
Boku no Hero Academia: Rise to Greatness

This is a simple rewrite of the awesome anime series that is My Hero Academia. Unlike the anime, or to make it different from the anime, I have made the personalities of each character different. One for All Izuku.

LOTS_Fiction · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

Enter Gran Torino

It had been a week since the U.A. Sports Festival. Izuna had been transferred to Class B and Hitoshi was placed in Class A. The hustle and bustle of the entire week had weighed heavily on Izuku who spent most of his time at home trying to regain his lost energy. Katsuki had spent his time with the Izuku household helping his, 'silently' admitted, best friend regain his energy. Izuna never left her brother's side until he could finally handle things by himself.

The week's break was over and it was time to return back to U.A. Izuku and Izuna left after their mum wished them well. They would have gone with Hiashi but the pro had left earlier due to the fact that it was his first day on duty and he needed to get his quarters ready. During the week, Principal Nezu had arranged a sector just for him to use in whatever training exercise that he will be conducting with students, particular the third years. Hiashi was made the Head of The Third Years due to his vast experience overseas, and as a result he would be separated from Inko most of the time, but he was able to arrange a compromise with Principal Nezu.

This also affected Izuku because according to Izuna, "Dad is an amazing teacher." He wanted to experience that first hand, but sadly he won't. At least that was what he thought anyways.

Izuku and Izuna met up with Katsuki at the bus stop and all three took the bus to class together. Reaching the hall, they broke up, with Izuna going to her class and Izuku and Katsuki going to theirs. They had just a few minutes to settle down before Homeroom.

Izuku reached out to open the door to meet nineteen worried faces.

"Deku!" Ochaco said as she saw the green-haired teen. She ran up to him alongside Iida. "Welcome," she said as she came face-to-face with him, a genuine smile on her face.

"Good to see our Class Rep alive and kicking," Kaminari said with a huge grin. It was a warm welcome as the entire class asked him how he was doing. Izuku basked in the warmness of seeing people care for him and needless to say, he was happy. From the corner of one eye, he noticed Shoto look at him. He smiled brightly at the teen who was slightly shocked at the reaction he got.

It was good to be back. The green-haired teen looked around his class and was surprised to see Hitoshi calmly seating at the back.

'Definitely not a people person,' he told himself as he smiled at the class. The door to the class opened to reveal Aizawa.

"Good morning everyone," Aizawa said as he looked at his students. His bandages had been removed and he looked as good as new.

"Welcome back Sensei," Kaminari said with joy. The class was about to cheer for Aizawa, but he held up his hand to silence them.

"Leave the formalities for later. We are going into the next order of things. Your internships are due now." His face was stern as he said this.

"Internships?" Tsuyu asked.

"The Sports Festival is the major event that students of U.A. use to announce themselves to the world and as a result of that, Heroes bid for the students that they would like to join their Agency. Otherwise known as Hero Internships. This is done by Heroes bidding for students."

"Bidding?" Iida asked.

"Based on your performance in the Sports Festival, Heroes will bid on you just like in an auction... But unlike an auction, you get to decide the agency you will work with."

"I like the sound of that," Mineta said with his mouth drooling. One could only think on what was running through the boy's mind.

Aizawa turned towards the class board. "Here are the bids for the Sports Festival." The screen showed a list of Class 1A students and their respective bids.

"As you can see, Todoroki has the highest bids. A total of three thousand and ninety-seven."

"Wait a minute," Kirishima butted in. "How come Todoroki placed higher than Bakugo in the bids when he lost to Bakugo in the finals?"

"The judging for the Festival is done based on placement and overall behaviour."

The entire class nodded as they now understood what he meant. Izuku however was disheartened. Next to his name was a zero. He had zero requests.

The rest of the day had gone by smoothly. Classes weren't held in actuality, more like it was a chance for the students to go over their requests. Izuku had checked on Izuna who was to head to their dads agency for Internship and as a result of that, he couldn't ask his dad.

He had lost all hope concerning the internships when All Might met him.

"Young Midoriya," the Pro Hero called out to him.

"All Might! What can I do for you?"

