
BNHA: The Quirk System

In a world where only 0.1% of males have a quirk Midoriya Izuku isn't quirkless. On his 14th birthday he woke up to [The Quirk System Online] first time writing a fan-fic criticism is appreciated, don't argue with the harem status though, that's just happening regardless, but please point out errors in my writing they annoy me too.

thelastgamer313 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

A Hero's Beginning (2/2)



Hidden Quest Completed!

Name: A Hero's Valor!

Requirements: Perform a heroic act unconsciously.

"There are stories about every hero, how they became great, most have one thing in common. Their bodies moved before they had a chance to think, almost on their own" - Anonymous

Rewards: Heroic Aura skill



Skill Gained!

Heroic Aura

Rank: B

Details: the user of this skill projects an aura around them during heroic acts that inspires other heroes, keeps civilians calm, and sends fear into villains. Higher ranks of this skill increase its effects.



Izuku was on the verge of shutting down, only his Devilish Charm skill keeping him upright in front of Gal-Might, he had gotten too much information all at once and he was not able to handle it, whatsoever

Izuku:"What do you mean inherit? Is that even possible?"

Gal-Might chuckled lightly upon seeing him nerd out over the possibility of inheriting quirks before speaking up and breaking him from his musings

Gal-Might:"Yes it is possible, One For All, is a powerful ability, but it wasn't always that way, I inherited the quirk from my mentor Toshi, Yagi or as you probably know her as All-Might before she died. The quirk works as a power stockpiling ability, the first user got it built upon it then passed it down, and now I wish to pass this Quirk down to you the 9nth user of OFA will you accept?"

As Izuku was about to respond the world froze around him and a single message popped up



Destiny Awaits

Choose your destiny



Izuku was confused to say the least, was this his choice of destiny? He either takes one for all and becomes a hero or he becomes a villain? He had already made his choice because he sure wasn't becoming a villain, by any stretch of the imagination, But why was there no other choice? He couldn't just decide to be himself?

Izuku:'Was this always my destiny? Was I always destined to either receive this power or I'd become a villain?'

The ramifications upon realizing this were immediate, and Izuku started questioning himself on his own moral principles.

Izuku:'Am I so weak in my morality that if I hadn't received this quirk that I would've been a villain?'

Izuku's hands were shaking with disgust over himself and what he could've become before they steadied as he calmed down

Izuku:'No matter I'm here now and I am no villain! I will not let that possibility become a reality! I choose to Accept One For All!'

Izuku clicked the Path of the Hero button and the world resumed around him

Izuku:"I will!"

Izuku stated with newfound confidence.

Gal-Might smiled once more she could see the resolve in his eyes to do good, and she knew she made the right choice

Gal-Might:"Good confidence and resolve! Just what I want to see in a successor! Now before you inherit this quirk we need to mould you into a fitting vessel for it! If you tried to use it as you are now, your arms and legs would explode off your body."

Izuku internally shuddered at the thought remembering back to when he was forced to fight Gal-Might (Prime) he did not need that experience again

Izuku:"Ok so how do we do that?"

Gal-Might:"Since we only have 10 months to do so, I'll draw up a plan for you that will cover diet sleeping and training plans to help you along."

Izuku:"Oh, you don't need to worry about the diet part, for some reason apart of my quirk is that all excess nutrition my body doesn't need goes straight into fueling my quirk."

Well close enough, he couldn't exactly explain Devilish body to someone.

Gal-Might was suddenly feeling very jealous over his quirk, but quickly brushed it off and moved on.

Gal-Might:"Well that makes things easier certainly! Give me your number and I'll give you a call when the training plan is complete."

And so Izuku traded numbers with Gal-Might and he headed back home preparing for the training to come

*Izuku's Room*

After he told his mom of his day and got both scolded and hugged at the same time he headed up to his room to view the system messages he missed earlier.

Looking at the system the first thing that popped up was a large panel that looked like a slot machine



Random Quirk Acquired


Quirk Acquired: Emotion Aura



Skill Gained!

Name: Emotion Aura

Rank: A

Details: See the emotions of anyone within your line of sight via an aura surrounding them

Red-Anger Yellow-Happiness

Pink-lust Blue-Sadness


Via touch the user can also stimulate emotions in the target, higher ranks improve the effectiveness of this skill




Magic System: Online!

