
Boku no Hero Academia: Rise to Greatness

This is a simple rewrite of the awesome anime series that is My Hero Academia. Unlike the anime, or to make it different from the anime, I have made the personalities of each character different. One for All Izuku.

LOTS_Fiction · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

Battle Tournament Start

The one hour break that was issued by U.A. was very much needed because; one, the students needed to gain at least a little bit of strength from using their quirks, especially those that their quirks cause noticeable backlashes and required food to perform; two, the students needed to soak in the fact that the tournament would be one-on-one battles and that only one of them can come out on top.

Midnight had taken the liberty of explaining the final part of the festival to the students. Something surprising had actually happened during that explanation, and that was that both Ojiro and one other boy had withdrawn themselves from the tournament on an account that they had not actually participated in the Cavalry battle as a result of someone's quirk.

This led to Ibara and Tetsutetsu been added to the Tournament. After the… brief meeting, they had left to go fill the abyss that was their stomachs and that was when something spectacular happened to Izuku. Right at a corner, with his back to the wall, was Shoto.

"Midoriya…" the boy said trailing off a bit.

"What do you want?" Izuku said with a scowl.

"… I hope I get to fight you in the final round…"

"Want to get your ass kicked again huh? Guess the last one was not enough."

Shoto fought against the urge to frown. He struggled to maintain his cool and when he did, he spoke up.

"You got lucky… the finals will be a one-on-one battle event and I'd love to face you."

Izuku was getting pissed. He managed to calm himself as he reminisced on what All Might told him during their training session.

"A hero is someone who always meddles in the affairs on others… he will try his best to see a smile on their face."

The green-haired boy felt his anger dwindle just a bit, as he gave his response. "While I would love to have this back and forth with you," he began. "I am dedicating my life to being a hero and so I will… say this…" he looked at Todoroki. "… Who or what made you this way?"

Shoto's expression did not falter so Izuku decided to press it further. "… Was it Endeavor?" He smiled a little as got a reaction out of Shoto, albeit for a short time.

"It is not of your concern."

"On the contrary, it is. Because… I am your class rep and I am also one of your friends… tell me."

Shoto bit back the urge to tell Izuku because the green-haired teen could be trusted. After a few seconds of wavering determination, Shoto spoke up. "It doesn't matter if it were Endeavor who was the cause of my behaviour. What matters is that you be prepared to face me, 'cause I won't be holding back anything but my left side. It was so unfortunate that you had to be in my way. No hard feelings if I beat you in front of everyone. I will beat you using only my left side and I will humiliate Endeavor and then, maybe then he will finally understand that I do not need his power. Like I said, I will do what my father couldn't do… and that is beat someone like All Might."

"I guess I'll just have to beat you when the time comes… even though you are stronger than me. I am the Deku that will always do his best."


Both teens turned their heads to the side where they heard the sound from, the wall that was behind Shoto. The teen turned around to leave and was met with the face of Katsuki. Both teens walked past each other without even sparing each other a glance.

Katsuki noticed the tense atmosphere and decided to change the subject. "Wanna go grab lunch."

The green-haired teen nodded and left with his best friend.

"What are you doing here Izuna?!" Inko exclaimed as she pulled her daughter into a hug.

"What are you talking about mom?" Izuna said in a cheerful tone. "I've been away for five years and this is how you greet me."

"… Sorry," Inko muttered. "It's just… a surprise… much unexpected."

Twenty minutes were used to exchange pleasantries between the two Midoriyas and the two Bakugos.

"What about your dad?" Mitsuki asked.

"He should be here by the end of the week."

"I thought you would continue schooling in the U.S."

"Yeah, even me too, but U.A. sent dad a letter and requested that he come and teach at U.A. and so we made arrangements so that I could be transferred into the Hero Course."

Inko's eyes grew wide.

"That's Izuku's and Katsuki's course," Mitsuki said.

"Izuku will be very surprised."

"That's the idea," Izuna said with a grin.

"Y'know… since you want to surprise him, we should do it at the Sports Festival."

Currently, Izuku and Katsuki were on their way to grab lunch. They turned at a corner and immediately felt the heat in the surrounding area rise. In front of them was the Number 2 Hero, Endeavor. The large man stared at them… one that was akin to a predatory stare.

After about a minute of silence, in which Katsuki's face increasingly became more pissed as each second passed, the blond decided to speak up.

"What do you want?"

Endeavor did not even dignify that question with a response. "This is All Might's protégé… frankly I am disappointed."

Izuku grit his teeth as he looked at the Number 2 Hero.

"Leave us boy," he said to Katsuki. "… I'd like to talk to this one."

"The hell I'm leaving. Don't think because you are the Number 2 Hero, you can just order me around." He let off tiny explosions to say that he was serious. Endeavor merely raised a brow and stared down Katsuki.

The temperature around them increased as Endeavor flexed his arm.

"Kacchan… leave. He wants to talk to me so I should hear him out… to avoid problems."

Katsuki growled but he knew that Deku was right.

"… fine, but if he tries anything, I'll blow him away."

The blond walked away as Izuku turned to face Endeavor.

"What do you want?"

"I want to talk about you… what was that quirk you displayed in the event?"

Izuku cringed a little. "… That's my super power quirk."

"Not that one… the electricity quirk."

"… It's part of my super power quirk."

"Doesn't seem like it. Have you heard of Lancelot?"

Izuku flipped the pages in his head as gears grinded and after some seconds, he came up with an answer. "I have never heard of him."

