me from the cage*

Object people 1 : let us know that you fix the bridge!

*they all walk away and I walk to where the broken bridge is, I saw a tree with a sign that said "please come back next time" I didn't care so I decided to knock on the tree, a white spider with pink eyes came out of the tree*

spider : oh hi why did you wake me up?

Roger : umm I need to fix the bridge

spider : did you broke it?

Roger : .....nnnnn.... No?

Spider : if you were a spider you could just fix the bridge with some sweet spider web , I know that you broke it so is your fault

Roger : >:(

*I kick the spider across the bridge but the spider wasn't damaged*


Roger : hehehe sorry

*I came back to the village and some object people saw me*

object people : THE BEAST HAS RETURN!

*the object people walk away and the previous object people came to me*

object people 1 : I see that you fix the bridge, you should talk to the painter he has some problems maybe you can help him

*after some talking I came to the painter house and I saw the painter crying*

painter : I have a question for God..... WHY!?!?!?

Roger : umm hello?

Painter : nghhh nghh welcome beast I need your help please.....

Roger : what is it?

*the painter wipe his tear and look at me with anger , the painter touch my shoulder, I was feeling a little sensitive with the shoulder touch heh*

Painter : I NEED YOU TO GET RID OF THOSE BIRD! , those bird keep messing with out corn that we give to the nicest man!

Roger : uhhh alright then tell me what to do

Painter : since the bird is afraid of the scarecrow I have a pencil it's on the basement but I can't find it, beast please find it and I tell you what to do with the pencil!

Roger : right on it

*I open the basement door and sees a bunch of box and stuff, I look everywhere and after 1 minutes I found the pencil quickly, I close the basement door and come to the painter*

painter : wow you found it um anyways I need a new face for the scarecrow so please draw something on this paper

*I draw a middle finger, after drawing I give it to the painter*

Painter : tch.... you... what have you done... THIS IS A MASTERPIECE!!!!, PLEASE QUICKLY PUT THIS ON THE SCARECROW FACE!

*I ran to the scarecrow and put the middle finger drawing on the scarecrow face *


*all birs on the cornfield fly away*

Painter : wonderful wonderful perfect

Roger : thank you!

*I saw a giant robot coming out of the sky and moving towards the corn*

Painter : WATCH OUT!

*the painter managed to save me from the robot*

Roger : what is that?

Painter : oh that's ms math robot

Roger : who is Ms math

Painter : you don't know Ms math? , Ms math is the most intelligent of the O'Soul Inc, she created robot that suck up food that you give it and the most favorite part of the robot, IT GIVE YOU FREE COIN LIFE! , also the robot need a lot a lot a lot of food and other thing

Roger : oh

To be continued...