Mana Unlocked! Spells unlocked!




Quest Alert!

Magic Tutorial! Rank: F

Don't be a dummy! Learn to be the strongest mage in the world! Being the only mage in the world just makes that easier! Learn to use magic with the help of your benevolent System!

Requirements: Complete the Magic Tutorial

Rewards: Mana Manipulation skill, Your first Grimoire, Inventory Unlocked

[ACCEPT] [̷D̷E̷C̷L̷I̷N̷E̷]̷


Izuku's eyes widened, he forgot he had magic. He has never accepted something so fast in his life

[Sheesh easy on the buttons will ya! Its not going anywhere, anyways Magic! Your one of a kind ability, born from the natural energy of life; mana is the lifeblood of all magic. Open your status to view your mana now]

Izuku did as told and brought up his status


Name: Izuku Midoriya

Title(s): The Protagonist! Quirkless! [EXPAND TO SEE MORE]


Quirk(s): The Quirk System, Rising of The Phoenix, Emotion Aura

HP: 670/670

STA: 655/655 5.5% per min

MP: 1450/1450 1.15% per min

Level: 3 0.00%

Level: 3

Strength: 12

Endurance: 15

Dexterity: 14

Vitality: 18

Intelligence: 50

Wisdom: 15

Charm: 35

Stat Points: 0

System Points: 0 [LOCKED]


[As you can see because of your stat spread, you have about double your HP in Mana, which makes you quite the strong spell caster, but how does one cast a spell? Head to the dojo to find out!]

Izuku nodded and activated the dojo system, the world shimmering around him before shattering to reveal the familiar dojo.

[Head into the Skill Training Room to begin]

Izuku did as told and walked into the Skill Training room and noticed it was already set up this time, with Archery targets on the far wall and straw dummies set up along the other wall.

[To cast magic one must first understand the true energy of life and what it means to you, this is your elemental affinity, sit down and meditate on the meaning of life to you to continue]

Izuku thought this was a strange step but sat down and did so nonetheless. As he was meditating he swore he could hear someone faintly laughing at him but he pushed off that thought and focused. Izuku saw life as a flourishing field that had to be protected by the many trees that shielded the field from harm that others would do to it, he saw life as a paradigm of the current society, the helpless need to be protected and guided so they become the next protectors and it becomes a cycle. Izuku came to an enlightenment on his ideals of life. He was becoming the mighty oak to protect his field, he was becoming the protector from the helpless. Izuku opened his eyes newfound understanding of life under his belt.

[Good now...Forget about all that and let's ACTUALLY learn to cast magic shall we?]

Izuku having just gotten back up face faulted back onto the ground and he could swear he heard the system snicker at him.

Izuku:'So you mean to tell me all that soul searching was for nothing? No reason at all?'

[Well, no and yes casting magic requires a clear mind and ideals, and you may be able to skip all of those through me your amazing system, when you first learn magic you need those things. And you were pretty shaken up over the whole villain thing]

Izuku was shocked that the system was so direct in answering his question. Is he just asking the wrong questions? Is that why he never gets answers?

[Much like your first quirk focus on the energy that lies within yourself, except instead of a violent raging torrent, mana is a calm flowing stream, after you feel it you can use it much like your quirk. Just focus and use it as if the mana were a part of yourself]

Izuku listening to the systems instructions closed his eyes once more and focused on himself, he felt the ever presence of fire in his veins and he dug deeper past that, he couldn't feel anything more than his own breathing, before like a single ripple disturbs an entire pond, he felt a stir. One after another more waves kept coming in and before he knew it, he could feel the ocean of mana moving about his body, whereas his quirk felt like fire pouring through his veins just waiting to be unleashed, mana felt like a calm lake ready to be shaped to his will.

