
Blue Flames: A New Destiny (MHA)

*Warning there many OC in this story if you don't like don't read. Most of the OC will be in volume 1* An extraordinary twist of fate, an average man finds himself transmigrated into the body of Toya Todoroki, also known as Dabi. Suddenly, he's thrown into a world where superpowers are commonplace, and he must master Dabi's unique ability to control and manipulate blue flames.

Taidanotsumi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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36 Chs

Chapter 5: Peaceful Moments at the Todoroki

In an undisclosed location, hidden from the world's gaze, an enigmatic figure emerged from the shadows. Dressed entirely in black, the figure bore an uncanny resemblance to a shinobi, yet with a deadly aura more akin to an assassin. Concealed in a nebulous mist of darkness, his face was indiscernible, save for his eerily glowing purple eyes.

[ Image Here ]

"So, is the plan good to go?" The shadowy figure, known as Phantom, asked. His voice was soft yet carried an undeniable sense of authority.

"Yeah, and Endeavour is going to pay for what he did to us," replied the jogger, known as Echo. His voice was laced with a bitter resolve.

[Image Here]

"No one followed you, right?" Phantom inquired, his glowing eyes scrutinizing Echo.

"No, but make sure you're careful, Phantom," Echo advised, his tone serious.

"Shouldn't you be telling that to Void, Echo?" Phantom retorted, his voice as cold as his demeanor.

"Maybe, but don't be so tense. You won't make any friends with that attitude," Echo chided, his tone light.

"I don't need friends. They hold me back," Phantom retorted, his figure dissolving into the shadows, teleporting away.

Echo merely smiled, finding Phantom's aloofness amusing. "Endeavour, your family will soon disappear just like what you did to my brother," Echo muttered, his fist clenched in determination.


At the Todoroki residence, nestled within the heart of the city, a tranquil scene was unfolding. Fuyumi, the youngest of the Todoroki clan, was nestled comfortably in Toya's lap, her soft breaths indicating a peaceful slumber. She had worn herself out playing with Toya, who despite his fatigue, wore a content smile on his face.

"When you're all grown up, it'll be my turn to sleep on your lap," Toya mused, stifling a yawn. His mind, however, was far from restful. He was contemplating the development of his Fire Sense, a precautionary measure against potential attacks from behind. He closed his eyes, focusing his senses inward, attempting to feel the flame coursing through his body. However, his efforts were in vain; he could sense nothing.

"I need to awaken my fire instinct. My body is still too weak," Toya sighed in frustration. The lack of a mentor who could guide him in harnessing his fire was a significant hurdle. "Perhaps I can use my eyes to see infrared," he considered, a glimmer of hope sparking within him.

Embracing this possibility, Toya closed his eyes, gathering the flame within him and channeling it towards his eyes. However, when he opened them, all he saw were his usual blue flames. Disappointment washed over him as he ceased his attempts, his vision returning to normal. "Why is this so hard?" he grumbled.

Fuyumi's eyes fluttered open, her gaze meeting her brother's. "Onii-chan, are you sighing again?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

"Yes," Toya sighed again, his frustration evident.

Fuyumi sat up and wrapped her arms around Toya. "Onii-chan, smile, smile, smile," she encouraged, trying to lighten his mood.

"You don't get to use my words," Toya retorted playfully, pinching Fuyumi's nose gently.

"That's not fair, let me pinch your nose!" Fuyumi protested, playfully hitting Toya's chest as she failed to reach his nose.

Their mother, Rei, descended the stairs, her voice echoing through the house, "Both of you, go to sleep now."

Toya and Fuyumi saluted their mother in unison, their faces lighting up with mischievous smiles. They then made their way to Toya's room, their laughter filling the house. Rei watched them, her heart swelling with affection.

"The two of them are always up to something and they never cease to amaze me," Rei mused, a soft smile gracing her lips. "I hope they never grow up."

Several hours later, the Todoroki residence was shrouded in the quiet of the night. Fuyumi was fast asleep, her peaceful slumber undisturbed. However, Toya was wide awake, alone in his room. He sat on the floor, his legs crossed in a meditative position, his mind abuzz with thoughts.

'I haven't tried the cultivation technique yet. Perhaps it could be the key to solving my genetic dilemma,' he pondered. 'Maybe I need my flame to stimulate my cells to adapt to the heat. But as far as I understand, my cold resistance will always dominate, no matter what I do.'

His thoughts drifted to Dabi, who had extensively trained with his fire ability, yet his cells had shown no signs of adaptation. 'I need to delve deeper into the workings of my power, to gain a comprehensive understanding of it,' Toya resolved.

His mind was a whirlpool of ideas, each more creative than the last. 'I need to become stronger, but how? Perhaps I need to force my Quirk awakening,' he speculated. His knowledge of Quirk Awakening was limited, and he realized the need to delve into research papers on the subject, hoping they might provide some insights.

'I only know that Quirk Awakening can be achieved by experiencing life and death situations. But that's not enough. I need a deeper understanding if I want to force my Quirk Awakening,' Toya sighed. Unbeknownst to him, his breath released a puff of white smoke.

Oblivious to this, he started scratching his head, his mind already on another train of thought. 'If I try the cultivation technique, my bones wouldn't release all the impurities as the flame can only remove viruses, bacteria, and poison. But it's worth a try,' he reasoned, calming his mind and focusing on the flame within him.

He could feel the flame heating his body from within, causing his body to release steam. But he felt no pain; his control over his flame was impeccable. 'It feels nice, like soaking in a hot bath,' Toya mused.

After a few minutes, he ceased his efforts and took a deep breath. "That was awesome, but my clothes are soaked in sweat," he remarked aloud.

'And this didn't work like a cultivator would with their cultivating technique. At least I have a way to fight against diseases and poison,' Toya thought, his mind already shifting to another concern.

'Horikoshi didn't elaborate on the world building. He merely mentioned that there are heroes from outside of Japan and a significant number of villains running rampant in the country. He didn't do it justice. For instance, there are dangerous villains like Tempest, a high-ranking criminal who has caused massive damage to many countries but managed to escape during his fight against Star and Stripe. I've seen clips of Tempest using elemental manipulation to destroy government buildings, thanks to Kei's computer.

[Image Here]

Tempest seems invincible, with no apparent weaknesses or side effects from using his Quirk. His godlike abilities worry me, and I fear he might return.

Then there's Eclipse, a maniac with a light manipulation Quirk, who is also in hiding after a close encounter with All Might.

[Image Here]

It's worrisome that they've only gone into hiding after being defeated by Star and Stripe and All Might,' Toya sighed, his mind burdened with these concerns.

"If I keep worrying like this, my hair will turn white prematurely," Toya muttered, his tone laced with a mix of frustration and resignation.

Advanced chapter at pat_reon


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