"I have an internship application for you." As the pro Hero said this, Izuku could notice his demeanor shift into a terrifying one. Was All Might scared, he wondered to himself.

The pro took a piece of paper and handed it to the green-haired teen.

"Who is the internship from?" Izuku asked.

"From my old master, a pro Hero by the name of Gran Torino. Him asking for you must mean that he must have noticed some lapses in my training..." The pro Hero trailed off as he continued mumbling and walking away.

Izuku himself was starting to become terrified. A pro Hero that scared All Might. Now that was something worth looking into.

For the past two days before the internships were to begin, Izuku had spent time researching Gran Torino but so far he had found nothing. It was time for the internship to begin officially. All the Class 1A students had taken the suitcases containing their Hero costumes.

During these two days they were also asked to pick their Hero Names to go with the fact that they were now becoming Hero Interns. Out of the entirety of Class 1A, Katsuki was the only one who was yet to have a name on the account of the fact that the two names he had come up with were utterly destructive and filled with malice if not murder. Izuku had gone with the name Deku in order to "please a certain someone." Hitoshi had decided on the name Brainwash and that was the end of that. Izuna had gone with the name Sunshine.

There was something that had been bothering Izuku for a while and that had been, Tenya. The boy was acting in a manner that was similar to Todoroki and Izuku could bet his bottom dollar that he knew what was wrong. He remained that after the match between Shoto and Kacchan, Uraraka had told him that Tenya's big brother, Tensei was attacked by a villain known as the Hero Killer, Stain in Hosu City. Surprisingly, that was where Tenya had chosen to go for his Hero Internship. He tried to reach out to the boy, but to no avail. Tenya was long gone on the train.

Izuku decided to let him be as he focused on his own train journey to meet the unknown teacher of All Might.

The train ride didn't take long and Izuku was standing in front of Gran Torino's house. A worn out and deadbeat looking apartment.

"Is this the house of a pro?" Izuku muttered as he looked at the place.

He knocked the door and it creaked open. "Hello," he said as he walked in. It was dark inside but with the light from the door he was able to make out some details.

He saw what looked to be an elderly man lying on the floor on his belly with what looked to be blood coming out from underneath him.

"He's dead!" Izuku screamed in terror.

"I'm not dead," the elderly man replied. Izuku was even more terrified as he watched the man pick himself up. "It just so happen that I spilled my breakfast." Izuku could make out sausage links on the floor.

The man, Izuku presumed to be Gran Torino made his way towards the light switch and turned it on.

"Are you Gran Torino?" Izuku asked.

"Are you hungry?" Gran Torino asked.



"I'm not sure?"

"Aren't you Toshinori's boy?"

"I am."

"Why are you here?"

"I-I think -"

"You're not confident enough."

"Maybe I should leave," Izuku said as he proceeded to walk out of the house.

"Put this on and fire One for All at me, an maybe that your electric quirk while you're at it."

Izuku felt his hand but he could not notice his suitcase. He turned around and found at that it was with Gran Torino. He hurriedly took back his suitcase and made for the door.

Gran Torino smirked and launched himself of the ground and to the top of the door in a single movement that left Izuku flustered for a second at the gur of wind that pushed against him.

"Are you All Might's successor or what? Fire up One for All at me."

Name: Gran Torino

Quirk: Air Jet

Izuku's eyes seemed to glitter for a second as he smiled.

Within moments, Izuku had changed to his Hero costume and was stood facing Gran Torino.

Izuku tensed up for some seconds before One for All slowly took over his body alongside Surge.

Gran Torino made a lunge for him with his quirk. Izuku tried to punch but Gran Torino had disappeared from sight before slamming into Izuku from the back and jumping away. Izuku got disoriented a bit before turning to his back. Gran Torino was already behind him.

Izuku turned to punch but Gran Torino disappeared again and slammed into Izuku's right flank. This continued further as Gran Torino continued to slam into Izuku's left flank then his back, right and left, repeating the process again.

Izuku had noticed this trend and waited for the pro to come close before striking at his back. Gran Torino was still faster than him. He outmaneuvered the punch and slammed into Izuku, sending the boy into a wall.