Izuku's eyes snapped open and he pointed his finger at the archery target and pooled mana into his finger, at the tip of his finger a small white ball formed, Izuku unleashed the mana! And it fell to the floor and fizzled out

Izuku:'Right, I have to direct the mana every step of the way, once more then'

Izuku re-took his stance pooled mana into his finger and when he saw the ball form at the tip of his finger he launched it like his finger was a gun, the mana bullet sailed through the air and slammed into the target not doing much damage but the basics were there

[Congrats host, you got magic down on your second try! Mana has many uses and ways to shape it, the limit is your creativity. You now understand the basics of magic, the rest is for you to figure out]



Quest Complete! Magic Tutorial!

Rewards: Mana Manipulation skill, Your First Grimoire deposited into your inventory, Inventory Unlocked


[The inventory can be accessed by thinking 'Inventory' only items given by the system, and 'Key' items can be placed into the inventory, you now have the ability to observe an object to see its effects]

Izuku smiled, he had access to magic an inventory AND a grimoire? He was becoming more of an RPG character every day.



Items: 1xGrimoire


Izuku clicked on the grimoire icon and in his hands appeared a book, it looked old and it was leather bound. Izuku opened the book to the first page and realized it was already filled with spells, he was about to start reading when a notification popped up in front of him



You have a grimoire!

Would you like to set this grimoire as your spellbook?

[YES] [NO]


Izuku:'Well this makes things simpler, I'm guessing like most RPGs this is the quick cast function? Only one way to find out!'

Izuku clicked yes and the book disappeared and his status opened with a new line under his mana stating that he equipped the grimoire


MP: 1400/1450

SpellBook: Your First Grimoire


[When you have a SpellBook equipped your available spells can be viewed by thinking 'Spells']

Izuku rapidly nodded and opened his spell menu.




Rank: C

Cost: 20 MP

Details: summons a small fireball at your palm that can be launched outwards, explodes on impact


Rank: C

Cost: Variable 10-50 MP

Details: summons a shield in front of the caster, its durability is determined by the amount of mana put into the spell, if too much mana is put into the spell it will shatter

Mana Chains

Rank: C

Cost: variable 10-50 MP

Details: summons mana chains from any place within 5m of the caster, the chains durability is determined by the amount of mana put into the spell, too much mana will cause the chains to shatter

Mana Ball

Rank: C

Cost: 10 MP

Details: summons a small ball of mana at your palm can be fired off but it doesn't do much damage, acts as a blunt force knockback tool

-Mana Bullet

Rank: C

Cost: 5 MP

Details: summons a fast firing projectile at the fingertip of the caster, while not doing

much damage this is a useful spell as it is cheap and provides cheap effective



While his spell list didn't seem impressive Izuku knew that with proper effort he could make these into something special, but what really caught his eye was the last spell "Mana Bullet"

That was the spell he made when he first tried to fire magic.

Izuku:'So it appears any magic I create will show up in my SpellBook, good to know'

Izuku left the dojo and returned to his room and prepared to fall asleep preparing for the intense training to come.

*The next week*

It took a week but Gal-Might had finally called him and informed him to meet her at Dagoba Municipal Beach the following day.

When Izuku arrived he didn't expect to see a beach filled with trash he looked up and saw Gal-Might sitting on an old fridge staring off into the ocean

Izuku:"Good morning Gal-Might are we ready to get started on my training?"

Gal-Might seemed startled at his voice but turned to him smiled and hopped off the fridge and landed in front of Izuku.

Gal-Might:"Just call me Nana Young Izuku, Nana Shimura, I don't need to paperazzi knowing where I am 24/7"

Izuku nodded at her words

Izuku:"Alright Miss Nana are we ready to get started with my training?"

Nana:"Yep, I got everything all ready, and here's your specific training plan, it's tough but do-able"

Izuku:"So why are we at a trash filled beach?"

Nana:"Excellent question and I'm glad you asked, I was doing some reading and found that this beach used to be quite a tourist attraction, but it got dirty after ocean currents dragged trash onto the beach and people started using it as an illegal dumping ground. So your training will be two in one! Restoring a wonderful beach and muscle building!"

Izuku smiled at her words, even when training her successor she thought of ways to help the public. As Izuku was thinking he got a system notification



Quest Alert!

Hero with the Heart of Gold!

Details: Nana Shimura, also known as Gal-Might is a hero in the truest sense, she tries to help the people with everything she does, its not right for someone so kind to be in such a bad state!

