
Blue Skies Alone

jes_jones24 · Sports, voyage et activités
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6 Chs

Blue Skies Alone| 4

I was still trying to understand what happened two days ago. I had no idea who that dude was but I didn't feel safe anywhere. What if he's a mafia leader and I provoked him and now he's out for my blood?

Oh that never happens.

It could though...

I stepped out of math class and approached my locker just as Asher met me there.

"Hey, still thinking about what happened on Wednesday?" She asked and I nodded. She sighed. "Me too."

"I have no idea who he is but he got me so mad and I just had to punch him but the way he pinned me to the street, he seemed very dangerous and he seemed to be our age so that means he must go here too." I reasoned. She sighed again.

"That's kinda what I've been worried about too. You think he would be able to recognize any of us of he saw us?" She asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know Ash but I hope he doesn't." I responded and sighed myself. I chained my arm with hers as we approached the cafeteria.

We walked towards the table at the far end and settled there. We began to eat when someone came. That someone being the head cheerleader of the school. Unlike typical cheerleaders, Jazzabelle was cool, calm and collected.

She was actually really nice too. She held flyers to her chest as she smiled at us.

"Hey Asher, Aubrey. We're holding tryouts for the cheerleading team. Wanna join?" She asked.

"Oh um, nah. I just don't do cheerleading but I bet Ash would." I said, pointing at Asher. Asher perked up immediately and Jazzy, gave her a flyer.

"Okay then, see you at tryouts this afternoon." Jazzabelle informed us and left.

"Aww, I can't go home with you today. Is that okay?" She asked.

"Yeah but I could always wait for you." I suggested.

"Yeah but I may stay and have a long chat with someone." Asher said, her cheeks blotch pink and I rose an eyebrow at her.

"Who's that?" I asked with a teasing smirk.

"Levi Anderson." She answered and my eyes widened.

"Really? When? How?" I asked, shocked. Levi has been Asher's crush since freshman year when he first gave Asher a book she had mistakenly left in her English class. With his big hazel eyes and brown hair, he was immediately Asher's dream dude.

"We have this project in our biology class and we're partners. He's gonna come over mine tonight and we'll talk about the project." She explained and I smiled widely.

"You get that boy to fall madly in love with you." I encouraged her and she blushed wildly, trying to laugh it off. I rolled my eyes and continued to eat my food. At the end of the day we separated and promised to see each other tomorrow. I took the bus home and got home earlier.

I caught up on homework and watched some movies then called Brenda cus I missed her. As I put down the phone, the door bell rang and I stood to go answer it.

What I didn't expect to see was nothing. That's right. No one was at the door and I became confused. It's probably some kids, playing around. I shrugged it off and went back inside, locking the door.

I turned myself and jumped from fright when I saw the dude from two days ago. I screamed loudly as I he approached me and ran way from him, going to the kitchen, trying to find a knife.

"Would you calm the fuck down, I'm not a serial killer!" He said loudly. I pointed a knife his way.

"You may as well be if you've been able to fucking break into my house!" I yelled. He rolled his eyes.

"Look, two days ago, I was angry and I took it out on you but in my defense you punched me." he said.

"How did you get into the house?" I asked calmly.

"Is that really important right now?" he asked as though it was normal.

"Fuck yes!" I yelled.

"Fine. Your back door was unlocked." He answered

"What do you want?" I questioned him.

"I just want to apologise okay?" he said.

"How'd you find my house?"

"I followed you from school yesterday." He answered. That's why I felt like that yesterday.


"Look I just want to apologise and that's it." He said. I slowly lowered my knife and let it drop onto the kitchen counter.

"Okay. Start talking." I said breathlessly, never taking my eyes off of him.

"I'm sorry I grabbed you like that on Wednesday. I get that I almost killed you and I'm sorry for that." He apologized. I blinked wordlessly and slowly began to feel less scared.

"Alright, I'm sorry for punching you too. Now that that's done, I'd feel safer if you left right now and forgot about me for good." I bluntly spoke. He nodded.

"Okay. I'm leaving." He said and left out the front door. I released a breath I didn't know I was holding and slid down the kitchen counter onto the floor.

What in the world just happened?