"Alright," Gran Torino said as he looked at the green-haired teen. "You definitely have some good hero qualities within ya, but compared to the best of the best, you lack confidence. Drive won't make you the best. You need to be straight up confident. Then there's the thing with your quirk." There was a pause as Gran Torino eyed Izuku. "What is your quirk?"

Izuku deadpanned but when he noticed that Gran Torino was serious, he spoke up. "My quirk is One for All and -"

"Stop." Gran Torino did not let him finish his statement. "That's your problem."


"Your pattern of thinking is far too limited when it comes to matters of your own quirk. Don't you know that you're different from All Might?"


"I don't know. Think about it. I'm going out to eat and oh... Don't forget to clean the house." With that, the senile old man was gone.

"Eh!" Izuku shouted.


Izuku was done cleaning the house. He was now pondering upon the words that Gran Torino had left him.

What is your quirk?

He had no idea what Gran Torino had meant. Why was it singular. He had two quirks, Surge and One for All. Why would Gran Torino ask for just a quirk?

Izuku was frustrated. He thought of his quirk usage. He could run about five percent of One for All through his body and could maintain it. As for his Surge, he had only just found out about it, but he could manipulate a certain amount of it consciously and succumbed to the power during rage, at least that was what he was told. So what was-

"I get it now!" He exclaimed loudly. He had understood something and he was going to relate it to Gran Torino.

Gran Torino was on the other side of the door listening on Izuku. He'd have to hear it from him in the morning.


It was about breakfast, but rather than eating, Izuku was face-to-face with Gran Torino.

"So kid, what have you learnt from the question I asked you?"

"I'm not a hundred percent sure, but I have a pretty good idea what you mean by the question and the fact that both All Might and I are different. I have a quirk and he didn't."

"Very good. One for All is a quirk that stockpiles power and can be transferred, and from what I could make about that at first was that it was a body enhancer quirk. I was wrong."

"From watching Nana then and seeing All Might in his prime I got a deeper understanding of the quirk concept. The fact that Toshinori was quirkless, One for All only enhanced his muscles. Given that he was already a muscular person as at when the quirk was given to him, he was compatible with the raw energy that had been compiled within it. You get why he had you train before he gave the quirk to you?"

Izuku was beginning to understand more. "It was a result of me being quirkless. If you used the raw stockpiled energy of One for All with a weak and fragile body, the results would be disastrous. He said so himself."

Gran Torino nodded. "Nana was the one who had told him that. No one expected a quirk less boy to just grow a quirk from nowhere. It's a rather rare phenomenon. One for All not only enhances the muscles but also the pre-existing quirk as noted by Nana. In its original state, One for All is energy, and hence it can't be destroyed or negated but can be converted from form to form."

"This nature grants One for All the ability to adapt to suite each user. As a result, One for All is now merged with your Surge quirk. So you need to stop treating them separately. Once you use One for All, it draws Surge with it but that charge time is far too long and also serves to drain. Why? Because you think of one above the other. Think of both quirks as one and the same, just like how both your hands differ but at the same time perform the same functions."

Izuku nodded as he took in Gran Torino's words. The pro was certainly experienced in his line of work.

"Gran Torino... If I may ask, why is it that All Might is scared of you?"

He noticed the pro smirk. "During our first training session... I made him spew his guys out."

Izuku gulped... Hard. His mind tried to imagine if it was the senile old man in his prime training him. Even as old as he was, he couldn't even land a blow on the old man.

"Now then, it's about time we get into the next other of your training. I want you to channel One for All into your Surge quirk."

"Eh?!" Izuku deadpanned. "Is that even possible?"

Gran Torino shrugged. "It's your quirk not mine, and besides... Why do your u think you at U.A.? You are at the most prestigious hero school in Japan and as a result of that, you are expected to produce outstanding results in your training. There's a reason why UAs motto is "Go Beyond. Plus Ultra". Now go beyond."

Izuku nodded. Gran Torino had energy and that was what he loved. He closed his eyes and felt both quirks. He focused on Surge and forced it open, letting it flow around his body. Green lightning arced around his body in the form of veins, before extending itself outward. Gran Torino could notice a glowing sheen as Izuku tried his best to channel One for All into the lightning.