Fully heal Gal-Might to full health, and maybe you'll get just a bit more than you originally asked for…

Requirements: Fully Restore Nana Shimura to peak health

Reward: Romance: Nana Shimura path unlocked, Nana's eternal gratitude



When Izuku saw the quest description he remembered that Nana was still injured, just no longer in critical condition he quickly clicked accept before turning back to Nana.

Izuku:"That reminds me, Your still injured right?"

Nana smiled sadly

Nana:"Your quirk brought me out of critical condition and stabilized me but it wasn't able to completely heal me it seems"

Izuku:"Oh, no I think you misunderstand how my quirk works, it didn't fully recover you as I ran out of energy not that it ran its course and stopped"

Izuku felt a bit embarrassed about the whole ordeal, falling asleep on her lap and all.

Izuku could almost see stars in Nana's eyes at his words

Nana:"Does that mean if you kept using your quirk on me, I'd heal up eventually?"

Izuku:"I think so, I was gonna say after each of my training sessions we should sit down at a bench so I can try healing you again"

Nana felt the happiest she's been in a long time for the second time now, and both times were because of this energetic greenette

Nana:"I'd enjoy that, thank you."

Nana:"Well we're burning daylight, let's get started on your training shall we?"

Nana moved into the center empty space between the trash mounds and Izuku followed, once he set foot down on the empty sand the world froze around him and a notification popped up



Training Grounds found

You've encountered the Dagoba Beach Training Ground, Enter?

[YES] [NO]


[Ahh a sunny day at the beach! Training grounds can be found throughout the world, training grounds are what they sound like, you train in them, performing certain tasks related to the specific training ground you are in will build a meter, when said meter gets maxed out you will gain some stats related to the training ground. For example at Dagoba Beach Training ground picking up trash fills the meter, and when the meter is filled you gain STR, END, and DEX. All training grounds are not infinite, although when you complete a training ground you will receive a completion bonus which for Dagoba beach is: 10 STR, 8 END, 8 DEX, and 5 VIT. note that the meter fills quicker the first time and slows down every consecutive fill, Stats are supposed to be harder to get as they go up God dangit!]

Izuku:'Well this simplifies things a lot, I thought that it'd be some crappy thing where I can build up my body directly through exercise but the higher my stats are the harder it is to do so, so if I put points into any stat it would actively be hindering me, but way to go proving me wrong'

Izuku clicked the YES button and saw a small meter appear at the bottom of his vision.

Nana:"well we are going to start with this first mound here, you should be able to clear this mound out by the end of the month, Wait are you applying to U.A.?"

Izuku:"Yes, why? It's the school you went to so it must be good, right?"

Nana:"There's no question to that but the exam is in only 10 months, I'm going to have to squeeze the training schedule tighter then to make you ready in time for the entrance exam, the training regime is going to be very difficult, think you can handle it?"

Izuku didn't even need to think about it, he made his choice when Nana offered her quirk to him and he was sticking to it!

Izuku:"Of course! I made my choice when you offered your power to me, and I won't back down from my words!"

Nana:"Good then let's get started!"

And so Izuku started his training lifting any and all things he could out of the trash mound, he loaded them up onto the truck Gal-Might brought and had gained some stats in the process.

*end of training, On a bench*

Izuku and Nana were sitting one a bench on the clean part of Dagoba Beach, Izuku was preparing to try and heal Nana once more but first he took a look at her status.


Name: Nana Shimura Alias: Gal-Might

Title(s): Number 1 Hero! Symbol of Peace

Age: 32

Quirk: One For All - Stockpiling Quirk, Stockpiles power before being passed onto the next user increasing the quirks strength each time it's passed on

Likes: Beaches

Dislikes: Villains

HP: 4000/111350

STA: 4000/78100

Level: 186

STR: 2000 (947)

END: 1580 (206)

VIT: 3650 (143)

DEX: 1250 (601)

INT: 33

WIS: 17

Description: Nana Shimura is the Number one hero of Japan, She made her debut in Japan when Izuku was just a young lad, and is often referred to as the Symbol of Peace, Her life was changed after a chance meeting with Izuku Midoriya who healed her out of critical condition and who she is now training to be her successor

Quest Status: Injured 0% to recovery


Izuku looked at her HP and STA seeing them higher than they were before brought a small smile to his face as well as her changed description.