"… As expected. Dealings of the underworld are not usually recorded in books. But if what I think is the real deal then being a hero is going to be tough for you."

"Why do you say that?"

Endeavor chuckled. "Rai Midoriya. Have you heard of him?"

"…No, but I presume that he is someone related to me."

"He was your grandfather, to be more precise, Hisashi Midoriya's father and he was one of the deadliest villains to ever roam the world."

Izuku was shocked at that revelation. He had never once heard of that name from any of his parents.

"How does that concern me?"

"Who knows?" Endeavor asked with a shrug. There was silence as he let the words sink into Midoriya. "...Now I hope you know that Shoto is my son."

Izuku nodded but frowned. "You are the reason Todoroki is the way he is." He barely managed to control himself from yelling.

"What did he say to you?"

"I pressed him, but he refused to go into details."

Endeavor sighed. "Shoto is going through a rebellious stage, but he will come to. He was born to beat All Might and achieve something that I could not. He will soon come to understand that he is an extension of me. It's a pity that he has his sights on you."

"What makes you think that I'll lose?"

"Oh please. Shoto has been taking on this festival with only half of his power. If he could only just kill his ego and use his left side." Endeavor was irritated, but he calmed himself. "More importantly, be ready for when he comes. You and All Might."

"No wonder he despises you."


"Every time he hears your name or anything concerning you, he scowls and his calm expression darkens even more. You must have really broken him, all because… you want to beat All Might. Forcing your son to carry a load that he doesn't want to… I can only imagine what he must have gone through. I will help him overcome this ordeal."

Despite looking irritated, that last sentence from Izuku made Endeavor smile.

"That's what I want. Make him use his left side and embrace his destiny, to be the number one."

Izuku scowled as he turned back. "You're a sick father you know that. Trying to determine your son's destiny like that. Destiny is not set in stone. It is determined by the actions we take in our daily lives. I am not All Might and neither is Todoroki you, Endeavor." He said that last word with venom as he walked away.

Endeavor huffed as he turned away, a huge frown on his face as he left the hall. He called out to Midoriya just before he left. "Rai Midoriya. Don't you forget it."

Izuku paid no heed to his words as he tried his best to ignore the Fiery Hero. He found Kacchan, arms crossed and back against the wall. He opened his mouth to say something but Kacchan cut him off.

"Save it Deku, I heard."

"He almost ruined my appetite."

"Don't say that. You need to eat to gain strength. The next round is going to be fuckin' awesome."

The best thing for him now was to get his mind off of the talk with Endeavor. He needed to focus on the tournament. He could always ask his mum or his dad when next he called.

The one hour break had passed and frankly speaking, Izuku was not expecting to be on in the first match of the third round. He was up against the same boy with purple hair that had the guts to stare back at Kacchan. His name was Hitoshi Shinso, he vaguely remembered. He had no idea what the boy's quirk was so he was kind of in the dark, but he had no doubt that anyone who had the guts to stare back Katsuki was either stronger than him, his mum, or had an insanely powerful quirk.

"HELLO EVERYBODY! IT IS TIME FOR THE FINAL ROUND OF THE U.A. SPORTS FESTIVAL TO BEGIN." The crowd erupted in cheers. The third round was the most anticipated round of the festival and it was the deciding factor in who was going to get the most requests from Hero agencies.



Izuku got up and steeled himself as he walked up to the field. He inclined his head as he heard Ojiro calling him from the area their class was seating. He looked frantic a bit.

'Probably to wish me luck.' Izuku thought as he waved back.

"What's wrong?" Tsuyu asked the blond teen.

Ojiro bit his lip. "It's that kid. Midoriya does not know what he is getting into." He turned to look at the field. Both of them had made their way and were now standing in front of each other, waiting for Midnight to begin the match. "Like I said earlier, that boy was the reason I pulled out of the tournament. His quirk did something to me and I finally figured out how."

"Both combatants ready?" Midnight asked. They nodded, signifying her to start.

"And how does that fucker's quirk work?" Katsuki asked in mild interest, mostly for his friend.

"Begin!" Midnight said sharply.

"I don't know for how long but if you respond to him, he can temporarily brainwash you and make you do his bidding as long as the hold is present."

"Oh no…" Uraraka said, trailing off. "Look!"

Everyone's eyes diverted to the field. There was Izuku, standing motionless. Hitoshi stood with a grin on his face and his hands in his pocket.

'What is wrong with me? Why I can't I move my body? Is this his quirk? How does it work?'

"WHAT'S GOING ON?" Present Mic asked.

"Tsk," was Eraser Head's reply. "… like I said, the Entrance Exam is illogical in a lot of areas. Someone with Shinso's quirk can't fair against robots… much like my quirk."

"Step out of bounds." Shinso's voice was calm and his expression frightening, especially with the bags under his eyes. The moment he said this, Izuku began to walk; his direction was towards the edge of the field.

He mentally screamed at his body to stop, but it did not listen.

"So frail, so helpless." A voice rang in Izuku's mindscape. At that instance, Izuku felt his mind invaded by forces he had no control over. He groaned mentally… another thing he could not control.

He saw eyes, specifically eight pairs of eyes… green eyes. At that instant, the index finger on his right hand snapped. One for All coursed through his body and the hold of brainwash was no longer there. Izuku's eyes were filled with rage and he now knew how to counter Shinso.


Shinso knew that there was no way he could catch Midoriya with his quirk, but he had to try.

"You must have been really lucky having a powerful quirk and breaking out of my quirk. Guess destiny decided to shine upon you."