Gran Torino was on standby as Izuku fought his hardest against the strain of holding up such a powerful technique. The intensity of the lightning spiked up as Izuku's green eyes became a glowing bright green.

Beads of sweat rolled down his face as he struggled before finally settling into a pace that was suitable for him. The thought of only five percent was what he was focused on. It was easy with only One for All, but Surge made it a lot harder than usual.

"I think I have gotten the hang of it," Izuku said to Gran Torino.

"That being the case," Gran Torino started. "Let's begin." The pro lunged for Izuku.

About 4 O'clock the Next Day

For the past day and almost a half, Izuku and Gran Torino had constantly been working on how long Izuku could stay in his form. He had changed its name to One for All: Full Surge.

Izuku felt himself slam against the wall of Gran Torino's living room. "That's enough," Gran Torino said.

Izuku let Full Surge dissipate from his body as he pulled himself into a sitting position.

"We need to go out," Gran Torino said. "If you continue fighting like this then you'll get used to me and develop some bad habits."

Izuku tilted his head slightly to the left. "So where are we going?"

"We'll be going on a little patrol to Hosu City."

"Hosu City!" His mind drifted to Iida.

"The best experience is gotten on the road. Nothing is better than encountering villains." They were outside of Gran Torino's apartment. The pro had stopped a taxi and had ushered Deku inside. The green-haired teen had tried to contact Iida but the boy hadn't replied to Deku's message.

Hosu City

A portal opened up atop a building in the quiet city of Hosu. Two figures stepped out of the portal and glowing yellow eyes stood in the background. Tomura Shigaraki was one of them. The same person that had led the attack on USJ.

The other was a man that was dressed in a rather worn out attire. His eyes were bloodshot and his ruff. Swords and daggers were on his body and his hand twitched towards them occasionally. Both figures overlooked the city.

"Oi, Hero Killer... What kind of business do you have in Hosu?"

The man was quiet as he stared down at the vast city. "I am yet to cleanse the City of those 'fakes'. If I leave when my work is halfway, I will pass a bad message to the Society."

"They need to know that the only ideals that I will truly ever support are the ideals of All Might... A true hero."

Tomura was quiet as he took in the Hero Killer's answer. "Good to know that we both agree on one thing. The current society must crumble."

Stain leapt off of the building as he made for his next victim. Tomura shook his head slowly as Kurogiri walked up to him.

"That was rather unusual."

Tomura smiled. "Hero Killer Stain... his ways are effective but it is a pity that we do not share the same ideals. He adores All Might as what a hero should be. I want to kill All Might and cripple the Hero Society. Kurogiri!"

The Warp user turned to his master. "What is it?"

"Bring in the Nomu that we have with us."

"Why do you say that?"

"I want to see who has the stronger ideals, between me and the Hero Killer. Who do you think will be able to do more damage to the city?"

Kurogiri nodded as he opened another portal and brought in three Nomu. Each looking vicious and deadly. Tomura set them loose on the city without even a second thought, a wide grin on his face.

A Few Minutes Later...

Deku's train had arrived in Hosu City. The green-haired teen was sitting on the opposite side of the door. He felt the track rumble. At the same time, the train's intercoms came on.

"Attention passengers, please stay clear of the doors... We are having a little trouble getting to the station."

'What is going on?'

As the thoughts ran through Deku's head, an explosion rung through the air as the door of the train broke. Apparently a hero had slammed into it. Lean arms reached into the train and grabbed the hero's head, shoving him into the ground. Deku watched as the door of the train was ripped open completely. A tall figure stepped in. It had four eyes and a brain that was exposed for the world to see.

"N-Nomu?!" The green-haired teen was in shock.

"Kiddo," Gran Torino shouted as he snapped Deku out of his stupor. "Stay put... I'll handle this."

The pro slammed into the Nomu and threw him off of the train, giving chase after it. Deku ran to the door and shivered at the scene before him. Hosu was in flames... utter destruction and chaos everywhere. If the Nomu was here that means that the League of Villains were involved.

Deku gasped. Tenya.

He leapt off of the train and made way towards the chaos of the city. He looked around as he ran. Some places were broken... Some were ablaze. It was horrible, and somehow Deku knew that Tomura was at the center of everything.