Izuku:"Alright I'm ready to begin"

After saying this Izuku once more lit both his hands in his healing flames and lightly pressed them against Nana's injured side. The flames ignited and spread outwards from her sight of injury covering almost her entire left side once more for a few moments until much like the last time, Izuku fainted and conveniently fell into her lap.

Nana looked down at her side and saw that the injury was slightly smaller than before and smiled widely and looked down at the now asleep Izuku laying on her lap

Nana:'He looks so peaceful, He has another hour or so until he has to go, I'll let him sleep'

And so began their daily ritual, Izuku training then healing her bit by bit before falling asleep on her lap

Izuku learned how to stop himself from completely using all of his energy and passing out after about the first month, but noone needed to know that, not that he'd tell anyone he really enjoyed laying on her lap

*10 Months later*

Him and Nana had gotten much closer over the 10 months they spent together, Izuku learned that her favorite sweet was pecan chocolate even. Random facts aside Izuku had grown much stronger in the last 10 months and Nana was almost completely healed, she smiled more now than she did when they first got here and Izuku couldn't ever explain why but it always made him happy to see her smile like that, he actually made it a habit to arrive a few minutes early so he could see her smiling as she looked out into the ocean. Today was his last day training and he was almost completely done cleaning the beach, he only had a few larger pieces of trash left and he wanted to surprise Nana having it all done when she got here so he arrived about an hour early and went to work cleaning up the beach. Izuku finished just a few minutes before their time to start and decided to pull a "Nana" as he began calling it, and sat on top of one of the refrigerators he pulled out and stared off into the ocean waiting for her to arrive he looked at his status one last time.


Name: Izuku Midoriya

Title(s): The Protagonist! Quirkless! [EXPAND TO SEE MORE]


Quirk(s): The Quirk System, Rising of The Phoenix, Emotion Aura

HP: 670/670

STA: 655/655 9.9% per min

MP: 1450/1450 1.15% per min

Level: 3 0.00%

Level: 3

Strength: 12->56

Endurance: 15 ->59

Dexterity: 14 -> 58

Vitality: 18

Intelligence: 50

Wisdom: 15

Charm: 35

Stat Points: 0


He thought it was strange that he hadn't received the milestone rewards but brushed it off as not having officially completed the training ground until the trash was hauled off.

*Nana's POV*

Nana's Life had massively changed since she met the little energetic greenette, she wasn't dying, she found a successor, life was looking up for her. She started being able to enjoy one of her favorite hobbies again, looking out into the ocean, it was unexplainably calming for her, but ever since she had a death clock on her she couldn't ever find the time to do it, she was always rushing from one place to another, trying to leave a lasting legacy and finding a successor. Whenever she did hero work it always felt as if she was forcing her smile, never actually feeling happy, only she did it to appear fearless like the symbol she was, But now every time she went out her smile was genuine, she cared about protecting the people and it showed.

She knew that Izuku often showed up a few minutes early to watch her stare off into the ocean, but she didn't particularly mind, she was just happy that she would be able to be alive for a while longer and if the little greenette who enabled this was happy doing so then she wouldn't mind, not one bit.

She was driving down to the beach for their last training session today and when she got there she saw Izuku sitting on top of the last bit of trash staring out into the ocean she couldn't help but giggle at how her that was, maybe she was rubbing off on the greenette? Regardless she was proud of him and what he had become over the 10 months, although she would admit she had looked at his body more than once while they were training, he didn't build up muscle the way she thought he would, it was like the more exercise he did the more it looked like he was chiseled from stone, and if she would admit it to herself he looked good, like really good. She pulled into the Beach parking lot and got out of the car.

Nana:"Hey Good job kiddo, you got it all done before I even got here, load all this stuff into the truck and I'll take it down to the dump and we can get some practice in with the quirk before tomorrow."

And so Izuku got up and loaded up the truck with the last of the trash upon completion of which he got a notification



Training Ground Complete! Dagoba Beach Training Ground!