Izuku growled. Something was definitely up with this Shinso kid. The way he was talking… Izuku pushed that thought back as he charged the kid. They met in a stalemate. Izuku decided to fight on even ground and without One for All, seeing as Shinso was kind of at a disadvantage.

"Why do you talk like that?"

"Like hell you care… asshole."

Izuku did not respond so as to avoid not being caught by Shinso's quirk.

"Playing the silent treatment I see. Do you know what it's like… to be constantly harassed for having a villainous quirk?"

Izuku raised an eyebrow. Now that he thought about it, Shinso's quirk was kind of villainous. The ability to take over a person's mind through speech… that was freaky. He also had his own fair share, constantly picked on because he did not have a quirk.

'What makes you think that your quirk is villainous?' he punched Shinso as he thought that. The purple haired boy reeled back and retaliated with a punch that sent Izuku reeling back.

"The hell do you know. Everyone looked at me and all they said was how my quirk was dangerous, a fitting quirk for a villain, or a freakish power." He tried to punch Izuku, but the green haired teen dodged and gave an uppercut to Shinso.

'You're not the only one with a tough childhood,' Izuku thought as a mental image of Todoroki flashed in his mind, he threw a left hook. 'It's good to always see the positive side of things.'

Up in the commentator's box, Aizawa reminisced on his time in U.A. and how they thought that his quirk was nothing short of villainy. He smiled and turned his head back to the battlefield. Looks like he just found his protégé.

Shinso was overwhelmed with a bit of rage as Izuku punched him. As much as he wanted to fight it, a part of him wanted to admit defeat… in the end, the part of him that wanted to fight won. He grabbed Izuku's throat and switched into a headlock.


Izuku reacted spontaneously as his hand reached for Shinso. He unconsciously activated One for All as he tossed Shinso out of the battlefield.

"He is out of bounds," Cementoss said from his perch.

"Shinso has gone out of bounds. The winner of this match is Izuku Midoriya," Midnight said.

The crowd cheered. The first match was amazing, though not as intense as some may have wanted.

Izuku walked up to Shinso, anger lacing his eyes. "You shouldn't take everything people say to heart. Forge your own path because destiny is not set in stone." Izuku left Shinso to ponder on his words as he made his way back to his class.

As Shoto was making his way to the field for his match against Sero, he spotted something or rather someone that turned sis mood into a sour one.

"What do you want?" the teen sneered.

"Now Shoto… I raised you better than to treat me like that." Endeavor had a face that was neither one of anger nor gladness, not even sadness. It was more so like Todoroki's.

"Why are you here?"

"Can't a father wish his son luck before a battle? You barely made it to the final round."

"That's… none of your concern."

Endeavor almost roared. "It is of my concern if your father is the number two hero. Do you know how you performed out there? Do you know how much that may have damaged my image?"

"So this is about you… figures."

"You amuse me Shoto. I hope you now know that to win this, you have to use your left side."

Todoroki almost laughed. "I told you before and I'll say it again… in battle I will never use my left side." The teen walked off, not even bothering to cast a glance at his father.

"You're making a mistake Shoto… sooner or later you'll come running back to me… I know you."

Shoto was pissed. He soon reached the field, were Sero was waiting for him.

"The match between Sero Hanta of Class 1A and Shoto Todoroki of Class 1A will now… begin!"

As soon as the words left her mouth, Shoto unleashed a massive glacier on the field, completely encasing Sero in ice. He had won the match.


"Winner of the match… Shoto Todoroki."

The crowd cheered wildly, albeit many were in a kind of shock at the amount of power Todoroki displayed.

The teen ignored them and went ahead to free Sero from the ice prison.

Izuku had just left Recovery Girl's office, with All Might and the Youthful Heroine still inside.

"Toshinori… Midoriya saw you."

The pro did not know how to respond but he sighed. "It's a good thing he did."

"Why do you say that? The world can't go losing its symbol of peace, at least not now."

"We all know it was bound to happen, but I must pass on as much knowledge as I can to him before that happens."

Izuku had made his way back to his class. He peered over at the field to see Kaminari on the floor. Apparently he had lost to Ibara Shiozaki of Class 1B.

Name: Ibara Shiozaki

Quirk: Vines

"Deku you're back," Uraraka said as she saw the green haired teen.

"You almost lost you pile of trash," Katsuki said to the boy as he lets sparks go off. "To a General Education boy nonetheless."

"At least I didn't. So… who won Todoroki's match."

"He won by a landslide," Ashido said as she jumped up.

They all got into a series of discussion, all hyped for the fourth match between Iida and Hatsume. Everyone was expecting an intense match, but they were all surprised to see Iida enter the ring while wearing Hatsume's support items. Basically, Hatsume toyed with Iida, all the while advertising her products to the world. After about ten minutes, after which she was satisfied with her advertisement, she stepped out of bounds. Iida won but he was furious, not with anger but at the fact that he was used.

The fifth and sixth matches went by fast. Ashido defeated Aoyama by making his belt malfunction and Tokoyami defeated Yaoyorozu with sheer speed and power.

The seventh match was between Kirishima and Tetsutetsu. It was an all-out match between two people with pretty much the same quirk. It was a double knockout and a tiebreaker was issued. An arm wrestling match was the tiebreaker and surprisingly, Kirishima won, much to Tetsutetsu chagrin.

"Anyone h- Young Midoriya, what are you doing here?" All Might was looking for a place to deflate but instead he found Izuku.

"All Might…" Izuku said in a mutter.

The number one hero walked up to him and deflated. He sat beside his protégé and looked him in the eye. "What's wrong?"