"Tenya!" A voice said. No it was a shout. Deku paused to listen. "Where the hell did you run off to?!"

Deku turned towards the sound of the voice. Apparently Tenya had gone to Manuel's Agency and if he wasn't mistaken, then it was Manuel's voice that he heard.

The green-haired teen was almost crushed as a car came sailing past his head. An explosion rung through the air as the screams of panicking civilians increased. He turned towards the sight to see two other Nomu. A slightly muscular one with a lower jaw and exposed brains. And another one with bat-like wings and exposed brains.

Deku noticed a hero flailing in its arms as it took to the sky. He looked towards the site of the fire and noticed Manuel trying his best to put them out.

"Where the shit did you run off to Tenya?!" He had heard the hero shout as he and another hero tried putting out the fire.

Deku froze in his tracks. First there was chaos and Iida was nowhere to be found. Second, it was Hosu City where Stain had almost killed his brother, Tensei. Deku was pissed. Iida was going after the Hero Killer. Deku was now tasked with finding him and snapping him out of his stupidity.

But where was he going to look for them. Hosu was large. Deku slapped his head as he forced himself to think. His eyes widened. Majority of the Hero Killer's murders were in alleyways, secluded from the society.

Deku ran as he began to search the City's alleyways in hopes that his friend would be found in one of them.

It took almost ten minutes before he ran past a peculiar alley. Why was it peculiar? There was a figure standing over another figure that was on the ground. The standing figure was holding two blades and he looked like he was about to stab the other figure. Light bounced off of the body of the figure that was on the ground and Deku noticed the armor.

"Iida-kun," he muttered as he dashed into the alley.

His body crackled with the power of Surge, green electricity flowing continuously throughout his body. He felt the power of One for All flow through the electricity almost immediately as he lunged for Stain. A powerful kick slammed into the villain and launched him backwards and away from Iida.

Stain regained mobility midair as he looked at Deku. Must be one of his friends. Stain watched closely.

"I-Deku, what are y-you doing? Wh-Why are you h-here?"

"Save your breath... I would have never thought that you would be able to do something so crazy. He's a villain for Christ's sake!"

Tenya actually felt the anger that was laced into Deku's voice. Each word was an increasing rise in anger.


"I said save your breath and that's an order!" Deku's eyes turned to Stain. He noticed that the villain was accessing him.

Stain cocked his head to the side as he drew a short dagger. "Leave."

"Gladly," Deku responded. "Can you walk?"

"I can't. It must be the villain's quirk."

"Is that so?" Deku noticed another person in the alleyway that was covered in blood. It was a pro hero, Native. Imagine his luck. He had two paralysed people to carry out of this alley. He sincerely doubted that Stain would allow him leave the alley with Iida, much less him and Native.

"I have no business with you... Leave with your life."

"I can't. You see, as much as I am a Hero in Training, I am obligated to get involved in things that are not of my matter... and as for this moron on the ground, he's under my care. So you see, I can't actually leave."

On a normal day, Deku knew that he wouldn't have been able to say those things, but after the USJ incident, his fear of villains had dropped a bit. Although, he was very cautious with Stain.

"You're a good one," he heard the Hero Killer say before he caught a slight glimpse of something sailing through the air towards him. "But I must kill that one."

Deku charged up once again, activating Full Surge. He lunged at Stain, arm held back to deliver a strike. The villain swiped a blade at him that Deku was quick to evade as he kicked Stain's leg, almost causing the Hero Killer to lose footing.

Deku could not fight at full capacity to avoid accidentally injuring Ingenium and Native.

Stain started to swing his blades as he placed Deku on the defense, the green-haired teen doing his best to dodge the sword swings. As he did so, his eyes scanned Stain for openings but he was able to see any. He decided that he had to create his own opening. He flicked his hand as he sent a tiny bolt of lightning at Stain's right hand.

The villain jolted a bit as the electricity disoriented his blade work. It wasn't powerful but it messed with the commands in his right hand. Deku lunged as he landed a couple of hits and sent Stain into a wall.

