
Blue Skies Alone

jes_jones24 · Teen
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6 Chs

Blue Skies Alone| 3

I went about my normal routine like every other day. Asher borrowed some of my clothes and Brenda made my lunch and Asher's as well. We took the bus together and made it to school in time.

There was news of this welcome back rally the school was having this afternoon but I wasn't really interested but Asher wanted to go so I stayed for her which resulted in us missing the bus.

I decided that we should call Asher's Brother, Flynn but she said he wasn't in town so we decided to walk.

We lived four blocks away from our high school so we began walking and talking as well. When we reached the third block, my phone fell on the road and I went for it.

I heard a skateboard rolling towards me and tried to dodge it but the rider grabbed my wrist and kept riding. I screamed as I felt the souls of my shoe burning out.

"Let me go!" I yelled at the rider but he or she wasn't budging. I kicked their leg and we both went tumbling down onto the street. I ended up with a scratch on my wrist as I landed on the person.

This person turned out to be a boy who was my age. He was gorgeous I have to admit but he almost killed me.

I got off of him and stood at my full length which wasn't much.

"What's wrong with you! You almost killed me you retarded pig!" I yelled at him and his face morphed into an angry one as he got up. He was way taller than me but I won't let him intimidate me.

"What's wrong with me? Why were you on the road like that?!"He yelled at me.

"Why would you grab my hand huh?! You do realise that you ALMOST KILLED ME!" I screamed and he looked taken aback but was still angry.

"If you don't wanna die then keep your idiotic ass, off the fucking road!" He yelled back. I jumped at him angrily and we both landed on the floor as I landed a punch in his face. I was burning with rage but he turned us over and pinned me to the road. There was barely any cars on the road.

"Do you realize what you just did?" His voice dangerously low, his lip was bleeding as well. Still doesn't intimidate me buddy. I spat at his face and he retracted instantly. I took the chance to get away from him and run.

"Aubrey-" Asher ran towards me but I grabbed her hand and started running until we reached my house. I got us into the house and locked the door, sliding down onto the floor tiredly.

"Okay what just happened?" Asher asked, probably scared.

"I don't know Ash but whoever that dude is, I just hope he doesn't ever find me or you." I answered. She sighed and sat beside me, placing a head on my shoulder. I placed me head on the top of hers and took deep breaths.