Izuku was contemplating telling Toshinori and not telling him, eventually he told him. "Who is Rai Midoriya?"

Toshinori visibly tensed, something that did not escape Izuku's observant eyes. "Who to-"

"It was Endeavor."

Toshinori's previous shock was now replaced by anger as soon as he heard that. After he had told Endeavor to not get involved, the bastard still did as he thought was right.

"What did he say to you?"

"It doesn't matter. Who was he?"

Toshinori sighed. He supposed Izuku had a right to know but he did not think that he was in the right position to tell him about his grandfather.

"I can't tell you anything, because I am not in the right position to do so. The only thing I can say is that he was your grandfather."

"I know that much," Izuku said as he held his head. "Endeavor said that he was a villain… is that true?"

Toshinori was silent for some seconds. "It is true but-"

"But nothing. Don't I have a right to know about things that may eventually affect my future?"

"You have a right to know, but it wasn't Endeavor's place to say so. Only your parents can tell you that."

"But still…"

"You're usually a sharp kid but you don't realize what Endeavor is trying to do."

Izuku looked up, tears forming in his eyes and he was trying his hardest to hold them back. "What?"

"Who are you going up against in your next match?"

"I'll be facing Todoroki."

"Endeavor sure is smart… if he got you then he is pretty capable."

Izuku was still a bit lost at what All Might was getting at… and then it clicked. "… No way."

"That son of a bitch." The doors flung open to reveal an angry Katsuki. "Damn that Endeavor, I'll kill him."

"No, you will just get yourself killed," Toshinori said as he tried to calm the raging teen.


Shoto was already on the field and he was waiting for Izuku to show up. The green haired boy appeared some minutes later and both were ready to begin the battle.


As soon as the words were said, a large wave of ice was sent at Izuku. The green haired teen did not waste any time in smashing the ice away. The force generated from Izuku's finger was such that Shoto had to form a small wall of ice to avoid not getting blown of the field.


Izuku leapt over another wave of ice as his body crackled once more with green electricity.

"I'm actually quite surprised you wanted to come here." Inko, Izuna, Masaru and Mitsuki were on their way to the U.A. Theater where the Sports Festival was taking place.

"Of course. I haven't seen Izu in a long time… and what better way than to surprise him at the Sports Festival."

"Well, we are here," Masaru said as they were stood in front of the stadium.

"Well let's go," Mitsuki said as she began to walk in.

"I have to ask," Izuku said as he charged at Shoto. The boy responded by sending another wave of ice at him, but he jumped over it. "Do you honestly think you can win this competition with only half your power?"

Shoto growled as he stomped the field, enveloping everything in ice and causing Izuku to slip. Seeing it as an opportunity, Shoto sent a sharp ice spear at the teen, but unfortunately for him and fortunately for Izuku, the green-haired teen recovered and avoided it.

"You keep on going on and on about how you are going to beat me…" Izuku smashed the ice coated field, completely shattering it in the process.


Izuku seized the opportunity to approach Shoto, avoiding his waves of ice in the process. He flicked his finger with the entire One for All under his control, generating an intense force. Shoto braced himself with the wall of ice that he had placed behind him, but a force jerked him out of it. Izuku had punched through the ice and sent him flying.

"Use your fire dammit."

"What concern is it to you?" Shoto said as he got up. He crouched low and set his palm on the ground. Ice spikes shot up from the ground, gradually making their way towards Izuku. The green haired teen grit his teeth as he began to smash each ice that got close.

"Izuku is so strong," Izuna said, completely in awe of her brother.

"Midoriya has improved greatly," a voice said out of nowhere.

They turned around to see All Might standing there in his deflated form.

"Toshinori," Inko said as she looked at him. He just smiled and held up a peace sign.

"Good day… it's been long Toshinori." Masaru said as he shook hands with Toshinori. Mitsuki just waved at him as her eyes scanned the field for Katsuki.

Toshinori's eyes met Izuna's and they widened slightly. She looked just like Midoriya, but female were his exact thoughts.

"Sorry, this is Izuna, Izuku's twin sister."

"Oh sorry," Toshinori said as he held out his hand. "Toshinori Yagi."

She shook his hand back with a bright smile on her face. "Izuna Midoriya, but you already knew that."

"Is Hisashi here?"

"No… he's still on his way."

"Isn't that Midoriya's mother?" Ashido asked. "Who are those with her?"

Everyone in class1A had their attention diverted to the row where Izuku and Katsuki's family where. Katsuki was more shocked out of all of them.

"Is that…"

"What's that?" Kirishima asked the explosive teen.

The blond refused to respond as he walked away from them.

"Who's that pretty girl? There next to Midoriya's mum."

Now everyone was trying to locate the pretty girl.

"I see her," Tsuyu said. "She looks just like Midoriya."

Before everyone could begin their murmuring, a slight tremor turned their attention back to the field.

Shoto had unleashed a massive ice structure that forced Izuku to completely smash it away in exchange for a broken left hand.

"Aargh," he muttered as he unleashed a strong gust from his right hand that almost knocked Shoto out of bounds.

"Many people will kill for the kind of quirk you have… but here you are… refusing to use it… I want to fight you at your best… I want to beat you at your best… you can't beat me like that and you know it."

Shoto got to his feet, slowly, and stared at Izuku. "You don't know a thing about me." He looked to the stands and spotted Endeavor. He growled as he resumed. "That man made my childhood hell and I swore that… never will I use my left side… the accursed side I inherited from him… his stupid power."

"You think you'll be able to reach the top with only ice… your drawbacks are beginning to show."