The Hero Killer was surprised. So he can throw his lightning. He took another hidden dagger and tossed it at Ingenium, Deku was forced to react. As he kicked the dagger away, he was equally knocked to the side. A brutal kick slammed into his face as he felt his head impact the ground.

He flipped himself up but Stain was faster. Another kick came but Deku desperately tried to block it. Stain was serious this time around. He reached for a small dagger and made for Deku. The green-haired teen reacted as he jumped back to increase the distance between them.

Stain was no longer there. "Above you!" Ingenium shouted in time for Deku to see the Hero Killer descend. The boy lunged forward in a haphazardly manner in order to confuse Stain, before punching him in the gut.

Stain reacted to the punch, showing incredible reflexes as he kicked Deku to the ground mid-air. Deku groaned as he landed on the ground, but before he could get up, he felt a blade to his throat.

"Don't move." Deku was slightly frightened as he felt the cold glint of the blade on his throat. He may just die right here and now. It took a couple of seconds before he remembered that the electricity didn't die immediately. He tried to focus on the bolt of electricity that he had sent into Stain's body, but his focus was broken when he felt something pierce his cheek. He opened his eyes to see Stain holding a small dagger with blood at the tip of it. Stain ingeted it and at that same moment, he lost all command to his body.

Immediately, Deku felt One for All dissipate from his body alongside Surge. He couldn't process any command apart from the fact that he assumed he could still talk.

So that's his quirk. He can paralyse the one whose blood he has ingested. Is it permanent or temporary or can it be stopped?

"You're pretty good for a kid. Almost gave me a hard time by the way. Unlike these guys, you're the real deal. I won't kill you," he heard Stain say. "But I won't let you get in my way."

"Stop!" He yelled but the villain ignored his pleas.

Stain stood up and lunged for Ingenium, but a torrent of flames got in his way. What now?

Deku forced his eyes towards the alley entrance to see a boy with white and red hair. Shoto breathed a sigh of relief. Deku's message to him had not revealed much and the boy didn't know what to expect.

"Deku... next time you send something like this, you have to be more specific."

"Shoto!" The green-haired hero yelled, more than happy to see the boy.

"All I had to work with was the fact that you sent only your location, so it took sometime to figure out. I had a feeling you won't send something like that except it was really dire."

"S-Shoto-kun, why are you here?"

"I am supposed to be the one asking you that. You must be really stupid to think you can take him on your own." Shoto's eyes lingered to meet Stain's. "The pros will soon be here, so until then," the boy stepped between Stain and the heroes. "I won't let you kill them."

Stain laughed. "You're a good one. Looks like you really got the short end of the stick, Ingenium." It was in a mocking tone.

Ingenium couldn't help but grit his teeth at that.

"Don't let him taste your blood," Deku said. "If he does, he'll leave you paralysed."

That's what the blades are for. Shoto crouched into a fighting stance, barely noticing a blade fly towards his face. He moved out of the way quickly as he sent a wave of ice at Stain.

The Hero Killer leapt away from the attack as quickly as he could. It didn't take him a moment before he lunged for Shoto. Another wave of ice was sent at him, but they were no match for his blades. Stain lunged forward but Shoto countered with another torrent of flames.

Stain forced himself away from the flames as he planned his next attack. Shoto stepped back as he saw Stain approaching. Before the teen could send a wave of ice, a blade pierced his shoulder from above.

Damn. Shoto thought as Stain neared him. The teen felt his body ignite in flames as he pushed Stain away. He slowly removed the blade from his shoulder and tossed it to the ground. Stain brought out three more daggers and launched all of them in odd manners.

Shoto's eyes widened as the daggers came at him. He raised a wall of ice to block them, blocking his view of the Hero Killer. Stain smirked as he launched himself into the air, above the range of the ice wall. Shoto was yet to notice the villain as he silently dropped down from above. None of the others had also noticed.

Before Stain could do any damage, he felt something grab him by the back and launch him into the ground. The thud drew everyone's attention to where Stain was slowly getting up. That had hurt like hell.

Deku landed on the ground near Shoto. "Looks like your quirk has worn off."

This kid just had to be a freaking O. Stain was all the more convinced in Deku's abilities. The kid looked like a natural counter to him.