Rewards: 10 STR, 8 END, 8 DEX, 5 VIT


Izuku Looked at his status to see the final numbers


Name: Izuku Midoriya

Title(s): The Protagonist! Quirkless! [EXPAND TO SEE MORE]


Quirk(s): The Quirk System, Rising of The Phoenix, Emotion Aura

HP: 1335/1335

STA: 2005/2005 10.7% per min

MP: 1450/1450 1.15% per min

Level: 3 0.00%

Level: 3

Strength: 12->56 -> 66

Endurance: 15 ->59 -> 67

Dexterity: 14 -> 58 -> 66

Vitality: 18 -> 23

Intelligence: 50

Wisdom: 15

Charm: 35

Stat Points: 0


Overall Izuku was quite pleased with his stat changes he felt much stronger, faster and he could use his quirk for longer he was ready to receive OFA he was sure of it.

*Later on the beach*

Nana:'You know, technically it's just DNA swapping'

She instantly had multiple images of her kissing Izuku pop into her head

Nana:'BAD THOUGHTS! Stop that!'

Nana:"*ahem* to inherit my quirk you need to ingest a piece of my DNA the easiest way to do so is through a hair"

Nana plucked a strain of hair from her head and gave it to Izuku

Nana:"Eat This!"

Izuku skeptically took her hair, preparing for a system like moment for the "ahaha gotcha moment" when there was none he braced himself and tried to swallow the hair Nana gave him

Izuku:' wait what? Why does her hair taste like grapes? How do you even do that?'

Izuku quickly swallowing the hair looked at Nana

Izuku:"I have a number of questions, first of all, How did you manage to get your hair to taste like grapes? Like how do you even do that?"

Nana lightly laughed at his question

Nana:"A woman can't reveal all her secrets can she?"

Izuku:'Great another unanswered question, I should just make a list of these somewhere'

Izuku:"Well then second question how long til this takes effect?"

Nana:" It should take effect in about an hour so why don't we do the healing session now and continue with quirk training afterwards?"

Izuku:"Sounds like a plan then, you know the drill"

Izuku took a look at Nana's status again


Name: Nana Shimura Alias: Gal-Might

Title(s): Number 1 Hero! Symbol of Peace

Age: 32

Quirk: One For All - Stockpiling Quirk, Stockpiles power before being passed onto the next user increasing the quirks strength each time it's passed on

Likes: Beaches

Dislikes: Villains

HP: 101,000/111,350

STA: 60,000/78,100

Level: 186

STR: 2000 (947)

END: 1580 (206)

VIT: 3650 (143)

DEX: 1250 (601)

INT: 33

WIS: 17

Description: Nana Shimura is the Number one hero of Japan, She made her debut in Japan when Izuku was just a young lad, and is often referred to as the Symbol of Peace, Her life was changed after a chance meeting with Izuku Midoriya who healed her out of critical condition and who she is now training to be her successor

Quest Status: Injured 96% to recovery


Izuku smiled seeing how close to recovery she was.

Izuku:"It should only take about another half month of sessions and you'll be fully recovered Nana"

Nana:"I have no idea how to thank you enough for all that you've done for me kiddo, you've given me a completely new lease on life, Sincerely, Thank you"

Nana genuinely smiled at him and he smiled back

Izuku:"Alright let's get this session started"

Izuku once more lit up his palms and began the slow process of healing Nana, although he could now stay active for almost a full 30 seconds during his healing sessions, courtesy of his higher endurance and the low level of the injury he's now dealing with. After emptying his reserves once more he fell asleep on Nana's lap

Nana wouldn't admit it to anyone but she did like these calm moments where the kiddo was sleeping on her lap, it made her feel like she had a lover for once who was quietly relaxing with her after a long day. Nana had never had a date before, nor any lovers because of her secret injury and OFA and now that she had a new lease of life she planned to find herself a date at some point in the future, she just didn't know where to even start. But for now she sighed in content as she watched the waves crash against the beach while softly rubbing Izuku's head, She could get used to something like this, she really could

Woot! 3rd chapter today! What do you guys think of my character developments? I'm still new to the whole authoring thing, so any advice on that would be welcome

Reviews and criticism welcome and as always thank you for bothering to read my story :)

thelastgamer313creators' thoughts