Shoto looked at his right hand. Frost was beginning to form on it. The boy had to admit that he was feeling a little cold. He had been using massive amounts of his ice power and it was beginning to take its toll.

He turned his eyes back to Izuku and noticed that the boy was crouched in preparation for a sprint. He steadied himself but not before noticing that his movements were getting sluggish.

"It's your power right! Then use it the hell!" Izuku shouted before lunging at Shoto with all the five percent in his being. Green electricity crackled around him as he ran.

"Big brother has definitely improved," Izuna said in awe at the display of power from Izuku, seemingly unaware of the looks that the adults were sharing.

"Izuna," a voice called out very plainly.

She turned around and saw someone that brought a smile to her face. "Kacchan, long time no see."

The blond just shrugged as he walked up to a spot beside her. The parents were seemingly unaware of the explosive teen and just continued to watch the match.

"So Kacchan, who do you think will win the match?"


"On what?"

"The one with the stronger drive."

As Izuku neared Shoto, the temperature rose drastically as fire erupted from Shoto's left side. Izuku paused as he eyed Shoto curiously. The heat from the flames had served to melt the frostbite away and the boy had regained his mobility.


"Now that's it Todoroki."

The young Todoroki was shocked. In a desperate attempt to fight, Izuku's words had enabled him subconsciously break his oath of never using his left side in battle.

While the flames were active, he launched an orb of fire at Izuku. The green-haired teen responded by punching through the flames, but he didn't expect a follow up wave of ice that slammed into him and launched him into the air.


Shoto went a step further by launching multiple fireballs at Izuku's falling form, seeing that it was the only thing he could do with his fire.

'Couldn't keep your big mouth shut huh. Now how are you going to counter both fire and ice quirks? I need mobility. Come on One for All… don't fail me now. I can't lose. I have to make All Might proud.'

The green electricity around Izuku surged slightly as its frequency of vibration increased to the point that the fireballs vaporized as they neared Izuku.

He had regained mobility, plus a little extra as he righted himself in midair and landed on the ground. His eyes glowed a bright green as the electricity continually surged and surged. The ground ripped buckled and tore from the sheer intensity of the electricity… if it could even be called that anymore. Izuku was producing lightning and it spelt trouble for Shoto.

Slowly, as if he was no longer in control of his body, Izuku approached Shoto. Shoto responded by sending waves of ice at Izuku, but the boy just evaded them before blitzing the field and sending lightning arcs flying at Shoto. Shoto threw up multiple defenses but they were all shattered by the lightning.

Izuku smirked as he started to run, Shoto barely able to keep up with the green haired teen as he ran. The temperature rose as Izuku ran towards Shoto, arms held back intent on sending him out with a smash.

Shoto looked scared, but he flared up in response to Izuku's attack, an ice shield for added protection as he sent waves of ice at the green-haired boy. Izuku flared up with more lightning that his skin began to peel. He leapt up, backed up with One for All, causing a crater to be formed where he stood previously. The lightning accentuated his body, transforming him into a stream of lightning hell-bent on destruction. Everyone thought that Izuku would smash into Shoto, so no one expected the green-haired teen's lightning to just fizzle out, and slam into the floor of the arena until he skidded to a stop out of bounds.

Izuku's world faded into darkness. The audience was silent as were the commentators. Even Todoroki was confused as to what had happened. It was Midnight who finally spoke up.

"Izuku M-Midoriya has gone out of bounds and is unable to battle. W-winner Shoto Todoroki."

And then the crowd cheered.

After the battle, Izuku was rushed to the infirmary where Recovery Girl was. His skin was burnt and his breathing was faint. He was barely alive and that was not a good thing.

"How is he?" Inko asked Recovery Girl. Herself alongside Masaru, Mitsuki, Izuna, Toshinori and Katsuki where at the infirmary with Izuku. Izuna was seated right by him alongside her mother Inko. The boy had been stabilized and his breathing had steadied, but he was yet to wake up.

"He is stable now, but if you are going to ask 'what happened?' don't, because I don't know yet. We are still running some tests regarding what happened."

"I have an idea regarding what may have happened," Toshinori said. All eyes were on him at this point and they were all keen on what he was going to say.

"It's not a complete theory, but the electricity he emitted was too much for his body. That's if we can even call that output electricity. There is or rather there was only one person in the entire history that had that unique sort of electric quirk."

The room was kind of somber at the thought of that.

"I'm calling Hisashi. He needs to be here." Inko walked out of the room, her phone in hand as she stepped out.

"Oh sorry," they heard a feminine voice say from outside. Everyone turned their head to the door to see a majority of the Class 1A students standing there.

"How is Deku?" Uraraka asked.

"Deku?" Izuna asked from her spot before turning to glare at Katsuki. "What did you do?"

"I did not do shit… shitty Deku was the one who told Floaty over here that she could call him the name. I don't care."

"Oh…" Izuna said before turning back to her brother. 'Izu must really like her to let her call him that name. I am so going to tease him when he wakes up. Oh please wake up soon.'

The others were silent as Inko walked in.

"What did he say?" Mitsuki asked.

"He freaked and immediately changed his plans. He should be here in the next ten minutes that was what he said."

"Actually, I am already here." A tall figure walked into the infirmary, and Inko immediately hugged him.

"Hisashi… I'm so glad to see you."

He didn't say a thing instead choosing to just enjoy the moment.

Masaru spoke up after about a minute. "Good to see you Hisashi."

"You too Masaru," he said as he shook hands with the man. "I see Mitsuki is still as good looking as ever."