"Is it a time limit?" Shoto asked.

"I don't think so," Native said. "I was the first to go down and mine has yet to be released."

Deku had a weird like grin on his face. "I can think of three possibilities to his quirk. One, the time gets thinner the more people are paralysed. Two, the amount of blood ingested affects how long it lasts. And three, the person's blood group."

Stain was the one who grinned this time around. This kid was just too much. "It's the third one, but I doubt you knowing that would make any difference."

"W-why are you guys doing this?" Ingenium asked. "I am the one who inherited my brother's name and will. It has to be me."

Deku and Shoto sighed. "You're in no way capable of taking the Hero Killer alone. You claim to have been the one who inherited your brother's will and yet you act nothing like him."

Deku analysed their situation carefully. The command over his body had returned but he was feeling the strain of Full Surge in his body. They had to keep Stain busy until the pros arrived and that would have to be when they must have taken down the Nomus.

Deku's body crackled with electricity once more. One for All flowing through each electric bolt as the intensity continuously increased until his eyes glowed a bright green.

"Shoto... we'll corner him. I'll attack and you support." Shoto nodded. He knew better than to doubt the boy by now.

Deku lunged forward as he closed the gap between him and Stain. He blurred to the right as a wave of ice made its way at Stain. The villain jumped up only to meet Deku who had jumped to meet him. Stain was apparently faster and sent Deku back to the ground. The green-haired hero was quick to pick himself up before slamming into Stain.

Deku leapt back as Shoto attempted to encase the villain in ice.

Stain was still faster than Shoto's ice. He leapt away from the ice and sent a kick into Deku's gut. Shoto turned to the Hero Killer and sent another wave of ice followed by a stream of flames. Stain found it hard to evade as he maneuvered between the ice and flames.

"You guys should run away from here," Ingenium said. "Please you don't have to bleed for my sake anymore."

"Enough of that Ingenium," Deku said as he approached Stain faster than before. He slammed a punch into the man's gut and sent him to the ground. "We are your friends and we'll help you no matter what. At least until you understand the error in your way-" Deku couldn't finish his statement as Stain sent him into the wall with a kick.

Stain took out his katana and made for Shoto. He wanted to bring him down immediately. Shoto sent ice crystals but Stain outmaneuvered them once more.

The sound of gears filled the air, and Stain noticed that Ingenium was now free. A recipro burst powered kick slammed into Stain's katana breaking it. Ingenium did not end there, as he followed up with a kick to Stain's head.

"Thank you all for your help," Ingenium said. "I'll take it from here, you both can run away."

Shoto gnashed his teeth together. He got in Ingenium's face. "You're a selfish brat you know that. Who the hell do you want to mourn your death? 'Cause hell I won't, and neither do I want to be responsible for your death."

"Ingenium... your friends are more heroes than you will ever be. They don't care about being recognized for the fame but rather they just want to help others. You are the filth of the society, the ones driven by petty selfish goals and objectives."

"Don't listen to him," Deku said as he picked himself up. He must have gone through a lot to be this focused on his ideals. But, he is becoming desperate.

"Shoto, Ingenium, we'll attack and force him to a standstill. We have the advantage in numbers."

Shoto and Ingenium nodded. Deku was not giving Ingenium time to voice his thoughts.

Stain lunged at them and they responded positively. Ingenium tapped into another recipro burst as he approached Stain. Stain blocked Ingenium's attack and tossed Ingenium to the side. Shoto sent a wave of ice at the villain, but he evaded and tossed a dagger at him.

Deku approached Stain from behind and sent a bolt of electricity to his legs. Stain lost his footing mid-air as another torrent of flames slammed into him.

Stain roared in pain as he tossed a dagger at Native. Ingenium was able to kick it away just as Deku paralysed Stain's legs.


The heterochromatic froze Stain up to his head, making sure to keep his hands separated.

"His quirk wasn't actually much," Shoto said. "Constantly relying on drawing his victims blood. A perfect assassination quirk but not ideal for taking on multiple opponents. But still, he was a formidable opponent."

I want to apologise because this chapter feels a bit rushed to me.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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