"Oh you flatter me… welcome back Hisashi."

"And little Katsuki has grown also. I barely recognized him."

"I'm not little," Katsuki said as Hisashi ruffled his hair, a smile on his face. But in an instance as his eyes lingered to Izuku, his demeanor changed.

"How is he?"

"He is stable," Recovery Girl said as she injected something into Izuku's drip. "But he won't wake up till sometime this evening, and even if he does before then, he can't leave this bed until I give the approval."

"I see… you don't look too bad yourself Recovery Girl. I see age has no effect on you," Hisashi said, his face returning to his usual cheery expression.

"Oh you flatterer," Recovery Girl said as she hit him with her syringe, drawing an "ouch" from the green-haired man.

"Hisashi," Toshinori said. The green-haired man turned his head to where his name was called. He frowned slightly as his eyes saw Toshinori. "We need to talk."

He nodded. "Are they in on this?" he asked, glancing at no one in particular.

He nodded and began to walk outside, Hisashi following and motioning for Inko, Mitsuki and Masaru to come.

"Izuna dear, please look after your older brother for me."

"Will do Dad."

And all the adults left the room, leaving Izuna, Katsuki and a few members from Class1A Uraraka, Mina, Mineta, Tsuyu, and Kaminari.

"So… how was the States?"

"It was fun, that's all I am going to say, but nothing beats home."

"Yeah, well I don't give a damn, and besides, I thought you were going to stay there till eternity."

"I had to come back eventually… I'm entering Hero Course."

Now the Class 1A students blinked.

"But the entrance exam isn't until next year," Tsuyu cut in. "Sorry for intruding."

"No problem there," Izuna said. "Izuna Midoriya."

"Tsuyu Asui."

"The reason is actually as a result of the Sports Festival. Usually there are some students transferred to the Hero Course as a result of this and I am one of those students."

"But how? You did not participate in the Sports Festival." It was Denki who asked this time. "Denki Kaminari."

"True. I did not participate in the Spiorts Festival, but I am a transfer student from the United States where I was with my father."

"That is so cool," Mineta said with wide eyes. "I am Minoru Mineta, but you can call me Minoru."

"Nice to meet you Minoru."

"You might want to stay away from that one," Mina said. "I am Mina Ashido. So nice to meet you and by the way I like your hair." She stepped a little too close for comfort for Izuna and held her hands.

"Nice to meet you Ashido… but I am confused, why did you say I should stay away from him."

"Well," Mina said with a light laugh. "No reason, except for the fact tghat he is a pervert and a big one at that."

"Oh is he," Izuna said as her eyes attained a dangerous gleam to them. "Let's see him try that when I am around."

Minoru flinched and took a step back at the tone of Izuna's voice.

"That's my name," Katsuki said out of the blue as he stood up. "I'm going to leave all you extras to your shitty conversation. Izuna, look after shitty Deku for me. I am going to go kick some ass." With that the volatile blond left the room.

"Nice to see that he still uses that… peculiar language," Izuna said sarcastically.

"Wait, so you mean that Bakugo has always been like that?" Mina asked.

"Yeah," Izuna said with a nod. "Ever since he was little, both he and Izu admired All Might and were the best of friends. Though they had a falling out at some time and stopped talking to each other. It was during this period that Kacchan developed this language and – Why is she looking at me like that?"

All eyes were now on Uraraka who had been quiet ever since entering the room. She blinked as she realized the situation she was in.

"Oh… sorry. It's just that you look so much like Deku."

"Oh. It's nothing big because we're twins."

Now that was an even bigger shock to them, but they were able to contain it.

"So… Izuna, you are Midoriya's sister," Tsuyu said as they sat down close to Midoriya who was yet to wake up.

"Alright," Toshinori said as they were all now in a private meeting area. "Before we start, I trust you already know that I gave young Midoriya One for All."

Hisashi nodded. "Yes I do know. Inko told me after he told her. So what's the big emergency besides Izuku being in that state… wait a minute, what caused that level of damage to him."

"That's what we're getting to," Inko said.

"In preparation for the Sports Festival this year, we had the students train every day after school. That was the time when I thought that young Midoriya had no quirks excluding the One for All I gave him."

"During one of the training sessions, electricity, to be precise green electricity, was generated around his body. Since then, anytime he used One for All the electricity arced around him. During the Sports Festival, he displayed the ability to use the electricity for offence and the electricity still possessed charge even after it had left his body."

"In the fight that got him those injuries, another peculiar occurrence happened. The electricity that arced around him increased to the point that young Midoriya was hard to follow with normal eyes. It was as if his entire body was enhanced with lightning."

"To sum it all up, I think this has something to do with Lancelot."

Hisashi cringed a bit at that part of Toshinori's explanation. Ever since the explanation started, he had been suspecting that something may be linked to his grandfather, Rai. Specifically his quirk.

"How is it possible?" Hisashi asked. "This is the first time I have heard of a quirk skipping a generation and appearing in the next."

"There is also the issue of the quirk mixing with One for All and becoming stronger than when Lancelot used it."

"I know, you explained One for All to me some time ago."

"What's going to happen now?" Inko asked.

"Well for now we'll have to see what happens with Izuku and his… quirks and we will definitely need to protect him. If you know who finds out about this sudden development, then there will be trouble for Izuku. I don't want to even imagine what may happen."

"For now, none of them should know anything," Masaru suggested. "If we told them, it may increase their worry more than it should be."

"I agree with Masaru," Inko stated.

"Yeah. Especially Katsuki. Honestly sometimes I don't know if he means well or he is just ignorant. But his heart is in the right place and he can truly get overprotective."

"Well… that settles that. I'll try to get some of my dad's old notes on his quirk since it has never been archived before. Heck even you know who's quirk is archived. Things should be a bit easier for Toshinori since I am going to be one of the new teachers at U.A."

For a period of time, the members of Class 1A that were in the room with Midoriya had gotten acquainted with Izuna, especially Ochaco who had found in her a common admirer of Izuku.

A light cough drew their attention to where Izuku was beginning to wake up.

"Izu! Izuna exclaimed as she hugged the green-haired teen.

"Ow," Izuku moaned at the pressure from the hug.

"Sorry, it's just that it's been so long."

Izuku blinked. The image his eyes were seeing was blurry but he knew that there was something familiar about the voice that he heard. He blinked again and gradually began to notice that the figure had green hair, like him, and green eyes, also like him. He blinked again as the image began to glow clearer. And then realization dawned on him.

"Izuna… Izuna!"

"Yes it's me Izuku," she said with a giggle.

"What are you doing here? Wait… where exactly is here?"

"You're in the infirmary Izu. You passed out during your battle with that ice and fire kid." Tears were beginning to form in her eyes.

"I don't quite remember what happened… aargh." He clutched his head as the memory of the event took place in his mind."

"Izu/Deku/Midoriya!" everyone exclaimed.

He slowly began to regain himself. "I'm fine; it's just that I remembered what happened before I passed out."

He tried to get out of bed, but Izuna did not let him. "Recovery Girl says you can't leave the bed without her permission, and so you must rest."

Izuku tried to protest but she did not let him. "You need the rest or you'll get worse… don't worry, I'll be here with you just like old times."

Izuku smiled slightly. "Thanks li'l sis."

"I'll also be here too," Ochaco said.

It was then that Izuku realized that she was present in the room. "Uraraka? What are you doing here?"

"I came to check on you… that was an intense battle that both you and Todoroki had."

"Yeah… intense."


"What is it Izuna?"

"I heard that…" she held up two fingers in the form of a peace sign. "…helped you get as strong as you are now."

Izuku looked at his sister for some time before realization struck him. "Yes… I was quite weak before he trained me."

"Oh," she admitted, a bit downhearted.

"That's nothing to be down about," Izuku said with a smile.

"I know but… it's just unfair y'know."

Izuku smiled as she said that. So far their conversation had only been understood by the both of them.

"So what's with that electricity quirk?" Denki asked out of the blue.

"Oh that…," Izuku said as he rubbed his head, trying to trhink of a reason to what happened.

"Back off will ya," Ochaco said. "He's recovering and he is currently in no mood to be interrogated by you Denki."

"Okay, okay… no reason to bite my head off."

"How's solar flare coming along?"

"Oh," Izuna said as she raised her eyebrow. "Well it's still a bit tricky to control, but I can hold my own in a battle."

"That so?"

"Yep, and when you're all better, we can have a one-on-one spar for old times' sake."

"I'll be down for that," Izuku said, but something clicked in his head. "What are you actually doing in Japan?"

"Oh that," Izuna said with a giggle. "I am entering U.A.'s Hero Course." She had hoped for Izuku to be impressed with her little declaration but she had gotten the opposite reaction from Izuku. His facial expression remained indifferent as he looked at his sister.

"Are you seriously not surprised?"

"Of course I'm not. I know you and I know dad so something as trivial as this will not surprise me."

"You're no fun," she said as she lightly patted his body.

"You think after all the surprises you pulled on me when we were kids that I won't learn from that?"

Izuna puffed her cheeks in response, before she lowered herself to give Izuku a mock-hug. "Good to see you big bro."

"Likewise li'l sis."

"Is my son awake," a voice said from outside. The door opened to reveal Hisashi, Inko, Mitsuki and Masaru.

"Mom!" Izuna exclaimed.

"What about me?" Hisashi asked, feigning hurt.

"I've been with you for a long time dad, I need to see my mum."

"That's fine with me," he said as his eyes locked with Izuku's.


"Kiddo," Hisashi said as he walked up to him. "How have you been?"

"I've been better," Izuku said as he raised his bandaged, burnt hand. Hisashi lightly tapped Izuku before turning around to look at the others.

"Okay… it pains me to say this, but I will need all of you to leave. We need to have a family meeting and you guys being here will only make it weird. I hope you can understand."

The Class 1A students filed out of the infirmary albeit a bit reluctant at leaving their friend, but what could they do.

"I'll watch the door," Masaru said as he made for the door.

"You're just scared to get involved in the discussion," Mitsuki said with a smirk.

"I have already played my part, so now I need to ensure that no one eavesdrops for any apparent reason."

"You're a coward you know that."

Masaru didn't say a thing but rather waved back and closed the door.

"It's amusing when you guys bicker," Hisashi said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah. I wish he could just man up."

"Isn't he already a man," Inko interjected.

"Yes he is… but it is a shame that he can't handle all this," she said dramatically as she gestured to her buttocks.

This however drew a laugh from Hisashi, a sigh from Inko and it caused both Izuna and Izuku's faces to contort.

"Alright," Hisashi said. "We're getting off track here."

"Yeah you're right."

"How are you feeling?" Hisashi asked his son.

"I'm good… and if you are indirectly asking, I'll leave."

"Looks like I am not the only one with the trademark Midoriya charm," Hisashi said with a laugh. "Now we have some very important things to talk about and I don't mean One for All…" Izuku's eyes widened as Hisashi said it so casually. "… It's about that electricity quirk you started displaying recently."

Izuku shrank back a little. "I swear I don't know anything about that quirk, it just came up all of a sudden and-"

"I see you still got that mumbling habit of yours," Izuna said with a giggle.

This time Izuku blushed in embarrassment at that comment.

"Hey!" Hisashi protested. "Those are the makings of a good analytical hero."

"Does he still mumble?" Inko asked her daughter.

"Yes… every time he does something."

"Ignoring them," Hisashi said as he turned back to Izuku. "Well I know you don't know anything about that quirk. Heck I, save All for One, am the only other person in the world with info on that quirk."

"Oh… then what is it? 'Cause Endeavor said something about a guy named Rai Midoriya and I get the feeling that he is involved."

"Who's Rai Midoriya?" Izuna asked.

"Well to be frank he's-"Inko started but Hisashi did not let her finish.

"My father," he said with a tone that was unfamiliar with the man, and just like that he was back to his old self. "That will come later, so first that electricity quirk."

Everyone was now listening with intent mostly because no one had heard this story from Hisashi ever, and less because Hisashi had a funny look on his face when he told stories.

"The name of that quirk is Surge and it is the pinnacle of electric quirks and most likely one of the strongest quirks to ever be used by anybody on this earth. And like I said earlier, this quirk was the quirk of your grandfather, Rai Midoriya aka Lancelot. Lancelot was a freelancer as he was neither villain nor was he a hero. He was not qualified to be called a vigilante either. He just went about wherever the money was strongest and that was mostly on the sides of the villains, if ever on the hero side."

"He changed sides in the blink of an eye so long as money was involved. Moreover the reason that he was so favoured was due to the fact that he was gifted in the use of his quirk, so much so that he became a personal favourite of All for One. On one time he even told me that his boss had blessed him with something that he refused to disclose to me. Lancelot was a beast on the battlefield because he always had his eyes on the prize. Many who saw him in battle did not live to tell the tale. He was merciless except against family members, but if offered enough, he would as easily kill them, at least that was what I thought until he gave his life for me."

"Lancelot was hired by All for One sometime ago and ever sinmce he accomplished the mission, he was always called back for more. After that day he told me that his boss had given him a gift, I noticed that the power of his quirk had increased greatly. I asked him to stop at one time, but he would always tell me that choosing a side was a waste. To him, both heroes and villains were pathetic and he needed the money to live like a boss. He fully crossed over to the villain side when villains killed your grandmother, his wife. He said heroes were too petty for his liking and that if he joined the villains officially, he would be feared by all of them, a dream that soon became a reality after he officially became All for One's partner."

"Lancelot pretty much ran the underworld alongside All for One and he did that with a ferocity that had never been displayed before. A lot of heroes fell during that period and some of them claimed before they fell that it was a demon that was with them. Eventually when I turned fifteen I was kidnapped by a triad from the United States and was held as hostage. When Lancelot heard of this he stormed their headquarters single handedly and killed all of them. Finally he was face to face with the leader of the triad who had me trapped. Lancelot was forced to choose between saving his son and taking down the triad that had an unusually large bounty on their heads. He chose me and sacrificed himself. He died so I could live."

"I'm straying a bit off topic," Hisashi said as he wiped his eyes and cleared his throat. "The surge quirk was both an offensive and a defensive and also a support quirk. Lancelot could channel his electricity through his blades to increase their cutting edge. He could as easily toss bolts of lightning and augment himself with lightning. During his fight against the triad, he had showcased what I may have presumed was the demon that heroes saw before they died."

"I think that's enough," Inko said with a sniffle. "Tell him the more important part."

"Alright, alright… the more important part, as your mom places it, is that I am going to start work in U.A. from tomorrow and as I was taught by Lancelot, I see it fit tghat I teach you how to use Surge."

Izuku blinked and then smiled a little too wide for his face. This was apparently the best day ever.

"Deku!" Ochaco said as she burst into the room.

"Uraraka what happened?" Izuku said as he tried to get p but Izuna held him down.

The brown-haired girl panted heavily as she tried to regain her regular breathing pace. "Bakugo beat Todoroki."

Cliffhanger? Not. I am evil, but not so much that it is that bad. Alright, a lot of things happened in this chapter, things that I myself I'm very proud of for writing.

This chapter marked the start and the end of the Battle Tournament round of the U.A. Sports Festival. It was a conflicting chapter for me to write, mostly because I had to introduce some key characters to the general story plot, such as Izuna and Hisashi Midoriya.

Izuku lost the round to Shoto but I am pretty much sure that it was not in the way that a lot of you were expecting. I had to get a little creative in writing that fight but I am pretty much impressed with the way it turned out.

I had to do a little digging deep into the electricity that surrounds Izuku's body whenever he uses One for All in the series. I decided to turn into a quirk and who better to be the original user of the quirk than the father of Hisashi, Rai Midoriya aka Lancelot. So Surge is the strongest electric quirk in the world for reasons that will be made known soon.

Izuna is coming to U.A. I don't know if anyone saw that coming, but shout out to those who did. I revealed the name of her quirk in this chapter and in case you missed it, it is Solar Flare.

Next chapter will be the Stain arc and I am pretty much going to enjoy writing that as well, but before a full delve into the arc; I am going to place two students in the Hero Course. One of them is going to be Izuna and the other, I don't know… I'm lying I know but you have to figure it out by yourself. As for the class placements, where should Izuna go? A or B?

Don't forget to leave a review. I love reading them thanks. Sayonara.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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